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January 21, 1971 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-21

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Eighty years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Supporting workers'f ight for decent wages

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich

News Phone: 764-C552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Judiieal system for the'U'

campus disciplinary procedures ap-
proaches a climax, the University is fac-
ed with more than just a legal issue.
In fact, the entire question of the en-
actment and enforcement of rules gov-
erning non-academic conduct has a di-
rect bearing on the nature of the Uni-
versity as an academic community.
In an ideal sense, the behavior of the
students and faculty members who com-;
prise such a community centers aroundI
the free flow of ideas, a rational investi-
gation of the surrounding society, and an
unimpeded attack on the society's de-
Approaches vary, as members of the
community explore new life styles, form
new political and social movements, and
attempt to convince others of the valid-
ity of their views.
This atmosphere of innovation has al-
ways been a matter of concern to those
outside the academic community. View-
ing it as a threat to their own establish-
ed way of life, they have placed restric-
tions on how far the university can go.
The most obvious examples of this are
financial, since the university is depend-
ent on outside funding. Much less ob-
vious, however, are the restrictions that
stem from society's legal definition of
what conduct is appropriate for an in-
dividual, and how it should be enforced.
For example, over the past 18 months,
some students at the University have
found that an effective means of com-
municating their point of view is by
abruptly entering a classroom and speak-
ing directly to the teacher and students
present. In such a manner, they are able
to expose their audience not only to an
issue it may be unfamiliar with, but also
to their clear disdain for the conven-
tional classroom situation.
Such conduct can clearly have aca-
demic value, in that it can facilitate the
exchange of ideas. At the same time, it
can be abused, and classes might be in-
terrupted continually, without the aud-
ience being allowed to participate.
But regardless of whether it has aca-
demic value or not, the conduct is defin-
ed by state law as "disruption of uni-
versity functions" and is punishable in
civil courts by 90 days in jail, and a fine
of between $200 and $1,000.
This statute can be used in a wide var-
lety of cases, ranging from a peaceful sit-
in in the lobby of the Administration
Bldg. to an impromptu political debate
started by students in a geology class.
And it becomes an. effective method of
restricting modes of political expression
that have come to be accepted as part of
an academic community.
THUS, IF THE University wishes to
maximize the ability of its constitu-
ents - students and faculty members -
to stand apart and examine the frame-
work of the surrounding society, an im-
portant step is to divest itself of that
framework as much as is possible.
In particular, if there are to be laws
governing the conduct of students and
faculty members, and disciplinary pro-
cedures for enforcing them, it is more
judicious for them to be evolved within
the University community, by people
aware that a flexible framework is essen-
But in doing so, it is crucial that Uni-
versity rules and disciplinary procedures
do not become just a counterpart to those
outside. The regulations should not re-
strict the activities appropriate to an
Editorial Staff

Editorial Director Managing Editor
NADINE COHODAS......... ...... Feature Editor
JIM NEUBACHER ............Editorial Page Editor
ROB BIER................Associate Managing Editor
LAURIE HARRIS ................ . . Arts Editor
JUDY KAHN ...... Personnel Director
DANIEL ZWERDLING . Magazine Editor
ROBERT CONROW. ..,...... Books Editor
JIM JUDKIS. ..,. .,..... Photography Editor
Chaney, Steve Koppman, Pat Mahoney, Rick Perloff.
NIGHT EDITORS: Jim Beattie, Dave Chudwin, Steve
Koppman, Robert Kraftowitz, Larry Lempert, Lynn
DAY EDITORS: Rose Berstein. Mark [iJen. S a r a
Fitzgerald Art Lerner. Jim McFerson, Jonathan
Miller, Hannah Morrison, Bob Schreiner, W. E.
Chaney, Steve Koppman, Pat Mahoney. Rick

academic community, and should be en-
forced by a judicial process that has the
flexibility to bend to changing modes of
These concepts have apparently had
considerable impact on the deliberations
of the Committee on a Permanent Uni-
versity Judiciary. In December, after sev-
en months of discussion, the student-fa-
culty-administration committee proposed
a judicial plan which focuses on meeting
the singular requirements of the Uni-
versity community.
Under the proposal, a jury composed of
randomly-selected students would deter-
mine guilt or innocence, and punishment
in cases where a student was the defend-
ant. This aspect of the plan, which has
encountered little opposition around th
University community,; is crucial in as-
suring that the judicial plan will be ac-
ceptable to all elements of the studen
Having pressed for this basic elemen
of American jurisprudence-trial by jury
of peers-for several years, students woul
feel it was far more likely that th
verdict in disciplinary trials would not b
prejudiced by the defendant's attitude
his appearance, or his style of speaking
In addition, the punishment impose
on a defendant found guilty would b
determined by those who are likely to b
most aware of how grave the defendant'
action was, in light of changing mode
of expression among student members o
an academic community.
The second crucial aspect of the pla
involves the method with which the cour
would rule on motions by either th
plaintiff or the defendant.
The committee proposed that the in
itial ruling be made by a presiding judge
who would have considerable legal ex
perience and be selected from outsid
the University community.
The motions would presumably includ
such sensitive questions as whether t
prohibit testimony which aims atestab
lishing a political basis for the defend
ant's alleged actions and whether to ba
people from the courtroom who interrup
the proceedings.
BUT RECOGNIZING that judicious de
cisions on the relevance of testimon
would require an understanding of wh
is applicable in this academic communit
the committee proposed that studeni
and faculty members be seated as ass
ciate judges to provide the necessar
During the first half of the judiciary
experimental first year, there would b
two associate judges, one student an
one faculty member. During the latter si
months, there would be three associa
judges, two students and one facult
member in trials of students, and t
faculty members and one student in tria
of faculty members.
The panel's composition d u r i n g t
latter six months is preferable, since
most adequately assures the defenda
that his social and political framewor
will be taken into account by procedur
The Regents, as they consider the con
mittee's proposal today, should bear :
mind that the major elements of tl
committee's proposal are essential to t
success of a disciplinary procedure at ti
University-they have been proposed wi
the aim of making the judiciary accep
able to the students and faculty men
bers who would be affected by it.
Moreover, the proposed system, if su
cessful, would significantly aid in lesse
ing the influences of outside restrictio:
on the University community.

Too bad
THE UNITED STATES has suspended a
military sales to Ecuador and is coi
sidering further punitive action becau
of the seizure of American fishing boat
Ecuador claims territorial jurisdictic
over the Pacific for 200 miles from i
coastline, while the United States on
recognizes a 12-mile territorial limit.
State Department spokesman Robe
McCloskey says "our purpose in takir

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The follow-
ing is a statement of the AFSCME
Support Coalition).
know, University employes are
on strike. The University, of
course, is issuing many pious
statements concerning its desire
to bargain in "good faith," call in
"impartial" fact-finders, consider
all segments of the University
community, all the while implying
that it is the union which doesn't
want an equitable settlement.
AFSCME has, however, been
bargaining since last fall, even go-
ing so far as to grant two contract
extensions. Not until last Sunday
was a hard strike date set, and
then only at the insistence of an
angered rank and file. The work-
ers, in no uncertain terms, told
their leadership that if there was
no settlement by Monday at mid-
night t h e r e would be a strike,
whether or not union officials ap-
The University's call for fact-
-finding is in reality a stall tactic
designed to divide the workers. If
the University wanted s u c h an
agreement, they would have called
in fact-finding weeks ago when
Fleming and his negotiating team
made the decision not to offer the
union an adequate contract.
YET WHAT FACTS are to be
found? Will fact-finding deter-
mine that workers should not get
raises to cover the rise in cost of
e living? It is doubtful. Will fact-
finding determine that workers
and their families should not have
adequate health insurance? This
t too, is very doubtful.
Anyone who works for a living
t knows about inflation and under-
stands why doctors drive Cadil-
lacs. In these cases, as well as oth-
d ers, the facts demand the Univer-
e sity shell out to insure their em-
e ployes an adequate standard of
, Another of the major demands
is a 24-hour Child Care Center for
d workers' children and others in
e the community. Just to survive in
Ann Arbor, both parents in most
e working families must hold jobs.
S Our society tells women they have
S a responsibility to care for their
f children w h i le simultaneously
making that extremely difficult
by paying many workers so low a
n wage that mothers are forced to
't work. The creation of such a child
e care center is the only way to free
working,, mothers here from the
impossible bind the University and
- society put women in.
e, Because we as students are part
- of this University community, we

perform the jobs of striking wo:k-
An end to the University's dis-
criminatory e c o n o m i c policies
would obviously not cure sexism
in the society. A lot of people, in
both the private and public sec-
tors of the economy, make a l.ot
of money from beating down wo-
men. Sexism is deeply rooted in
ourselves as well as the capitalist
system. But this in no way excus-
es the conduct of the University.
The administration claims that
institutions providing important
public services are somehow above
the strife of labor disputes. It' is.
however, open to serious question
whether the University provid -s
important public service. But even
if it does, does this give any in-
stitution the right to provide ben-
efits to one part of the society at
the expense of another? And fur-
ther. should we as students. put
our desire for an education above
the right of others to earn a de-
cent living?
We say no. Students should not
scab. They should not do any work
that normally is done by people
on strike. They should increase.
rather than decrease the pressure
against the University. The great-
er the University's inability to
function, the greater t h e pres-
sure on the Administration to
come to an equitable settlement.
Ic is incredible, in fact, that any-
one could see taking an AFSCME
worker's job as moral or legiti-
mate. During the GM strike few
ae would have considered, even for a
rd moment, taking an auto worker's
n job. And University employes now
are fighting the same battle for a
at decent life that the GM workers
A- fought last month.

-Daily-Jin Judkis

have formed a coalition to sup-
port the AFSCME demands, Per-
haps the initial step we can take
is to deal with some of the lies
and distortions the University is
Fleming, along with other Uni-
versity bureaucrats, claims the
University cannot afford the pay
raises - without further hikes in
student fees. But the money is
there. ROTC, faculty golf ,ours-
es, and other such "essential" pro-
grams should be junked and the
money sent to the Payroll Depart-
Then'we can tax the corpora-
tions. Since they receive the larg-
est benefits from the University
(free job training, recruiting, re-
search and the like), they should
be the ones to pay. The Univer-
sity should demand that the state
legislature heavily t a x corporate
income for educational purposes
(as well as for other desperately
needed state services).
A .FEE HIKE is clearly unnec-
essary and obviously a threat the
University is using to turn stu-
dents and their parents against

worker demands. As it
but the wealthiest can no
to attend their tax-suppo
The coalition also dema
the University stop its se
icies of employment. Fir
versity supervisors play
fact that women havet
job options. Thus women
'signed to the lowest paids
menial jobs (maids, kitch
etc.). Women who are f
work often have no altern
to take such work.
Promotions, too, almos
go to men. Clerical hel
mostly women, a r e am
worst paid employes at
versity. The University a
off the abundance of
wives available to do cleri
against those outside the
ic communi y who might
ently fill these positions.
But with the pressure
strike, the University's tr
nature has surfaced. Su
have started a terror c
against women - especia
hospital - telling them th
be fired if they did not

is, non
w affoi
nrted in
nds tha
xist po
st, Un

We are demanding dormitor:es
remain open and if Universty of-
ficials order them closed. students
should refuse to leave and force
the dorms to remain open. We
should visit University officials
en masse either in their offices or
at their meetings. demanding nn-
mediate acceptance of union de-
MASS ACTION. unfortunately,
is the only language the Univer-
sity hears. Such mass action won
the Bookstore. the BAM demands
and many other issues, and our
united action can help the union
There is also the likely possibil-
ity that the University will at-
tempt to get an injunction against
the strike, claiming it is against
state law for public employes to
strike. And the University is us-
ing the threat of jail and fines
against the union.
This is not the excercise of jus-
tice but the pandering to the in-
terest of the few atuthe expense of
the many. This must be clear -
no law in existence forces t h e
University to press for an injunc-
For the University to press for
an injunction is not a nasty
though necessary course to take
in the name of the public inter-
est, but rather a shoddy attempt
to circumvent the normal process
of collective bargaining. We must.
by the presence of our numbers,
make it clear to the University
that they will pay a larger price
for obtaining the injunction than
for settling the strike.
Until now, contract negotiations
havebeen completely secret. The
rank and file have had no idea
of whether the bargaining com-
mittee has been representing their
interests. This has led to uncer-
tainty and division among t h e
The distrust felt by union mem-
bers for their leadership, though
is not rooted in secrecy, but mere-
ly amplified by it. The m a j o r
problem has been and continues
to be the undemocratic nature of
the union. Members of all union
committees, including th bar-
gaining committee, are chosen by
the President instead of the rank
and file.
Thus t h e committee members
are responsible to McCracken
rather than the workers. As things
stand now workers have no rea-
son to believe that their interests
are being adequately represented.
And the hesitance of union lead-
ership to use mass pressure against
the University has eroded the mo-
rale of rank and file. All along
the workers have been applying
pressure on their leadership to
strike, and until Monday at midi
night-that mandate had been ig
For the workers understand, ev-
en if union officials don't, that
they must in almost every instance
use mass pressure (strikes), in or-
der to force their employers to
give them what they need to live
a decent life.
CME workers will not fade in the
face of political differences. As
long as workers are off their jobs,
as long as the University contin-
ues to refuse to meet their needs,
we will be at their sides, strug-
gling with them and for them and
for ourselves.



on t he STUDENTS SHOULD become
very few angry.- They should demand :;er-
are as- vices. But the anger should be di-
and most rected at the University for not
ien help paying decent wages rather than
orced to at the workers for demanding de-
ative but cent wages. We should phone.
write, telegram and call upon all
t always officials of the University and ex-
p, a 1 s 0 press our feelings most emphat-
iong the ically to them.
the Uni- Many have argued during the
lso plays negotiations that University Hos-
students' pital should be kept open at all
ical work costs. The reasons are well known,
academ- appealing and false. Most patients
perman- in the hospital can safely be mov-
ed elsewhere, while the union has
e of the stated it will maintain services for
ue sexist those who cannot be moved. The
pervisors hospital administration, in fact.
campaign found it a simple matter to cut
Ily at the down its number of patients by a
zey would third in order to give themselves
scab or a Christmas vacation.
But the claim that the respon-
sibility for patient care lies with
the workers is false. It lies with
the University. The greatest re-
sponsibility of the hospital work-
er is to maintain decent living for
herself or himself and his or her
just de- To those who argue the hospital
mbers of should remain open we say, how
y to dis- many of you are willing to sacri-
nring all fice yourselves and work for hos-
efraining pital porter wages for the rest of
as scab- tyour lives? If not, don't demand
that others do. Support their
--Jan. 14right to a decent living.
There a r e many other things
system students can do to support the un-
ion beyond merely not scabbing.
We can vocally make demands on
3PECT of the University to settle and we
he perva- can use our numbers to bolster the
revails in union picket lines.,


Letters to The Daily

To the Daily:
YOUR JANUARY 14 story on
Women's Lib should have been
headed "Women's Lib: Alive and
Changing" instead of "Alive but
changing." It is neither surpris-
ing nor a source of discourage-
ment that a spontaneous move-
ment which directly affects the
lives of so much of the popula-
tion should manifest itself in a
variety of organizations and small
group efforts.
The movement of women in Ann
Arbor and around t h e country
which I have observed in the past
year is amazing in its diversity
and extent. Each of us should use
our energies in the direction of
concrete action - not to staff the
establishment and maintenance cf
yet another slow-moving mass o--
ganization. Such an organization
may grow in the future, but for
now we can move faster and do
much more in smaller groups
which come together for specifio
goals of the members. Communi-
cation between groups is valuable,
but complete agreement is not
necessarily good or essential to ef-
--Helen Forsyth

To the Daily:
I HAVE JUST read the letter
concerning the unfriendly a n d
distrustful atmosphere which per-
vades Ulrich's Bookstore, and I
would only like to say t h a t I
couldn't agree more. I have worked
there on and off for nearly a year,
and finally just had enough of
- the threats, insults, and degra-
dations which the managerial
staff of Ulrich's bestows upon the
rest of the employes.
-Judi Glick
Jan. 14
LSA Gov't
To the Daily:
THE FOLLOWING resolution
was passed by the LS&A Student
Government :
WHEREAS: Many workers em-
ployed by the University do not
receive the minimum wages re-
quired to subsist in Ann Arbor,
discrimination -of women a n d
blacks is widespread, and Univer-
sity grievance procedures for em-
ployes are inadequate;
mho T... C~rA l d t fi, lanme.nt

ers in their strike for
mands and urge all me
the University communit
play their support by hor
picket lines and by r
from any activity such
To the Daily:
the AFSCME strike is tY
sive caste system that p

the University community, espec-
ially at University Hospital, where
it is enhanced by the wearing of
uniforms which identify people's
positions very easily.
Even 2% years of being at the
lowest rung of a very low ladder
can't prepare one for such ques-
tions from medical professionals
as, "But how could you be a Jan-
itor for so long?" Although rare-
ly spoken aloud, it is often said
silently. Actions which continous-
ly reinforce this structure are in-
sults to the idea of "an honest Job
well done." This is part of the
reason that "strike fever" gains
strength every day. Not all strikes
are about money.

whe L&al suent tverwo - Wa eSu
wholeheartedly supports the work- --Wade Shull

BA M position on AFSCME strike
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a statement of the Black
Action Movement.)
LAST SPRING AFSCME supported the Black Action Movement's
strike against the University. Now AFSCME is engaged in a4
struggle against that same agent of the culture. The University -
dedicated ostensibly to arts, sciences, and truths -- is taking the
same self-preserving stance with workers as it did with us. Just as our
demands were well within the economic reach of the University, so
are the conservative requests of the union.
Certain of the union demands would not, in effect, cost the Uni-
versity any monies, for instance, the changed retirement policy where,
while a worker would retire earlier he would receive less benefits.
This was true in our strike when we demanded things like being termed
black. Money issues then, are not all that separate the people and
the power structures. The University's attitude of superiority of
contempt, also separates us from them.
It is interesting to realize how these attitudes have affected the
University's behavior. victims of a cultural inflammation which
allows one group of men to negotiate over a living wage forothers,
these oppressive management forces proceed to decry the union. In
a letter to the University community (of the infamous series of Open
Letters) the University attempted to place the blame of whatever dis-
comfort existed upon the workers. According to the University's smooth
public relations staff, inflationary tuition hikes and rising housing
costs are all the fault of the union. Similarly, the University claimed
BAM was responsible for service cutbacks this fall. Yet we all are
aware of the conspicuous waste of the University (Raddrick Farms
golf course, etc.).
The University, with its belief in a moronic student body, further
contended (in its Open Letter) that it was bargaining in "good faith"
were abiding by the "law" and seeking a "peaceful" settlement.
WE HAVE HEARD these tired lines before. The erroneous logic
of the University is evident. It is somewhat less than sensible for the
University to refuse to acquiesce to demands bringing no economic
costs and yet claim "good faith". It is absurd for the University to
produce countless economic studies on living wages and still pay the
average AFSCME worker $2.67 an hour.
Yet the University, which forced this strike by such attitudes,
claims the banner of right. Holding this false flag, they have asked
students not to get involved. Realize that this is only another ploy
of the University. To create an illusion of a student middle class among
blacks is perhaps the culture's weakest hope. We of BAM are cognizant
. - ..__------- - --- --,--. i-,.lf A

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