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March 19, 1971 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-03-19

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t atn taft
Eighty years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1971


Black Lib Week: A start

THE REAL PURPOSE of Black Libera
tion Week, according to a statemei
issued by the Center for Afro-America
and African studies, is to "highlight th
direction being charted by Black peop
and their future". In this respect th
week has thus far been a resouridin
Students have packed the cultur
events such as the appearance of t h
Harambee Singers, and Tuesday night
performance by Amiri Baraka and t h
Spirit House Movers, and Olatunjo.
Similarly, a larger number of studen
attended Prof. Harold Cruse's two-pa
talk on the "Importance of Black C u
On the other hand, there have been n
real throngs of people attending suc
practical affairs as Tuesday morning
symposium on the "Technological need
of the Black World."
This lack of attendance is not crit
cal and is certainly not the fault of th
organizers of the week. But the lack of a
tendance at these specific events cou
indicate a lack of desire to talk about th
real and concrete ways of intensifyin
the black struggle for liberation.
And the lack of attendance at th
events which deal with concrete issu
is obviously unfortunate, because it9
only through this discussion of specif
solutions that the immediate needs of th
black community can be solved.
For example, during the technologic
symposium, several engineers discuss
An idea
Student Senate called on the facul
and university staff last week to give u
$25 million in negotiated salary increas
for the coming fiscal year amid charg
that the majority of the faculty was n
worth its present pay.
The student proposal was a movet
stave off potential increases in studer
fees, as the University faces a financi
squeeze. The starting salary for assistai
professors is currently $13,760 a yea
with the top salary for full professo
March 10
Editorial Staff

a- very real solutions to some of the prob-
nt lems of the black world. They discussed
in the need for black engineers in the third
he world to solve the problems of emerging
le black nations without making the same
he mistakes whites have made in this coun-
1g try.
They also cited specific countries in
al which help was needed, as well as dis-
e cussing ways of improving the general
's condition of the black community in this
e country. In spite of the importance of
this topic, the talk was attended by only
ts about 25 people.
rt Such concrete discussions must be the
1- basis for any unified struggle on the part
of blacks in this country. Social rhetoric
1o is good for the spirit and the ego, but in
h itself can solve no problems, can feed
;'s no hungry children, can provide the basis
ds for no new black countries.
Still, there is nothing that can detract
i- from the success of the week's cultural
he events, whose purpose was to unify black
t- minds and souls in common experiences.
ld Most of the events of the week have been
Ae characterized by a unification of black
1g thought. Although there have been argu-
ments and disagreements among blacks
he as to where the struggle should go from
es here, the overall thrust of the week has
is been one of unity. Those who have parti-
ic cipated in and attended the activities can
he feel a common struggle and a common
ed RUT WHERE DOES the program go
from here? The week is almost con-
cluded. Will black students around t h e
campus return to business as usual with
perhaps more of an understanding of the
problems but a lack of commitment to
solve them?
's The answer must be no. Black students
ty must intensify their struggle both on the
;es campus and in the black community of
es Ann Arbor. The important issues and
os questions raised during this week must
ot .not be allowed to die.
There is no reason why every week can-
to not be a sort of Black Liberation Weeki
At Seminars and talks can be held at any
al time during the year dealing with speci-
nt ic black problems. Guest speakers can be
rs i invited by the Center to lecture to black
students on topics relating to black peo-
ple. Instead of Black Liberation Week,
this would become Black Liberation
Month, or Decade, or Century, or how-
ever long it takes to examine and im-
plement some viable, although perhaps
not definitive, solutions to the b 1 a c k
These seminars or discussions could
deal with the problems of black Univer-
sity workers being forced to live in Yp-
silanti because of high Ann Arbor rents,
:)f an understaffed, underfunded black
tor studies program, of the Model Cities pro-
tar gram, of the Robert Hunter firing, and of
tor all the other problems facing this black
tor community.

W HEN STUDENT power in the
Office of Student Services
(OSS) was increased last fall, it
was expected some programs im-
proving the quality of local life
might be enacted.
However, the Administration has
so far destroyed all substantive at-
tempts to use that power, and now
threatens to do the same with the
OSS Housing Policy Board's pro-
posal for construction of low cost
housing by the University.
OSS is overseen by a policy
board, composed of a majority of
students, but including also four
faculty members and Vice Presi-
dent for Student Services Robert
Knauss as chairman without vote.
Likewise, similar policy boards
supervise the housing office and
the health service, both ofewhich
operate through OSS.
However, when the OSS Policy
Board moved to bar the on-campus
recruiting by racist corporations,
it faced iron opposition from the
Administration randdthe Regents
thus quickly overrode their deci-
The Regents made their aecision
behind locked doors in the Admin-
istration Building, in contraiction
to the State Attorney General's rul-
ing that their meetings must be
open. When people tried to enter
the meeting, a scuffle broke out
between them and the police. Two
people were arrested on the scene
and another a week later.
As a result of the scuffle the
University executive officers' also
compiled a list of people they
wanted to "get." Being an execu-
tive officer, but one who is bound
by his own word to act in the in-
terest of the OSS policy board or
resign, Knauss was asked by policy
board members who was on the
The other executive officers, un-
derstanding Knauss' predicament,
simply did not tell him whose
names were on the list. Knauss,
though, did admit knowledge of the
list and did release the names on
the list he managed to obtain from
other sources.
Since this behavior his thus far
been the rule rather than the ex-
ception, it is in this context that
students' latest attempt to alter
their lives for the better should be
Shortly before spring break the
OSS Housing Policy Board author-
ized construction, pending approv-
al of the Regents, of 250 low-rent
apartments to open by fall of 1972.
The money is to come in the form
of three per cent loans backed by
the federal government's Depart-
ment of Housing and Urban De-
velopment under the College Hous-
ing Program.
The rents ( $150 per month for a
two bedroom apartment) woui be
based on the amount needed to pay
off the loan, interest, maintenance
and provide all utilities except tele-
phone. The new complex would be
located on Huron Parkway across
from Huron High.
The proposal also contains a pro-
vision for laundry vending equip-
ment, a community center and
child care facilities. The housing

would be open to students and staff,
including AFSCME members
THE PROPOSED "apartments.
while a better deal than anything
else in Ann Arbor, have some draw-
backs, however. As yet there is no
provision for allocation o" the hous-
ing on the basis of need. If the
policy board is not careful, it could
thus find the project full of rich
people taking a saving while the
poor would be no better off than
For example, even though the
proposed rents are low, they are
still out of range of most Univeir-
sity service and maintenance em-
ployes. The board has considered
adjusting rents to income and need,
but it is doubtful HUD would sup-
port such a program. Possibly the
policy board could initiate such
a program after the housing is in
operation. All power to those who
rip-off the federal government.
In addition, the housing *3hould

After long and difficult discus-
sion, the board received the oppor-
tunity to present its case at the
Regents closed hearing this morn-
ing. But since it is not on the agen-
da for the open meeting in the
afternoon (remember: the Regents,
by law, can only take action at an
open meeting), the Regents will be
unable to act on the proposal.
The executive officers draw up
the Regents' agenda.
Vice-President and Chief Finan-
cial Officer Wilbur Pierpont grant-
ed the housing policy board an ap-
pearance last Tuesday, so that he
could air his "questions" about the
project to the community. Pierpont
made a great point of speaking for
himself, yet his remarks confirmed
every rumor as to what the Admin-
istration had been thinking on the
Rumor had it that the executive
officers wondered if the housing
was really needed, questioned who
was to pay the cost of establishing
commuter bus service to the site
and thought that high rise buildings
on central campus might be a bet-
ter' choice of housing at this time.
Predictably Pierpont asked these
same questions plus a few of his
own to back the claim of speaking
for himself.
He cited the "lack of statistical
data of a quantitative nature on the
need for housing," and wondered if
the committee planned to produce
t h e administration w a s ques-
tioning the need for housing start-
ed last week, the sub-committee
which developed the proposal for
the policy board was aghast.
"I can't believe anyone is that
naive," said Dave Cristeller, a
member of the sub-committee,
"and I doubt anyone is. When peo-
ple are paying, for example, $360
per month for an apartment with
dirt floors, I think you can say
there is a need."
Peter Ostafin, Associate Director
of Student Community Relations
has drawn up a report on the need
for housing. He summarized his
findings at the open hearing of the
housing policy board held last
Referring to. the University's
committment to enroll, more stu-
dents from low income families,
Ostafin said, "Apartment housing
for single students is limited. We
need low rent housing for the kinds
of enrollment the University should
be engaging in."
This, however, is not "statistical
data of a quantitative nature," so
the committee came up with soine.
Last year the Federal Housing
Administration reported that Ann
Arbor would need 2,150 units of
housing in both 1971 and 1972. No
estimate beyond next year was
THIS SURVEY was taken during
the summer, a time when the hous-
ing market is usually loose be-
cause many students are not in
town. The survey disclosed a va-
cancy rate of 2.9 percent in all of
Washtenaw County, a figure the
FHA described as "very low."
Pierpont, however, gave no n-
dication he had been convinced by

this statistical data and pressed on
to the transportation issue.
And the transportation issue is
most crucial. Commuter bus ser'v-
ice will be necessary between the
project and Central Campus. W'ih-
out it the project dies. Bus service
will cost an estimated $70,000 per
Pierpont asked, "Would bus
service be covered by subsidy, as
it is now, or would it be fundd in
some other manner." The policy
board has not formally addressed
itself to who is to pay for the bus-

THE PROPOSAL was brollght 4W
before SACUA, but not by Pierpont.
Chip Downs, a member of the sub-
committee which developed the
proposal, discussed it with SACUA
at a recent meeting. SACUA felt,
according to administrative assist-
ant Janice Downs, further faculty
study was needed, so the proposal
was sent to the Student Relations
Committee. SACUA felt this to be
the most appropriate body to deal
with the issue, and as a result sent
it there and nowhere else.
Student Relations then endorsed
the proposal and sent it bark to
SACUA for considerationak its
meeting next Monday.
Pierpont, however. may have
been thinking of the Senate Assem-
bly Committee on University Plan-
ning of which he is a member. This
committee has obtained the repu-
tation as "Pierpont's committee"
around the University.
Pierpont offered central campus
high rise construction as an alter-
native. But the cost of such con-
struction is so astronomical that
less than half the units proposed in
the policy board's low rise pro-
posal could be built in that fashion.
On the central campus site park-
ing would also have to be provided
in the form of a parking structure.
The construction cost of a parking
structure is $2,000 per car, accord-
ing to Housing Director John Feld-
IN THE PAST students have
been bled by such projects as
Crisler'Arena, North Campus Com-
mons and the Administration-Buld-
ing to the tune of millions of dol-
lars. One would think the Univer-
sity could find the $70,000 for more
buses, possibly by cutting Pier-
pont's salary.
What is clear from these events
is that the University Administra-
tion is determined not to allow stu-
dents to make any decisions which
affect them. People like Pierpont
will do anything, say anything to
get their way.
When asked if students would
have to bear the cost of supporting
programs they don't want, provid-
ing Pierpont and his ilk with posh
offices in a fortress at the expense
of low rent housing, Pierpont re-
plied, "I don't quite understand
the question."
It is about time someone made
sure he did.

he subjugation of

student power

Vice President Knauss
es, but it is their hope it will be
the University.
Pierpont says he sent a copy of
the proposal to. the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) for some faculty opinion.
He made a great point of relating
their thoughts on the matter, say-
ing, "SACUA wonders why the Uni-
versity builds housing. If there is
no educational value to the pro-
ject, and the University must as-
'sign funds to this, should it?"
Though this limited view oi the
University should be rejected, it is
not clear just who holds this view.

Vice President Pierpont
be open to the entire community.
The University is largely responsi-
ble for the high price of everything
in Ann Arbor, including housing,
and it's high time the University
took this responsibility seriously.
A member of the policy board
commented that if it had some ex-
tra money to subsidize the housing,
it could confidently open the apart-
ments to lower income people. But
allegedly because of the latest;
budget squeeze, it seems no such
monies are forthcoming, at least
from other sectors of the Univer-
THE REGENTS, however, must
act either today or in April or the
housing will be postponed at least
a year as all applications to HUD
for CHP funds must be tendered
by May 1.
Now we come to the most serious
obstacle confronting the will of'
students as expressed by the hous-
ing policy board-the University's
executive officers.

Tricia 's trousseau:
A taste of prole life
LAST TUESDAY night I was watching the AP wire for the big
story of the night the Indochina roundup. It finally broke, at
about 10 o'clock, but soon after it had begun, it stopped for a
BULLETIN. I wondered what could have happened. Had we invaded
Thailand? No, President and Mrs. Nixon had "formally announce"
the engagement of their- daughter Tricia to Edward Finch Cox.
I decided that my duties as an American citizen require me to
send a present to such an important personage as our President s
daughter, but what could I send to Tricia?
What can you send to a girl who has everything?
I thought about it for a while and hit upon an inspiration; I
would ask The Daily's readers to send in their favorites from my
suggestion list and -then The Daily could send Tricia the most
popular items as wedding gifts.
ALL NEW BRIDES need silverware and dishes, so, to begin with, ~
I thought I'd send Tricia a place setting of quaddie china and some
quaddie silver. Imagine Tricia and Ed, eating from spoons engraved
U.M.R.H. The joy of having launched them towards prole living!
For reading pleasure for the newlyweds, how about Dr. Ruben's
light masterpiece, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About
Sex? A friend of mine volunteers to send her copy. Anything for a
worthy cause.
In conjunction with the Ruben book, I would send a year's pre-
scription of birth control pills. By the time they run out, Tricia should


Letters to The Daily

Executive Editor

Managing Editor

STEVE KOPPMAN .. Editorial Page Edi
RICK PERLOFF .. Associate Editorial Page Edi
PAT MAHONEY . . Assistant Editorial Page Edi
LYNN WEINER . Associate Managing Edit
LARRY LEMPERT Associate Managing Edi
ANITA CRONE ........... ..,. . .. Arts Edi
JIM JUDKIS ........... Photography Edi
NIGHT EDITORS: Tammy Jacobs, Jonathan Mill
Carla Rapoport, Hester Pulling, Robert Schrein
W. E. Schrock.
COPY EDITORS: Rose Sue Berstein, Mark Dillen, &
DAY EDITORS: Linda Dreeben, Alan Lenhoff, Art L
ner, Jim McFerson. Hannah Morrison, Gene Rob
son, Geri Sprung, Debra Thal.
Cohn, Mike McCarthy, John Mitchell, Kristin Ri
strom, Chris Parks, Zachary Schiller, Ken Schul
John Shamraj, Gloria Smith, Ted Stein. Chuck W
Sports Staff
MORT NOVECK, Sports Editor
JIM KEVRA, Executive Sports Editor
RICK CORNFELD ....~.. Associate Sports Edit


BLACK LIBERATION Week was a start,
and a very good one, toward these
solutions. But it was only a start, and
it can provide no answers. Now it is up
to blacks to continue the drive. Black
Liberation Week has laid the foundation
for what must be a long series of talks,
discussions, seminars, and more import-
antly, actions, which must result in an
overall improvement in the black condi-

Dean Bond
To The Daily:
AT LAST MONTH'S R e g e n t s
meeting, F. A. Bond, Dean of the
Graduate School of Business Ad-
ministration, was one of the peo-
ple who voiced opposition to an
increased role for students in de-
termining University affairs. In
particular, he spoke against Uni-
versity-wide enactment of the Of-
fice of Student Services (OSS) re-
cruitment policy barring racist
and sexist recruiting. Why is Dean
Bond against a greater student in-
put into the decision making pro-
cess? Perhaps he fears that stu-
dents will next turn their atten-
tion to the issue of war recruit-
ing, and, specifically, University
people who have extensive ties
with the military.

Dean Bond is on the board of
directors of Hayes-Albion. His
company has extensive contracts
with the Department of Defense
for anti-personnel weapons ($8.5
n ill i o n in the last two and
a half years). It makes metal
parts for 2'.75 inch rocket war-
heads and launchers. These war-
heads contain slender projectiles
(called "flechettes"), capable of
literally shredding human flesh.
-Joel Silverstein, 72 LSA
RIP's plans
To The Daily:
I WISH TO question Tony
Schwartz's cursory dismissal of
the Radical Independent Party as
a viable political force in Ann Ar-
bor. (Daily, March 13).
While it is certainly true that



some people tired of the lengthy
debate involved in producing the
coherent radical analysis which
was to become the party's plat-
form, nevertheless this very plat-
form was the result of the collab-
oration of a large and dedicated
group of people within RIP. Con-
trary to what Mr. Schwartz inti-
mated, RIP is alive and growing.
RIP is running two candidates,
Jerry DeGriek and Doug Cornell,
for 2nd ward councilman and ma-
yor respectively.
Moreover, unlike the ad hoc
groups Mr. Schwartz alluded to,
RIP sees itself as an ongoing po-
litical force, and to that end, is
already planning on running a
candidate in the June school board
election. An effort of such magni-
tude cannot be the work of one,
two or even ten people; RIP is
rather the effort of a large and
growing group of radicals w h o
want to make radical politics rel-
evant to local Ann Arbor govern-
ment, and for this reason RIP is
undoubtedly one of the most sig-
nificant groups to emerge from
Ann Arbor in a long time.
-Barbara Rimer
To The Daily:
ALTHOUGH the main point of
Robert Petty's letter (March 11)
was to point out the hypocrisy of
some students and issues at the
University, he missed a signifi-
cant difference in the examples
he used.
The fact that hypocrisy exists
. J. DeGrieck can vote NO
on $30 for ZPG and then vote in
favor of $250 for the political par-
ty upon whose slate he runs." -
does not bother me. Hypocrisy has
always existed, and as far as I can

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be sufficiently educated to take care of herself, but in the meantime
we don't want any unwanted kiddies running around, now do we?
To enhance Tricia's social awareness, raise her consciousness even,
how about a custom-designed red "fast armband", size three? Along
with it, of course, would go a suitable uniform: pre-tattered jeans
and perma-prest work shirt, the latest in Villager "with-it" garb, I've
been told. And maybe even a Sisterhood is Powerful button to com-
plement the outfit.
NOW FOR A little bit of fun. We could send a deluxe model
water pipe and five grams of fine hash, but' I fear it might pass by
unappreciated. Maybe 14 pieces of watermelon bubblegum would be
nice. Or a "500 names for your new baby" book. Would the charming
couple enjoy a waterbed? Who knows?
And that is the, problem. How can be judge the tastes of these


5AL W.- KW

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