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April 06, 1971 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-04-06

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Tuesday, April 6, 1971

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Page Three


Religious groups set anti-war action


By The Associated Press
A week of religious holidays has been
met with a strong anti-war drive by
churchmen across the nation.
Four national religious journals, Prot-
estant and Roman Catholic, have issued
a joint Holy Week editorial saying the
United States is "repeating the crucifixion
of Christ" in Southeast Asia.
The move came yesterday as other re-
ligious leaders and groups protested the
war on a broad front.
In a "Call to Penitence and Action," the
editorial accused U.S. leaders of "cruel
deception" about the w a r, of inflicting
massive destruction on t h e Vietnamese
people and supporting an oppressive Sai-
gon government.
It continued:
"Let no one say that we are confusing
religion and politics. Christ was crucified

by soldiers of an imperial army in a con-
quered land under a ruler who enforced
distorted law and maintained oppressive
In other actions against the war, six
religious leaders disclosed plans for a week
long interfaith vigil and fast in front of
the White House beginning last night.
In New York, the Central Conference
of American Rabbis, representing about
1,100 Reform rabbis across the country,
called the war an "unspeakable tragedy"
and called for a complete pullout of Amer-
ican troops by the end of 1971.
Sunday, a group of antiwar veterans
was granted the use of Yale University's
Battell Chapel as a symbolic sanctuary for
draft resisters and deserters.
Three veterans - dressed in their uni-
forms - from a group of about 100 mem-
bers of the Vietnam Veterans Against the

War stood up in the midst of the crowded
Palm Sunday service to formally ask for
the use of the chapel as a sanctuary for
a week.
A former Marine Corps sergeant read
their petition :
"We who have seen thousands of peo-
ple mindlessly slaughtered in the name of
their freedom ask sanctuary for those who
no longer will lend themselves to a con-
flict which perverts the principles of their
beloved nation."
A spokesman for the chapel council
granted the request. The Rev. William
Sloane Coffin Jr., the university chaplain,
emphasized that the sanctuary would be
symbolic because there would be no resis-
tance if federal marshals entered the chap-
el to arrest any deserters or draft resist-

-Associated Press
VETNAM VETERANS are greeted by Yale Chaplain William Cof-
fin, as they are given permission to use the Yale chapel as an anti-
war symbol for a week.

news briefs
By The Associated Press
SEN. MIKE MANSFIELD (D-Mont.) stated yesterday that
the President's power to impound funds appropriated by Congress
should be challenged by a House court suit.
Mansfield declared that President Nixon's refusal to spend monies
voted by Congress "raises a grave constitutional question" that the
Supreme Court should rule upon.
About half the appropriations now impounded are for highway
construction, and over a billion of those impounded are earmarked
for the military.
THE SENATE yesterday approved legislation designed to in-
crease trade with the communist countries of Eastern Europe.
Included in a bill explanding the authority of the Export-Import
Bank, the key provision would allow American businessmen to use the
bank to finance deals with Eastern European countries.
Sales would have to be approved by the President and licensed by
the Commerce Department.
The bill must now go to the House where it is expected to face
hard opposition.

Govt. says


troops at lowest
level since '66
By The Associated Press
The U.S. Command yesterday announced another cut-
back in American military manpower in S o u t h Vietnam,
dropping the number to the lowest level since late summer,
President Nixon is scheduled to announce tomorrow the
next round of troop withdrawals. He has already indicated
that he will maintain or speed the present rate of 12,500 men
a month.
The U.S. Command in Saigon announced a reduction of
4,600 men that dropped the over all troop strength to 301,900
as of last Thursday. Since

11 (



THE LABOR DEPARTMENT yesterday announced the ap-
pointment of twelve public, labor and industry members to theI
Construction Industry Stabilization Committee, created by presi-
dential executive order a week ago.
John Dunlop, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Harvard
University and longtime construction labor management expert, was
chosen as chairman and one of the public members of the committee.
The new committee, created to stabilize construction wages, holds
its first meeting today.

-Associated Press
King commernoration
Demonstrators grasp hands outside New York's St. Patrick's Ca-
thedral Sunday during vigil to commemorate the 1968 slaying of
Martin Luther King.
E. Pakistan forces
hold border villages


* CHUADANGA, East Pakistan
REP. HALE BOGGS (D-La.) yesterday demanded the imme- dpeheik Muibur Rahman's i
diate resignation of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. stretches of East Pakistan terri-
Boggs charged that the FBI tapped the telephones of Congress tory along the border with In-
members making a comparison with "the tactics of Hitler's Gestapo dia yesterday, vowing to fight un-
and the Soviet Union." til they defeat the Pakistan army.
Atty. Gen. John Mitchell, Hoover's immediate superior, called The army of President Agha
Boggs' charges "slanderous falsehoods" and said Boggs "should re- Mohammed Yahya Khan, trying
nant at once and apologize to a great and educated American." to prevent t h i s province of 75
Republican leader Gerald Ford of Michigan challenged Boggs to million persons from seceding and
prove his statements. becoming an independent nation}
Yipies lan May-da activities

appeared to be in control of the
major cities, including Dacca, the
provincial capital.
Radio Pakistan continued to
say that the army is in full con-
trol of the situation in East Pak-
istan "and is effectively dealing,
with the armed infiltrators and
miscreants who are now isolated."
In Agartala, India, a border
town, Mijanur Rahman, the act-
ing leader of Bangla Desh - the
name given the rebellious pro-
vince - said his forces were try-
ing to acquire arms from anyone
who will sell them.
Rahman, organizing secretary
of the Awami League and t h e
ranking East Pakistani leader still
at liberty, said in an interview his
representatives were negotiating
in London for 100,000 rifles from
any friendly country. Rahman
said Bangla Desh also was man-
ufacturing homemade a r m s in-
side the liberated areas.
He demanded that the United
States and other powers clamp an
arms embargo on Khan's regime
in West Pakistan "for the sake of
humanity, justice and civiliza-

then, continuing withdrawals
have lowered the total to 300,-
000 or a little below.
The U.S.Command announce-
ment yesterday on the troop
question came to the fore as light
fighting was reported in Indo-
There was no word of any fresh
fighting at Fire Base 6,a South
Vietnamese artillery outpost in
the region where borders of Laos,
Cambodia and South Vietnam
The Saigon command also re-
ported a sharp engagement Sun-
day in eastern Cambodia three
miles southwest of the town of
In Laos, the Laotian Defense
Ministry said North Vietnamese
troops are building up their
strength by installing antiaircraft
guns near the royal capital of
Luang Prabang.
In Washington Senate Demo-
crats yesterday called on the ad-
ministration to stay out of this
year's elections in South Vietnam
and prove U.S. dedication to self
Introducing a resolution de-
signed to guarantee U.S. neutral-
ity, Sen. Adlai Stevenson III (D-
Ill.) accused the administration of
actively working for re-election of
President Nguyen Van Thieu and
Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky.
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $5 by carrier, $5 by mail.

Leftists in
Chile win
SANTIAGO, Chile (P) - Marx-
ist President Salvador Allende's
leftist coalition government h a s
won a firm mandate in municipal
elections to continue the transfor-
mation of Chile into a socialist
In final returns from Sunday's
voting, Popular Unity candidates,
including Communists and Social-
ists, received 1,375,063 votes.
48.7 per cent of the 2,832,784 to-
The election was t h e first
chance f o r Chileans to express
what they thought of Allende's
first five months in office. More
t h a n 8,000 candidates competed
for 1,600 city and town council
seats in 280 municipalities.,
The three main opposition par-
ties - the Christian Democratic,
National and Democratic Radical
parties -received 1,343,484 votes
or 47.57 per cent. However, they
ran separate contests and com-
peted against each other.
Allende, first freely elected
Marxist president in the Western
Hemisphere, said the voting re-
turns demonstrated thAt Chile is
moving to the left.
B u t he rejected opposition
claims that he will drastically ac
celerate his administration's pro-
grams to make Chile a socialist
:10 -3:45-6:15-9 P..

MADISON, Wis. () - Hun-
dreds of the nation's yippies
gathered here this weekend to
dance, sing, get stoned and set
plans to join in a spring offen-
sive against the Indochina war.
The major focus at the meet-
ing, called the New Nation Con-
ference, was on May 1 - May
Day - when radicals are plan-
ning to descend on Washing-
ton, D.C., for a festival cele-
brating the signing of a "peace
treaty" between the people of

the United States and the Viet- The meeting, attended by
namese. about 400 young people featur-
The May Day action is design- ed a film designed to gain in-
ed to trigger five days of sus- terest in the Washington ac-
tained demonstrations around tions.
the nation. Neither the film nor the
"If the U.S. government won't sound track carried credits and
stop the war, we'll stop the U.S. the film's narrator, a woman,
government," the Yippies were did not identify herself.
told at a Saturday night meet- The conference ended Sunday
ing. w i t h demonstrators dancing
Circulars w e r e distributed down Mifflin Street, throwing
calling for an action at Kent eggs, rocks and bottles at riot-
State May 4. equipped police.


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