Vol. LXXXI, No. i
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 2, 1970
Wolverine Sports Section-Eight Pages
". .
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
USC's Clarence Davis (28) streaks by Mike Taylor
Associate Sports Editor
THE COLD SHADOWS lengthened across the
Tartan rug in Michigan Stadium - but noth-
ing could chill the delirium of tens of thousands
of Wolverine partisans as they swarmed all over
the synthetic surface and tore down one of the
supposedly indestructible metal uprights.
Michigan's 24-12 victory over Ohio State, "the
greatest college team ever" had just assured the
Wolverines of a trip to the Rose Bowl as Big Ten
co-champidns, and had put the campus into a
euphoric state that was to last for days.
The Maize and Blue later dropped a 10-3 de-
cision to Southern Cal and the Wild Bunch in
Pasadena, but their chances to win were virtual-
ly doomed even before they took to the field.
Several key players suffered injuries in practic-
es prior to the game, and Coach of the Year Bo
Schembechler suffered a heart attack just two
hours before the kickoff, depriving the Wolver-
ines of. their inspirational leader. The loss to the
Trojans was a b i t t e r pill to swallow, but it
couldn't tarnish the glitter of a sparkling sea-
BACK IN SEPTEMBER when practice opened,
California seemed as far away as the moon.
The Michigan eleven not only had to adjust to a
new coach - and the Big Ten is notoriously
rough on rookie mentors - but to a host of new
assistants that Schembechler brought with him
when he came to AnnArbor from Miami of Ohio.
Ron Johnson, the All-American halfback, and
all-conference quarterback Denny Brown h a d
graduated, depriving the Wolverines of the one-
two punch that had re-written the offensive
record book. It looked as though Michigan would
have a 'rebuilding year from the ground up.
It was thus a very uncertain quantity that
took the field to face the Commodores of Van-
derbilt. But after the dust had settled (if that
can happen on Tartan Turf), a lot of the doubts
had disappeared. Sophomore Glenn Doughty, a
converted end, moved into the vacant tailback
slot admirably, blasting through the wrong hole
for an 80-yard TD jaunt, and averaging over nine
yards a try. Don Moorhead had a strong debut
at quarterback, accounting for 145 yards passing
and running. The Wolverine defense kept the
Commodores well in check, as middle guard Hen-
ry Hill spent most of the afternoon working out
with the Vandy backfield.
The 42-14 Michigan triumph seemed like a
fine way to start the season, and the Wolverines
decided to follow much the same script a week
later against a big but slow Washington team.
Doughty rambled for 91 yards and Moorhead
passed the Huskies silly, hitting 14 out of 19. The
result was a lopsided 45-7 Wolverine victory.
THE FIRST SATURDAY in October brought na-
tional powerhouse Missouri to Ann Arbor. The
Tigers looked to be the class of the tough Big
Eight Conference; they were big, fast and ex-
plosive. This was the game that figured to show
just how Michigan could be. Unfortunately, the
game only showed how-sloppy the Wolverines
could play.
Tim Killian gave Michigan an early 3-0 lead
with a 40-yard field goal, and the second quarter
opened with t h e Wolverines driving goalward
from the Tiger ten-yard line. On the first play of
the period, however, Moorhead dropped the ball
cutting in over left tackle, and Missouri recover-
Thus began one of the most hellish quarters
a Michigan squad has ever experienced. The Wol-
verines turned the ball over three more times,
and the Tigers waltzed up and down the field
Rising athletic costs
cause budget squeeze
Sports Editor
THERE WAS A TIME, not too long ago,
when big-time intercollegiate athletics
was rolling merrily along towards easy
street. Interest was increasing, attendance
was rising and the biggest job of the ath-
letic director was to smile away the football
* team's mediocre finish at the winter meet-
ings of alumni clubs ana say, "Yeah, but
you should see the halfback we have coming
up from the freshman team. Man, can he
Today, interest is s t il11 increasing, at-
tendance is still rising and athletic direct-
ors are still expected to maintain something
called "good alumni relations."
But the modern athletic director more
often talks like a corporation treasurer
than an alumni-relations propagandist, and
he probably spends at least as much time
balancing thee' athletic department budget
as he does increasing his consumption of
Scotch and sodas.
THE REASON BEHIND this new image is
simple: Athletic financirg is the num-
ber one problem of athletic directors across
the country. And it is a problem that, ac-
cording to some officials, is fast becoming a
The first publicized indication of the ex-
tent of this crisis came a little less than two
years ago. At that time, an Associated Press
story from Columbus disclosed that the in-
tercollegiate program at Ohio State was
running at a deficit, despite sell-out crowds
at every football game.
Since then, officials at at least' one ma-
jor athletic power - Duke University -
have admitted that the school had consid-
'tered withdrawing from the Atlantic Coast
Conference and de-emphasizing all sports
except basketball because of financial prob-
lems. A similar proposal is reportedly being
considered by officials at Ohio University, a
Mid-America Conference school where bas-
ketball is the big winner and big money-
* maker.
THE PROBLEM is even m o r e acute at
schools that comnete in a major confer-
-Daily-Thomas R. Copt
Buckeye quarterback Rex Kern is obliterated by Wolverines
Capitol), t h e University of Washington
(Seattle) and Boston University are just a
sampling of the schools which are, faced
with a financial depression in athletics. As
Michigan athletic director Don Canham
says, "Athletic financing is the number one
topic of conversation among athletic direct-
ors everywhere.
"At Big Ten meetings, we spend more
time talking about athletic finances than
anything else," he adds.
WITH INCREASED attendance and in-
creased TV and radio revenue, one
might ask why the problem is becoming so
acute. The answer is simple: At most
schools, attendance isn't increasing enough
to meet 'rising costs, and the revenue from
the media doesn't amount to much by the
time it reaches the individual colleges.
This last point is important, for it re-
futes the popular myth generated by sta-
tistics on multi-million dollar TV contracts
that colleges and universities ar.e being de-
luged with network dollars. This just isn't
the case. At Michigan, for example, in 1968-
69 - a ,year in which two football games
were on TV - the - total revenue from TV
and radio for both football and basketball
See FINANCE-Page 4
with the greatest of ease to take a 24-3 halftine
lead. The Maize and Blue, staged a heroic come-
back in the second half to cut the margin to 24-
17 in the third quarter, but a blocked punt set up
another Mizzou score and the Wolverines were
eventually embarrassed, 40-17.
The first of four consecutive crucial games had
ended on a sour note, but there was no time to
mull over the Missouri debacle. Purdue's aerial
circus, led by Mike Phipps, was coming to town.
The Boilermakers were fresh from a, heart-stop-
ping 36-35 win over Stanford that saw Phipps
complete 12 straight passes to bring Purdue back
from a 14 point deficit in the fourth quarter.
BUT THE WOLVERINES were ready. Moorhead
dueled Phipps to a statistical standoff and the
Michigan secondary came up with four inter-
ceptions. Captain and All-American tight end
Jim Mandich had one of his greatest games,
snaring ten passes for 156 yards, and the defense
held Purdue scoreless in the second half as Mich-
igan rolled to a 31-14 win that thrust them into
the center of the Rose Bowl picture.
The most memorable incident came after a
referee called an illegal substitution penalty on a
Wolverine who had helped an injured mate to
the sidelines. No one believed the call, least of
all Bo Schembechler. He stormed onto the field
for a prolonged shouting match with the ref,
and got socked with a 15-yard penalty for un-
sportsmanlike conduct. Although Bo lost the ar-
gument the fans loved it, and they knew they
had a coach.
ONLY A.WEEK after Michigan stormed into the
Rose Bowl picture, they almost faded right
out. The Wolverines traveled up to East Lansing
to play Michigan State and it looked as though
they should have a relatively easy time of it as
the Green Meanies had been less than impressive
in their first four games. Playing Michigan, how-
ever, always seems to bring out the best in the
Spartans, and this game also saw it bring out
some bad points of the Maize and Blue as well.
They fumbled and bumbled and never got un-
tracked and took a 24-12 drubbing t h a t was
worse than the score might indicate.
Things didn't look so "rosey" any more, and
the California dreamin' nearly ended the next
weekend in Minneapolis. Still numbed from the
loss to.Michigan State, the Wolverines went into
the dressing room at halftime trailing Minne-
sota 9-7. It was clearly do or die time.
Schembechler didn't say much at halftime;
he is not prone to "win it for the Gripper"-type
speeches. In the second half, Billy Taylor, sub-
bing for the injured Doughty, really opened up,
scoring three TD's and netting 151 yards as the
Wolverines took complete charge for a°35-9 tri-
The Wolverines returned to Ann Arbor for
the Homecoming game against Wisconsin's re-
viving Badgers. Taylor was again the hero, get-
ting 142 yards and two long scoring runs as Mich-
igan did all their scoring in the first half en
route to an easy 35-7 win.
With all the other contenders, falling to the
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