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January 23, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-23

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Low- 15
Cloudy, Nwindy:
light snow

Vol. LXXXI, No. 96

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 23, 1971

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

_ __

Regen ts



-Daily-Denny Gainer
MEMBERS at the opening session of Ann Arbor's new radical
political party vote to add a day to their convention. The conven-
tion was originally scheduled to end tomorrow night.
Radical party opens
four-dyconventi on
Opening its weekend convention last night, Ann Arbor's new
radical party voted to add a fourth day to the convention, giving party
members a week to caucus before nominating candidates for the April
city elections.
Although the meetings were previously scheduled to end tomorrow
night, an alternative agenda was accepted. About 75 people attended
'he opening sessions
The new agenda postpones the choice of party officers and can-
didates for city office until next Saturday.
- During the convention, the par-
* ty also plans to formulate a plat-
form and determine party struc-
ture and function.
Last night's opening session,
chaired by Marty McLaughlin,
"71, and Nancy Rosen, a member
Af the party's temporary steering
Allen J. Britton, a leading committee, adopted rules, forma-
scholar in American music educa- lized the agenda, and heard re-
tion, was appointed dean of the ports from members of the tem-
music school yesterday. porary steering committee.
Britton's appointment, approved The party was first organized in
by the Regents at their monthly a Dec. 12 convention for the pur-
public meeting, comes 15 months pose of presenting an alternative
afterc he ecmes cting meanthto the Democratic and Republican
after he became acting dean o parties. At that time the te
the school. porary steering committee wa.
Announcing the appointment, chosen to plan for the present
'resident Robben Fleming said, convention.
"Allen Britton has provided strong Today the party will hold oper
leadership of the music school w.rkshops in the Student Activi-
leadeshipties Bldg. to formulate platform
during his acting deanship. He proposals, and tonight will Consid-
has brought to the post a fine er proposals formulated in the
background of teaching and ad- workshops dealing with commun-
ministration." Fleming added. ity services, labor relations, and
_ racism.
Britton came to the University
faculty in 1949 as assistant pro- tinue consoo erow g patfo w co-
fessor in the music school and lec- posals on such topics as sexism,
turer in the education school. He taxes, militarism, ecology, youth
was promoted to associate pro- culture, and the University.
fessor in 1953, professor in 1959 Tomorrow night, there will b
**n asisantdea o th muicplenary sessions to formulate
end assistant dean of the music rules on the structure and func-
school in 1960. In 1962 he was tion for the party. Party members
named associate dean. He was will spend next week organizing
chairman of the music education for Saturday's nominating con-
department from 1959 to 1969. vention.

ta ks
The Regents y e s t e r d a y
approved continuation of ne-
gotiations between the Uni-
versity and McDonnell Doug-
las Corp. concerning a possible?
transfer to the University of
McDonnell's lease on the Con-
ductron Corp. property.
In other action the Regents ap-
proved plans for a new sports
service building; tabled permission
for student-run WCBN to apply
for an FM license; decided to paya
the Ann Arbor school board an
assessment in lieu of propertyh
taxes for Northwood apartment
residents; and gave final approval
to a University branch of county'
legal aid service.
The Conductron property agree-
ment, which would not take effect
earlier than March 1, would result
in the University's leasing 63
acres of land adjacent to North
Campus and of 150,000 square}
feet of building floor space on
the property.
Also revealed yesterday was the>
possibility of an accompanying gifts
from McDonnell of $330,000 in
office and laboratory equipment
now in the buildings provided that
the owners of the land, Research
Properties Co. of Birmingham,
approve any agreement between
McDonnell and the University.
The proposal would gather on a REGENTS PAUL BROWN, Ge
single site segments of the engi- discussion of the University's eff
neering school; the Institute for on North Campus.
Science and Technology, which co- ~ __
ordinates much of the University's
scientific research work; and Wil- 500 CASUALTIES:
low Run Laboratories, which per-___
form much of the University's
classified research.
In other action, the Regents ap-o
proved the construction of the new Cm
sports services building. The new
$365,000 structure would house
medical facilities, increased physi-
cal education classrooms, aknd
locker room space for varsity and
freshman football.
Final approval of the project
had been delayed a month at the PHNOM PENH, Cambodia () -
December Regents meeting because The Cambodian capital was on full
of faculty objections that the ex- alert yesterday, after a predawn
penditure might be inappropriate attack by Communist forces in-
in the midst of general budget cuts. flicted an estimated 500 casualties
However, the protesting faculty and destroyed 95 per cent of the
later approved the proposal in a nation's operational air force.
special committee report prepared Mortars and r o c k e t s fell
for Senate Assembly-the faculty throughout the day on the city
representative body - and Presi- and fighting continued in the
dent Robben Fleming. Included countryside nearby. U.S. and
with the proposal approved yes- South Vietnamese planes bombed
terday was a suggestion that the Communist mortar and troop po-
athletic department emphasize in- sitions on the city's outskirts and
creasing its reserves intended for a relief convoy of South Vietna-
the construction of improved in- mese troops arrived..
tramural facilities. U.S. military analysts say they
More hotly debated was a pro- think the attack on the airport
posal to make WCBN, the Univer- was a response to the widening
sity's student radio outlet, a 10 American involvement in Cam-
watt FM station. Currently the bodia.
See REGENTS, Page 10 A Cambodian officer said he be-
LU' efforts to end fuel
of Willow Run Creek



WASHINGTON (R) - In his third State of the Union
Address, President Nixon last night asked Congress to share
$16 billion a year in federal revenues with state and local
governments and to guarantee medical care for the poor.
In his 4,600-word prepared address to a joint Senate-
House session and to the nation by radio-television broadcast,
Nixon also recommended that the present 12 Cabinet de-
partments be cut to eight for reasons of efficiency and
Nixon said he planned to leave the Departments of State,
Treasury, Defense and Justice as they are, consolidating the
others into Departments of Human Resources, Community
Development, N a t u r a l Re--- -
sources and Economic Devel-
opment.as-abupng raid
These were the three major ele-
ments in a six-goal blueprint
Nixon laid down for the new 92nd
Congress. Long controversy and aw ak ens
debate over his ideas seemed a cer-


-Daily-Denny Gainer
rald Dunn, and Gertrude Huebner (left to right) listen to yesterday's
forts to obtain a lease of the Conductron Corp. plant and property

iniss. devastater
Sdian air frce
lieved about 10 North Vietnamese Although the lost planes repre-
or Viet Cong commandoes entered sent most of Cambodia's air1
the airport behind a mortar bar- strength, U.S. military sources sug-E
rage during yesterday morning's gested the impact could easily be,
attack. Three of the 10 were exaggerated. Most of the air sup-E
known to be dead last night. port for Cambodian troops has
Yesterday's action was similar come from U.S. and South Viet-
to the 1968 Tet offensive against namese planes. j
Saigon which began with an attack According to U.S. analysts, thet
on Ton Son Nhut airport. Phnom Penh airport has been1
poorly guarded for many months.t
The surprise raid, which began But it was not until the Unitedl
aroundt t a.m., destroyed a navy States began giving air combat
base at the edge of the city, dam- support to South Vietnamese and
aged an army base and blew upsuprtoSthVenmead
military supplies. Cambodians clearing Highway '
that the Communist command or-1
Cambodian representatives said dered the attack on the airport.
more than 10 planes and four premier Lon Nol went to the
helicopters were lost, while news- Premr onssets the
paper correspondents counted a airport to assess the damage fies-
greater number of damaged planes terday and ordered subordinates
and choppers. to get it back in operation as soon
_nd__h__ers as possible. By mid-afternoon, one'
transport plane took off and of-
ficials hoped to reopen the airport
L ollution today.
The linkup of Cambodian and
South Vietnamese forces did not1
n ear lin s mean an end to the fighting or
ear fsh 'Highway 4. A Saigon spokesman;
reported three fresn outbreaks c
the water," according to J o h n fighting along the highway.
Weidenbach, the University's di- The fighting was not extensive
rector of plant extensions. but it suggested the Communist
The left-over water is channeled command left behind some troops
into the Ypsilanti water Trea- to harass the allies and try to
ment Center through a sanitary t
sewer instead of flowing into Wil- rupt supply lines.
low Run Creek, Weidenbach said. But the perils of ambush ane
The separated oil is stored in a harassment were not the only bar-
large tank until it is reclaimed by riers to reopening the highway.
commercial contractors, he added.
Janveja explained that the new
installations include a large re-
servoir system that will hold 10 .
to 15 minutes of maximum rain-
"The theory is that all fuels and
oil on the field will wash off in the
first movements of any big storm
and end up in the reservoir instead
of the creek," Janveja said.
The water collected in the reser-
voir will go through the regular
separator process, he said.
"In this way, no polluted water
should get into Willow Run
Creek," said Willow Run Man-
ager Robert Pangburn.
Constuction centering around
Hangar 2, where Universal A i r-
lines is located, was Phase 1 of a
two-part operation. This first
phase, which was completed Jan
15 and is now undergoing test
ing, cost $300,000, Pangburn said
Phase 2 will involve further con-
sti uction connecting the newly
installed system at Hangar 2 to


As for the three other goals.
Nixon called for prompt enactment
of his long-§talled welfare reform
system and other sidetracked ad-
ministration bills; he promised to
stimulate the economy through
deficit spending, and said he later
will propose "a strong new set of
initiatives to clean up our air and
water, to combat noise and to
preserve and restore our surround-
Nixon described his revenue-
sharing plan as "historic in scope
and bold in concept,"
If Congress goes along, it will
operate in two sectionsd:
-Some $5 billion w o u l d be
transferred from the f e d e r a 1
Treasury to state and local gov-
ernments "to be used as the states
and localities see fit." This would
all be new money and no strings
would be attached;
-An additional $11 billion
would be provided for six broad
purposes-urban development, ru-
ral development, education, trans-
portation, job training and law
enforcement, "but with the state
and localities making their own
decisions on how it should be
Of the $11 billion, $1 billion
would represent new money and
the remaining $10 billion would
be provided by "converting one-
third of the money going to the
present narrow-purpose aid pro-
grams." He did not specify which
Under present law, states and
localities in most cases must match
grants of federal aid. Under the
Nixon plan, there would be no
matching requirement whatever,
allowing lower levels of govern-'
ment to use the savings in other'
Though Nixon gave no details
on his forthcoming national
health care package, he said his
aim will be to "insure that no
American family will be prevented
from obtaining basic medical care
by inability to pay."
However, administration sources
have said the package will include
a government-subsidized "family
insurance plan," using private car-
riers to replace Medicaid; catas-
trophe insurance, providing gov-
ernment coverage of the costs of
a major illness not met by private
plans; and incentives in all gov
ernment health programs to stim
ulate formation of prepaid, grour
practice arrangements known as
See NIXON, Page 10 <

Aim Arbor
Daily News Analysis
When state and Ann Arbor Po-
lice conducted a drug raid on
three local dwellings Tuesday,
residents were jolted by more than
just the charges and high bails
levied against their peers-the in-
cident effectively immobilized a
major community underground
newspaper, the Ann Arbor Argus.
Now, two days after the raid,
the community appears to have
recovered from its initial shock
and has been applying pressure
on the police and courts, calling
attention to alleged police mis-
conduct and excessive bails.
Witnesses to both the Ann Ar-
bor Argus house's raid and that of
another home earlier Tuesday,
1101 Church St., said police went
beyond the limits of the individual
warrants they had, searching en-
tire houses and confiscating per-
sonal effect and various financial
records of the Argus.
However, Ann Arbor Police
Chief Walter Krasny earlier said
there was "nothing improper"
about the officer's conduct. Ex-
plaining the confiscation of per-
sonal items, Krasny said several
articles are temporarily being held
as evidence.
City Detective Sgt. Calvin Hicks
added that all materials not deter-
mined as evidence would be re-
turned within a few days.
Some of the confiscated articles
were released on Thursday, after
local A m e r i c a n Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU) members argued
the youths' case to Mayor Robert
Harris and Krasny.
Philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen,
representing the ACLU, effected
the return of several Argus mate-
rials-including the financial rec-
ords-needed to operate the paper.
Cohen also secured a list, though
incomplete, of soe other articles
taken during the raids.
Bond for the five people who
were eventually charged in con-
nection with the police raids
varied. Three charged with either
saeof LSD or marijuana were
given a $7,500 bond for each of-
fense. However the other two ar-
rested, also for sale of LSD, had
bond set at $10,000 apiece. The
bond was later reduced to half.
In addition, charges against two
See POLICE, Page 10

The University is nearing the
final stages of construction at
Willow Run Airport in an effort
to end oil and fuel pollution of
Willow Run Creek, which runs by
the University-managed airfield.
Pollution charges were leveled
athe University last January by
Wayne Denniston, a State Water
Resources Commission engineer.
According to Denniston, the pol-
lution problem arose when water
drainage from one of the hangers
at the airport, Hangar 2, ran off

into the creek causing an oil slick.
"Simply stated, the oil was get-
ting into the creek," Denniston
said, adding that "apparentlythe
drainage, problem existed for a
long time."
Jagdish Janveja, the University's
senior civil engineer, said t h a t
"oiling, washing and filling oper-
ations on the airfield and in the
hangars" also contributed to the
The new construction at Willow
Run is designed to "separate the
oil, fuel and other pollutants from

GA pushes for greater voice

For almost a year, the representative
body of the University's graduate students
has sought to increase its own representa-
tion and influence in University decision
With this goal in mind, Graduate Assem-
bly (GA) is seeking representation on Uni-
versity committees with student member-
ship that would "more accurately reflect"
the proportion of graduate students on
campus, and is asking to be consulted in all
committai nmnointments involvino radu-

month" over the last ten months concern-
ing the question of representation.
Fleming said last night he had received
communications from GA asking that GA
be given the right to appoint graduate stu-
dents to University committees seatng
students. "I replied that this was an ap-
propriate issue to raise with the faculty
and students," Fleming said.
Gerhard Weinberg, chairman of Senate
Assembly- the faculty representative body
-saysAssembly has received letters from
GA conerning graduate student represen-

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