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January 22, 1971 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-22

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Friday, January 22, 197 I


*Koming Soon*
(Al Kooper)
(and so are they)




Youth and inexperience are
not ordinarily the hallmarks of
a team that warm a coach's
heart, especially when the start-
ling reality of topflight compe-
tition is a mere week away. But
if he has a nucleus of twenty re-
turning lettermen, including
four NCAA All-Americas, to aug-
ment a bunch of talented and
eager recruits, then perhaps he
has some little reason to be ex-
Such is the situation facing
Michigan track coach Dave
Martin as he awaits the start of
his third season at the track
Despite the fact that the Wol-
verine track team finished a
disappointing fifth in the Big
Ten both indoors and outdoors
last year, 1970 was a very good
year in terms of recruiting, as
Martin and his associates Ken
Burnley and Jack Harvey har-
vested some of the best high
school trackmen in the state and
The freshman talent will be
especially conspicuous in the
field events, where Michigan
was rather weak last season.
George Gildchrist, who long
jumped 23-11 and three-quarter
in high school, appears to be a
more than adequate replacement
for former Michigan star Ira
Russell in that event.
In the shot put, Martin has
acquired one of the most pro-

mising high school hurlers in
New Jersey's All-America Steve
Adams, who has tossed the 12
lb. shot 66 feet. Adams should
strengthen that event consider-
ably and Dave Slekovich, the
Michigan state champ in the
high jump, could provide some
depth in that event behind es-
tablished star, John Mann.
On the track, Mel Reaves,
owner of the state high and low
hurdles titles, and another All-
America, could follow in the
footsteps of last season's hurd-
ling sensation, Godfrey Murray
and ought to provide Michigan
fans with a little excitement.
Other freshmen hopefuls,
Ireland's Bill Bolster, Dave Eddy
and state mile champ Mike
Pierce will provide fine depth in
the middle distances.
However fine the freshmen
appear to be, most of the burden
of the team's challenge for Big
Ten honors will naturally fall
on the shoulders of the many
fine Wolverine veterans.
In the sprints and hurdles the
team is especially strong. Gene
Brown, who set a new Michigan

record last year with
ond performance, wi
the Wolverines with
threat in the 60 yardd
ray, an All-America i
hurdles last season a
man, should rack up
Michigan in both the
lows, and with Reave
give the team one of t
est hurdling threats i
Wolverine Captain
Montgomery anchors
quarter mile continge
ing George Drew, Gr
Trevor Mathews, an
freshman, Jamaican]
that should gather af
ble points during th
Three NCAA All
Norm Cornwell, Ric
and Eric Chapman, spi
middle distances.
All three were valu
ers for Michigan in
Ten's last spring, as f
on straight season
took second in the 6
tition, finishing Just
Chapman, only a fres
year. Storrey, a two
America, garnered pob
Wolverines in both th
half mile. All three
prime contenders agai
Adding experienceF
will be All Cornwe
younger brother, se
Thornton, and Gerry
Storrey will also lea
corps along with Ji
Pyatt, who came ba
severe tendon injuryI

.S S"::":": : v . rh": }"i :: J: "'::
"The team is coming along real we
I'm very pleased. I think the battle to
place in the Big Ten will be between Wis
and Indiana *
r.,;;;.e:,.sr,":rrr.}:,;x'}wr ;w h-0." ^ h . r rti;. vhh} "r - :::: r M-y

to set a varsity record outdoors
with 3:48.8 clocking in the 1500
11 and meter run. Kirk Hansen and
first DaleArbour will handle the long
)ffirs distance duties.
consin The bid for high-jumping su-
premacy will be in the capable
hands or, more specifically, feet,
:::r N of premier leaper, John Mann.
The barefooted jumper (Mann
a 6.0 sec- has been jumping with only one
ill provide shoe since junior high school)
a potent displayed remarkable consist-
dash. Mur- ancy last season setting a Mich-
n the high igan record with a jump of 6-11
s a fresh- and taking second in the Big
points for Ten indoor meet.
highs and Injured for most of last sea-
s ought to son, pole vaulter Larry Wolfe,
he strong- who set tht varsity record with
n the con- a vault of 16 feet in 1969, has
returned to the lineup and if he
Lorenzo regains his winning form should
s a fine pose quite a threat in that event.
gnt includ- Eying the tough competition
de Sanxth, to come, Martin seems confident
d another and optimistic about the Wol-
Kim Rowe, verine's chances, but not overly
few valua-
e season, o
e saso. "Says the Michigan mentor,
-Americas, "The team is coming along real
k Storrey' well and I'm very pleased." But
'otlight the he adds, "I think the battle for
first place in the Big Ten will
nbthe Big be between Wisconsin and Indi-
a the Big- ana, with Michigan, MSUIJlli-
ornel nois, and perhaps Minnesota
Cornwell vying for third."
60 compe-
ahead of Six weeks from now in Madi-
shman last son,, Wisconsin the ultimate
-time All- truth of Martin's statement will
nts for the be revealed as the Michigan
e mile and trackmen journey to the cold
should be regions of the north for the
n this sea- culmination of months of strict
training, the Big Ten's.
and depth In the meantime, the Wol-
11, Norm's verines get a chance to demon-
nior John - strate their abilities against the
Richards. likes of Indiana and Michigan
id the mile State and many of the major
unior Phil.n collegiate trackmen in the na-
ck from a tion, starting with the Michigan
last season Relays next weekend.

"Pfe Baltimore Orioles are a super-team," Billy Martin an-
nounced yesterday. "But I think we're going to beat them."
The scene was a meeting room of Win Schuler's restaurant
and Martin, the new manager of the Detroit Tigers, was speaking
to a group of press and broadcast people in one session of "Tigers
on Tour," an annual affair designed to keep people in the hinter-
lands up-to-date on the latest happenings in Tigerland.
Martin appeared along with six members of his team
and various luminaries from the Detroit front office. After
about an hour of standing around and hobnobbing with the
famed, every one sat down to lunch and a question and
answer session.
The Tigers spared nothing in providing a delicious meal,
and they were Just as careful in the question and answer session.
The session was introduced by a Tiger official commanding no-
body to leave with any unanswered questions.
The problem is that the Tigers were there to publicize, not
to inform, and so, "The Tigers appear confident in preparation
for the opening of spring training" will appear in dozens of
Michigan newspapers this week.
It doesn't matter that there has never been a team not
publicly confident before spring training.
But don't anybody get the idea that this luncheon was not a 9
news event. The proof was all the hastily scribbling writers
straining to get every word exactly as it came from Martin's lips
that, no, Bill Freehan will not be used at first base and yes,
Martin will try to make the Tigers into a running team.
But who cares about Bill Freehan, especially when the un-
spoken theme of this luncheon was, "Here we are, your team,
and here is what we are going to do for you, our fans, this ,


The only thing that made the question and answer ses-
sion different from a press release was the jokes Inter-
spersed between the boasts. But the cocktail hour before it,
although it offered possibilities, was just as phony and awk-
What are you going to do, walk up to Tom Timmerman,
stick out your hand and ask a brilliant question like, "Hi, Tom,
how have you been lately and do you think you'll have a good
year this year?"
One writer talked to Tom Timmerman and later in the
question and answer session said "I'd like to ask Tom a question
I asked him earlier because he gave such a good answer. Tom,
why don't you tell everybody what you told me about how you
feel when you come in as a relief pitcher."
The expected answer might be an interesting statement
about being scared to death, but, no kidding, Timmerman
replied with something like, "I seen my duty and I done it."
But the cocktail hour offered opportunities that no press
conference could. For example you could see what Billy Martin
is really like when he gets a little liquor into him.
And where else could one discuss the difference between old-
time and modern baseball with Dick McAuliffe and Ray Fisher,
former Michigan baseball coach and major league pitcher who
played against the Black Sox in the 1919 World Series?
The cocktail hour did not last long enough, but if the
Tiger brass had heard things like McAuliffe criticize the way
Cesar Gutierrez handles the double play, they might not
have had it at all.




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