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April 08, 1971 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-04-08

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Robert Hunter, assistant direc-
tor of Ann Arbor's Human
Relations Department, fired last
February for alleged "political
reasons," yesterday was granted
a court order reinstating him to
his former position.
In granting the injunction
sought by Hunter, Judge John
Feikens of the 8th U.S. District
Court in Detroit ordered that
"Hunter be reinstated immediate-
ly," explaining that the court
thought Hunter was denied "due
process" in the way he was fired.
"This is not an order which
should be construed as preventing
the complete termination of Hun-
ter's services, but the city of Ann
Arbor must observe the require-





ments of procedural due process"
in its dismissal cases, the opinion
Contacted yesterday, H u n t e r
and his attorney Frederick Mc-
Donald declined to comment on
the injunction, with Hunter ex-
plaining that "the decision speaks
for itself."
The injunction, granted pend-
ing a full trial, also ordered that
Hunter be paid for his position
retroactive to Feb. 1, the day he
was dismissed.
In his four and one half years
of working with the city in the
human rights field, Hunter has
often been the center of contro-
versy at City Hall because of his
radical views.
Human Relations Department
Director J a m e s Slaughter fired

Hunter following a series of con-
frontations between the two about
the administration of the depart-
ment. Slaughter maintained that
Hunter forced the dismissal by
allegedly "no longer performing
the duties of his position in an
effective and responsible manner."
H u n t e r immediately charged
that the firing was politically mo-
tivated, saying that Mayor Robert
Harris "wants city employes who
operate departments in meaning-
less ways and who cause no em-
barrassment to his political am-
bitions." He then filed suit for
Slaughter said yesterday he was
unaware that a decision had been
reached in the injunction pro-

But after The Daily explained
the court's decision, he said: "I
fired Hunter because he refused
to respond to supervisory direc-
tives and questions. Beyond that,
I do not care to discuss the
City Administrator Guy Larcom
said yesterday that Judge Feikens'
ruling "showed that Hunter's
charges of racism in connection
with his firing are completely ur-
"The city will review the court's
recommendations, and then the
decision to take further action
will rest with the city attorney's
office," Larcom said.
City Attorney Jerold Lax said
he "needed time" to study the

court's opinion before taking any
"But," he continued, "I gather
from the decision that it does not
force us to put Hunter back at a
desk. If this is true," he added,
"then we certainly will not."
Lax referred to a section of the
court's decision that enumerated
the city's financial obligations to
Hunter. The section stated that
because of "administrative prob-
lems" that might arise, the court
would not force the city to return
Hunter to "active duty," although
Hunter would be paid at his for-
mer salary.
Lax, in presenting the city's
case before the court,,nsaid that
Hunter's firing "was in no way
based upon his race, but was
rather based upon his insubordi-

nation and failure to fulfill the
duties of his position.
McDonald, Hunter's attorney,
had tried to prove that Hunter's
firing was caused by discrimina-
tion and because city officials did
not approve of the "aggressive"
manner in which Hunter was pur-
suing his job.
His dismissal had enraged the
black community, and with city
elections approaching, the issues
raised by the case became a fre-
quent topic of political discussion.
Mayor Harris had responded
that the firing of Hunter was
Slaughter's decision, and that it
would be inappropriate for him
to interfere' in "departmental
Harris was out of town yester-
day, unavailable for comment.

-Daily-Sara Krulwich
Robert Hunter

See Editorial Page


air Cig

Sunny, near tropical;
perfect arb weather

Vol. LXXXI, No. 153 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 8, 1971 Ten Cents

Eight Pages



Legis la

ratifies vote

LANSING (N) - Michigan
yesterday became the 15th°.
state to ratify the proposed 18-
year-old vote amendment to
the U.S. Constitution, despite
protests that the action would
thwart "the will of the
The State Senate voted 24 to
12 for the ratification resolution
solution that swept through the"
house 82 to 22 last month.
Twenty-three more states must
ratify the 26th amendment before
it becomes law.
Ratification opponents argued
strongly in the Senate, as they
had in the House, that Michigan
voters rejected a lowering of the
state's 21-year-old voting a g e -
twice in the past three years and
should be upheld.
Proponents of the amendment<
pointed to the recent U.S. Supreme
Court ruling that allows 18-year-a
olds to vote on federal questions
but leaves eligibility for all state
and local elections to the individ-
ual states.
"Today we decide whether they
can vote for dog catcher as well
as president," said Sen. B a s 11
Brown, (D-Highland Park).
The confusion and expense of
dual registration and voting pro-...................:
cedures - if neither the state nor
federal constitution were amend- Dancn with the
ed - captured much Senate at-
tention. Liberated by a light breeze, one celebrant of the r
Sen. Robert Richardson, (R-Sag she greets yesterday's warm weather with a soul-sha
inaw) said providing dual voting - _ _rT__rT_
facilities could cost Michigan be-L
tween $300,000 and $1 million, while LA OS DRI E 'SUCCESSFUL'.
the cost of a special election to


''for using
in erim, code
Student Government Council last night voted unani-
mously to condemn the University administration for invok-
ing the Regents'.Interim Rules and Disciplinary Procedures
against John Eustis, '73, and urged students to protest the
action "in any manner they see fit."
Eustis is being tried on a complaint which alleges that
he assaulted a University fire marshall during a demon-
stration outside the February Regents meeting. The incident
is alleged to have occurred when a large crowd of students
who were barred from the meeting attempted to enter the
Council also voted to "insist" that the Regents vote the
University's General Motors stock in accordance with pro-
posals by Campaign GM. The
proposals aim toward "share- acts
holder democracy, constitu-
ent democracy and public dis-


-Assoite rress
Pi g Pong Parley
Bufford Harrison, foreground, leader of the U.S. team at the world
table tennis championship in Nageya, Japan, sits with Lu Ting,
center background, and Kinjimnu Unionji of the Peking Athletics
School. The People's Republic of China has invited the U.S. team to
visit China for a series of matches. See News Briefs, Page 3.

-Daily-Sara Krulwich
wind and sun

rites of spring lets her
aking song and dance.

hair and feet fly as

Radicals win
Berkeley vote
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) - Having gained a 4-4 deadlock on the
City Council in Tuesday's election, three radical councilmen vowed
yesterday to fight for the appointment of another member of the radi-
cal April Coalition to fill a council vacancy.

put tne lower voting age question
to Michigan voters a third time-
before November, 1972-could run'
Ias high as $1.8 million.
Some contended giving 18-year-
olds the right to vote on all issues
would help solve much of the prob-
lem with campus radicals.j
"If these young people are to'
work within the system, we need
to let them in," Richardson said.
"If we move rapidly we can help
assure the stability of the (demo-
cratic) system."

Nixon announces hike

closure" within the giant cor-
poration, the SGC resolution
SGC members protested the use
of the Interim rules against Eustis
because they charge that the disci-
plinary procedure demonstrates
"total disregard for his human and
legal rights."
Under the procedure, a hearing
officer appointed by the Univer-
sity president decides the verdict
and sentence for each case.
SGC members argued that a
student defendant should be tried
by a jury, as in the civil court sys-
tem, and that the jury should be
composed entirely of students to
insure fairness to the defendant.
A jury of students for all stu-
dent defendants is a major aspect
of the proposed University judicial
system, which, if passed by the
Regents at their meeting n e x t
Friday, would replace the interim
disciplinary procedure being used
in the Eustis case.
Council members last night crit-
icized the administration for de-
ciding to hold the hearing at the
North Campus Commons, which
might be inaccessible to many stu-
President Fleming has appointed
Theodore Souris, a former justice
of the state Supreme Court, to hear
Eustis' case next Wednesday morn-
ing at the North Campus Com-
Eustis is also being charged on
See SGC, Page 8

by Council
Student Government Council
called last night for students to
participate in anti-war actions in
Washington D.C., inrsupport of
the People's Peace Treaty.
The approved motion stated that
students should show their "soli-
darity with our sisters and broth-
ers in Indochina" and "demon-
strate to the rulers of this country
that the cost of maintaining con-
trol and order within American
society will rise until it is in ex-
cess of the loss they will suffer
by giving up a part of their emn-
SGC voted to allocate $65.00 to
cover the cost of distributing 10,-
000 copies of the motion to stu-
The overwhelming approval of a
referendum in last week's SGC
election ratifying the People's
Peace Treaty was cited in the mo-
tion as grounds for the SGC ac-
The People's Peace Treaty calls
upon the American government to
set a date for the withdrawal of all
U.S. forces from Indochina, to be
immediately followed by a .ease-
fire throughout Indochina.



removal rate

If successful, the Coalition would have clear control of the local Others said 18-year-olds today
government. They are firmly supported by the newly elected mayor, are "more interested in everything
Warren Widener, who is a voting member of the council. than we were 20 years ago, rn-
What kept radicals from gaining complete control of council was affairs.
the election of Edward Kallgren, a white attorney who describes him- Several members scored Con-
self as an independent liberal. gress for sending the proposal to
If the April Coalition can get its candidate, Rick Brown, 28, ap- the states.

WASHINGTON (P) - President
Nixon last night announced a
slight increase in proposed Amer-
ican troop withdrawals from Indo-
Nixon said that 100,000 American
troops would leave South Viet-
nam between May 1 and Dec. 1,
a monthly average of just over 14,-
000, in contrast to the present
rate of 12,500.
Nixon claimed the successes ofl

pointed by a council vote in May,
they say they will embark on a
program which includes a tax on
income over $12,000 to replace the
present property tax.
A revolutionary proposal to di-
vide the police force into three sep-
arate forces-for black, campus
and predominately white communi-'
ties-was defeated by about a 2-1
margin in the election.
Kallgren, who holds the key to,
the election, said he had not de-
cided whether to support Brown.
"It takes five votes to make an
appointment, Ass't. City Attorney
Robert Berkman explained. "Noth-
ing can be done without five votes."
The council will continue with eight
*members until someone gets a ma-
jority, he said.
The new radical councilmen
vowed they would try to restructure!
the Police Department to provide

\ v r v


Phone tax boycott gains

the Laotian and Cambodian in- from the usual quarters 1 a s t
vasions facilitated the stepped-up night, with the greatest outcry
troop withdrawal schedule. over his refusal to name a time
The South Vietnamese govern- certain for for total U.S. with-
ment said early this morning that drawal.
the 100,000 American troops who After going on to claim that he
will be phased out of Vietnam will get America outin a manner
from May 1 to D c. 1 "will be that will give South Vietnam a
gradually rplaycte.your"wnbreasonable chance to exercise free
gradually replaced by our o w n coeasapplh sid f
troops.,, choice as a people, he said of
toos." othe alternative proposed by some
Nixon's nationally broadcast ad- of his critics: "The other would
dress drew cheers and criticism end it precipitately and give vic-
tory to the Communists."
Nixon said the United States
faces. "the choice of ending o u r
involvement in this war on a note
of despair or on a note of hope.
"If the United States should an-
nounce that we will quit regard-
less of what the enemy does, we
would have thrown away our
principal bargaining counter to
win the release of American pri-
soners of war; we would remove
the enemy's strongest incentive to
end the war sooner by negotiation;
and we will have given enemy
commanders the exact informa-
tion they need to marshal their at-
m tacks against our remaining forces
at their most vulnerable time."
Nixon drew these conclusions
about the U.S. sponsored South
<> ' ' Vietnamese invasion of Laos:
-"First, the South Vietnamese

Fierce battles erupt at,
two S. Viet fire bases

Ann Arbor War Tax Counseling
(AAWTC) appears to be gaining support in
its drive to encourage area residents not
to pay their federal phone tax, in protest
against the Indochina war.
A local demonstration April 15 in front
of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
building will mark Ann Arbor's participa-
tion in a nationwide schedule of anti-war
protests. Those who have refused to pay
their "war tax" will gather at the demon-
strations next week where they will do-

"Vietnam and only Vietnam makes this
(telephone tax) bill necessary."
Taylor calls the refusal to pay the tax
a protest of the University's involvement
in military and classified research as well
as of government foreign policy.
Taylor says, "It's costing the University
a fair amount of money just to process all
this paper," referring to the Standard
Practice Guide of the University, which
elaborates a specific procedure for the
University to collect unpaid taxes which
have been levied on its employes.

SAIGON (AP)-Hbavy fighting
yesterday erupted around two
besieged South Vietnamese fire
bases in the r u g g e d central
highland. Saigon headquarters
claimed nearly 400, North Viet-
namese troops were killed in
daylong fighting, most of them
by U.S. air strikes.
A Saigon communique report-
ed South Vietnamese losses as
14 troops killed and 51 wounded
in the two clashes around Fire
Base Six in the northern cen-
tral highlands and Fire Base
Lonely about 80 miles to the

gagements. T h e communique
said 220 Communists were kill-
ed by air strikes.
Eighty miles to the south near
Fire Base Lonely, 68 North Viet-
namese troops were reported
killed, half of them by air
strikes. South Vietnamese cas-
ualties were one killed and three
wound ed, their headquarters
Fire Base Six, a mountaintop
artillery outpost manned by
units of the South Vietnamese
22nd Division, has been under
daily attack since March 31. It


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