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December 02, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-12-02

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See Editorial Page


5k it tan


Cloudy and
not so cold

Vol. LXXXII, No. 68 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, December 2, 1971 Ten Cents
Black enrollment swells as students it fu
In May, 1970, the University committed smiles of pride and nostalgia will in- black enrollment commitment. Yet, agree that the present counseling and orities around here, and we couldn't
itself to achieving 10 per cent black en- stantly appear. Each student will the recipients of the University's ef- tutorial services are very good. be more serious about-it," said Tho-
one tomorrow, The Daily explores some of have his favorite story of the BAM forts now bitterly criticize a major But the issue which sharply di- mas Butts, director of the Office of
the problems the University is encounter- exploits which he'll claim turned the portion of the program - financial vides black students and administra- Financial Aids.
ing in providing adequate student finan-
cial aidand the accompanying supportive University community upside-down support. tors now and at least for some time Yet a seeming majority of black
services necessary for reaching that goal and ultimately achieved the Univer- The Opportunity Program, through to come is the million-dollar area of students-of whom some 90 per cent
By CARLA RAPOPORT sity's commitment of a ten per cent which some 70 per cent of the Uni- financial support. receive financial aid-describe the
First of two parts minority enrollment by 1973-74. versity's black students enroll, is a According to University figures, picture quite differently.
Now, some twenty months since four-pronged program which seeks to some $1.7 million of University funds
Mention the tension-riddled days the strike, these attitudes have some- aid disadvantaged students through and $2.5 million of federal money "The opportunity student here goes
of Spring, 1970 to any University ad- what switched hands as administra- recruitment, financial support, coun- will be pumped into the Opportunity through the same degrading thing ast
ministrator and a momentary look of tors and black students look at the seling and tutoring. Program this year-more than a 60 a welfare recipient. A father has to
pain will cross his face. Memories of progress of the University's primary In reviewing the program, students per cent increase over the amount make less money to keep his kid in
irate alumni, student picket lines, and mechanism for increased minority and officials say recruiting efforts spent last year and less than half the school here. It's just ridiculous and
scores of disrupted classrooms will enrollment, the Opportunity Program have been extremely successful in amount which is budgeted for next the shit is just getting worse," said
briefly change his features. (OP). boosting black enrollment. year. Bill Sharp, a medical student.
Well supplied with figures and And, while disputing who should "Substantial would be a conserva- Commenting further on the Uni-
tharts, administrators point with have control over the various coun- Live word to describe the future com-
ment's class strike to black students pride to the strides which the Univer- seling offices, and how extensive that mitment to the Opportunity Program.
who were 'around that March and sity has made toward satisfying the control should be, both parties also Student aid is one of the highest pri- See BLACK, Page 8 BAH strike, Sj

Twelve Pages
Daily-Sara Krulwich
pring, 1970





to construction project

In a referendum Tuesday.
residents of Alice Lloyd Hall
voted almost unanimously to
record their opposition to the
Housing Policy Committee's
p 1 a n . to consolidate dining
facilities between Lloyd and
nearby Couzens Hall.
According, to the plan, Couzens
dining and kitchen facilities would
be expanded and a structure would.
be built to allow indoor passage
between the two dormitories.
Student opposition to the con-
struction plans had been expressed
earlier at a Nov. 10 meeting, and
341 signatures were collected on a
petition opposing the plans. About
60 per cent of the 600 Lloyd resi-
dents voted on the issue, with al-
most 99 per cent of them voting
against the kitchen plan.k
The proposed plan recommends
an estimated $393,000 expenditure,
with $150,000 to be used for build-
ing improvements at Alice Lloyd
and the remaining $243,000 for
the new dining facilities and con-
According to Tom Lobe, Lloyds
building director, many students
feel that the money could be used
more wisely to make building im-
Lobe cites the large number of
small triple rooms in Lloyd, the
total lack of lounges beyond the
main floor, the use of eight of the
sixteen ironing rooms for student
living quarters, and the absence of
guest and study rooms as major
A spokesman from the Office of
Housing has responded that an
estimated $55,000 will be saved
each year in operating costs and
that Lloyd's "only realistic hope

.A . inductions
barred pending
draft decision.
WASHINGTON (R) - Supreme Court Justice William
Douglas yesterday ordered a halt to all draft inductions in
the Los Angeles area until a federal district court rules on an
alleged loophole in the 1971 Selective Service Act.
Douglas granted an application filed by the American
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in behalf of men facing induc-
tion before the end of the year. The suit charges that a pro-
vision in the draft law bars all inductions until 90 days after
the law takes effect unless the President or the Senate de-
clare a state of war or national emergency.
Attorney for the draftees argue that the provision should
have barred all inductions before Dec. 28.
Selective Service spokesmen said they would not seek
review by the full Supreme Court -
of Douglas' induction stay order;
but a spokesman said s'milar O jL
"loophole" challenges in various H ouse
federal courts could eventually
throw the whole case into the Su-
preme Court.


-Associated Press
Hail from the Chief
President Nixon applauds National 4-H Club award winners in
Chicago yesterday. Nixon told the club members that the youth
rebellion of recent years is being replaced by "a bright new
morning" and an era of emancipation which finds America's
young people "moving rapidly into full partnership" with their
Mills says Congress
won change taiX 1

-Associated Press
Socialist presidential candidate
Linda Jenness (left), of Pembroke, Ga., Socialist Workers Party candidate for President, gestures
at a press conference in Boston yesterday as an unidentified aide studies the audience. Jenness, 30,
a graduate of Antioch College, said she plans to file to run for the presidency next year in 33 states.

A spokesman said Selective Ser-
vice did not believe the 1948 delay
clause had any further legal ef-
fect; but if the courts say it does,
such a decision could affect tens
of thousands of men drafted after
Sept. 28-"It would create quite
a messy situation", said one draft
Douglas' order alone could
bring on a snowballing effect that
could snarl December inductions.
Several federal judges have al-
ready barred inductions in their
areas pending tests of the draft
law. Others may now find them-
selves under new pressure to de-
lay inductions that might later
prove illegal.
jShortly after Douglas issued his

- or eontempt
Robert Williams, black separatist
and former University faculty
member, has been cited for con-
tempt of Congress by the Senate
Judiciary Committee for his failure
to testify before the House Internal
Security Committee (HISC).
The censure, the Detroit Free
Press reported yesterday, could
result in prosecution by the Jus-
tice Department if approved by the
Senate. The maximum prison sen-
tence for Williams, who spent eight
years in exile in Cuba and China,
would be five years.


United States announces end

of arms shipments t(

WASHINGTON ()-Rep. Wilbur'
Mills said yesterday Congress will1
not remove the disputed campaign -
contribution provision of the pend-i
ing tax cut bill even though Presi-z
dent Nixon has promised it will4
mean a veto of the bill.
Mills, chairman of the House{
Ways and Means Committee, said!
the dollar checkoff amendment to
Y the tax bill will emerge intact
from Congress, where a conference
was nearing final action on the, 1
bill, and be sent to the White
House for Nixon's consideration.;
"He'll have the opportunity of,
passing judgment on that provi-'
sion," Mills told a luncheon audi-;
ence of the Capital City Demo-
cratic Club.
"We will hold fast for the dollar+
checkoff," the Arkansas Democrat+
The amendment to the bill,
otherwise generally approved of1
by Nixon, would let taxpayers di-'

rect $1 of their federal income-tax for substantial reduction in trip-
payment be used to help finance les" would be to use its share of
presidential campaigns. The re- the savings for this purpose.
mainder of the bill provides for Chemistry Prof. Peter Smith, a
reductions in taxes. Housing Policy Committee mem-
In the Senate, where the amend- ber, said that the committee will
e definitely take student opinion in-
week, support was dividedalmost to consideration, but that the ob-
totally down party lines, with the jections of Alice Lloyd residents
financially plagued Democrats in had to be weighed against the in-
favor. giterests of students in all Univer-
varioussity dorms. Smith said the money
rdnt tNixon, through ssaved in operating costs could
t po , a s mean lower rent costs for all stu-
promised to veto the tax bill if the dents living in dormitories.
amendment remains in it. He has Much of the concern at Lloyd is
described the provision as a raid for the preservation of the atmos-
on the federal treasury. phere of the Pilot Program, which
Mills said he doesn't think Nixon Lloyd houses. Students feel a
will veto the tax bill even with the "sterile, 'convenience food' dining
amendment "but he sometimes facility" could destroy the warm,
does what others do not dare toj personal atmosphere of that pro-

United States announced yester-
day that it is cutting off arms
shipments to India.
State Department press offic-
er Charles Bray, in announcingL
the decision, said new munitions
licenses will not be issued nor
will existing licenses be renewed.
Some existing licenses also have
been canceled, he said. These have
a value of $2 million for arms
a n d ammunition components,
tools and machinery directly re-
lated to ammunition production.
Also included are small quantities
of ammunition, he said.
Bray said the decision to sus-
pend the issuance of new licenses


as communications equipment,
spare parts for transports anda
electronic equipment.s
Officials pointed out the con-!
tinued military engagement in:
East Pakistan between Indian ands
Pakistani troops had led the
United States to take the new ac-e
tion against India.
All arms shipments to Pakistan
had previously been cut off.
Meanwhile, an Indian spokes-f
man said yesterday that India's
troops have carved out a three-to-I
five mile stretch of East Pakistan
in five days of occupation and
have cut the only rail line into theT
northwest sector of the troubled1
Pakistan warned the two na-
tions were drifting toward a ma-
jor conflict.
The spokesman told reporters in
New Delhi the main Indian ob-
jective is to make it possible for
10 million East Pakistani refu-1
gees in India "to go back to their
homes in honor and dignity."

order, the Selective Service said
it had already barred military .in- Until August, 1961, Williams was
) In d ia ductions at the Los Angeles induc- a mill worker in Monroe,
tion center and advised the Army where he also served as president
The spokesman asserted that not to induct men from Central of the local branch of the NAACP.
although Pakistani shelling had and Southern California any- Then, after being charged with
stopped, the Indians did not feel where in the nation, until further kidnapping a white couple during a
it safe to pull back across the bor- notice.
der because a brigade of Pakistani In the past months more than Later Williams moved to China
soldiers was still in the area. 60 suits have been filed across the and furthered his studies of these
Radio Pakistan claimed, how- nation seeking to take advantage two countries. Background he gain-
ever, that Indian troops had been of the apparent loophole in the ed was available to few Westerners
driven back across the border at new draft law that went into ef- and played a large role in his se-
Hilli. ,feet Sept. 28.
Hilli. The Selective Service, however, lection for a position in the Uni-
Radio Pakistan quoted an of- claims that the 90-day provision versity's Center for Chinese Stu-
ficial spokesman in Rawalpindi as is meaningless now and was in- dies last year.
saying that so far war has been tended to be used only in 1948, at
avoided because of the extreme the time of the original draft law, Back in America for two years
restraint shown by Pakistan. to allow the President latitude to now, Williams continues to fight
Although India has never ad- set up induction machinery. extradition to North Carolina on
mitted it, a report from East Pak- On Tuesday, a three-judge
istan said Indian troops also were federal Appeals Court in Los An- the kidnapping charge.
still inside the province in the re- geles held that there is nothing Williams testified under sub-
gion of Jssore, about 175 miles in the new law forbidding induc- poena twice before HISC's latest
south of Hilli. tion until Dec. 28. Douglas' ruling peatiebfr ICslts
Associated Press correspondent amounts to a reversal. order July 8. Then he failed to
Peter O'Loughlin reported from ACLU lawyers made their plea appear because HISC had "started
Jessore, 15 miles from th border, to Douglas in behalf of seven men to pry into my personal affairs."
that Indian troops were four miles who have received induction or-
west of that important garrison ders in California since Sept. 28. "I don't think they had the right
town. See INDUCTIONS, Page 6 to harass me," he said.



will not affect deliveries of other
items that are not munitions. Re-

Mills said a veto would almost Lobe said that "It isn't that the mtine to be authorized for ship-
surely kill any chances for passage students are against eating at
this year of another tax bill with- Couzens so much as the fact that ment have a value of about $11.5
out the amendment. j they like it here." million and include such items

Fleming named to sex bias uni



Fifteen months ago, President Robben
Fleming was facing widespread criticism
as the University was charged with sex bias
in employment by the Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW).
Today-much to the dismay of some na-
tional women's groups-he is an advisor to
HEW on matters of sex discrimination.
Fm-1'in-hn -r a mp nnn offi-mrv hnzo f

sity; and Clifton Wharton, Jr., president
of Michigan State University.
HEW-officials were unavailable for com-
ment on the appointments.
Sparks began to fly recently, when it
was found that three out of five universi-
ties represented by the committee are not
themselves in compliance with HEW guide-
lines for increased hiring of women and

"The immediate objective is to
silence the Pakistani shelling of
r our citizens in the border towns,"
he continued. "But if you ask:j
-hat is our over-all objective, it
is to see that these refugees go
The spokesman's statement fol-
lowed by a day Prime Minister
Indira Gandhi's demand that
West Pakistan pull its troops out
of East Pakistan, where it is try-
ino to crush a rebellion. and let
the people there have their in-
The spokesman disclosed that

Davis: Remembering the past

The seventh-year graduate stu-
dent who won the most votes
and led the GROUP slate to
near-total victory in last month's
SGC election, returns to Council
almost as a ghost from the past
-a compelling reminder of an
earlier and very different day
for SGC.

for an eight-month lease, an
end to classified research, and
increased student representation
in University decision-making.
Davis authored the Student
Bill of Rights and the SGC in-
corporation plan, which first en-

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