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January 14, 1971 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-14

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Thursday, January 14, 19T *

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, January 14, 197's ~

Women's groups define role

Union walkout likely tonight
despite progress in negotiations

(Continued from Page 1)
11 never be liberated until all
ople are free," says one member.
She .adds that the White Pan-
er Party as a whole carries out
ograms initiated by the Red
ar Sisters.
Although Red Star Sisters is a
tionwide organization, the Ann
bor group remains fairly auton-
nous. Most of the Red Star Sis-
s in Ann Arbor live at the
bite Panther Party Chapter
use on Hill St., but there are a
w Red Star Sisters elsewhere in
nh Arbor.%
Another radical women's group
hich is involving itjelf in inter-
il matters is. the women's caucus
the New University Conference
UC) 's
"We're a group of radicals in,
ound, and in spite of the Uni-
rsity," says member Lynn Gold-
ein, and 'adds that the women's
Lucus is presently "focusing on
terper~sonal relationships."
However, the women's caucus is
so involved in several specific
ojects, says Goldstein. The
oup is to give a talk on women
the professions to high school
ris, and is also planning to pro-,
ace a "primer" on women's lib-
'ation, "for women who are not
o political."
NUC women are also involving
zemselves in the new Course

Mart course on issues and stra-
tegies of political action and in
the radical third political Party
on an individual basis.
The new political party in Ann
Arbor has attracted s e v e r a
women who have become disillu-
sioned with other aspects of radi-
c 1 feminism.
"If you're political, this is the
yar to take a vacation," says
Nancy Burghardt, who has been
active in several aspects of the
women's liberation movement in1
Ann Arbor.
"The women's caucus of the
new party does not exist per se,
butt it will soon," she says. "At
the convention I think the
women's caucus will become very
Burghardt is one of a group of
women drawing up a day care
plank to be presented at the party
convention Jan. 22-24.
Several of the women who
worked last semester or a com-
munity d y care center have be-
come active in the group drawing
up the day care proposal for the
new party.
Burghardt is confident that the
party will accept the proposal the
women prepare.
The women's group that lobbied
for a community day care center
last semester has almost com-
pletely dissolved, according to both
Burghardt and another spokes-
According to the spokesman,
"people's interest lies elsewhere
now." She adds that settlement
of the dispute between the Uni-
versity and the service ernployes
union may have some bearing on
the day care center issue, as a
day care center is one of the
union's demands.
"The University has a pretty big
responsibility or providing day
care for child'en of University
employes and students," she said.
Several members of PROBE
have charged that although the
settlement with HEW has been
made the University will "find
loopholes," or "not follow
Although PROBE has spent a
large part of its time working on
the HEW issue, it has also pro-
duced a booklet entitled "The
Feminine Mistake," and has been
attempting to help solve problems
of individual female workers and
The other Ann Arbor women's
group which ,has been heavily in,
volved in the HEW issue i.
FOCUS on Equal Employment foi
Women. FOCUS was the groir

!that filed the original complaint
with HEW.
FOCUS involves Ann Arbor pro-
fessional women, and member
Jean King says there are cur-
rently about a dozen members.
In the past several months, most
of the women's liberation groups
on campus have changed, and with
them the face of the feminist
movement itself. .
No longer involved with organ-
izing "all sisters," most groups
have, relegated their goals to po-
litical discussion and the personal
well-being of their members, plus
a few specific, limited community I
Farmer hits
racial poliy
Farmer, who 'quit last month as
assistant U.S. secretary of health,
education and wejf are, says more
top blacks in the Nixon adminis-
tration will resign soon unless the
President' takes a stronger stand
on racial justice.
"The President m u s t address
himself to the Issues facing black
people and make better use of the
black talent he has," saidFarm-
er before participating in a con-
ference Tuesday sponsored by the
World Affairs . ouncil.
"The black community h a s
grown accustomed to having the
president of t h e United States
articulate some of their dreams.
We haven't had that the past two
years," he said.
t When Farmer, former director
of the Congress of Racial Equality
(CORE) resigned after 20 months
in the administration post, he in-
dicated he was leaving more over
frustration with federal bureau-
cracy t h an with Nixon's racial
policies. He did not specify what
other b 1 a c k leaders he thought
might be leaving.
Referring to the urgency f o r
Nixon to speak out, Farmer said:
"I think words are terribly im-'
portant. Words help provide di-
I rection. The President has said
nothing to black people. He has
been quiet. If there are no prom-
ises, no hope and nothing to loo
forward to, then frustration builds
up. There is hopelessness, a n d
violence is the result."

(Continued from Page 1)
wildcat walk-out on their own, as
several hundred University Hos-
pital employes did last April 1.
Meanwhile, sources said that in'
the dorms, where the impact of an
AFSCME strike would first be'
felt, the schedule of student food
service workers would be suspend-
ed when the strike began, while
the educational staff, specifically
resident directors and advisors
would be asked to remain "on
duty" throughout the weekend, or
until dormitories closed.
University H o u si n g Director
John Feldkamp said yesterday
that it would be impossible for
the University to relocate students
living in dorms if a strike was
called. "If there is a stoppage,
we'll have our hands full just se-
curing the buildings and keeping
track of things."
Two University students are
among the 87 Ph.D. candidates at
54 graduate schools to receive
Ford Foundation Fellowships in
the field of- ethnic studies.
The fellowship program is new
and assists the recipients in the
writing of their dissertations deal-
ing with the experience and cul-
ture of ethnic minorities in the
United States.
The University recipients and
rtheir dissertation topics are:. Jack
Eichenbaum, "Forgotten Movers:
The Case of Urban Refugees," and
Penelope L. Bullock, "Negro-Ame-
rican Periodicals in the United
States, 1838-1949."

Feldkamp also said that "if it
appears that residences are be-
coming targets of vandalism, we'll
just have to close, that's all."
At meetings of student workers,
dorm officials have circulated lists
for students to sign up to work
during the strike, but emphasized
that there would be no penalty if
the students did not cross picket
A union steward told one groupI
of student workers that they
should eat as much as offered by
the dorm and remain in the dorm
until it closed, in order to "de-
mand of the University the con-
tinued service you have con-
tracted for."
Clair Otis, a staff co-ordinator
of Council 7 of AFSCME which
represents workers at all pubic
colleges and universities in the
state said that "all AFSCME lo-
cals at Michigan schools and col-
leges have pledged their supportl
in terms of picketers and money."
Otis reported that meetings were
held yesterday at the union hall
to instruct picket captains.

The union has requested that in
the event of a walk-out "students
do not participate in the picket
lines, do not perform our duties
and continue their class sched-
The AFSCME Support Coalition
is holding a mass meeting at 9
p.m. while the Women's Caucus
plans to meet at 8' p.m. The coali-
tion has made tentative plans for
soup kitchens at various co-ops so
that dormitory students will be
provided with meals.
The union is notifying employes
where to report between midnight
and 1 a.m. tonight unless other-
wise notified
10%/ off
Student Book Service


-Associated Press
Arimy passes around a, good deal
Army Sgt. Richard Robinson examines a 12 pound package
of confiscated marijuana mailed to Grand Rapids from Vietnam
at the government's expense. The finely cut grass was valued at
$4,000. The return address on the package was commanding
general of the 125th Infantry division and was marked "Postage
and Fees Paid"-Department of the Army.
ALLOTSG 1,500:
SGC funds strike group

FRI. N ITE 8 & 10 P.M. $2.00{

(Continued from Page 1)
tle or no experience at the bar-
ining table,
the team does include two'people
th a great deal of experience in
bor, however. Joseph King, a re-
esentative of AF CME Council
which includes locals at all state
lleges and universities, and Kay
oore, previous chief steward for
orth Campus, who has helped
gotiate contracts at'the Univer-
;y and with the Congress of In-
astrial Organizations (CIO) in
etroit, both have substantial
rike experience..
Others like Mullins are helping
th negotiations for the f ir s t
ne. "The working conditions led
my involvement," Mullins ex-
ains. "I got tired of just bitching
gout problems and instead de-
ded to do something about it."

(Continued from Page 1)
Coalition's program as "very good
and very cheap."
The Coalition, according to Oes-
terle, plans to picket the kitch-
ens which the University plans to
operate in the dormitories. T h e
pickets would urge students to use
the Coalition's food services.
Executive Vice-President Jerry
DeGrieck said, that if the strike
were to be extended over a "long
period of time", the allocation
could be increased. Under Ia s t
night's proposal, tha $1,000 loan
would be repayable by Jan. 31.
Previous SG9 support for t he
AFSCME includes a motion early
in December which called for the
Coalition's establishment. Atrthat
time President Marty Scott point-

to endorse the conference was a
reversal of the stand taken by
SGC at last week's meeting.
The conference will focus pri-
marily upon the war in Indo-
china, and specifically upon re-
cent efforts to negotiate a peace
treaty between the American peo-
ple and the Provisional Revolu-'
tionary Government of South
According to Heyn and Spears,
-the conference was not directly
connected with the demonstra-
tions planned for May 1 in Wash-
Andre Hunt, the only Council
member to vote against the en-
dorsement, criticized the confer-
ence for the lack of black involve-
ment in its planning.

A doctoral student in nuclear
engineering at the University has
won an annual award from the
American Nuclear Society (ANS)
for his, technical paper on pulsed
moderator studies.
Cingsley F. Graham received
the ANS Mark Mills Award and a
check for $500 for the paper by
him and John M. Carpenter, an
associate professor of nuclear en-
gineering. The paper, titled "Pul-
sed Moderator Studies Using a
Time-Focused C r y s t a l Spectro-
meter," was published in August
in N u c l e a r Instruments and
Methods magazine.
A book by a University chemisi
and two Dow Chemical Co. re-
searchers has won an award foi
outstanding scientific originalit3
and technical excellence.
Prof. Edgar F.- Westrum and
two members of Dow's Computa-
tion Research Laboratory,.Drs. D
R. Stull and G. C. Sinke, receivec
the award for their book "Th
Chemical Thermodynamics of Or-
ganic Compounds."
The award was made by the
Midland (Mich.) braznch of the
Scientific Research Society o:



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The Daily Official Bulletin Is an International Night: United A r a b Sales Consultants of Ann Arbor, Det.-
official publication of the Univer- Republic, Mich. League Cafeteria, 5 area, MA in microbiology, BA also. 5
sity of Michigan. Notices should be p.m. yrs. exper. in clinical path., ASCP cer-
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to China Week Film: "China, One tificate. Technical Service Rep., Min-
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before Fourth of Humanity," and workshops, neapolis area, BS in microbiology or1(
2 p.ni., of the day preceding pub- First Presbyterian Ch. basement, 1432 bacteriology, no exper. nec.a
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Washtenaw, 7:30 p.m. - 'CPHA, Sr. Health Statistician, Ph.D.
Saturday and Sunday. 4Items ap- University Symphony $and: Wm. D. in biostatistics, 2-5 years exper. Medi- 1
pear only once. Student organiza- Revelli. conductor, Hill Aud., 8 p.m- cal Audit Consultant, physician inter-
tion notices are not accepted for ested in helping hisp., medical staffs
publication. For more information, use PAS ad A efor evaluating qual- ,
phone 764-9270. I l aC'e n'ue A ndMPfolvautigqal
'____ . ' ity of medical care.
THURtSDlAY, JANUARY 1¢General, Division Kalamazoo County Community Actiona
THU AY J Y3200 S.A.B. Prog., 7 positions with prior CAA exper.C
These area jobs have been listed with to fill key positions in anti-povertyZ
fn + us this week. For details gall 764-7460. prog. Chief Financial Officer, S t a f f_
Day ua~eiiaar State of Michigan. Law enforcement Training and Career Development Co-
French Dept. Coffee Hour: BARATIN, program Trainee 07; Law Enforcement ord., Manpower Specialist, Coordinator
Rm. 3050, Frieze Bldg., 3 p.m. Program Spec. 09. Both -positions re- of Outreach, Intake, Referral and Fol-
Nuclear Colloquium: R. Shoup, "The quire bach. in police admin., crim.,'low-up Activities, Exec. Secretary, Head
Spreading of T States in Heavy ,Nuclei social work, soc., psych., counsel., educ., Start Prog. ,Director, Housing D e v e 1.
from (h,d) Reactions," P&A Colloq. public admin., bus. admin., urban plan- Coord.
em., 4 p.m. . ning or comm. organ. No exper. requir Clients of Personnel Systems, Pharm.
University Players: "The Medium" ed for 07 level. one year exper. for 09 Sales, Research Engr., Tech. Services
(two act opera), Arena Theatre, Frieze level. Natural Resources Trainee in var- Chem., Indust. Engr., Foundry Mgr.,
Bldg., 4:10 p.m. laus areas, aquatic, conservation, fish- Textbook Sales, Cost Acet., Air Freight,
eries, forestry, land appraiser, park Educ. Sales, Investment Wax Chemist,
;:.::;":;;:;:.:;;.;: _. :.::,...,.... :......r mngr., wildlife biol., bachelors in area. Sales Engr., Market Res. -
-- -- -- - -
ORGANIZATION1 ..a.'ia """" ,"
Beit-Midrash (College of Jewish Stu- The Ecology Center
dies - Hillel) will hold registration on
January 12. 13, 14 from 4:30 - 10:00
p.m. at 1429 Hill St. Courses to be
offered are Hebrew (all levels); Basic wishes to thank the folloiwing organizations fo
Judaism, Jewish History, Israeli Cul-
ture and more. b bbSfs
tore and more.their help in, Christmtas Card Sales:?
The Agelsss Science of Yoga. Instruc-
tion in the yoga exercises as taught Alpha Delta Pt Alpha Phi U Cellar
by qualified instructors. Sponsored by
Self-Realization Fellowship. Call Dale
after 6:00 p.m. at 761-9825.
The Office for Student Organizations -
would like to announce its new office'
hours; Mon-Fri., 8:30 - 5:30 and Mon-Subscribe T o
Thurs., 7-9 p.m.ST o
* '
Bach Club meeting 8:00pr..on TE M 1
Thurisday, Jan. Yl4; South Quad West. THyIC IG N DA L

d out that "the highest function' Council also passed a motion
SGC must perform is educational." proposed by Treasurer Gary Dor-
Scott likened student support man, '72, that establishes SGC as
or the impending AFSCME strike a co-sponsor, along with the In-
o workers' support last spring for ternational Students Association,
the Black Action Movement of a charter flight program for
(BAM) strike for increased minor- University students, faculty an,
ty admission.s staff.
In other action, Council voted Dorman said that SGC's char-
to endorse the National Students ter flight plan would generate ad-
and Youth Conference to be held ditional money which Council
n Ann Arbor Feb. 5-7. could use for increased allocations
The vote followed a report by to student organizations while sav-
nembers-at-large Marnie Heyn, ing students about $30,,based up-
71, and Brian Spears, '71, who on the prices for comparable
attended a meeting last week in flight service offered by the Uni-
Chicago to plan the conference. versity Activities Center (UAC)
The approval of Spear's motion and Students International.
- - -------



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