Page Two
Wednesday, October 21, 1970
Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 21, 1970
A different drum
with the same beat
The Actor's Company opened their second show of the season
tonight, Ron Cowen's Summertree. The story centers around a
young man going to war; he goes and gets killed, not because he
wants to, naturally, but because he has no alternative. He is a
pianist, or wants to be, and is enrolled in the Liberal Arts College
because his father will pay for it. He can't get a scholarship to the
school of music, even though his father won't pay for it, so drops
out to work and study part time. Yes, you guessed it, he gets
drafted - he knew he would - and the play unfolds according to
schedule. Well not quite.
Cowen plays with time in a rather interesting way to give
us all parts of the story out of order, but there the interest ends.
Unfortunately we have heard about the father who doesn't under-
stand #his son, about the over-protective mother of an only child,
about the girl friend who eventually stops writing. All are accept-
able conventional characters, but Cowen does nothing to take them
beyond the conventional. We know nothing more about the heart-
aches of war at the end than at the beginning. The people under
the tree are flat and that's all the playwright gives us.
The actors, on the other hand, give us a great deal more.
William Myers as the father adds an entire dimension to the part
through his own insight and performance. The little boy, John
Clark, is quite extraordinary. Eve Roberts as the mother is always
real, which again is no mean feat given the script she has to work
with. Jacqueline Coslow is pretty and very true in the love scenes,
but she wears thin towards the end. (I might also ask that she
keep the hair from her face so we can enjoy it.)
Dirk Benedict is the Young Man, the central character, who is
almost always on stage. He has not the stamina to sustain such
a tour de force, and he gets little help in the production concept.
For director Clayton Corzatte slow seems to be meaningful.
The opening of the second act is interminable. All our hero has to
say further convinces us that he is just who we thought he was
to begin with. So when it is drawn out in long, relevant passages,
it becomes a little tedious.
While on the subject of "relevant," it does seem to be over-
worked this season. Cowen has written a piece for the theatre to
be relevant. Unfortunately he has not written a piece to be per-
formed. And relevance must ultimately be measured (if its ab-
solutely necessary to do so) by whether a play tells us anything
new, and Summertree just doesn't. It isn't helped by the long scene
changes which serve to kill any tension which has developed. But
this doesn't really change the ultimate value of the play one way
or the other. Despite some excellent acting by The Actors Company,
the play does not give them room to show their full strength.
What's good
Asylum granted to
Leary by Algerians
ALGIERS (4) - Algeria has granted political asylum to Dr. Tim-
othy Leary, the prophet of LSD who escaped Sept. 12 from prison in
San Luis 0 bispo, Calif., the official Algerian news agency said last
Algerie Presse Service said Leary had arrived in Algeria "recent-
ly," with his wife, Rosemary.
He intends to work with the Algiers office of the Black Panther
party, opened recently by the Panthers' information minister, Eld-
ridge Cleaver, it was understood.
In New York, a spokesman for the Youth International Party -
Yippies - said Leary would hold a news conference tomorrow in Al-
At San Luis O bispo Leary was serving a term for marijuana pos-
session at a minimum security prison, a fenced-in cluster of dormi-
tries and workshons in hills neav
New actions planned
by child care group
the ocean about 200 miles north
of Los Angeles.
The 50-year-old former Har-
vard university lecturer was un-
der sentence of 61/2 months to 10
years on the marijuana possession
conviction. He also faced a 10-
year prison sentence in Texas on
conviction of smuggling mari-
juana into the United States from
Officials at the prison said he
had been transferred there be-
cause it was not believed he would
attempt to escape. The under-
ground revolutionary organiza-
tion, the Weathermen, claimed to
have aided in his September es-
Cleaver, who now lives in Al-
giers, jumped $50,000 bail and fled
the United States in 1968. He is
charged with attempted murder in
connection with a shootout in
Oakland, Calif., between police
and Black Panthers. He recently
visited North Vietnam and North
He is author of the book "Soul
on Ice."
The Yippies released a letter
from Leary saying: "I offer living
gratitude to my sisters and broth-
ers in t h e Weatherman under-
ground who designed and execut-
-Richard Lee, Inc. ed my liberation."
or General Motors:
(Continued from Page 1)
with GM, ties between the Uni-
versity and the UAW are in-
significant. "We do nothing for
them as far as I know," says
Vice President for Research A.
Geoffrey Norman.
But Norman believes the Uni-
versity has not taken sides in
relation to disputes over GM.
"The University is always neu-
tral in political issues and in-
dustrial disputes," he says.
Research at the Highway
Safety Research Institute focus-
es 'on techniques for changing
the design of cars and roads to
reduce the severity of accidents.
Auto company designers say
they make frequent use of HSRI
"We depend heavily on them,"
says Joseph Karshner, admin-
istrative assistant at the Gen-
eral Motors Technical Center
in Warren.
At present, according to Wil-
liam Dugovich, public relations
director of the Automobile
Manufacturers Ass o c i a t i o n,
AMA has 34 projects at the in-
stitute - a greater number than
anywhere else in the country.
"HSRI originates some pro-
jects and some are sponsored,"
ays Karshner. "Generally AMA
provides funding with the idea
that whatever comes out is
something everyone in the auto
industry can use."
Karshner says tests at the in-
institute, have helped show
how much a human body can
tolerate in the way of injuries.
"This is every valuable to us in
designing the interior parts of a
car a person might hit after an
accident has occurred."
Human tolerance data ex-
amines forces the human body
can be subjected to without pro-
ducing serious injury.
Mathematical models of the
head have been constructed to
predict the effect of certain
types of head injuries. To meas-
ure front and side impacts on
the head, a head injury toler-
ancecriterion based on strain
in the brain has been developed.
This criterion is expected to
help automotive designers to
predict the effects of interior
parts of cars on head injury,
to sustain what we have learn-
ed," Siepert says. "We measure
the situation and act as con-
sultants. GM has the responsi-
bility of changing the organiza-
Five General Motors plants
have been used as subjects for
this study, but Siepert says he
cannot identify them.
"It's a standard policy of ISR
with respect to industrial clients.
GM is in a highly competitive
industry," he says. "We have a
responsibility not to compromise
company information in a way
the competition could use. How-
ever we insist on the right to
p u b I i s h information without
naming the company."
Siepert says no particular
management p r o b l e m s have
been emphasized in the GM
study. However, he says the
question of absenteeism-a key
i s s u e GM negotiators have
raised in contract negotiations
with the UAW-is one of the
standard parts of such a study.
Siepert explains that the size
of GM has made the project
attractive. "It's possible at GM
to take some plants doing the
same thing and get comparisons
of the efforts," he says.
"In recent years," Siepert
says, "GM has shown an in-
creasing awareness of what em-
ployes think about their envi-
ronment. What the University
has done is develop a meth-
odology for measuring, social
Another part of ISR, the Sur-
vey Research Center (SRC)'
provides information for GM
and Ford about consumers who
buy their cars.
SRC publishes an annual "Sur-
vey of Consumer Finances"
which analyzes consumer de-
mand for certain products in
the past year and predicts
trends in the economy in the
coming year. Information for
the report comes from periodic
surveys taken during the year.
Questions used in the survey
gather detailed information
about respondents' automobiles.
Families are asked to name the
model and make of each car
they own, whether it is "a two-
door sedan, a four-door sedan,
a station, convertible or what,"
and whether it is "a compact,
regular size, something in-be-
tween or what?"
Cars that were scrapped, given
away, or rented in the past year
are also accounted for. Heads
of families are asked if they
use a company car "outside of
working hours."
Another part of the question-
naire reflected the automakers'
concerns over imports and grow-
ing nationwide interest in en-
vironmental problems.
A favnrah resnnnse to "Have
same price, or would not be in-
terested in either one?"
Subjects who chose the Amer-
ican product were asked if they
would "be willing to pay for
more for the new domestic car
than for the foreign car.
Othere questions were used to
determine attitudes toward pol-
lution. First the interviewer
asked "Do you think that auto-
mobile companies are doing all
they can to fight air pollution
from automobile engines."
Then the possibilities for
changing engines were discussed.
Respondents who tought engines
should be changed to reduce air
pollution were asked "How much
more do you think people would
be willing to pay for a car with
an engine that would help cut
down on automobile air pollu-
tion; $50, $100, $150, or what?"
"We determine changes in the
financial situation of Americans
and their ability and willing-
ness to buy," says program di-
rector Katona. "We work for
the American economy and the
American public."
"We don't do market re-
search," Katona says. "If GM
wants to know if the Ford or
Chevrolet is selling better, they
don't come to us. We are not in-
terested in what share of the pie
they have. The total size of the
pie is what we are doing."
Another source of projects
supported by General Motors is
t h e Automotive Engineering
Laboratory of the mechanical
engineering department.
Within the past year, the lab-
oratory has received three grants
from auto companies. The larg-
est was a $20,000 contribution
from General Motors for "mix-
ture motions studies in recipro-
cating engines." Ford gave a
total of $19,501 for "mechanical
dynamic systems."
Prof. Jay Bolt, director of the
laboratory, says it has done
about as much work for auto
companies as for the Public
Health Service, its single largest
supporter. Of all the auto com-
panies, Bolt says "GM has been
our closest associate and most
constant contributor."
DIAL 5-6290
policy hit
at 'UT' rally
(Continued from Page 1)
naped Laporte and still hold a
British diplomat hostage.
Statistics Prof. Ed Rothman, a
Canadian citizen, told the aud-
ience that Trudeau acted in the
only possible way that would en-
sure the safety of the Canadian
"The terrorists forced Trudeau's
hand," Rothman said. "These peo-
ple are murderers - there's noth-
ing else he could do. There is no
parallel at all between w h a t
happened in Canada and what
happens to the left in America."
A graduaue student in Eco-
nomicsdfromdSpain said the sit-
uation did not really concern the
actions of the terrorists.
"Whether you agree with the
FLQ. or not, the fact remains that
Trudeau is using forceful tactics to
repress other leftist groups," he
said. "We must be aware of this
intent to suppress growing, leftist
national movements."
"This was Trudeau's excuse to
do what he would have done any-
way," said IS member Bruce Le-
Persons at the rally were urged
to go to Detroit in the afternoon
to demonstrate in front of the
Federal Bldg., site of the Canad-
ian Consulate.
Detroit sources said last night,
however, the proposed demonstra-
tion was canceled due to bad
Day Calendar
Natural Resources Conference: Re-
creation Development of Industrial For-
est Lands, West Lecture Rm., Rackham,
9:00 a.m.
Office of Student services Policy
Board meeting: Rm. 3540 SAB, 12 noon.
Statistics Seminar: W. Edwards, "Ex-
periments on Judgement as an. Alterna-
tive to Statistics," 4205 Angell Hall, 4
Physics Colloquium: .0 M. Bianiuk,
Swarthmore, "Tachyons: The Villains of
causality," P&A Colloq. Rm., 4 p.m.
Speech Student Lab Theatre: "Le
Music" and "Four Dialogues," Arena
Theatre, Frieze Bldg., 4:10 p.m.
Center for Chinese Studies and Chin-
ese Students Assoc. Lecture: Prof. Mur-
phey, "Aspects of Cooperation between
the center for Chinese Studies and the
Chinese Students Association": Oxford-
Noble House, 6:30 p.m.
Computer Lecture: Prof. Carnahan
"Running Time - Sharing Jobs in the
MTS," Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30 p.m.
Professional Theatre Program: "Sum-
mertree," Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
8 p.m.
General Notices
Students who expect to receive a
Master's or Professional Degree through
Rackham in Dec. 1970 should check
Tentative Degree List in Lobby of Rack-
ham Bldg. If your name is not on list,
see your Divisional Recorder at once.
Placement Service
Announcement: Deadline for Foreign
Service Exam, Fri.. Oct. 23. Applica-
tions for the exam avail, at Career
Planning, 3200 S.A.B. This only time
test will be given for this year.
(Continued from Page 1)
uled. The mass action, to be de-
cided upon soon, will take place
within a month.
The women also discussed the
role for men in the group. "It is
a women's liberation issue,"
one woman said, "but men who are
interested and committed to work
should come."
The group also decided that its
contact with other campus and
community groups must be in-
creased. A committee of three
women was formed to take re-
sponsibility for publicity and lai-
son work.
This group plans to contact Ten-
ants Union, the Black Economic
Development League and the Wel-
fare Rights Organization, inde-
pendent day care centers in Ann
Arbor, AFSCME and the Hospital
Employes Union.
"Involving the unions is im-
portant because they have child
care as a demand for new con-
Funeral held
under guard
in Montreal
(Continued from Page 1)
under the wartime act in the
search for members of the front.
The request was made by Rob-
ert Stanfield, leader of the oppo-
sition Conservative party. Until
the murder of Laporte, he had
been critical of applying the act.
Then he and his Conservatives
Joined in the overwhelming vote
Monday for a Liberal government
motion approving the invoking of
the act.
Laporte was kidnaped Oct. 10
from outside his suburban St.
Lambert home. Police found his
body in a car trunk early Sunday
in suburban St. Hubert, a few
miles south of his home.
Police raided a bungalow Mon-
day in St. Hubert and found a
shirt Laporte had worn when kid-
naped. Bloodstains in the bunga-
low matched Laporte's.
Police said they were sure the
bungalow was occupied by Paul
Rose, 27, one of two members of
the front being sought for the
kidnapings of Cross and Laporte.
The other is Marc Carbonneau
37, a taxi driver. Rose is a teacher.
Cross was seized Oct. 5 and the
kidnapers have r e n e w e d their
threats to kill him if police find
their hideout. The kidnapers have
demanded the release and safe
flight out of the country of 23
men. Provincial government has
in turn promised the kidnapers
safe conduct out of the country if
they surrender. This offer was re-
peated after Laporte's body was
DIAL 8-6416
The relationshiU
bet~en SDS~apeople
Thy anew way
COLOR by Deluxe Unted Artist
and *
tr'acts," says Jane G o g o 1 i c k.
A research committee was also
established. This committee will
be responsible for compiling sta-
tistics to show the' need for day
care in the Ann Arbor Community
and for organizing information
about other day care centers
across the country.
British Isles
traditional and
modern virtuoso
fiddle and guitar
and mouth harp
--Daily-Jim Wallace
Highway Safety Research Institute
keeping with industry design
concepts and that papers from
this institute are censored,"
University of Wisconsin psy-
chology Prof. Karl U. Smith
wrote in a letter to Sen. Gay-
lord Nelson (D-Wisc) on Oct.
21, 1968.
Interviewed recently, Smith
said his statement was based on
an article by one of his former
students, H. S. R. Kao, which
appeared in "Ergonomics," a
British journal.
Kao, who worked at HSRI in
did not believe the research
justified the conclusions Kao
"I criticized the conclusion be-
cause it was centered on back-
ing," Mortimer says. "He made
statements about backing, but
that was not the focus of the
study." Rather, Mortimer says
Kao's study was based on cars
moving forward.
Another problem, Mortimer
says, is "the accident potential
of backing up. If there is none,
the research is irrelevant. It's
hard to find data to show this
is a problem."
"It's absolultely absurd,"
Mortimer says in commenting
on Smith's charge of censor-
ship. "I didn't edit the article.
I only recommend that he cut
it. We're not bound by the auto
companies and we have made
studies that recommend chang-
es in their styling."
The Institute for Social Re-
search's Center for Research on
the Utilization of Scientific
Knowledge (CRUSK) has been
A-4 ncr r n. in ol - - aa
"I can give you direct evidence that pub-
lished research conclusions from the Michigan
Highway Safety Research Institute must be ad-
justed in keeping with industry design concepts
and that papers from this institute are cen-
sored," charged University of Wisconsin psy-
chology Prof. Karl U. Smith.
a":" : "e:". .'-VWg.%:"fl.'rx .::%; :".. . . .
Open 12:45
Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M.
Wed. Ladies Day 75c 1-6PM.
At State and Liberty Sts.
DIAL 662-6264
.ksgiL ewdefs SOL D IERS BL UE ! The N.Y.
ESeTimes calls it "among the
The people most significant, br u t a I,
nextd oor liberating and honest Amer-
by Deluxe " An Avco Embassy Belems anfm v ad
A S M ican fms ever made."
look like
a bunch
of brownies
cfiffnocc --anti nfhar nrnhlomc
1097_90 an va hfl tzroa nnna aalr_