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September 10, 1971 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-10

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Friday, September 10, 1971


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The success of Michigan's
1971 varsity football season, in-
cluding hopes for a conference
chanipionship and a New
Year's Day in Pasadena, could
very well hinge on to what ex-
tent the freshman football
team accomplishes its main
task, impersonating Michigan's
opponents during the weekday
scrimmage drills.
Each week the freshmen
must learn the offensive plays

WlAIW u e ut on

and defensive formations of the
opponents for that week so
that the varsity has the oppor-
tunity to practice against what
it expects to meet on Saturday.
This opening week could be
very crucial, as the frosh have
been practicing together for
only a little over a week, and
as Northwestern is expected to
be one of the better teams in
the Big. Ten this year, the
freshmen came to town with a
tough job on their hands.

The frosh football players
do not serve solely as tackling
dummies for the varsity, how-
ever, although some of them
may argue to the contrary. Ac-
tually, the freshmen do play a
few games, three this year, but
the main objective of the
coaching staff is still to help
prepare the players to play with
the varsity in coming seasons
This year the head man is
once again Tirrell Burton who
in his second year on the Mich-

s igan coaching staff, is corn- Harriso
ing off a record of two victor- (6-3,2
ies and one defeat with last Minn.,
year's frosh. Some of those 240), C
players expected to star with (6-3, 2
this year's varsity include quartert
t quarterbacks Kevin Casey and (6-1, 18
Tom Slade and running backs Spahn
Ed Shuttlesworth and Bob ville, O
Thornlladh. lister (
Concerning this year's crop, MiichigE
Burt "W '3, 235),
S Burton says, "We got most of coby (6
the players we were after, but Tom Je
not all . , . We don't have as fim eld
many players as in recent years field,
but we are just as big, physic- Glenn
ally." Leading the way are ends Warren,
Greg DenBoer (6-6. 233) from n6-n1ki8
Grand Rapids, Michigan and C. Pa.,kC
J. Kupec (6-8, 235) of Oak- P.iChi
lawn, Illinois. One exception is David B
Gil Chapman, a running back OhioB
from Elizabeth, New Jersey. Al- Oidlan
though he is only 5-9 and 175. Cashend
Chapman earned All-American Michiga
honors in high school at Thom-
as Jefferson High. Coach
him nin,
This year the number of foot- who are
ball scholarships given out
came to 25, excluding Jeff Nat- players
chez, an end from Flint, Michi- assistan
gan who chose instead to play men get
professional baseball. In recent ig gam
years the number of tenders Octob
reached 30 to 35 East La
Other Michigan freshmen on Novem
the 1971 tender list include: South B
end William Hoban (6-3, 210), Novem
Chicago: I i n e m e n Dennis in Ann
Franks (6-1, 218), Bethel Park, So wit
Pa., John Klein (6-4, 260), men cro
Ionia, Michigan, Stephen King linemen
(6-5, 225), Tiffin, Ohio, Mark verine fa
McClain (6-3, 225), Thornridge, of fine
Illinois, Dave Metz (6-2, 225), coming

)n, Ohio, Jeff Perlinger
225), St. Louis Park,
Patrick Tumpane (6-4,
Chicago, Norman Long
30), Trenton, Michigan;
backs Dennis Franklin
85), Massilon, Ohio, Jeff
(5-11, 170), Steuben-
nio; linebackers Ed Pol-
6-3, 195), Elk Rapids,
an, Stephen Strinko (6-
Monroe, Ohio, Mark Ja-
-1, 190), Toledo, Ohio,
nsen (6-3), 220),Spring-
Illinois; running backs
Franklin (5-10, 185),
Ohio. Linwood Harden
85 , Detroit, Rich Ka-
(6-3, 200), Leechburg,
luck Heater (6-0, 205),
Ohio: defensive backs
3rown (6-1, 185), Akron,
Roy Burks (6-2, 185).
1,Michigan, and Tim
(6-0, 175), Portage,
Burton has assisting
e "graduate assistants"
either former football
at Michigan or other
ts helping the fresh-
ready for their open-
e. The schedule:
er 22 Michigan State at
nber 6 Notre Dame at
nber 13 Michigan State
th an impressive fresh-
p built on strong quick
and solid defense, Wol-
ans should have plenty
football to watch in

act Captains Gusich, Murdock

discuss upcomin.g season

It was said by a former Mich-
igan star, Jim Betts, that the
difference between offense and
defense was that one did all the
hitting while the other got hit.
If one had to pick co-captains
who typified that definition, no
better choices could have been
made than Frank Gusich and
Guy Murdock.
Gusich, starting his second
year as wolfman, has been
known to do a good deal of hit-
ting. Meanwhile, Murdock who
sets himself up as a sitting
duck before every snap must
incur the wrath of almost every
middle guard and middle line-
backer in the Big Ten.
"Actually I don't look at it
that way," said Murdock, who
might be the most manhandled
member of the offensive line.
"True, the defense dishes out
most of the punishment and the
offense usually absorbs it, but
we have ways of dealing out
punishment, too.
"We believe that if you hit a
defender constantly, he has to
wear down eventually. As a cen-
ter, I have little chance to really
protect myself. When I first
started playing I was taught to
take a step back after the snap
to give myself more time."
Murdock, 6-2, 210, from Bar-
rington, Ill., knows well what
he's talking about. He is a two-
time All-Big Ten center after
switching from guard as a
Gusich, a Garfield Heights,
Ohio, native was considered too
small to play the wolfman spot
(6-0, 186). But he was so im-
pressive as a junior that no one
could take the job away from
Both players feel that Mich-
igan can win it all this year,
but it all depends on tomorrow's
game at Northwestern. "We
consider Northwestern to be
our number one challenger in
the Big Ten," Gusich said. "We


Guy Murdock (53)

Daily--Eric Pergeatix

Last year's freshinen in action

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feel that the Big Ten title will
be on the line. They are a real
good team and if we don't win;,
Northwestern could go all the
Murdock added, "Northwest-
ern plays one more Big Ten
team than do we. So even if
they lost a game during the sea-
son, their record would be bet-
ter than ours. Let's put it this
way. If we don't win Saturday,
we'll just be playing ten more
As captains and as players,
Murdock and Gusich have to do
a great deal of work in order to
prepare for any football game.

Gusich stated, "We have several
meetings every day, there are
films to study, and of course, a
lot of time is spent practicing.
Between football and classes, we
have little time to do anything.
While other teams are resting,
we are out playing football on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Few
people would actually believe
the amount of time we spend
Despite the influx of profes-
sional teams raiding college
campuses for athletes these
days, neither Gusich nor Mur-
dock show any interest, now or
ever. "Of course if we are ap-
proached with an offer we'd
look at it," Murdock said, "but
I doubt if any of us would
"I'm just too small to play
pro football. I'm the second
smallest member of the team,"
said Gusich. Even so, when
Gusich puts an arm tackle on
anyone, it is impossible to break
it-he is that strong.
Gusich, a business major, was
named last year to the Church-
man's All-American team. Part
of the reason for being selected
was the fact that he had 29
solo tackles, 10 of them going
for losses. He also tied for team
leadership in fumble recoveries.
A leader off the field as well as
on it, he is president of the un-
dergraduate M-club.
Murdock has excellent speed
for a center and is a fierce one-
on-one blocker. Another strong
point is his accuracy on punts,
and placekicks. He is majoring
in industrial engineering.
As replacements for last year's
co-captains, Don Moorhead and
Henry Hill, both Frank Qusich
and Guy Murdock should pro-
vide the leadership required for
Michigan to be number one,

Frank Gusich (14)

Nation flocks to stadiums

From Cape Cod to the depths
of Dixie to the Pacific Palisades,
the collegiate gridiron scramble
begins again this weekend to see
who will reign supreme in the
various conferences and in the
One might be venturesome
enough to predict- a winner in
the Southeast competition, and
this year's nominee has to be
Auburn, led by one of the top
notch signal callers in the na-
tion, Pat Sullivan. However, it
may take until December to see
if Tennessee or Louisiana State
will spoil the grid prognostica-
tors' choice once again.
Moving a bit west, the Texas-
Arkansas conference will pro-
vide a multitude of excitement.
Will it be the Longhorns led by
Eddie Phillips or the Razorbacks
with Joe Ferguson who will host
the Cotton Bowl? With an act
of God Texas Tech could make
the Southwest somewhat of a
conference again.
After a one year's absence, the
champion of the Pacific Coast
conference will likely also win
the city championship of Los
Angeles. Jimmy Jones and USC
will battle the UCLA Bruins
coached by Pepper Rodgers. It
will be a tall order for Stanford
to disturb this two way race
without a leader like Plunkett.

In the Ivy League, Bob Black-
man has left the scene to coach
Illinois, but the Indians of
Dartmouth are still the team to
beat, as well as prime candi-
dates to win the Lambert
Trophy. Yale and Harvard will
make a strong bid to overthrow
Dartmouth, but a team to keep
one's eyes on is Columbia, which
seems to have improved enough
in the past few years to pos-

sibly be very pesky and might
end up as high as second.
Other teams figured to win
their respective conferences are:
Toledo (Mid-American), Con-
necticut (Yankee), Wake Forest
(Atlantic Coast), William and
Mary (Southern), Memphis
State (Missouri Valley), San
Diego State (Pacific Coast AA),
Arizona State (Western Ath-
letic), and Montana (Big Sky).

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