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January 20, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-01-20

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4 I a i Il~r


Vol. LXXXI, No. 93 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 20, 1971 Ten Cents

Eight Pages










Xo lice












Additional warrants to
be sought today by police
In a three-hour span yesterday afternoon, Ann Arbor
and State Police conducted drug raids on three local dwell-
*ings, arresting 12 persons. Included in the raids was the
headquarters of the Ann Arbor Argus, a local underground
Nine of those held were released early last night after
being held for a time at Ann Arbor Police headquarters.
The first raid occurred at approximately 2:15 p.m., ac-
cording to Detective Sgt. Calvin Hicks who supervised the,
4joint operation.

A strike by 2,600 University service and maintenance
employes continued through its first day yesterday as picket
lines formed around the campus and dorm food lines pre-
pared to shut down by breakfast today.
President Robben Fleming said yesterday that "a con-
tinuation of the strike will force the University to close."
University spokesmen have indicated that the University
would shut down by the end of the week, possibly by Friday,
if the strike continues.
Negotiating teams for the University and Local 1583 of
the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal
Employes (AFSCME) did not

*former 'U'
Former University President
-Alexander Ruthven was found
dead of a heart attack at age 88
in his Ann Arbor home yesterday.
A noted zoologist, Ruthven serv-
ed as University president from.
1929 to 1951.
Since his retirement, Ruthven
had served as a consultant to the
University Development Council
and, as "Dean of Alumni," pre-
sided at emeritus club meetings
for many years.
A distinguished scientist, he led
18 field expeditions and publish-
ed 128 scientific papers before he
*became president. Ruthven was
appointed director of the Museum
of Zoology in 1913 and director of
University Museums in 1922.
President Robben Fleming said
of Ruthven yesterday, "Despite
the multitude of problems he fac-
ed during his administration, he
weft the presidency with a record
of establishing a highly demo-
cratic administration within the
University and a well-deserved re-
putation of paying great atten-
tion to human values."
"He held office for 22 years
*during which the University ex-
perienced great growth despite a
depression, a world war and a
great postwar surge in enroll-
ment" Fleming added "All of us

Hicks said last night, "We are
going to seek more warrants to-
morrow." It was unclear whether
the warrants would be for nar-
cotics offense or for offenses re-
lating to the firearms confiscated
at the Argus.
At least three unmarked police
cars including a blue American
Motors SST, a Rambler Ambas-
sador and a van, pulled up to 1011
Church St. While officers waited
in cars, an undercover agent,
known to those arrested simply as
Terry, came to the door and was
allowed to enter.
Witnesses say he attempted to
purchase a quantity of LSD from
one occupant of the house. One
witness says that he entered the
bathroom where it is presumed
that he radioed his colleagues out-
side the house and the force of
officers entered the building. The
front door was damaged and there
were possible signs of forcible en-
try later seen at the house.
All seven of the people in the
house were arrested and taken to
the police station. Those inside
the house say that the police ran-
sacked the dwelling and carried
Hicks last night denied that his
men were armed with shotguns,
however. He said the raiding party
was armed only with service re-
All those arrested at the Church
St. house were subsequently re-
leased without being charged, ex-
cept for Cheryl Ann Rash who
was charged with selling L S D.'
It was claimed by those released
that the warrant for her arrest
simply bore the name "Sophie."
One witness said last night the
police confiscated $4000 from the
house as well as other personal

-Daily-Jim Judkis
AFSCME workers picket outside University Hospital as strike continues
Dorms fgttstyoen;
students try to aid strikers


By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN (OSS) housing unit committee
University facilities yesterday meeting y e s t e r d a y afternoon,
struggled to maintain services with strike policies for student workers
supervisory personnel filling in for were reiterated. Any student work-
striking workers as a walkout by er will be able to honor the strike
most of the University's non-aca- without incurring any penalties.
demic service employes began to All dormitories were open yes-
take its toll. terday and most units served
breakfast and lunch. Only Martha
Some student workers reported Cook, which is run independently,
to their jobs as usual despite the the Law Quad, and Bursley Hall
strike by the 2,600 member Local did not serve usual lunches.
1583 of the American Federation By dinner time, however, East
of State, County and Municipal and West Quads and Barbour and
Employes (AFSCME). Newberry Halls were not serving
At the Office of Student Services meals. The other dorms are ex-

pected to join in complete discon-
tinuance of food service today.
No meal transfers or guests were
accommodated yesterday in any of
the dormitories.
Early yesterday, when the
strike's impact was not yet felt,
many dorm officials were opti-
mistic about continuing services.
One South Quad official, for ex-
ample, claimed that "without pro-
vocation from students, we can
provide minimal service indefi-
All housing officials contacted
yesterday maintained that there


------------- t- , Hicks denied that the house was
at the University feel a distinct ransacked and refused to confirm I-I eurr.
personal loss in his death." that a large sum of money had
Ruthven's 22 years as president been seized. Police Chief Walter
4re exceeded only by the 38-year Krasny confirmed last night that
term of James Angell. "a sum of money' 'had been taken d i iited f
During Ruthven's tenuse as pre- from the house. pd
sident, semester enrollments grew Residents say that the police did By BOB SCHREINER
from 9,688 in 1929 to a peak of not issue a receipt for the money
21,363 in the fall of 1948. and this was confirmed by Hicks The literary college curriculum
,,e fun n.ewho explained that, "we do not is- committee yesterday upheld ap-
'1929 ty,307 inreased'rm74sue receipts for items confiscat- proval of the credit status of a
1929 to 1,307 in 1950. ed as evidence." Course Mart course in political ac-
Ruthven was born in Hull, Hicks also said last night that tion, but instructed its Course
Iowa in 1882. He received his Ph.D. those arrested in the raid, "did Mart committee to iron out alleg-
in zoology from the University in not have to be informed of their ed difficulties in the course as a
1906 and continued here as a fac- rie-hts." All those arrested had whole, including the possible dele-
ulty member and administrator said that at no time were they in- tion of entire sections.
for 45 years later. formed of their legpl rights. The course, titled College Course
The former president will be One woman said that she was 327e(isestrtie , andCan-
wremated and no funeral service asleep during the beginnine of the alysistpolrtical action has be
arrangements are planned. Ruth- raid. She said she was "dragged approved Dec. 21 by the Court
ven is survived by a son, a daugh- out of hd" and force-d to dross Mart committee which first re-
ter and three grandchildren. beore bonr taken into custody. views all Course Mart courses.
__ ___._See 12, Page 8-

culum unit approves

political action course

was no scab labor and that only
supervisors were working in "min-
imal capacities" to keep the dorms
But at South Quad about 10
student workers punched in for
lunch and at Bursley one student
snack bar employe was working as
a cook.
West Quad worker Cynthia
Gehrls commented: "I am work-
ing here because I was assigned
to it, and I need the money. I
don't generally support strikes.
From the people downstairs (re-
ferring to the AFSCME workers),
I got the feeling that some were
very upset and didn't support the
strike. I don't know why I should."
The Black Action Movement
(BAM) last night reiterated its
support of AFSCME. During last
spring's BAM strike for increased
m i n o r i t y admissions, AFSCME
workers risked their jobs to honor
BAM pickets.
A BAM statement released last
night read in part: "This union
supported the BAM strike. We
fully give our support to the
AFSCME local's demands and
"We strongly urge that all stu-
dents abide by the union's request
not to 'scab' and to demand all
University services. If the Uni-
versity closes, it is because of bad
faith on the part of the Univer-
sity, not the workers."
Dave Wesley, spokesman for
BAM stated, "If school closes, we
will try to take care of our own."
See DORMS, Page 8

meet yesterday, as nine eco-
nomic issues remained unset-
tled following Monday night's
bargaining session.
However, the two parties both
indicated that they were available
to negotiate if asked by the other
side. Joe King, a union official,
said. "Our committee is ready
when the University notifies us
that their position has changed."
No talks have been scheduled
for today.
The University did not seek an
injunction against the union yes-
terday. as officials had previous-
ly indicated they would.
Though University attorneys
were working on the injunction,
it appeared the University had to
wait until today before it could
file affidavits indicating damage
caused by the strike - a require-
ment for an injunction request.
University facilities remained
open with skeleton crews of super-
visory personnel performing jobs
normally done by AFSCME
Several dormitory food lines
shut down after dinner last night,
with only West Quad and the Law
Quad hoping to remain open
through breakfast today.
University Hospital, which em-
ploys about 1,400 AFSCME work-
ers permitted only emergency and
urgent admissions, and surgery
was only performed on "urgent"
J a m e s Brinkerhoff, associate
vice president and director of bus-
iness operations, said that student
leaders and the Senate Advisory
C o u n c i I on University Affairs
(SACUA) had been requested to
make suggestions on how class
time could be made up if classes
were cancelled for a prolonged
period of time.
The consensus, a c c o r d i n g to
Brinkerhoff, was that first the
term would be extended to make
up the days, and then days would
be taken from the spring vacation
Negotiations had continued
through 1:30 a.m. Monday night
because of a dispute over the use
of fact-finding in settling the dis-
pute. At the time, the University
proposed that the two sides make
a joint request for a fact-finder
from the Michigan Employment
Relations Commission (MERC).
However, the union turned down
the proposal, suggesting that the
University agree instead to bind-
ing fact-finding. Normally, fact-
finding involves a formal hearing
after which the fact-finder makes
only recommendations for a settle-
The University, however, would
not agree to binding fact-finding
since the recommendations would
be binding on the University while
the proposal would still have to be
ratified by the union.
The University, however, has

'U.S. lauds,
From Wire Service Reports
The Nixon administration yes-
terday praised as "historic" a plan
adopted by the University last
month for ending sex discrimina-
tion, adding that the plan may be-
come the model for settlements at
other universities where investi-
gations of sex discrimnaton are
The settlement, calling for pay-
ment of back wages to women em-
ployes who can prove the Univer-
sity denied them job opportunities
because of their sex, was an-
nounced early this month.
"Michigan could be a model to
the extent that other universities
have these kinds of problems,"
said Owen T. Kiely, Department of
Health, Education and Welfare
director of contract compliance.
"You can call it historic."
"It's a beginning," responded
Dr. Bernice Sandler of Women's
Equity Act League, "but we've
got a long way to go yet, baby.'
"You could say that money was
stolen from women," she con-
tinued. "I think the universities
are lucky the women aren't asking
for reparations. We are just ask-
ing for money stolen from us."
The HEW office of civil rights
is currently investigating women's
liberation groups' allegations
against 29 other colleges and uni-
versities, according to Kiely.
The University agreed to the
plan after six federal agencies
withheld $7.5 million in contracts
upon HEW's advice, Kiely said.
Kiely's office said the Agency
for International Development,
the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, the Interior
and Commerce Departments, the
Air Force and the Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC) had held up
contracts from early October until
late December. Kiely said he knew
of no contracts actually lost.
University employment and pro-
motion patterns, they said, did
not comply with federal regula-
The contracts, including one
for $1.6 million with AEC, were
withheld until the University met
the compliance standards.
A key unresolved issue between
HEW and the University is the
question of discrimination in ad-
mission to doctorate programs.
The issue was submitted to HEW
Secretary Elliot Rchardson, and
both sides have agreed to abide by
his decision.


In referring the course back to
the Course Mart committee at a
special and often heated meeting,
the curriculum committee expres-
sed the hope that the former
group would meet with the organ-
izers of the course and resolve al-
leged discrepancies between the
course advertisements and the ori-
ginally approved proposal.
Implicit in the curriculum com-
mittee's approval of the course!
was the understanding that cer-
tain sections would have to be re-
vamped or desowved entirely, at
the discretion of the Course Mart
Citing a need to act quickly so
that students enrolled in the
course would not be unnecessarily
behind if forced to transfer to
other sections of the course, mem-
bers of the Course Mart commit-
tee scheduled a Friday afternoon
meeting with coordinators of the
About 150 persons are presently
enrolled in the course.
Prof. Locke Anderson, chair-
man of the curriculum committee,
and other members of the group
questioned several "discrepancies"
between the original course pro-
posal and advertisements which
appeared last week in The Daily,
including the title of the course,
the grading system to be used, and
the description of the sections.
In addition, the committee cit-
ed a lack of anroved teachers for,

endorsed primarily radical poli-
tical action.
Psychology Prof. Robert Hef-
ner, sponsor and coordinator of
the course, told curriculum com-
mittee members that any politi-
cal views are welcome in the
course, and that "the course is
an academic, intellectual exper-
ience resulting from the exam-
ination of political action theory."
"The course is basically one of
sound quality," said Course Mart
committee member Scott Bass,
'71. "The problem we will deal
with on Friday lies with finite de-
tails of organization."

Weatherman to adopt new tactics

Editorial Page Editor
Weatherman, the militant
offshoot of Students for a Dem-
ocratic Society which has car-
ried out a violent policy of
bombing and terror for the last
year, has indicated publicly
that it will renounce violence
and move back toward mass
movement politics.
In the most significant policy
statement to come out of the
New Left in more than a year,

munication to Liberation News
Service dated Dec. 6, 1970. "The
townhouse forever destroyed
our belief that armed struggle is
the only real revolutionary
Dohrn, along with a number
of other Weatherman leaders,
is currently underground. She
faces two federal indictments
for Weatherman-related activi-
ties, and is currently on the
"most-wanted" list of the Fed-
eral Bureau of Investigation.

hers of Weatherman collectives
to re-examine what they were
"We became aware that a
group of outlaws who are iso-
lated from the youth communi-
ties do, not have a sense of what
is going on, can not develoo
strategies that grow to include
large numbers of people."
With that statement, Dohrn
seems to be admitting publicly
what some observers of the
New Left have been saying over


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