See Editorial Page
Mostly mild and cloudy;
50 per cent chance of rain
Vol. LXXXI, No. 32
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 9, 1970
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
. Coast
By The Associated Press
Delegates of North Vietnam
andethe Viet Cong yesterday
denounced the five-point plan
for peace in Southeast A s i a
submitted by the U.S. in Paris.
U.S. Ambassador David K. E.
Bruce said, however, that the re-
sponse did not discourage him,
In Saigon, the South Vietnamese
government voiced support for the
proposals, which include a stand-
still cease-fire throughout Indo-
china, and, in the U.S., President
Nixon said that world reaction to
his proposals was "overwhelming-
ly good."
North Vietnamese Ambassador
Xuan Thuy hastened to call the
plan "an electoral gift certificate,"
saying it was "aimed at deceiving
public opinion in the United States
and the world."
Viet Cong emissary Nguyen Thi
Binh said the proposals were a
means "of legalizing American ag-
gression in Indochina."
The two delegations, however,
reserved the right of further com-
mentary. Bruce said he would
"await with interest a more
thoughtful response."
What Bruce put on the table as
a part of the conference proceed-
ings were segments of Nixon's ad-
dress Wednesday night lifted ver-
batim from the text.
The five points were a call for
a standstill ceasefire all over Indo-
china under international super-
vision, an Indochina peace con-
ference to settle the Vietnamese,
Laotian and Cambodian disputes,
negotiations on a timetable for
troop withdrawals; a political set-
tlement reflecting the present bal-
ance of forces in South Vietnam
and the immediate release of all
prisoners of war by both sides.
South Vietnamese ambassador
Pham Dang Lam said Nixon's1
plan "was formulated with the
full agreement" of his government
"and has received its complete
The official reaction in Saigon:
stressed that South Vietnam would
insist on "an efficient organiza-
tion to supervise the cease-fire to
prevent either sidefrom "increas-
ing its fighting forces from the
The government again reiter-
ated its willingness to hold private
talks with the Viet Cong and to
discuss methods by which all Viet-
nam could take part in free elec-
Meanwhile, a Cambodian offi-
By The Associated Press :?
Predawn bomb blasts jarred
two military facilities and a
c o u n t y courthouse on the
West Coast y e s t e r d a y and
authorities investigated a pos-
sible conspiracy involving rad-
ical terrorists.
There were no injuries and no
arrests, but police said they had
leads in one of the explosions.
The first blast, at 1:27 a.m.
Pacific time, ripped through a,
courtroom and rest room of the
Marin County Civic Center in San
Rafael, Calif., scene of the kid-
napding and fatal shooting of a
judge Aug. 'r : 7.:: ~ Yii::
The second blast, a little more
than an hour later, caused an es-;
timated $150,000damage to a
building housing theNvanAi
Force ROTC departments at the
University of Washington in
At 4:17 a.m., the third explosion .
shattered a section of the outside
wall of an Army National Guard
Armory in Santa Barbara, Calif.
"We certainly believe this bomb-
ing is connected with the Wat-
erma faction and other trrors
groups in our nation today," said
Santa Barbara Police Chief A. W.
Trembly said detectives and FBI
agents have several leads to the
person who planted the Santa MARIN COUNTY SHERIFF DEPUTY it
Barbara bomb. morning in a 'washroom, damaging the a
A fourth explosion was pre- San Rafael, Calif.
vented when a bomb was found
early yesterday and deactivated at
the Univeristy of California's Cen- FIREBOMBINGS FAIL:
ter for the Study of Law and So-_*_
ciety in Berkeley.
California state police Lt. Fred
Baker said the explosions on the!
Daily-Jim Judkis
Henry Steele Commager
Henry Steele Commager, noted historian and professor at Amherst
College, speaks yesterday on "The Uses of History" to over 300,
in a lecture sponsored by the Center for the Coordination of
Ancient and Modern Studies. (See story, Page 10.)
Injunction requested
to stpU'MUga-me
A request for an injunction which would stop the Oct. 17
Michigan-Michigan State football game and permanently
close the Michigan stadium was filed yesterday in Washtenaw
County Circuit Court.
The complaint by Washtenaw County resident Joel Block,
represented by candidate for state representative, Donald
Koster, charges that the stadium, "as operated by the defend-
, ants, is a place within which the laws of the State of Michigan
can be broken with impunity."
The complaint names as defendants the Regents, Presi-
dent Robben Fleming, the Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Senate yesterday approved a
sweeping overhaul of the na-
tion's antibombing laws, vot-
ing to give federal agents ex-
panded wiretap power and a
broad new mandate for ven-
turing onto disrupted college
The measure was part of a fist-
ful of anticrime bills the election-
minded Senate zipped through in
a matter of hours.
Other legislation touched on
kidnapings of congressmen, pro-
tection of presidents and assist-
ance to law enforcement agencies.
Most potent of ,the measures,
however, was the antibombing bill
which was approved 68-0 after a
fight on capital punishment.
Besides making broad changes
in current law and adding new de-
finitions of explosives and bombs,
the legislation has three major
One would permit wiretapping
under court order if criminal use
of explosives is suspected.
Another would make it a fed-
eral crime to damage or destroy
with explosives any federal pro-
perty or the property of any in-
stitution or organization receiv-
ing federal funds.
A staff aide of the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee said this provis-
ion would give the FBI virtually
unlimited access to many of the
nation's colleges or universities
if any of their property is damag-
ed in a blast,
Under current law, the aid said,
the FBI can only investigate of-
ficially if the explosives used were
believed to have been transport-
ed in interstate commerce.
The thirdrmajor provision
would make criminal use of ex-
plosives resulting in a fatality
punishable by death.
"We must come to the somber
realization that our country faces
a very dangerous and critical
threat from the forces of subver-
sion and revolution that are now
committing repeated acts of
bombing, arson and sabotage," de-
clared Sen. John McClellan, (D-
Ark.), chief sponsor of the bill.
Also passed by the Senate,
a day of law-and-order legislatio
was a bill to make it a feder
offense to assassinate, kidnap o
assault a member of congress or
a Congressman-elect.
The bill was sent to the House
by voice vote, but Sen. Sam J.
Ervin, (D-N.C.), said he was
against converting what always
has been a state crime into a
federal crime.
The kidnaping or killing of a
member of Congress would be
punishable by imprisonment up to
-Associated Press
nspects damage from a bomb which exploded early yesterday
adjacent courtroom in the Marin County Civic Center in
Pacific Coast "would seem to in-
dicate a conspiracy."
In San Rafael, however, Sheriff
Louis Mountanos said there was
no evidence linking the courthouse
bombing to Weatherman's "fall
offensive" announcement.
At a Tuesday press conference
in New York, a recording appar-
ently made by Bernardine Dohrn,
a fugitive Weatherman leader, said
roonuiac quieter ayter 4!
days of racial unrest
cial in Phnom Penh expressed an offensive by youthful radicals
fears that Cambodia's interests "will spread from Santa Barbara
might be sacrificed by the U.S. to Boston, back to Kent State and
desire to end the conflict. He Kansas."
"M ri th t -nC:f -.....
to receive
Nobel Prize
.- STOCKHOLM (P) - Russian
author Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
whose works are banned in the
Soviet Union, was awarded the
Noble Prize for literature yester-
He said he would attempt to
travel to Stockholm to receive the
award, worth $80,000.
The Swedish Academy of LAt-
ters, which awarded the prize,
cited "the ethical force with which j
he has pursued the indispensable
traditions of Russian literature."
Solzhenitsyn's "One Day in the
4 Life of Ivan Denisovich," detailed
one day in the prison life of a Rus-
sian peasant who fell afoul of the
Stalin regime, and was sentenced
to 3,653 days in a concentration
It was published in the Soviet
literary magazine Novy Mir in.
1962. Because it came during for-
mer Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev' de-Stalinization program, it
had the blessing of the author-
ities and Solzhenitsyn was widely
praised, even in the government;
and Communist party newspapers.
Other major works, which have
been published in the West, are.
"First Circle" and "Cancer Ward."
Western literary critics have said
the books put Solzhenitsyn in the
Athletics, and Athletic Direc-
tor Donald Canham.
The request seeks to close the
stadium. It asks that, pending
final determination, "a temporary,
restraining order or injunction be
granted ordering that the Defend-;
ants not promote or prepare any
football game or other public
show," including the Oct. 17 game.-
In asking for the injunction, the
complaint states that available
law enforcement officers are in-
sufficient to completely enforce
the laws at football games.
The stadium "is a place used
for the purpose of lewdness," the
complaint charges, specifying the
"unlawful s t o r i n g, possessing,
transporting, and sale." of drugs1
and linuor.
The complaint states further
that the football games held at the
notead tat a cease-tire would
leave the Communist Vietnamese.
in control of more than half '.he
But informants in Phnom Penh
considered it unlikely Cambodia
would reject the plan outright
since it depends upon the United
States for arms.
The Philippines, Thailand and
South Korea, who have supported
the United States in South Viet-
nam with troops, yesterday wel-
comed Nixon's plan.
Also yesterday, the U.S. appeal-
ed to Russia to use "its consider-
able influence" to persuade North
Vietnam and the Viet Cong to ac-
cept the plan.
Commenting on the effect of
the plan in the U.S., Nixon denied
"Now we are everywhere," the
recording said, "and next week
families and tribes will attack the
enemy around the country."
Miss Dohrn is among 12 mem-
bers of Weatherman indicted in
April on charges of conspiracy to
cross state lines to incite to riot.
In San Francisco, Atty. Gen.
John Mtichell described the three
bombings as "abhorrent and psy-
chopathic acts."
Mitchell spoke at a news confer-
ence while in San Francisco to
campaign for U.S. Sen. George
Murphy (R-Calif).
The explosion on the campus in
Seattle, the 32nd bombing in the
city this year, was the most de-
structive of yesterday's three. It
happened at 2:45 a.m., 25 minutes
PONTIAC, Mich, - At least two
attempted fire bombings shatter-
ed the apparent calm in this city
of 90,000 last night.
Police reported that the at-
tempts failed -, one when a
bomb did not explode and the
other when the fire was extin-
Earlier police officials had been
optimistic in interviews with
the press that the racial strife
which had shaken the city since
Monday was drawing to a close.
In an impromptu press confer-
ence outside police headquart-
ers yesterday afternoon, Chief of
Police William K. Hanger had in-
dicated that the worst might be
over although he made it clear
that it was impossible to be ab-
solutely certain.
"A minimum of twenty-four
hours of peaceful conduct" would
be required to evaluate the situa-
tion and lift the state of emer-
gency proclaimed Wednesday by
Mayor Robert F. Jackson, he said.
The provisions of the state of
emergency include a total ban on
the sale of alcohol, a ban on gaso-
line sales in takeaway containers,
the suspension of the right of
freedom of assembly to not more
than four persons, and an 8 p.m.
to 6 a.m. curfew.
Meanwhile, two predominantly
black schools, Eastern junior high
and Central high school remained
closed on orders from the Board
of Education.
Central high school was t h e
scene of the Monday shooting of
four white students. The youths;
are all reported in satisfactory
condition in hospitals.
The Monday shootings have been
attributed by both black students
and police to an incident resulting
out of a dispute at a football game
last Friday night.
One black said the four stu-
dents who were shot were "rac-
The shootings provoked large
gatherings of both black and white
students at the school. Police
moved in to prevent a confronta-
tion and full scale rioting began.
Both high schools were closed
Tuesday when groups of rock
and bottle throwing youths and
police clashed and on Wednesday
police, supported by law officers
from surrounding communities
and State troopers, used tear gas
to break up groups of young peo-
ple gathered in defiance of the
emergency order.
Throughout Wednesday the
number of incidents reported in-
creased. One black youth w a s
shot and another run over, police,
think deliberately, by a hit-and-
run driver.
Yesterday morning police ar-
rested 17 year old Albert Rivera in
connection with the Wednesday
Rivera was charged with assault
with intent to commit murder
and is being held in lieu of $10,000
hand to justify obtaining war-
rants the police have the suspects
under observation,
Despite the closing of Eastern
Junior High after reports of in-
cidents, Harold Rose, community
schools director at Eastern denied
that the school was "coming apart
at the seams" as had been report-
ed, he said, by WKBD-TV in De-
"There had not been a single
incident here, "he said.
Rose did not feel that the foot-
ball game had anything to do with
the current situation.
"There have always been fights
at ball games," he said.
Rose considered that a small
group was responsible for the un-
rest and that other youths h a d
been drawn in.
... life or by death
yesterday that his new proposal after two anonymous callers warn-
was intended to help Republican ed the campus security police, the
candidates in the November elec- city fire department and t h e
tions. Seattle Times.
Teach-in probes women 's status
Madelon Stockwell, in 1870, became the
first female student to attend the Univer-
sity. T h i s weekend, a century later, a
teach-in will begin the University's Cen-
tennial Celebration for Women.
The teach-in, on "The Changing Roles
of Women in the U.S.," will tomorrow and
Sunday bring together national and local
women to lead panel discussions and work-
shops on a wide range of topics.
focusing on women will be occurring on
campus, including a display of photo-
graphs by University alumna Margaret
Bourke-White, a former photographer for
Life Magazine. The display will continue
at the University Art Museum through No-
vember 15.
Highlighting this weekend's teach-in will
be a Sunday afternoon panel moderated
by Barbara Newell, special assistant to
President Fleming. Five speakers, repre-
senting a diversity of attitudes on the roles
and detailed" information on admissions
quotas, hiring practices, promotion poli-
cies, and salary differentials.
Representing another position in t h e
movement will be Robin Morgan, one of
the founding members., of the Women's
International Terrorist Conspiracy f r o m
Hell (WITCH) and author of the book
"Sisterhood is Powerful."
Morgan, a former child star of the "I
Remember Mama" television series, be-
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