Investigating the mind of a shoplifter
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second of a two-part series dealing
wih the phenomenon of shoplift-
"I would imagine that you are
~pretty sick and tired of a bunch
of people ripping you off," writes
one shoplifter, "but I felt your
store was cheating people and so
I was going to rip it off. Could
-put one over on the honkeys?
I tried and I failed."
The excerpt comes from a 1,000-
4word essay which the teenager
wrote for a local merchant in or-
der to avoid being prosecuted for
shoplifting. The owner of t h e
store offers this option to any
offender under 16.
The essays reveal a great deal,
for in the labor of 1,000 words
* young teenagers often inadvert-
antly divulge a host of insights
into the mind of the shoplifter.
There are two breeds of shop-
lifters. One steals out of need,
taking the clothes and food he
cannot afford or taking anything
on the "hot" market if he is try-
ing to support a drug habit. But
another breed steals for a multi-
tude of reasons which are n o t
economically based.
It is a shoplifter of the second
variety who wrote the above ex-
cerpt, who offers a splendid ar-
ray of motives and justifications
and who constitutes, by far, t h e
majority of Ann Arbor offenders.
The type of items most fre-
quently pilfered and the stores
from which they are taken serve
as evidence that Ann Arbor shop-
lifters do not need what they take.
Records, books, beads, posters,
pipes and jewelry appear to be
most vulnerable and, not sur-
prisingly. the stores most com-
monly victimized include Stanger's,
Discount Records, Middle Earth
and Centicore bookstore.
But the purpose and effective-
ness of their actions are often
amorphous and contradictory and
sometimes amount to no more
than rationalization. Many shop-
lifters justify their pilferage as a
form of political protest.
One 22-year-old student who is
living on Social Security provides
an example of the tenuous justifi-
cation many shoplifters offer.
"I wouldn't go near a s ma 11
store," she says. "I might steal
from Stanger's but I wouldn't take
anything from Middle Earth."
"I take luxury things," she con-
tinues, "because the stores charge
you an arm and a leg for any
little item. You have to be a mil-
lionaire to be a hippie. -
"I come from a poor neighbor-
hood," she explains, "and I know
that people like more than just
te necessities, something a little
extra which is nice but not es-
sential. Those stupid little things
cost so much that people can't af-
ford them. I'd never steal food.
Somehow I can see high food pric-
es, farmers work really hard."
Cynthia Shevel, the owner of
Middle Earth, questions shoplift-
ing as a viable form of political
protest. "Someone who's a comn-
mitted radical doesn't go around
ripping stores off. Ther'e are far
better and more effective forms of
political protest," she says.
It appears, despite claims that
shoplifting stems from alienation,
that 'those who have it in mind
will lift what they want and then
look for acceptable justification.
"I just can't resist certain re-
cord albums," says one student,
telling a common story. "I take
mostly from Discount Records be-
cause freaks run it and they
wouldn't care anyway. I just walk
out the door looking like I know
what I'm doing.
"The other day I really wanted
a record and they didn't have it
so I had to go to the University
Cellar and steal it. I know it's non-
1Profit and so I try not to steal
from them but sometimes I have
Another student who spent last
summer in Berkeley, Calif., ignores
people who tell him they steal
for political reasons. "I know some
people there who opened a totally
non-profit 'people's' record store.
In a matter of three weeks o v e r
$1000 worth of records was stol-
"When I left there were signs
plastered all over warning people
that the store was going to have
to close unless the stealing stop-
ped," he says.
The growth of shoplifting may
very well be associated with a com-
mensurate decrease in the sense
of wrongdoing accompanying t h e
act. An ad placed by The Daily
in its personal column said:
"Wanted: Shoplifters to discuss
motivation, tactics and benefits.
All information will be confiden-
Despite no further information,
the number listed was besieged
with calls, and volunteers seldom
See Editorial Page
Sir i~au
Cloudy, windy, cold,
occasional flurries
Vol. LXXXI, No. 149
Arnn Arbor, Michigan--Saturday, April 3, 1971
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
'U' hiring effort
Daily News Analysis
4'A month ago when the University sent to the Depart-
ment of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) its "affirma-
tive action program" for equal employment of women, grave
doubts were already expressed as to the adequacy of specific
numerical hiring goals set by the administration. ~
Since that time, little has been done to alleviate these
~doubts on what is perhaps the most crucial and controversial
aspect of the nine-point program presented by the University.
The plan was filed with HEW to comply with Its demnand
that the University formulate a program for equal hiring
of women. Last fall, federal contracts were withheld from
the -University because of discrimination against women-.
clam toe
# fire base in the central high-
Saigon forces retook the base
late Thursday after two days of
fierce fighting along the Laotian
mand spokesmn in Saigon claim-
ed the bodies of 280 North Viet-
namese soldiers were found in and
around-the fire base located in a
jungled mountain area six miles
from the border west of Dak To.
Hein listed South Vietnamese
casualties as 20 killed a n d 25
jwounded, but military sources said
it is estimated that more than 200
Saigon troops were killed, wound-
Ad Vie rCong radio broadcast al-
s0 s a i d five American advisers
were captured in the attack. The
U.S. Command refused to com-
Meanwhile in Washington fast
spreading sentiment in Congress
for. ending the Vietnam war re-
ceived new impetus yesterday as
five House Republicans joined the
effort to 'pull out all U.S. troops
by the end of the year.
SIn a letter to their House col-
leagues, the GOP members said
the United States has fulfilled its
commitment to South Vietnam
and should leave.
HEW provisionally accepted the
University's program and allowed
contracts to go through. HEW then
charged the University with for- 1
mulating specific goals and time-
tables by March 8.
The University did so but there
are indications that HEW will ye-
ject the goals and ask the Univer-
sity to formulate new nes.
According to Lucille Matthews,
a spokeswoman for HEW regional
offices in Chicago, the University
plan is presently being "evaluated
to determine whether or not it
meets our requirements." ~ -
She added that after "coordinat- ---Associated Press
ing our findings with the Washing-
My Lai aftermath
ton, D.C. office," the Chicago
branch will give its response to the Col. Oran henderson (aboic left) who faces charges of covering up the Mv Lai massacre. talks with
m ayc
. aily News Analysis
In next Monday's city-wide
el1e ct i ons the Republican
Party, headed by m ay or al
candidate Jack Garris, may be
faced with its first good op-
portunity in two years to gain
control of the c i t y govern-
With five of the 10 council seats
and the mayor's office all up for
election, the Republicans stand a
good chance, accordinig to many
eerts tnecot ea coto oth
RepublicGanrs dominated ciy gov-
ernmespnt or overya cae prihorg
tori theupisef Deoraic vi"oer-y
whing hc sept Mayor Rbets
Hyai ade vcr eu n Dmoctraic
concilme H ito office t ih
27Trceo he Demcrt sill sekng
thouoi sha rpeaterfnh- 10
counciluelecins rinihthe Rae-
publicains wonfurof hea ie-
seats flthat re freletion.he
wasethree seats dapnd, hilythey
oter suucdet. wuden hi
he aora rae btwen Har-d
risandr Garris is rted bys mai-n
atg poin a n eryco althog
Garri hiedlfprediyts oer-lian
whelne suppor o the city s
Aie potken ablout ath agsltof
bythe Democrats prsowed Garrys
holding a- monepr cen led 37n pe
27peunt theyr' vote stllun-o
ocratsi fel tht thl reult ofr
election wis dped healy on f
They saye R i theaesucesfu
otHrrs' chace will be goodsry
faor GarDmris to hb itinu
advantE, age ofAn Aro en
expJec ted
Born er'sbh
GA claimns legitimacy
The current status of the newly elected Rackham Student
Government remains uncertain as Graduate Assembly (GA)
continues its claim that GA is the only legitimate body to
represent and speak for graduate students.
Earlier this week, some 1,081 graduate students voted to
ratify a hew Rackham constitution and elected a student
government executive body headed by President Dan Fox,
The constitution provides for the Rackham government
to take over GA's funding and office facilities: The new
______ -iconstitution also allows for the
This response could zome within
do or edthree weeks, Matthews
At present, the goals 'set by the
University call for a raise from
411 women in the instructional staff
in 1970-71 to 550 in 1973-74.
Included in this numerical goal
is a raise from 47 female profes-
sors (4.5 per cent of the professor-
ial staff) in 1970-71 to 78 female
professors (6.6 per cent of the pro-
fessorial staff) in 1973-74. This
wouldo constitute a raisre
goal considered inadequate by sev-
eral concerned members of the I
University community'.
Male professorial staffing over
the same period is expected to
rise from 995 to 1,099.
The goals were formulated by
the administration from tables
with goals submitted from each
"organizational unit" of the Uni-
But the Women's Commission, a
group set up by the University in
January to oversee and review the
University's program against dis-
See HEW, Page 8
an Army law officer before a pretrial hearing at Ft. Meade, Maryland yesterday. At Ft. Benning, Ga.
Lt. William Calley, (below right) chats with Alabama Gov. George Wallace who visited the officer
sentenced to life imprisonment for the murders at My Lai. (See story, Page 3.)
-u -u-u
(S ~-~C1
Gra~, low ena 01 Z
WASHINGTON () - Turning: off draftees for the war, were cv- There is also some feeling in the
aside all efforts to cut off draftees erwhelmningly defeated one by one. Senate that the pay increases
for the Indochina war, the House Tihe measure passed 293-99. would be too expensive. Tradition-
late Thursday approved a two- The bill's nearly tripling of ally, the House has been more
year draft extension, clearing the President Nixon's pay hoost in- generous than the Senate in rais-
way for President Nixon's "zero centives to attract enough volun- ing servicemen's salaries,
draft" volunteer army, teers to end the draft by June 3' A House amendment against re-
The bill, which also grants the 1973 and a $2.7 billion pay boost quiring any man drafted after the
President's requested authority to' starting next July 1 in Nixon's first of the year to serve in Indo-
abolish student draft deferments $987 million request drew not a china was rejected 260-122.
as of last April 23, was sent to the single challenge. A proposal by Rep. Sam Gib-
Senate where its fate is uncertain. Senate strength for a one year bons (D-Fla.) to ban sending U.S. I
Two days of efforts by Indo- draft extension is likely to gain troops into combat except in time
china war critics, first to abolish muscle as a result of the narrow of invasion or declared war was
the draft and, that failing, to cut 200-198 House vote against it. defeated 279-97.
Exactly how severely unsuccess-
ful SGC presidential candidate
Bill Thee will be fined remains
unclear as his conviction before
SOC's Rules and Credentials com-
mittee is proaeeding through cus-
tomaryappeal beror GC
Ending hours of discussion on
two points of the Credentials and
Rules Committee's decision, SGC
ruled early yesterday morning that
Thee's fine of about $80 for cam-
paign overspending did not reflect
an accurate evaluation of unused
campaign materials.
continuation of Graduate As-
sembly as a federation of col-
Also this week, Central S t u-
dent Judiciary (CSJ) ruled GA
unrepresentative and voted to dis-
band the Assembly unless "good
intent" is shown by its members
by April 8.
According to the student judic-
iary, GA can show good Intent
by promising to draw 'sip a demo-
cratic constitution by Oct. 1 and
by having it ratified by the grad-
uate student body by Dec. 1.
However, GA President J a n a
Bommersbach contends that CSJ
See POWER, Page 8
Candidates focus on city budget
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article Mayor Robert Harris of the Democratic
is tihe last in a series examining important pat sanso hiad nsrtowil
___Issues in Monday's city election. a yst dso hs d msrtnwie
~ ~ $.7ij By IM eFESONseeking a city income tax to fund c i t y
ByJI cFRSNoperations and expand several programs
.'~.. ~All three candidates for mayor in Mon-. already in existence.
"We should never again go to
war in this half-hearted, piece-
meal fashion," Gibbons said.
A prposl, edicated to Lt.
by voice vote.
Rep. Otis G. Pike (D-N.Y.)
summed up several representatives
feelings, saying he changed his
mind against cutting the money
back to the President's request
because of the outcry over the
conviction of Lt. William Calley
for 22 murders at My Lai'.
"It is going to make it a little
harder to get volunteers to sign
up,'' Pike said, "and so they are
going to need every bit of money
in the bill."
Thc TI a ii e p an nrntod on
Area residents fight proposed
Bird Hills housin development
day's city election recognize the impend-
ing budget crisis threatening Ann Arbor
and offer to the voters a choice from
three clear- cut fiscal philosophies.
Republican candidate Jack Garris stres-
ses the "financial irresponsibility" of the
Harris administration and advocates a
city income tax coupled with gradual
elimination of the property tax. He fur-
The whole budgetary problem arises
from two sources, each worth a million
First, city revenues are not keeping pace
with the rising cost of services. Inflation
and the city's growing population mean
a total built-in increase in cost of services
of about 8-10 per cent yearly, according
A park or a luxury housing de-
velopment will be the fate of 60
acres of what environmentalists
term an integral ecological part
of the city's most beautiful na-
tural area.
The Property Development
Group, Inc., headed by local de-
veloper Ralph Bergsma, wants
to build 240 $50,000 condominiums
on the site.
* Outraged citizens however are
*mounting an extensive campaign
would be done to the ecology of
the area, local residents have
begun a fund-raising drive to
help buy the 60 acres for the city
as an addition to Bird Hills.
Objections of environmentalists
center on concern for the stream
which runs through the 60 acre
land parcel and continues through
Bird Hills before entering the
Huron River. e
Citizens say that erosion of
Bird Hills will be caused by the
development of the land.
city has agreed to match that
sum if a parks bond issue wins
voter approval in next Monday's
The remainder of the required
total of $360,000 will be requested
from the federal government.
The only obstacle to the imme-
diate development of the land is
its zoning classification. Present-
ly zoned R-1, the land must be
reclassified R-3 for building to
take place.
The city planning commission