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February 18, 1971 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-02-18

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Thursday, February 18, 1971

t THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 18, 197 I A

You Are Invited to Attend
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By CHUCK DRUKIS regional they would be in, or a
When the going gets rough, lower prestige NIT bid.
whLAets thog et Brua USC, who choked in the final
UCLA gets tough. The Bruins, an- minutes of a recent nationally
nual winners of the NCAA tourna- televised game against UCLA, kept
ment, again demonstrated their their third place ranking w i t h
pressure basketballmanship with convincing victories over Oregon
a 69-68 win over Oregon and a 67- and Oregon State. However, be-
65 win over .Oregon State t h i s cause of their Pacific Conference
weekend to keep their number one loss to UCLA, USC faces the pos-
ranking on the AP poll. Marquet- sibility of not making the NCAA
te's undefeated Warriors kept tournament.
their number two spot by dispos- The number-four-ranked Pen-
ing of both Wisconsin and Detroit. nsylvania Quakers thrashed Brown
Last year's NIT tournament and Yale. Nonetheless, Penn is
winner, Marquette is undecided having stiff competition in the Ivy
whether to accept an NCAA bid, League, leading Harvard and Co-
which they turned down last year lumbia by only one and two
because of a dispute over what games respectively.
Referee benched by pot
Pity the poor referee.
Gary Lee Baker of Battle Creek stepped outside for a smoke
last Friday night after calling the first half of the Pennfield Town-
ship-Battle Creek St. Phillip game. Okay on the surface, but police
reported that Baker was smoking those funny cigarettes.
Upon his euphoric re-entrance into the gym, Baker was shaken
down by police. He paid the price of their eternal vigilance when
they discovered that the groovy ref had a pair of joints in his
Baker demanded examination Tuesday in Battle Creek Dis-
trict Court on a charge of possession of marijuana. He is cur-
rently out of jail on $500 bond.
As luck would have it, police had been called to the game to
break up the beginnings of a brawl between toughs from the two
high schools. They searched everyone entering the gym for wea-
pons, and netted three knives.
To the surprise of the gendarmes, however, Baker had some-
thing much more exotic than a knife. Although Baker's joints
could hardly have been used to precipitate a brawl, police confis-
cated both them and their owner.
One policeman, in the traditional good humor of his profession,
commented after Baker's arrest that "being a referee is a pretty
hectic job, I guess."

Rounding out the top five, the tucky leads the conference with

Big Eight leading Kansas Jay-
hawks remained number five by
overwhelming both Colorado and
The Jacksonville Dolphins, led
by giant Artis Gilmore, rolled to
three consecutive victories this
week to stay number six.
South Carolina moved from
tenth to seventh. Its rival in the
Atlantic Coast Conference, North
Carolina, moved from eleventh to
eighth. Strangely enough, North
Carolina leads the conference with
an 8-1 record followed by Virgin-
ia at 6-4 and South Carolina at
Western Kentucky d r o p p e d
from seventh to ninth after suf-
fering a loss at the hands of un-
ranked Dayton. The third inde-
pendent team of the top ten be-
sides Jacksonville andnMarquette,
Duquesne, moved to number ten
on the virtue of three consecutive
La Salle, in a rugged battle with
St. Josephs in the Middle Atlantic-
East-Section Conference, moved
from thirteenth to eleventh place.
Kentucky tumbled from eighth
last week to twelfth after losing
one over the weekend. Tennessee,
Kentucky's Southeastern Confer-
ence foe, received the number
thirteen ranking. Presently, Ken-

a 10-2 record, but in close pursuit
are both Tennessee and Vander-
bilt with 9-3 records.
Notre Dame, the only team to
stop UCLA this year, lost again
and slipped to number fourteen.
Another independent team, Utah
State, is ranked fifteenth.
The well balanced Michigan
Wolverines remained sixteenth,
despite a hard fought win over
Purdue. Murray State, a member
of t h e Ohio Valley Conference
along with ninth-ranked Western
Kentucky, follows Michigan. Both
Murray State and Western Ken-
tucky exhibit 8-1 conference rec-
ords, but are closely pursued by
East Tennessee with a 6-1 record.
Fordham, after losing their 6-10
center, now have a starting lineup
averaging only 6-2. Nevertheless,
their full court press and f a s t
break have earned them an out-
standing record and the eighteen-
th spot.
Louisville, leading the Missouri
Valley Conference with a 6-3 mark
over St. Louis who is 5-3, moved
into t h e nineteenth spot, while
Ohio State, second to Michigan
in the Big Ten, took the twen-
tieth spot. Louisville and Oh 10
State replaced Villonova a n d
Houston from the previous poll.




-Associated Press
SIDNEY WICKS (35), the country's premier college forward and
the man who makes UCLA go, watches Jacksonville's Artis Gil-
more (53) rip off a rebound in last year's NCAA championship
game. The two teams will be battling for the title again this year.

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puts shot a mile



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I know a man, he's a powerful man
He's got the people in his power
In the palm of his hand.
He started from the bottom and
worked his way up
Now he's never going to stop
Until he reaches the top.
It's the same old story, it's the same
old dream,
It's powerman, powerman.K
-from "Powerman" by the Kinks
One need only glance at the
Herculean proportions of Mich-
igan's super freshman shotput-
ter Steve Adams as he launches
the sixteen-pound metal ball in-
to the air to recognize the ap-
propriateness of these words
from a recent song by Adams'
favorite group, the Kinks.
Indeed, Adams displays such
power as he hurls the shot that
it was little wonder that he was
one of t h e most sought-after
trackmen in the nation last
s p r i n g, prompting numerous
coaches to think of him as a po-
tential Karl Salb or Randy Mat-
At a substantial 6-7, 275,
Adams is easily one of the larg-
est putters in the nation. He is
so large, in fact, t h a t rather
than wear a normal track
warmup suit, Adams has the dis-
tinction of sporting a basketball
warmup suit that belonged to
the late Bill Buntin.
But it is not his size alone
that distinguishes Adams from
the ranks of ordinary shotput-
ters. A high school All-Ameri-
can and New Jersey state champ
at St. Joseph's Regional, Adams
was officially recognized as the
top schoolboy putter in the na-


(next to South Quad)





tion, with a best put of 66 feet.
Surprisingly enough, Adams'
track history extends back on-
ly to his freshman year in high
school. Although his dad, an Il-
linois graduate, had p u t the
shot, Adams never seriously con-
sidered the sport until t h a t
A tackle on the football team
in his freshman fall, he took up
track at the urging of his high
school mentor. As Adams puts
it, "Coach Murphy came up to
me one afternoon and asked if
I was interested in trying the
shot. I agreed, and after that
the only varsity sport I was in-
terested in was track."
But despite his preoccupation
with track and field, where he
took up the discus as well as
the shot, he still found time to
play CYO basketball and was
subsequently named to the all-
star squad for his efforts.
While visiting the east coast,
Michigan field coach Jack Har-
vey needed only one look at the
Atlas-like youngster to decide
that Adams was just the man
Michigan needed to bolster its
track and field hopes.
After seeing him toss the shot
at a meet in Jersey City as a
junior at St. Josephs, Harvey set
about to convince the athlete of
that same thing.
A period of two y e a r s of
frequent b u t non - pressured
communication ensued. After a
visit to campus in October of his
senior year, Adams, a product
of a Big Ten oriented family,
notified an eager Harvey of his
decision to attend.
However as Harvey feared
might be the case, an offer from
Kansas, home of shotputting
aces Karl Salb and Steve Wil-
helm, momentarily s w a y e d
Adams' resolve a n d he wrote
An Unusual Look At
Places such as: Rome, Berlin,
Prague, Paris, Monte Carlo, Ge-
neva, French Riviera, and more
How long: 7 weeks, from May 5
to June 26, 1971 including 10
days behind the IRON CURTAIN
Details: Thursday, February 18,
Mass Meetings:
Central Campus: UGLI Multi-
purpose room 7:00 p.m.
North Campus: Bursley Hall
main lounge 9 p.m.

Harvey that he planned to ac-
cept Kansas' offer.
But the impetuousness of the
youth was outweighed by the ef-
forts of George Wade, a form-
er New Jersey resident who had
coached Harvey. Wade tele-
phoned Adams to discuss h i s
latest decision and, as a result,
Adams once again contacted the
elated field coach to reassert
his intention of attending Mich-
It isn't often that a confer-
ence record holder looks for-
ward to seeing his mark shat-
tered, although he knows it in-
evitably must happen. But Har-
vey, a former Michigan putter
who still owns both the Big Ten
indoor a n d outdoor marks,
seems intent on coaching h is
young protege to that new rec-
ord in his freshman season.
Adams has been tossing the
weight in the neighborhood of
56 feet of late and adding near-
ly a foot a week to his tosses,
in keeping with Harvey's sch-
edule, but he's not really satis-
fied with his performances.
"In high school I wasn't sat-
isfied. I should have hit 70 feet
with the twelve pound shot. I
guess now I won't be satisfied
until I hit sixty feet. But then,
I suppose if I hit 58 or so, sixty
won't mean too much and I'll
have to aim for 62 or 63," the
athlete revealed.
Harvey however is not as pes-
simistic as his young student.
"We're hoping t h a t Steve
can be putting in the neighbor-
hood of 60 feet at the Big Ten's.
He has such great size, which is
a definite asset, and if he keeps
working he should be able to
take the Big Ten title."
"But," he continues, "Steve is
only eighteen and still growing.
He still hasn't developed his up-
per body to full capacity. We've
4 got to work on his speed and
form. By the time he's a senior,
S t e v e should be throwing
around 68 feet consistently."
And the affable young athlete
speaks well of his mentor. It is
obvious from the first that they
are the best of friends. But he

admits, "It's rather hard being
such good friends with your
coach sometimes. You feel you
just can't disappoint him."
One aspect of Adams talent
that both men agree has im-
proved under Harvey's tutelage
is his putting form.
"I guess my form wasn't very
good in high school," Adams ad-
mits. "At the Golden West meet
Jessie Stuart, the youngest of
the famed Stuart brothers and
runner up on the shot put in that
meet, commented on how bad
my form was."
But more recently, at the Mich-
igan Relays where the two were
once again competing against
one another, Stuart noticed that
Adams form had improved ap-
preciably, a fact both Adams and
H a r v e y are understandably
pleased about.
A discussion of Stuart natur-
ally leads into a discussion of the
nature of Adams' competition.
While looking ahead to the ex-
citement and challenge of throw-
ing against putters like Salb and
Wilhelm in the NCAA's next
month, the young giant is realis-
tic enough to acknowledge that,
at least for the moment, his main
rivalry remains with his fellow
Big Ten opponents.
Minnesota's Colin Anderson, to
whom he lost at the Michigan
State Relays, and Winchell, In-
diana's defending indoor champ,
are among his prime challengers
in his estimation.
As for college competition on
the whole Adams readily agrees
that it is "really big time: In
high school there was really no
pressure, but that's not the case
here. But the sport means more
to me now.
Despite the fact that he feels
that sometimes "track is like
pulling teeth", Adams unhesitat-
ingly recommends the sport to
all interested young men, saying
"When I was a freshman in high
school I was a shy little boy, but
track gave me confidence. And
competing offers a great oppor-
tunity to travel and meet people."

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