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October 01, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-01

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A& 41P
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Sunny and

Vol. LXXXI, No. 25

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 1, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Pioneer H

ligh School
by blacks
Ann Arbor's Pioneer High
School closed early yesterday
after some 35 black students

U. . extends
draft liabilit
through March
WASHINGTON (UP) - Still plugging holes in the draft lot-
tery system, the administration is trying to eliminate the
chance of someone escaping induction by becoiing 1-A
late in the year.
The Selective Service System announced yesterday a
three-month extension of draft liability for any 1-A man
whose draft board has reached his lottery number but who
has not been drafted by the end of the year.
The aim is to prevent the unfairness of drafting one man
according to the lottery of last December; and then passing
up another man with a lower lottery number just because
he became available along with a crowd of other low-num-
bered men after the manpower needs were filled.
That is the kind of situation - --

rampaged through parts of
the building, attacking the
library, cafeteria, and a :
women's rest room.
ed he disruption, whicn develop-
Y ed ~out of a protest against th
school's alleged failure to keel
promises made last spring for the
increased hiring of black faculty,
left books piled ;on floors, fittings
overturned, windows, broken, and
_ an electric typewriter smashed.
Sinks in the rest room were de-
stroyed as were all the mirrors
and hand-driers.
The Ann Arbor Board of Eiu-
cation announced last night that
Pioneer would re-open tomorrow.
The disturbance began at t h e
end of the morning's first period
when some 40 black students
gasthered in a hallway to discuss
what they called the failure, of
-Associated Press the school's administration to im-
plement demands which were ac-
cepted last Spring, for the hiring
of, two black teachers in each de-}
r partment and two additional black
laAfter faculty members informed
the students that they were not Strewn books in Pione
permitted to remain in the hall- -
n ew d an , OS way, they gathered in the school's!
auditorium where they spent se- GOVT. OPPOSITION SEEN:
By The Associated Press cond, third and fourth periods.
World leaders gathered in Cairo for the funeral today of; During this time school princi-
Gamal Abdel Nasser. People throughout the Arab world con- pal Th odorehRie times to ttempt O rt otp
tinued to mourn his death, which occurred Monday of a to explains the reasons why he
heart attack. .. had been unable to fulfill the.;
Meanwhile, Palestinian guerrillas charged yesterday that promises made in the spring.G
the Jordanian army launched artillery and ground attacks Rickicki also informed the Ann [,(
against two guerrilla-held towns in northern Jordan in viola- sent five officers, under the com- WASHINGTON (P) - Declaring 1967 by Presid
tion of the latest truce. mand of Lieut. Kennth Klinge to U.S. adult censorship laws are in- Johnson at thed
At the United Nations, the U.S. appealed to Israel and the school. e f f e c t i v e, unwarranted, often gress.
Egypt to resume the stalled Mideast peace talks. Rickicki then re-entered the wrongfully enforced and unsup- The White Hc
In London, guerrilla heroine Lelia Khaled and six other audtrmtr sass aofficers an ported by most Americans, a pains to note the
Arab commandos wene f-eed last night and flown to Cairo read the srespnss l t w sharply divided Presidential Coi- not appointed by
I~~~~~~~~~~ pon thPtdnslf..-,,~,,.,.- n,- .-h~.,~s,-. ..

Daily-Jim Wallace

'er High School library

ommissior asks
ons for adults

ent Lyndon B.
direction of Con-
ouse has been at.
e commission was
President Nixon

as Britain, West Germany and Switzerland met the price for
_a.....---- - release of hostages from last

." !month's multiple airplane hi-
University rule jackings. The last six hostages,
U all Americans, h e a d e d for
on residence home earlier yesterday.
Egypt is saying farewell to its
had leader today on a scale probably
status change unseen since thedays of the Pha-
raohs. Officials said they expected
A change in residency require- a million Egyptians to take part
ments at the University will affect in the funeral of Nasser.
perhaps 100 students. On the eve of the final farewell,
Under the new regulation,, which vast crowds of Egyptians, many
was approved by the Regents at still screaming their grief, march'
their Sept. 18 meeting, a student ed arm-in-arm in downtown Cairo.
under the age 21 retains his in- World leaders converging for
state residency even if his parents the state funeral filed past Nas-
move out of Michigan, provided ser's body, lying in state in Kub-
he is continuously enrolled. The beh Palace, the presidential resi-'
regulation ,takes effect with the dence. Foremost among them was
current term. Premier Alexei N. Kosygin of the
Earlier policy at the University Soviet Union who came Tuesday.
was that, six months after a minor Others arriving were: Emperor
student's parents moved from Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, Presi-
dicnigantoanothemrstate, thm dent Makarios of Cyprus, Premier
Michignto antherd atnre, th Jacques Chablane D e l m a s of
student was declared a non-resi-!France, Foreign Secretary Sir Alec
dent and had to pay non-resident Douglas-Home of Britain, U.S.
fees. Secretary of Health, Education
The new regulation will not re- and Welfare Elliot Richardson,
sult in a rebate for past terms to the chiefs of state of most Arab
any student who was reclassified countries and high level delega-
as a non-resident under earlier tions from nearly '4ll nations.
regulations., However, a student Here in Ann Arbor, the Arab
who was reclassified as a, non- Student Organization will hold a
resident while a minor but who gengral meeting tonight at 8- p.m.
has been continuously enrolled at at the Michigan Union in tribute
the University is eligible this fall to Nasser's memory.

Charles Eastwood, a faculty'
member who' has worked exten-
sively with student groups at the
school, said that after the stu-'
dents left the auditorium, "We
thought they had gone. The next
thing we knew was when they
went upstairs and got at the li-
After damaging the library, the
blacks came downstairs to the
first floor, entered the cafeteria
and overturned t a b 1 e s, threw
chairs through windows and en-
tered the women's restroom.
At 1 p.m. school was suspended
indefinitely, and the 2400 students
were told to go home.
See BLACKS, Page 8 {

mission on roriiograpny recom-
mended yesterday that they be re-
It supported state laws against
public display of obscene picturesj
or their sale to children, but no
similar ban on written matter.
And it asked mass sex education
so Americans can frankly and
openly deal with sexual matters|I
on an informed basis. t
"The commission believes that
there is no warrant for continued
governmental interference," said
the commission's 12-member ma-
jority, "with the full freedom of
adults to read;' obtain or view
whatever material they wish."
The commission was named in[

and has, in effect, disavowed its.
findings in advance. This indicates
that few, if any, of its recom-
mendations will 1e submitted as
administration-sponsored legisla-
The 18-member commission's'
majority, led by Chairman Wil-
liam B: Lockhart, said "the spirit
and letter of our Constitution"
prohibit governmental interfer-
ence unless there is a clear threat
of harm-and extensive investiga-
tion has produced no evidence
either that smut is a significant
cause of sex crimes or deviancy or
that it corrupt's the nation's
moral climate.
But three dissenting commis-j

sioners accused the majority of
recommending moral anarchy and
slanting its report in favor of the
pornography business.
The dissenters, including Nixon's
only appointee, Charles H. Keating
Jr., said the purpose of anti-ob-
scenity laws is to protect the pub-
lic, iot individual,'morality and
never N as based on what they;
called the impossible task of prov-
ing specific harmful effects. "The
commission's majority report."
they asserted, "is a Magna Carta
for the pornographer."
"What the American people do1
not know," the dissenters said,I
"is that the scanty and manipu-F
lated evidence contained within
this report is wholly inadequate to
support the conclusions and sus-
tain the recommendations. Thus,
both conclusions and recommen-
dations are, in our view, fraud-
Keating and his fellow dissen-
ters, the Rev. Morton A. Hill of
New York City and Winfrey C.
Link of Hermitage, Tenn., rec-
ommended federal laws against
smut, vigorous Justice Department
prosecution of offenders and state
film censorship boards across the
The majority recommended re-

created by the mid-year gradua-
tion of hundreds of thousands of
college students, many holding
lower numbers than those already
The time it takes to process such
men into 1-A status leaves them
unavailable for a draft call until
late in the year, and the Pentagon
has been unwililng to wait that
long for recruits.
The move leaves unsolved, how-
ever, a related fairness problem
- that of the men already ,draft-
ed to meet Pentagon needs be-.
cause the latecomers were not
available sooner.
The carryover men will tend to
benefit, the new manpower pool
facing next year's draft, while this
year's pool sends extra men in
their place. -
The carryovers will, in fact, be
drafted for 1971 calls evep before
the regular 1971 manpower pool
is touched. Their draft priority
will be second only to that of vol-
unteers during next January, Feb-
ruary and March.
Selective Service officials said
they have no estimate of how
many men will be carried over
Iwiththis three-month extended
liability, but Tarr said "relative-
ly small numbers" would be af-
'The move also leaves unsolved
the problems of when one man '
is drafted under extended liability
while another man in exactly sim-
ilar circumstances escapes extend-
ed liability - and military serv-
ice - because he is registered with
a different draft board which has
not reached his number.
Selective Service has placed a
ceiling of No. 195 nationwide this
year, meaning the more than 4,-
000 local boards may not call men
with higher numbers. But below
that ceiling the boards have reach-
ed widely varying upper numb-
Some have not yet called num-
bers higher than 170, a draft
spokesman said. A few are even
lower. .
Thus, a number such as 180
could mean extended liability for a
man whose draft b o a r d has
reached 180, but not for a man
whose board only reached 179.
The new regulations, contained
in an executive order signed 1 a s t
Saturday by President Nixon, also
clarified the induction of men
who have reached age 26.'
They may be inducted, the or-
der said, only if their draft lia-
bility extends to age 35. and if the
induction order is issued before
the 26th birthday.

CSJ trial
of SDS
Engineering Placement Com-
mittee and the Engineering Coun-
cil moved their case against Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society
(SDS) into its final stages be-
fore Central Student Judiciary
(CSJ) last night, preparing t h e
way for what SDS members say
will be a 'political' defense.
The trial results from charges
by the placement committee and
the council that SDS violated
Stucent Government Council
(SGC) rules during a Jan. 29
lock-in of a DuPont recruiter in
West Engineering Bldg.
SGC student conduct rules pro-
hibit "individual or mass a c t s
that destroy property or signifi-
cantly interfere with the free
movement of persons or things on
the campus," and, "intentional
disruption of a function by de-
priving needed quiet, light, heat,
or, other physical conditions of
If found guilty, SDS faces a
maximum penalty of four months
suspension of its privileges as a
student organization and a $250
fine. In addition, three SDS mem-
bers-Richard Feldman, William
Sacks and, Jerome Goldberg, are
co-defendants in the case and
could be fined up to $50 if con-
Last night's testimony in the
three week-old tria, centered on
director of engineering placement
service John Young. Young cor-
roborated earlier testimony about
the demonstration, made to pro-
test policies of the DuPont cor-
poration, stating that a "noisy
group of 60 to 70 formed a block-
ade" in front of th office in
which the recruiter was interview-
Two students also testified that
the demonstration kept them from
their interviews.
"We just couldn't accomplish
the interview," said James War-
ner. "A mob of people outside
were shouting 'DuPont gets rich,
GI's die' outside the door and
others were pounding on the back

BEDL.WRO start new sit-in;
seek church funds for poor


Representatives of two 1 o c a 1'
groups who are seeking "money
for the 'county's poor from local
churches, began a sit-in yesterday
at the First Presbyterian Church.
The Black Economic Develop-
ment League (BEDL) and the
W e 1 f a r e Rights Organization
(WRO) are pressing demands for
$50.000 from the church as part

A delegation of five people began
a sit-in in the second floor foyer
yesterday afternoon until the
church's attorney read a state-
ment asserting the demonstrators
were in violation of a court in-
junction forbidding the disruption
of church services or business.
The group left the main office
at its 5 p.m. closing time, but
remained in the church,tclaiming
that mere occupation didn't con-
stitute disruption.
Later, the group moved to the
youth center in the church's base-
ment. At 10:30 last night the
church was locked up with the

to be classified again as a Michi- Arabs mourning for Nasser in of an overall effort to get $60-80
gan resident. the occupied Gaza Strip threw a million from county churches to
Students who believe they may burning tire at an Israeli army provide clothes, housing, day care
'be affected by the new policy vehicle and shouted "God is centers, food co-operatives, a med-
should contact Larry E. Katz, di-; greater than Israel" when Israeli ical center, job training programs
rector of student certification in troops fired over their head. and a drug treatments center for
the registrar's office. See GUERRILLAS, page 8 the county's poor.

group still inside. It appeared that peal of some 114 federal and state
no police action was likely., laws agaisnt importing, showing or
BEDL vice-president Hank Bry- selling pornography to adults. It
ant said there were several fact- said state laws against publicly
ors causing the occupation of the displaying or selling obscene pic-
Presbyterian Church, in parti- tures to children should not at-
cular. Among these, he said, tempt to include written material
were that it had been the f i r s t See PORNOGRAPHY, page 8
church occupied by the gr'oup and -_ _
he claimed that it had extensive
connections with the University. h I
But the main reason, said Bry-
ant, was the church's influence.
"It's a big church, and it has to
be broken," Bryant said. He said
it is the wealthiest church in the
coalition which originally secured 3
the injunction against BEDL-
WRO, and that if the group could
convince First Presbyterian to
accede to the groups' demands, the
other churches in the coalition
would follow suit.k.



New student aid

Economists are not the only ones con-
cerned with the impact of the United Auto
Workers strike this fall. Ngw, the Office
of Financial Aids is exploring the effects
the strike may have on the financial aid
requirements of University students.
"If prolonged, the strike may add to the
many factors leading to greater financial
need among students," said Ronald M.
Brown, director of the financial aids of-
"We have had a few students who have
come in and asked for an increase in aid
because of the strike." Daniel S.Roe

concerned" over the consequences of the
strike. "We have been meeting frequently
to discuss the possible effects of the
strike," he explained. "If we see the prob-
lem growing, we will take steps to secure
additional aid for students who require
In general, the office applies the Col-
lege Scholastic Services Need Analysis
System to determine the extent of a stu-
dent's financial needs.
"In respect to students whose needs have
changed because of the strike,. our ap-
proach thus far has been to determine the
facts in each situation andi provide 4m-

eds seen
The office has had applications for aid
from approximately 5,000 students for this
year, Brown reported. "I think we have
done the best we could, but we have not
done as well as we would like," he added.
"So far," Brown continued, "we have
been able to meet the needs of most of
the applicants who, in our judgment, re-
quire financial assistance. However, there
are several hundred students who have
received some aid but who still have unmet
financial need."
A substantial amount of money remains,
Brown said, which is administered outside

S Although they say they won't
disrupt the church, group minm-
bers declare they will stay in the
church until either their demands
are met or they are forced out by
police action. Bryant said he hopes
that fear of the adverse publicity !
of forcible ejection of the group
by police may influence the
church to agree to the dlemands.
Seventeen local churches form-
ed a coalition last week with the
aim of distributing aid to the
county's poor, apparently in re-
sponse to BEDL-WRO demonstra-
tions. The organization-the In-
terfaith Coalition of Congregations
-has pledged to allow the /poor
to participate in the "study, deci-
sion-making, distribution of funds

U , .,

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