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April 01, 1971 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-04-01

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Thursday, April 1, 1971


Page.N ine

Thursday, April 1, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine

Tensions dominate police issue


Ecology panel looks at

Accuse FBI of liar

i " r-i c-i -& Ark 7v *

(Continued from Page 1) spring showed the most confronta- I
gan during the summer of 1969 tive and cooperative interaction
with three days of police-street between student demonstrators
people confrontations on S o u t h and city police last year.
j University over converting that The confrontation came when
street Into a "people's mall". BAM supporters seized the first
h fr tw . ofloor of the Administration Bldg.
Th first two nights of disturb- afte anonin the start of a
ance saw large-scale police action afer announcing e s a
with dozens of arrests and vio- classroom strike called in response
lent confrontations between "the to the Regents' response early
people"' and the police, which in- March 19 on the BAM demands.
eluded both Ann Arbor police and The police were called in and a
Washtenaw County Sheriff Doug- relatively small number of them
lar Harvey and his deputies. penetrated the crowd around the
On the third night, Harris per- building, clearing the demonstrat-
aded te poice, includg ar- ' ors out. When police attempted to
suaed te otemt to clear t he apprehend demonstrators who had
streets Harris addressed the crowd pelted them with bricks, they
ersonalli and with the helpo found themselves severely o u t-
personelly andwih heer ld onumbered by the crowd of over 200
some street people leaders, includ- and isolated from the rest of the'
*ing Skip Taube of the White police force down the street.
Panther Party, managed to dis- Oly fr do e siet
perse those milling around South Only after some violent inter-
U. without police force. actions were those isolated officers
inredr by ai gra nuimhber nf

Harris now admits that the film
sheds doubt on the accuracy of the
City Administrator's report upon
which he previously rested his
position on the incident.
However, he has said that fur-s
ther action on a departmental
level is impossible.
But the mayor adds that it
would be possible for the county
prosecutor to prosecute the police-
man on charges of attempted as-
sault and battery using the new
film and witnesses as his rationale

I i

WASHINGTON OP) - The FBI Rep. Paul Findley (R-Ill.), a
as accused yesterday of a har- family in his district had re-
assment campaign against fam- subcommittee member, s a i d a
ies of American prisoners of war family in his district had receiv-
Vietnam who turn to a peace ed such a visit but the agent only
roup to get mail from their miss- questioned the family about the
ig men. committee and did not recommend
Cora Weiss, co-chairman of the against contacts with it. POW
ommittee of Liaison with Fam- families across the country re-
ies of Servicemen Detained in ported similar FBI contacts.

lassmiieI L
translated literally "cannot be re-
ceived" and said nothing of the
man's status. She said a letter
from the prisoner in question ar-
rived later through her channels.
Two weeks of hearings by the
subcommittee on the POW issue
wind up today with testimony by
Pentagon and State Department


strategies, tactics

orth Vietnam, said POW famil-
s had been questioned closely
bout their dealings with the com-


A mayor's ad hoc committee pre-"
pared. a report on the South U.
incidents with extensive recom-
mendations for recreation-orient-
ed programs for youth, but most
of th recommendations of the re-
port were never specifically acted
upon by city council.
A Harris-Harvey quarrel devel-
oped from the mayor's alleged in-
terference in police matters in
South U., and this feud grew more
# intense when Harvey decided to
police White Panther-sponsored
rock concerts in city parts during
the summer of 1969.
It was at this' point that Jack
Garris organized conservative local
reaction into the Concerned Citi-I
zens of Ann Arbor, and it organ-
ized a recall campaign against
Harris because of his handling
of the South U. incident and his
"liberal" attitude 'toward alleged
Although the recall attempt
failed by a clear margin, Garris'
new organization began to acquire
' significant local support.
Just as South U. showed t h e
alienation of street people from
the city and the police, the Black

police, allowing the cops to slow-
ly retreat down the street. The
crowd dispersed soon afterwards.
However, the next week as the
actual classroom strike began, city
officials and pblice met-with BAM
leaders and mapped out "ground
rules" for the strike.
BAM agreed to picket but not
to physically forbid students to
go to classes. Furthermore, a "hot
line" was set up between BAM
headquarters and police officials
to facilitate communication.
Although the week's strike was
handled relatively smoothly given
the potentially explosive atmos-
phere, that initial confrontation]
at the Administration Bldg. left
both the right and left with more'
bitter memories and fear. It was
during that initial confrontation
that T. R. Harrison, '73, was al-
legedly attacked by an Ann Arbor
policeman while pinned to t h e
ground by another officer.
Accusations and investigations
left the officer in question with
only a written reprimand placed in
his file as an exercise of depart-
mental discipline. However, recent
close scrutiny of television film of

for such a move. The committee relays mail be-
"I gather he (the Republican tween POWs in North Vietnam
prosecutor) won't do ' anything and their families. It is the only
about it," Harris concludes. regular traffic in such mail.
City police action against the While none of the families she
drug market has brought an addi- talked to said it was told n o t
tional measure of fear to the stu- to deal with the committee, Weiss
dent and street people communi- said the visits by FBI agents had
ties. The police seem insistent on a "chilling effect" on a family's
enforcing all the drug laws, in- willingness to send mail through
cluding the state marijuana law, the committee.
while the radicals say that such The mother of a missing U.S.
laws should be ignored, as police airman told a House Foreign Re-
ignore the lewd and lacivious co- lations subcommittee Tuesday an
habitation laws. FBI agent warned her to have
However, some right wingers nothing to do with the committee.
fear all drug use - pot to heroin Another mother told the sub-
-and would like to see Harris other yoterdshe hdb-
push for harder treatment of drug icommittee yesterday she had been
users and sellers. visited by an FBI agent and asked
Harshashap the end if she would be willing to testify
Harris has championed hendabout the Liaison Committee.
to marijuana prohibition and sup- Mrs. Gera Garnle ofDne-
ported implimentation of the re- Mrs. Gerald G. Gartley of Dune-
port of the Citizen's Blue Ribbon din, Fla., testified an agent visit-
Committee on Drug Abuse. ed her last summer and asked such
Nevertheless, since the South U. questions as whether the Liaison
incidents the city has supported in Committee had coerced her, p r o-
part such street people-oriented pagandized her relationships with
projects as Ozone House. it or asked for contributions. She
Police officers are now required said her answer to each question
to wear badges on the outside of was no.
their uniform and to issue citizen Mrs. Gartley said the agent
contact information tickets to 'ex- asked her also if she would testi-
plain their questioning of some- fy about the committee but did
one, such as a youth on the street, not say where any such testimony
when no other ticket or arrest is would be given.
Harris claims to have little con-
trol or to have attempted to exert
any control over police drug raids.
"I haven't told the police to
make drug raids; I haven't toldr
the police not to make drug

The FBI said it ivould have no
immediate public comment on the
Weiss showed the subcommittee
a letter written to relatives of Air
Force POWs, warning that "those
who use such groups as an inter-
mediary run the very real risk of
personal harassment and have no
assurance at all that welfare in-
formation will be received."
The letter was addressed to
"Dear Air Force Next-of-Kin" and
was signed "J. G. Luther, Colonel,
USAF, Directorate of Personnel
Another Air Force letter over
Luther's signature recommended
against families sending m a il
through the committee "as the
possibility of exploitation and
harassment is ever present . ."
Mrs. Weiss told the subcommit-
tee mail not going through her
group and not routed via Moscow
as Hanoi has directed has been
returned. She said the government{
refused to arrange for the Mos-
cow routing of letters sent through
regular mail.


udic plan:;
(Continued from Page 1)
fore the court-is given the author-
ity to rule on whether a case before
the court should be retried.
"His (the complaint referee's)
decision shall be final and nonap-
pealable, except on grounds of ar-
bitrariness and capriciousne ss,"
the draft states.
If the draft is passed at this
month's Regent's meeting, it will
go into effect immediately, super
ceding the current Interim Rules
established a year ago. A one year
trial period will ensue, expiring at
the end of the period unless re-en-
acted at that time. According to
Fleming, the judiciary will not

Three ecology organizers dis-
cussed "Ecotactics - Plans for
Action" last night at a panel
sponsored by the Sierra Club.
Close to 50 people listened to
the participants speak on how to
protect America's natural re-
sources and wilderness areas.
The panel agreed that in or-
der to help save the environ-
ment, student action must be
supplemented by wide - ranging
comm'unity support.
While students have been
somewhat effective in the past
in environmental action, there
will be a "dwindling of this
effectiveness without the coop-
eration of the local communi-
ties involved," said Walt Pome-
roy, director of the Michigan
Student Environmental Confed-
Pomeroy also said that future
environmental action will have
to be directed by community
coalitions organized around a
single issue.
Ron Eber, National Director
of the Sierra Club's campus pro-

grams, suggested several ways of
cultivating a community aware-
ness, including setting up speak-
ers bureaus on environmental
questions and holding neigh-
borhood informational meetings.
Eber hoped that through
growing public awareness, legis-
lation could be passed to con-
serve natural resources a n d
force private enterprise to co-
operate in saving the environ-
Dr. Richard Cellarius, chair-
man of the Mackinaw C h a p -
ter of the Sierra Cilub, inform-
ed the predominantly student
group about the history of the
club. He noted the growing im-
portance of the legal aspect of
environmental action, pointing
particularly to court cases
against the construction of
dams, power plants and high-
ways which destroy scenic areas
and historical monuments.
Eber concluded that, "You
have to convince people t h a t
there's something they can
create that's better."


Join The Daily
Come in any afternoon
420 Maynard

One woman who got such a let- have the official by-law status un-
ter returned asked her casualty til the renewal.

officer what it meant, Mrs. Weiss
' said, and was told the Vietnamese
' inscription meant "addressee un-
known" and that this could be
interpreted to mean the man was
Mrs. Weiss said the inscription
An exhibition of works by under-
graduates of the department of art
will be on display at the North
Campus Commons beginning April
5. It will continue through April 24.

Copies of the Regent's draft are
being sent to Senate Assembly
members, who are sccheduled to
discuss their changes at a meeting


Action Movement strike of 1 a s t the incident "re-opened" the case.] raids," he says.
. - -- - - -He adds that he has recom-
mended the police concentrate
their efforts in drug control on
SCalley given life term the heroin market.
Harris answers critics who say
he has not helped the people by
SL ai pointing out that his administra-
for M Lai maRssacre tion has increased the size of the
department and increased p a y.
He also points out that "meter
(Continued from Page 1) civilians after failing to flush the maids" now disburse almost all
Latimer said that Talbott told assigned enemy, the crack 48th the parking violation tickets, leav-
him that, as far as he knew, Cal- Viet Cong battalion, ing regular officers free to handle
ley "had conducted himself as a During the March 16, 1968 op- more serious crime control.
gentleman" during the 18 months1 eration, the 1st Platoon of Char- However, Radicals charge that
he has been at Ft. Benning. ley Company spearheaded the in- since the police budget has in-
Latimer said he expected a de- fantry search and destroy mission creased more rapidly than any
cision from Talbott in the next againstMy Lai, under Calley's other part of the city budget un-
,day or so. But, he said, if his re- leadership. der the Harris administration,
quest is, denied, Calley will prob- - Harris has demonstrated his mis-
ably be sent to Ft. Leavenworth, The number of admissions ap- placed priorities and has not at-
Kan., to be confined to the disci- plications to the law school has tacked the vroots of crimes
plinary barracks there. reached an all-time high, accord- .tGa ss
The panel spent about six hours ing to Assistant Dean Matthew terate hat Harris hasnot given
in debate over a span of about 24; P. T. McCauley, the school's ad- the police the free hand" that
hours to assess a life sentence. missions officer. they need.
They needed a majority vote of'-
*five to one. A death penalty would As of March 12, applications forI
have required unanimous agree--the 1971-72 academic year totaled New Factory
ment. 4,466. McCauley says he expects CELEBRATION
the number to reach 4,700 by the
Calley, 27, was the first Ameri- eArnumedline 4 20% off on all
can to be convicted in the long- pril 1 deadline.
delayed aftermath of My Lai, For 1970-71 the law school re- JENSEN Speakers
where A m e r i c a n infantrymen ceived 3,989 applications, and the:

Bringing waterbeds into Univer-
sity housing is taboo, at least for
the rest of the semester.
After citing possibilities of water-


seds ieaking,, .foding or even
electrocuting, and after admitting
they had no solid facts or evidence
to prove conclusive waterbed dan-
gers, the Housing Policy Board
voted Tuesday to temporarily re-
strict the influx of waterbeds into
University housing "due to po-
tential hazards known at thisI

Fri., Sat.-9:30-2 a.m.
Sunday -6-10 p.m.
Admission $3.75
Strata Concert-Gallery
(near 17th in Detroit)

an evening of "COMING TOGETHER"
t with
> "~Readings from the works of Dr. King and Mal-
colr Boyd's forthcoming work, Human Like
Me, Jesus."
Folksinging led by local artists also.
All proceeds to Southern Christian Leadership
Conference, National Welfare Rights Organiza-
tion, and the United Farmworkers of California.
7:30p.m.-THURSDAY, APRIL 1
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Students $1.50, Adults $2.50, Patrons $14.0
Photo - Richard Lee, Inc.


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turned upon resisting Vietnamese previous year's total was 3,056.
f ?' :.<;:;:::;::.::" .....,.*..*....: L. Wagner, MSU, "William Carlos Wil-
liams: The Descent into Inviolability."
BULLETIN UGLI, Multi-Purpose Rm. 4:10 p.m.
Speech Dept. Performance: "Next"
Arena Theatre. Frieze Bldg., 4:10 p.m.
A ILY OFFICIA L International Night: New England,
Mi. League Cafeteria, 5 p.m.
-g ' g' : Senate Assembly Special Meeting:
Rackham Amph., 7:30 p.m.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an U-M Sierra Club: D. Manty, Z e r o
official publication of the Univer- Population Growth, "Life Styles and
sity of Michigan. Notices should be The Earth Ethic," Red Carpet Lounge,
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to Alice Lloyd Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg.,- before School of Music: Univ. Symphony
2 p.m., of the day preceding pub- Band, W. Revelli, conductor. Hill Aud.,
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for 8 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday. Items ap- i Residential College Players: "End-
pear once only. Student organiza- game" and "Eledtime Story," E. Quad
tion notices are not accepted for Aud.. 8 p.m.
publication. For more information, School of Music: Javanese Dance and
phone 764-9270. Music Lecture: Rackham Lecture Hall,
TY L8 p.m.
THURSDAY, APRIL 1. (Continued on Page 12)

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Day Calendar
Library Science Lecture: C. Jones, De-
troit Pub. Library, "The Urban Lib-
rary Scene: Challenges and Changes,"
Rackham Amph., 1:30 p.m.
Computing Ctr. Lecture: S. Gersten-
berger, "Advanced Use of Magnetic
Tapes in MTS," 1011 N. Univ. Bldg., 3
Sociology Lecture: A. Barton, Co-
lumbia U., "Socialist and Capitalist Eli-
tes: Yugoslavia and the U.S." 2003 An-
gell. Iall, 3:30 p.m.
Mental Health Res. Inst.: E. Costa.
Nat'l Inst.ofMental Health. "Meth-
ods to Measure Brain Monoamina Turn-
over," 1057 M uHRI, 3:45 p.m.
English Language and Lit. Lecture:

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Peace Corps
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9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Peace Corp representative would like to talk
to degree candidates from all schools and
any other skilled or professional people.

- {"
:{tair{}?.'.S { * r - ..... THERE IS
JUDICIAL EXPERIENCE. Jack J. Garris served 14 years as a Circuit Court Commissioner.
First appointed in 1955 by former Gov. G. Mennen Williams to fill an unexpired term, he was
re-elected to the county post until the office was abolished in 1969. He served as President
and Treasurer of the Michigan Association of Circuit Court Commissioners. Presently he is
a member of American Judicature Society, American Trial Lawyers Association and Michigan
Trial Lawyers Association, where he served on the Board of Directors. These make ideal qual-
ifications for presiding over Council Meetings in a dignified manner.
ATTORNEY-AT-LAW in private practice in Ann Arbor-since January of 1952. He received
his Law Degree from George Washington U-niversity Law School, Washington, D.C., in 1951.
He holds memberships in the Washtenaw County Bar, Michigan State Bar and American Bar
Associations. He is a member of the Delta Theta Pi Law Fraternity, and is Past-President of
Wilson Senate; former Legal Aid Chairman of Washtenaw County Bar Association; served as
Director of Washtenaw County Legal Aid Society. A practical in-depth legal experience nece-

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SPAGHETTI-all you can eat for $1.25{
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