See Editorial Page
Party cloudy=
chance of showers
Vol. LXXXI, No. 14 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, September 18, 1970 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Jordanian civil
war intenst es
By The Associated Press
An 4rmy headed by Jordan's King Hussein battled fiercely
with Palestinian guerillas yesterday in an attempt to crush
the uprising against the new military regime i'n Jordan.
By nightfall, the arm claimed it had broken guerrilla resist-
ance in Amman, the Jordanian capital, and in the guerrilla
stronghold of Zarqa, 15 miles northeast of Amm-an.
In Jerusalem, the government of neighboring Israel
watched the civil war with growing apprehension. Reserve
# Gen. Haim Herzog said it would be "impossible for Israel
to stand idly by" if Iraq and Syria carry out theiD threats
to intervene on the side of te guerrillas.
gaint rat
Gilbert Maddox
new post ion
The University administration
has created a new post designed
to coordinate several key aspects
of the minority admissions pro-
gram that the Regents adoptedt
last spring. K
The post, special director of;
academic projects, will be filled
by Gilbert A. Maddox.t
In an interview yesterday, Mad-3
dox said he will attempt to be an
"ombudsman for the black com-'
-munity, including .students, facul-l
ty members. and the larger com-
munity in terms of sensitizing keyr
persons in administrative offices
to the fulfillment of the Black1
Action Movement (BAM)."
The BAM demands were the,
basis for minority admissions pro-
gram the Regents agreed to after aJ
two-week class strike in March.
The core of the admisons plan
is the enrollment of enough black
students to equal ten per cent of
the student body by the 1973-74
academic year. The plan also calls
for the provision of financial aid
to new black students who can-
,Wnot afford to attend the Univer-
Maddox's responsibilities in-{
clude the supervision of the Op-
portunity Awards Program, -which
will provide much of the' financ-
ial aid required by the admissionsw
plan. .
Maddox has been director of theE
Detroit Area Training and Tech-c
nical Assistance Center (ATTAC),X
See 'U', Page 6 ' I
In Cairo, the headquarters of
the Arab League called for "an
immediate and unconditional halt
to the massacre in Jordan."
Egypt's official news agency re-
ported early today that prepara-
tions are being made for a summit
meeting of Arab kinds and heads
of state within the next few days
to deal with the .explosive situa-
tion in Jordan. The meeting will
be held in Tripoli, the capital of
Meanwhile, in Washington, Sec-
retary of Defense Melvin Laird
said yesterday the United States
is prepared to evacuate Americans
from strife-torn Jordan.
Laird said if evacuation becomes
necessary, the United States would
probably use Air Force cargo
planes standing by in Turkey with
medical teams aboard, rather than
planes stationed in the Mediter-
ranean with the 6th Fleet.
In addition to Americans living
in Jordan, Palestinian guerrillas
battling government troops are
still holding as hostage 54 airline
passengers, including 37 Ameri-
The U.S. Embassy in Amman
informed the State Department in
W ashington that all official
Americans 'in Jordan were safe
and there were no reports of
casualties among'other U.S. citi-
zens in the country..
Jordanian troops and guerrillas
battled from house to house in
Amman, and an indefinite curfew
was imposed on the capital. Gov-
ernment broadcasts told the city's
600,000 people that anyone on the
streets would be shot on sight.
Cross-fire between army troops
and Palestinians killed hundreds,
of civilians, and both sides i e-
ported suffering many casualties.
Army communiques said Jor-
dianian troops controlled 16 dis-
tricts in Amman and were clearing
out pockets of guerrilla resistance.
They said the army was moving
successfully elsewhere to re-estab-
lish order and guerrillas were de-
Claiming that 17 local land-
lords have circulated a "black-
list" of 80-1000 people who
have been sympathetic to the
Tenants Unions rent s t r i k e,
the head of the TU and the
union's former lawyer are fil-
ing libel suits against the
Attorney David Goldstein yes-
terday filed a libel suit for $1
million in Washtenaw County
Circuit Court. Steve Burghardt,
general coordinator of the TU, will
file a similar suit today asking
for $750,000.
Burghardt claims the alleged
"blacklist" has been used by land-
lords to deny requests for the
. rental of apartments, and to apply
legal and political pressure on
prospective tenants.
While the existence of a black-
list has been suspected for two
years, Burghardt says, a copy of
the alleged list was not obtained
until two months ago. He claims it
-Daily-Jim Judkis is entitled, "financially irrespon-
sible persons."
Burghardt said both he and
Goldstein would be able to prove
to the courts that they were "fi-
nancially responsible," thereby
refuting the alleged blacklist's de-
scription of them. He added that
neither he nor Goldstein have
ever participated in the rent strike,
../ although both have been active in
the TU.
Burghardt adds that TU
d have been given lawyers and researchers have lo-
cated, people working for local
spicion that funda- real estate companies who will at-
e correct," said Re- test to the authenticity of the
mith (D-Detroit). document.
Tenants Union members meet with Regents
low-cost housing pl(
Demanding an "absolute com-
mitment" from the University to
build housing for some 5,000 peo-
ple, members of the Ann Arbor
Tenants Union. (TU) discussed
the student housing situation yes-
terday with the Regents t the
Board's monthly open hearing.
In a prepared statement, the
TU attacked the University's cur-
,rent housing program, claiming
that a "severe housing problem"
has been created by "misplaced
priorities." They also contend that
the use of federal funds, low in-
terest bonds and a "reordering,
not raising, of student fees" could
provide the financial support for
an immediate program.
Responding to the statement,
the Regents and President Robben
Fleming criticized its tone and
"You make things seem vastly
easier than they are.," said Flem-
ing. "This can't be done by a
sudden statement alone."
Some regents, agreeing w i t h
Fleming, said that a "concrete"
proposal shoul
"I have a su,
mentally you're
gent Otis S.
Plotica Science 300: Credit
to help your candidate run
It is 'now possible to take a
course which combines the aca-
demic study of election politics
with actual field work for a candi-
The course is Political Science
300 and each student selects the
campaign he prefers to work with,
and decides his own hours when
campaigning. The last of cam-
paigns this year in Michigan
range from a gubernatorial race to
races for the Regents of The Uni-
For the purposes of the course
any involvement with the electoral
process - no matter with which
party - will do, says political sci-
ence Prof. Jack Walker who is in
charge of the course.
The parties running candidates
in some elections include t h e
American Independent Party and
the Socialist Workers Party, along
with. the Democratic and Republi-
can parties."
So far there has been no dif-
ficulty in finding a campaign of
interest for every student, says
Prof. Walker. One problem is try-
ing to get political organizations
to give his students more than just
menial campaign work. He claims
some success, especially with the
Ann Arbor Democratic P a r t y
which has agreed to give some
students responsible positions in
the campaign set-up.
Outside speakers will be in-
vited to speak to the class in addi-
tion to lectures given by Walker..
The organizers of the course are
keeping in contact with the staffs
of State Sen. Sander Levin (D-
Detroit) and of Gov. Milliken and
hope to get those two candidates
for governor to speak to the class.
They would also like to get
Kevin Phillips, author if "The
Emerging Republican Majority,"
as a guest speaker. Prof. Walker
has emphasized the difficulty,
however, of getting politicians and
campaign managers to speak be-
cause of their heavy schedules
during election time.
Guest lecturers who are booked
already include Angus Campbell,
director of the Survey Research
Center, Philip Converse and Don-
ald Stokes, program directors of
the Institute for Social Research,
all election specialists at the Uni-
versity, and Samuel Eldersveld
who was mayor of Ann Arbor from
After the elections, the results
will be analyzed by the class. Pre-
election polls will be compared to
the final outcome and explana-
"But we have 10,000 priorities
that are crying for our immediate
attention. You could do us a
favor by recommending reason-
able plans to us," he said.
Regent! Brown (R-Kalamazoo)
added, "this shouldn't be difficult
for you to do, you're the expert."
However, TU spokesman Steven
Burghardt said that "before any
plans are developed, we want some
commitment from the Regents."
"It is not necessary for the Ten-
ants Union to develop expertise
which is already provided for by
the University," Burgardt added.
"If professional men are avail-
able (in the off-campus housing
bureau) they should be utilized
and given a mandate by the Re-
gents to develop plans immed-
Although the University Hous-
ing office has consistently denied
a housing shortage problem, some
of the regents spoke of its exist-
"I think that all of us on the
Board of Regents feel that more
student housing is necessary,"
Robert Nederlander (D-Detroit)
The primary regental objection
to any housing subsidy commit-
ment was a "lack of University
TU spokesman David Christeller
claimed "The University golf
course is losing $100,000 a year.
This property is already vacant
and could be used."
The Union and the Regents also
See TENANTS, Page 6
According to Burghardt, the al-
leged list includes people active in
the TU, and others known to be
sympathetic to the rent strike.
Managers of two firms named
in Goldstein's suit, Charter Realty,
and McKinley Associates, last
night denied knowledge of the ex-
istence of any blacklist.
The libel suits filed by Goldstein
alleges that the 17 landlords con-
spired to "deliberately and malic-
iously" defame his reputation.
Robert Schram, manager of
Charter Realty last night denied
knowledge of any "blacklist" and
said that he had never seen any
list entitled "financially irre-
sponsible persons."
McKinley Associates Manager
Ronald Weiser also said he had
never seen any such list. Asked if
any prospective tenants had ever
been denied housing on the basis
of activity in the Tenants Union,
he replied "I really can't say."
He said selection of tenants is
determined by office managers on
the basis of financial responsibil-
ity and on references including
those of the tenant's previous
landlord. He added however, that
he knew of no special list of Ten-
ants Union members.
Another landlord listed in the
suit, Marvin Wintermeyer, de-
clined comment on the existence
of a "blacklist," and Dwaine
Rencken, manager of Hamilton
Management Co. deferred com-
ment until the defendants are of-
ficially informed of the suit.
See TWO, Page 6
ing room last week to support the
demands, which, among other
things, call upon the reading room
to donate an immediate $50,000
to provide clothing for s c h o o 1
children in welfare families living
in Washtenaw County. i
He ended the sit-in when the
Board of Directors promised to
meet and discuss the demands, but
resumed it yesterday after learning
that the demands had been re-
In a statement released last
night, the Board of Directors said
they did not have the resources to
meet the demands of BEDL. Any
contribution, they said, "would
fall pitifuly short of the $50,000,
"We regret deeply that you have
taken the route of confrontation
rather than orderly discussion and
reason as your approach to the
solution of social problems," the
statement added.
Thomas' actions are part of a
See WRO, Page 6
No more Marks
Student reads notice on the door of Mark's which was closed
yesterday because of the government's desire for back taxes it
claims the coffeehouse owes.
Rejection of BDL
deman1ds sparKs sit-in
Calling for the adoption of the demands of two local
welfare groups, the president of one of the groups .yesterday
took over the Christian ScIence Reading Room at 306 E.
Liberty, closing it to public use.
Charles Thomas, president of the Black Economic Devel-
opment League (BEDU) began the occupation after tile
Board of Directors of the reading room rejected the demands
of BEDL and the County Welfare Rights Organization (WRO).
Thomas had sat-in at the read-?
Seek to rebut
Members of at least two student
groups have requested a place on
the podium to rebut the speech of
economist Paul McCracken at to-
day's MInally Lecture in the busi-
ness administration school.
McCracken, currently on leave
as chairman of the President's
Council of Economic Advisers, is
scheduled to speak at 4 p.m.
When contacted last night, a
spokesman for one of the groups,
Students to Support the Auto
Workers, indicated that his group
and members of the Black Eco-
nomic Development League would
like a place on the podium to re-
but McCracken.
A decision from the business ad-
ministration school and from Vice
President for Student Services
See SEEK, Page 6
New faculty group seeks reform
With the stated aim of achieving change
at the University without the use of vio-
lence, about 60 faculty members have or-
ganized the Faculty Reform Coalition.
The coalition plans to study problems
which confront the University and hopes
to aid the administration in finding solu-
tions for them.
Established last May, the group was
active during the summer setting up task
forces to study the University's budget pri-
orities, the process by which the budget is
During the summer, the coalition's task
forces met with President Robben Fleming
and some of the vice presidents to discuss
the problems they were studying.
According to Slavic language Prof. Dem-
ing Brown, a member of the coalition, the
executive officers evoked "an atmosphere
of real receptiveness" to the comments of
the task forces.1
The budget priorities task force, headed
by physics Prof. Byron Roe, has studied
ways in which the University could cope
with the present tight economic situation.
"informative discussions of issues before
and during campus crises."
Permanent University Judiciary.
Prof. Brown, who studied the imple-
mentation of the University's minority ad-
missions plan said that although individual
departments were moving ahead with the
program, there seemed to be a lack of co-
ordination at the administration level.
The admissions plan "assures" the en-
rollment of enough black students by the
1973-74 academic year to equal ten per
cent of the University's enrollment on the