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March 12, 1971 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-03-12

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Friday, March 12, 1971


;Page Seven

Friday, March 12, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven

Student Gov't. Elections Day Cal
Chemistry Dept. O
tion of computer sear
c 30nHd 31Handbook data: Ch:
March 30nandg31aContanu .,
Comparative Studie
ture: C. Schorske, Pri
Petitioning now open for Redevelopment and I
18601910" (with slide
Hall, 4 p.m.
1 Astronomy Colloqi
President and Vice-President U.C.L.A. "A Comparis
Observation for the
and for, quence" P&A Colloq.
Project Community
Turner revue plusS
r rt I i and 9 p.m.

ggmaegg~gma~tasgimgsmgggmmni##iysysama A ASCHOOL FUNDING CUT:
------NEA survey c
ARCH 12 Iand telescopic observations of moon, sets b la ck
Au. B, Angell Hall, 8:30 p.m.
endar Placement Eafuture teac he
n-line demonstra- SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICES jaits w ee
ching of Chemical 212 S.A.B
rysler Center for For more info about any of the fol- Continued from page 1 WASHINGTON (P) - Taxpayer on school m2
lowing announcements, call 764-7460, Hinton, Reginald Gammon, and revolts and shrinking federal-state tion, he said.
ask for Summer Placement , Mahler Ryder. aid threaten public schools with Many stat
s in History Lec- CMovie Today, BrBar Rach 717., msRanchchr.ayff aCalifncto.U,.UranMahler tiscap iRyder.n t n hepferoblietRoer Manysstn
nceton U., "Urban imovies on this camp will be shown at In the afternoon poet Robert massive teacher layoffs and more are resisting
ts Critics: Vienna, Cinema Guild Theater in Arch. Aud., Hayden will read from his works strikes, according to a National increased pa
s), Aud. Et, Angell at 5 p.m., free, and Val Gray Ward and the Education Association survey re- quality of ed
Abraham & Straus, Brooklyn, N.Y.:
uium: . E. Upton, assignments in area of sales, customer Khumba Workshop of Chicago leased Wednesday. more teach
son of Theory and serv., sales super., comparison shop- will present a program of dance, '"I can't say now that it's at the said.
Upper Main Se- ping and merchandising. music, and poetry Thursday eve- panic stage but economically we He predict
Rm., 4 p.m. Hamburg Recreation League, H am-p
y: Ike & Tina burg, Mi., opening for Prog. Supvr. ning. are headed into the tightest period financial binc
SRC, |Hill Aud, 7 Analytic Services, Inc., opening f o r Friday will include a day-long for school dollars in the past 25 reducing fa
Res. Asst. grad level for weapon system symposium on "The Black Move- years." said NEA Executive Sec- class sizes.
; nalsumio og ri iiu _. " i

ites threat of
r layoffs, strikes

aintenance and opera-
es said school boards
teacher demands for
y. Lower salaries and
ducation could lead to
er strikes, Lambert

out the window when a class gets
larger." added Allan M. West, NEA
deputy executive secretary.
States are levying property
taxes at unprecedented levels," he
"In some states the property tax
is 5 per cent of the sale value of

C Orson 'Welles Film Society: "True atnal Park Concessions, appl. are leare
Grit" and "Cool Hand Luke," Nat. Sci. available for these Nat. Parks: Mam- talk will feature Robert Williams,
Aud., 7 and 9:30 p.m. moth Cave, Ky., Big Bend. Tx., Isle formerly of the Republic of New
M embers-IAT-Large Sch. of Music: D. Zieler, clarinet, Sch. Royal, Mi., Alympic, Wash., Blue Ridge, Africa, James Turner, from the
of Music Recital Hall, 8 p.m. Parkway, V.-N.C., deadline March 15. African Center at Cornell Uni-
International Folk Dance: Barbour RCA Corp., N.J., summer intern posi- vei
(SEVEN SEATS) Gym, 8 p.m tions availtin Camden, Hightstown, a J hike auci'
and Burlington. director of African studies at Ho-
Philosophy Lecture: T. Cohen, U. of Equitable Life Assurance Co., N.Y.: ward University. That n i g h t,
Petiions avalale at Chicago, W. ConI. Rm., Rackham, 8 announces summer actuarial training the Contemporary Jazz Quintet
program for undergrads having com- will perform.
Chamber Arts Series: Munich Chain- pleted at least two years in math, econ. On Sunday a black film festival
ber Orchestra, Hans Stadlmair, conduc- or stat.. will be held to show film of lead-
DEADLINE FOR FILING IS tor, Rackham Aud., 8:30 p.m. Penn. Dept. of Trans.,.Harrisburg, civ-ds
Astronomy Dept. Visitors' Nights: J. ii engr. trainee prog. open to students ing black filmmakers and to dis-
FRIDAY, MARCH 19 AT 5:00 P.M. Hills, "Recent Scientific Results from who have completed their soph. year. ' cuss "Black Perspectives in t h e
Manned and Unmanned Exploration of Ram Island Yacht Club., Conn., open- Media." The week will be con-
Sthe Moon;" after lecture Student Ob- ings for steward and sailing instructor; cluded that night with a Ujamaa
servatory will be open for inspection must be 21. dinner, with Pioneer Highs black
{..}?._________°'."}s_____________..._. students. A Ujamaa dinner is a
traditional African family dinner
time to find out about LOVE STORY
B a tk can be yours to enjoy for years to come Get this and other O rder
iii great movie themes at
TdPhone 417
The Third WorldE NO 2-4675E Liberty Subscription
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retary Sam Lambert. "Generally
The 1.1-million-member NEA things we kn
considers the matter so serious, he
said, that it is drafting guidelines
for its state affiliates to resist ef-
forts to dismiss teachers and in-
crease class sizes.
Some states reduced or eliminat-
ed health program, Lambert said,
hitting hardest the children ; of
lower income families who need'
assistance for eye, hearing and (Conti
speech defects. A thirdt
"I hope they don't start cutting 50-minute
mass immunization programs. Few scenes at a
people realize that the schools are tired-and-p(
one of the best vehicles for mass porno flick.
control of health," he said. Want willz
The NEA survey showed the most macab
more populous states to be in the tival. Every
greatest trouble, he said. people ofs

ed schools boards in a the property. That's too damned
d will first recommend high. In addition to that states have
culty and increasing high sales and income taxes. You
can look at a number of states
speaking, all the new where you can find all three fac-
now about teaching go tors present," he said.
aing the cities aInd
0le surrounding1.us
nued from Page 2) love for the Chicago world that
documentary was a Palazzola has explored before in
1 o o k behind-the- films 1 i k e He and the Bride
group of the world's Stripped Bare.
oor-refuse making a There was unadulterated ex-
Give Em What They huberance on the program as
most likely be t h e well: most notably in Sort of a
bre event of the fes- Commercial for an Icebag, a
one knows that ,real film by Michael Hugo and Eric
some sort or other Saarinen on painter-sculptor-

The Kansas teacher organization,
for example, reported a sampling
of 311 districts revealed 20.8 per
cent reduced staffs for 1971. Or-
ganized taxpayer protests, it added,,
had defeated bond elections.
Thirty three California school
districts went broke and had to
borrow money, said Dr. Robert L.
Donter a Los Angeles ,choolj
board member.
Los Angeles schools will end the
year about $40 million in the red
although they reduced curricula
and health services, eliminated
dental examinations and cut back


have to be involved in the mak-
ing of those 42nd Street class-
ics; but it comes as a gruesome
surprise to see how unreal these
people are when you really see
them at' 1 a s t. James Bryan's
film is a kind of supervoyeuris-
tic venture: tapping the voyeur's
instinct to hold attention on a
film about voyeurs making a
film for other voyeurs featuring
exhibitionists. It is all very com-
plicated but grim and hilarious
at the same time.
Theorist Room by Tom :'alaz-
zola is a powerful montage of
the loneliness of a big city -
Chicago. Reminiscent of the
strangely depopulated canvases
of Hopper and perhaps even de
Chirico, Theorist Room builds
slowly and carefully until the
most commonplace of city ob-
jects become surrealist visions
of estrangement and alienation.
But there is also an underlying

magician-punster Claes Olden-
berg. A superb portrait of the
mind of a far-out and superla-
tive artist, Commercial docu-
ments (in a surreal sort of way)
Oldenberg's evolving concept of
a supersculpture based on the
form of an icebag.
Wednesday night had a few
more down-and-out losers than
the opening ' program, which
may be one reason why one be-
gins to wonder about the whole
selection process. Why, for in-
stance, screen Jane Grossman
Painter and leave out Cosmos?
Why screen Dana and Clay at
all when Norman MeLaren has
said it all long before and infin-
itely better in Pas de Deux?
But there was Ticket F r e d
again, and P a t Oleszco as a
chicken, at least' one of them
laying an egg here and there,
and . . . well, go and see for

(ByA tk authrifRally Round the Flag, Boys...DobieGiltis...etc.)

Don't Miss the first Master Invitational
& Waterbed Match (and excuse for a party) 4
at Tom and Harry's Wave of the Future
Waterbed store.
r Saturday Nigkt
Come and Dig it!
..._$ $ - -_.----

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Quo Vadis; or Your Chariot Is On My Foot
I know it sounds crazy, but there's still a chance you might not
dunk out of school. (You're laughing, but it's possible.) It is, however,
a very slim chance and it will require you to do something you've
never done before: take notes.
Why haven't you been taking notes? I'll tell you why. Let's sup-
pose you're at a history lecture. Let's suppose the topic is the ruling
houses of England. You start out fine. You put down the lecturer's
points one after another with Roman numerals just like you're sup-
posed to. Like this:
I. House of Plantagenet
II. House of Lancaster
III. House of York
Then suddenly you stop. You put down your pen. You blink back
a tear. You can't go on. Oh sure, you know the next ruling house is the
House of Tudor.What you don't know is the Roman numeral that
comes after III.
There's the hangup-those cruddly Roman numerals! How come
we keep using them when even the Romans didn't know how? Oh, I
guess they could tell you how much V or X were or like that, but when
it came to skullerackers like LXI or MMC, they just flang away their
styluses and went downtown to have a bath or take in a circus or may-
be stab Caesar a few times.
You may wonder why Rome stuck with these ridiculous numerals
when the Arabs had such a nice simple system. Well sir, the fact is that
Emperor Vespasian tried like crazy to buy the Arabic numerals from
the Sultan, Sulieman the Hairy, but Sulieman wouldn't do business-
not even when Vespasian raised his bid to 100,000 gold piasters, plus
he offered to throw in the Colosseum, the Appian Way and Charlton
So Rome stuck with Roman numerals-to its sorrow, as they
found. One day in the Forum, Cicero and Pliny the Elder got to argu-
ing about how much is CDL times MVIX. Well sir, pretty soon every-
body in town came around to join the hassle. In all the excitement
nobody remembered to lock the north gate and-wham! before you
could say ars longa-in rushed the Goths, the Visigoths and the Green
Bay Packers!
Well sir, that's the way the empire crumbles, but I digress. Let's
get back to lecture notes. Let's also say a word about Miller High Life
Beer because the brewers of Miller High Life Beer sponsor this column
and they're inclined to sulk if I don't mention their product. Natu-
rally, they don't sulk long, the brewers of Miller High Life Beer, for
they are ebullient, great-spirited men, as chock-full of sunniness as the
beer they brew. Believe me, I know. Every Tuesday I have lunch with
them at the brewery and I've never seen such a fun place!
The lunches always get off to a rousing start with everybody sing-
ing the Miller Pep Song which you all know, of course:
I'm a keg of Miller- I'm a keg of Miller-
I will please your palate. So go and get a mallet.
I'm a keg of Miller- I'm a keg of Miller-
I will make you feel young. And bang away at my bung.
Well sir, this is only the beginning. Next, everyone gets up in turn
and does a hilarious bit. For instance, Frank Glebe from Hops Control
imitates a chicken; Rex Gransmire from Label Gumming touches his
ear with his tongue; Charley Froos from Malt Flow cracks a walnut
in his armpit; Norman Berswang from Fermentation touches his arm-

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