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January 22, 1971 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-22

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Friday, January 22, 1971


SSTtoes move fight
into state legislatures



WASHINGTON (A -- The sup- This year an important part of
ersonic transport, its c o u r s e the battle may move from Wash-
through the Congressional gaunt- ington to the statehouses. Earlier
let already twisted into a legisla- this month, Andrew Stein, a Dem-
tive pretzel, faces a new series of ocratic assemblyman in the New
tests foes say may result in its York Legislature, announced he
final demise. had more votes than needed to
Opponents of continued federal pass a bill barring any oST-
subsidies for development of an American or foreign - from op-
American version of the high fly- erating out of New York's jet-
ing, 1,800-mile-an-hour aircraft ports. His justification was what
say they may be handed victory he called excessive noise the plane
through the back door, pointing might produce at airports t nd in
to what they see as a growing surrounding communities.
movement in state legislatures to The Stein announcement, Prox-
bar or hamstring supersonic flight. mire's office said, has led to in-
But the Nixon administration, dications from legislators in nine
perhaps with Vice President Spiro other states they too may prepare
T. Agnew tapped too lead SST de- such bills for consideration.
fenders, is ready to mount a co- Proxmire's chief non-Senate alN
ordinated drive to continue fund- lies in the SST battle - an un-
ing for the SST prototype pro- usual coalition of 15 conservation,
gram. consumer and labor groups - are
The opening of the new 92nd rallying once m o r e to continue
Congress yesterday opens a new what he and Sen. Edmund S. Mus-
act of the SST drama, the most kie have called one of the most ef-
fiercely fought environment-ver- fective lobbying jobs in history.
sus-technology battle since pollu- Including such activist groups
tion became a national issue. as Friends of the Earth, the Sierra
In the Senate, which will vote Club and the Wilderness Society,
first, the question will be: "Does the coalition was responsible last
the Senate insist on its position" year for collecting anti-SST in-
deleting money for SST spending, formation and placing it w I t h
If that vote continues to be "yes" senators believed ripe for a vote
the question in the lower chamber switch.
would rest, for the first time, on Eighteen senators - 12 Repub-
merits of the project: "Does the licans and six Democrats - did
House recede from its position" switch from vote supporting SST
favoring SST? All previous SST- in 1969 to a vote opposing it in
related votes in the House have 1970.
been on procedure matters. Ten new senators will be voting
"That vote is what we bought, on SST for the first time. Indi-
as it were, with our filibuster,' cations are their votes will not
said Richard Wegman, chief SST appreciably change the Proxmire
strategist for Sen. William Prox- majority - and may increase it.
mire, the project's most adaman. Rep. Henry Reuss (D-Wis.), re-
foe, ports a poll of incoming House
The 91st Congress tossed the freshmen indicates a majority are
dispute into the lap of its sue- ready to vote against the project.
cessor, ending a Senate filibuster If Agnew is, indeed, to head up
by allowing SST funding through the SST forces in Congress, ob-
March 3. "Without the filibuster," servers believe that move might
Wegman said, "the SST would indicate the administration is will-
have been funded for the whole ing to fight harder and more ef-
year and the issue wouldn't have fectively than before to save a,
come up again until next Decem- project it claims will result in up
ber." to 150,000 new jobs and $22 bil-
Specifically at issue once more lion in favorable balance-of-trade
is the question whether Congress credits.
will approve a compromise $21 Secretary o f Transportation
million for fiscal 1971 to enable John A. Volpe calls the SST pro-
the Boeing Aircraft Co., General ject a key component in the na-
Electric and a host of industrial tional employment picture and ar-
subcontractors to continue work gues cancellation now would af-
on two SST prototypes. fect unemployment rates for the
As currently framed, industry next two decades.
and the nation's airlines woul4 The SST has been fought Ps a
take over the job of producing a project ranking low on any scale
fleet of 500 or more SSTs - de- of national priorities.
pending on demand - once the Now the administration is re-
government pays the lion's share ported prepared to argue that eco-
of the billion-dollar-plus proto- nomic losses caused by a v o t e
type-development cost, against SST would be great enough
The $210 million emerged from to erode funds available for
a House-Senate conference com- health, welfare and education pro-
mittee late last year after the jects. Those using the priority ar-
House, in effect, approved more gument have said these programs
SST spending and the Senate vot- should take first place on any na-
ed, 52-41, to stop it altogether. tional shopping list. The execu-
_ tive branch also is expected to
. CLIP AND SAVE...rally its own corps of scientists
to challenge colleagues opposing
LOW COST, SAFE, LEGAL the transport.
IN NEW YORK 1070 off

-Daily-Jim Walace

Omega restaurant

Omega charges bank
forced its removal

The owner of an Ann Arbor
restaurant has charged he was
forced out of business by the Ann
Arbor Bank because the bank
wanted to build a parking lot on
his property.
Omega Restaurant co-owner
John Kornilakis claims the bank
forced him out to comply with an
order by the city Building and
Safety Department, which ordered
the Forest Avenue branch of the
bank to increase the size of its
parking lot. The Omega Restaur-
ant was located next door to the
According to Kornilakis, his
lease on the building, which ex-
pired at the end of December,
guaranteed him the option of in-
creasing the lease for an addi-
tional three years, at a price "to
be set at the satisfaction of the
He says that when he requested
the extensi'on in November, he was
sent a contract from the Ann Ar-
bor bank calling for $900 per
month rent, which is triple the
$300 rent he has been paying for
six years.
Ann Arbor Bank mortgage de-
partment vice-president George
Thorne declines to comment on
this charge, calling it "a matter
of private contract."
Thorne says ,"when we bought
the land for the bank they (the
city Building and Safety Depart-
ment) were changing their park-
ing requirements. They told us
that we must provide additional
parking, but there was no way we
could break the lease with Mr.
Kornilakis, and we really had no
desire to do so at the time."
Thorne says he doesn't know if
the parking lot will be built at this
time, but he says that he feels
that the bank has "a moral obli-
gation to provide more parking."

Kornilakis says that after the
bank sent the new contract he
was advised by a lawyer that if
a court case were initiated, the
price might be lowered to about
$700, but the cost of legal fees
and court costs would probably be
about $4,000.
Kornilakis says he was thus
forced to close the restaurant
Dec. 24, and is currently attempt-
ing to sell whatever equipment he
The Omega Restaurant had
been at that location for nine
years. Five years ago, the building
was bought from a private indi-
vidual by the Ann Arbor Bank,
which honored the existing lease
until it expired last month.
Kornilakis says the roof of the,
building began to leak three years
ago, causing him a loss of some
business. He claims he was told
at that time that the roof "isn't
worth fixing for us" even though
the contract requires the landlord
to repair it.
The roof still leaks, and Korni-
lakis claims that when he asked
about extending the lease several
months ago, he was told by a bank
vice president, "We're going to
make it rain so hard we'll force
you out."
Thorne says the vice-president
who allegedly made the threat no
longer works at the Ann Arbor
Bank. He adds that he doubts if
the charges about the roof are
true, claiming that the bank has
"always been very particular about
repairing our property."
In 1964, the restaurant was re-
modeled at a cost of $45,000.
Kornilakis estimates that from the
sale of restaurant equipment he
will only get back about $2,500.
In 1966, the bank tore down a
small house they owned behind
the restaurant to make a parking
lot. Kornilakis says, at the time,
the bank told him not to worry
because they weren't going to need
the restaurant property.
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