Old SGC elections:
Anything goes?'
In anticipation of the upcoming Student
Government Council election, observers
have voiced their confidence in an elec-
toral process which candidates in the
past have described as "anything goes."
They cite the recently-approved elec-
tion code and the increased supervision
of SGC's Credentials and Rules Commit-
tee (C&R), as alleviating many of the
inequities of past SGC elections.
Election irregularities have included
campaign overspending, accusations of
"ballot stuffing," problems arising from
ballot miscounts, contested ballots, and
possible C&R bias.
According to many who have partici-
pated in student government elections,
opportunities for rigging the results,
which in the past have been embarrass-
ing to SGC and have tended to lessen
credibility, appear to have been checked.
The memories of such election quirks
point out past problems, with the con-
tested SGC presidential election of
March, 1969, one case in point.
No presidential candidate in that elec-
tion received a clear-cut majority of
votes. C&R devised a three-way run-off
after a dispute arose that involved the
the canmpus
miscounting of second place votes instru-
mental to the "multiple transferable
ballot" being used.
Under that ballot system, the second
place votes on the ballot of the candidate
receiving the least number of first place
votes are added to the totals of the re-
maining candidates.
After initially accepting the plan,
Howard Miller and his vice presidential
running mate, Mark Rosenbaum, with-
drew, calling the run-off "inequitable,
arbitrary and without any SGC rules."
Ordinarily a run-off occurs between the
top two candidates, but in this case, the
difference between second and third
place was a bare seven votes.
According to John Koza, Grad, 50 law
school ballots figured prominently in
the decision to include the third slate
in the run-off. The instructions on those
ballots were different from those on
other general election ballots.
The primary objection to the election,
however, was the suspicion of partiality
on the part of C&R, which at that time
was composed of only two members.
Bob Nelson, a candidate in the elec-
tion and former SGC election director,
said that "both C&R members had open-
ly supported one of the candidates in
the proposed run-off."
Nelson cited the recent enlargement
of C&R to seven members, none of
whom may openly support a candidate,
as a positive move to make the body
more impartial.
At the time of the 1969 election, the
question of excess spending, which be-
came crucial in last year's election, also
was raised.
As former SGC council member Bruce
Wilson explained: "There was a loop-
hole in the spending provisions: You
got an extra allotment for every student
organization that endorsed you."
Prior to last spring's election, the
"loophole" was eliminated when SGC
See OLD, Page 8
-Daily-Jim Wallace
Students cast ballots during last SGC election
See Editorial Page
4 i wl
Clouds passing over;
may rain, may not
Vol. LXXXII, No. 54 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 11, 1971 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Committee sees- shift to
Medical Center control
Sweeping operational and financial changes for the Uni-
versity Health Service-including a request for a student
assessment every term-have been recommended in a yet-to-
be-released report of the Committee on Long-Range Plan-
ning for the Health Service.
The faculty-administrator committee, appointed last
November by Vice President for State Relations and Planning
Fedele Fauri, was asked to determine the appropriate role of
Health Service and consider-"what populations Health Serv-
ice should serve, how it should relate to the Medical Center
and how it should be financed."
The report recommends that:
Controls, price
exemptions set
By The Associated Press
.2 women
set ire
to selives
Two women who apparently set
fire to each other early yesterday
morning were reported in critical
condition at University Hospital
last night.
Anita McQueen, 21, a former
University student, and R a e 11 e
Weinstein, 26, of Skokie, Ill., were
found by" police and firemen at 517~
S. Division St., when neighbors re-
ported a fire.
According to Fire Marshal John
Villiams, the pair was found sit-
ting cross-legged on the kitchen
floor, their clothing aflame, when
firemen broke in the back door of
the apartment where they were
s t a y i n g. They had apparently
started the blaze by lighting paper
Wtuffed into their jeans and shirts.
No motive has yet been estab-
lished by police for the immola-
tions. They report, however, that
there was no evidence of drug use
in the incident.
tDoctors at University Hospital
uld not comment last night on
the women's chances of survival.
Both Weinstein and McQueen have
serious burns on 25 to 35 per cent
of their bodies.
* -The Medical Cynter assume
some control over Health Service;I
-Students be assessed a fee
each term to cover a broad scope
of health benefits;
-A new two-wing ambulatory
be built; and I
-Health Service orient its of-
ferings primarily toward students.
The report will be considered by
the executive office~rs at their
meeting next Thursday and by
the Senate Assembly Committee
on University Affairs (SACUA),
the top faculty executive body, at:
its Nov. 22 meeting.
Each recommendation, and par- The weekly LSA Student-Faculty Co
I ticularly those relating to Health on "China and the Western World."
Service administration and the Eckstein, LSA Dean Frank Rhodes,
mandatory student fee, is ex- chairman of the Center for Chinese S
pected to stir opposition in the,
University community.n
However, those committee mem- HEATED MEETING:
bers contacted by The Daily
seemed satisfied with the report
as a guideline-expecting it will
be changed before any of the
recommendations are implement- LSA stndei
Daily-Sara Krulwidhi
'hina and coffee
ffee Hour had an added attraction yesterday-a panel discussion
Participants included (left to right) economics Prof. Alexander
philosophy Prof. Donald Munro, and Prof. Rhoads Murphey,
nt govt. picks VP,
for policy board
The Cost of Living Council
yesterday announced details
for the policing of post-freeze
wage - price controls-includ-
ing a list of surprise exemp-
All used products, including
cars, commercial and industrial
rents, raw sugar, existing. and
many new homes will be exempted
from price controls, the board
said, when Phase 1 of the freeze
ends midnight Sunday.
The government will police 45
per cent of total U.S. sales and
roughly 10 per cent of pay in-
creases affecting workers.
In addition, Council Director
Donald Rumsfeld said he would
not rule out possible exemptions
to pay standards adopted earlier
this week. While a 5.5 per cent an-
nual increase has been set on pay
hikes, the Pay Board has appar-
ently left itself a loophole which
may permit hikes up to 12 per
Its initial policy adopted Mon-
day night contains a clause which
reads: "In reviewing contracts and.
pay practices, the Pay Board shall
consider ongoing collective bar-
gaining and pay practices and the
equitable position of the employes
involved, including the impact of
recent changes in the cost of liv-
ing upon employe's compensation."
Sources say its purpose is to al-
:lw 'the board to approve higher
raises when circumstances warrant
However, AFL - CIO President
George Meany and other labor
leaders vowed yesterday to fight
the wage controls which they said
would violate labor contracts cov-
ering millions of workers.
But there was a deepening split
among union leaders over whether
Meany and four other labor mem-
bers should quit Nixon's 15-man
Pay Board, or stay on it to fight
from within.
Though Rumsfeld emphasized
yesterday that non-exempted item:
will continue to be controlled
small retail establishments will
not be required to report or get
advance approval of price in-
Referring to the possible shift of
control from the Office of Student
Services (OSS) which presently
administers Health Service, to the
Medical Center, Robert Anderson,
Health Service director said, "I
think we could work comfortablyE
under either organizational plan."
However, Robert Knauss, vice
president for student services, said
he hoped Health Service would
maintain strong ties with OSS
even if its administration should
Health' Service presently pro-
vides preventive medicine and ed-
ucational services through OSS
agencies such as the Otfice of
Reliaious Affairs and the Office
of University Housing. In addi-
tion, OSS has a Health ServiceI
Policy Board-with student mem-
bers forming a majority-that was
apointed last spring to advise the
While Anderspn said "an ap-
propriate long-term plan" would
See GROUP, Page 8
5 memtbers
According to firemen who ex-
'hguished the flames, the women
continued talking to each other'
as the fire burned. They reportedly
said, "Death is beautiful," and "at
least we'll go together."
3 meeting marred by dissension, the LSA
it Government last night moved to fill
cant vice presidential post and completed
imination of students to the LSA Student-
y Policy Committee.
i move which engendered heated debate,
vernment named executive council mem-
nny Allen, '73, to fill the position of vice
vice presidency became vacant when LSA
ent Jim Bridges, '72, resigned and Vice
ent Rick Ratner, '73, was elevated to the
:utive council members Bob Black, '73.
uss Bikoff, '73, walked out of the meeting
test, claiming the decision should not be
until after the upcoming election when
. new members will be sitting on the
r last night's meeting, Black commented,
e strikes
ty bldg.
unicipal Court Building t
vent feature of downtown
or for over 60 years, was
d by a fire of undeter-
origin early yesterday
Damage was estimated
tructure, considered a
fire hazard by local
bpeonue or of npnd :
"For a lame-duck council to shove through a
vice presidential election, a week before a real,
popular election is a travesty."
The body also approved the nomination of
five more students to the LSA Student-Faculty
Policy Committee, thus completing their 10
The first five members were chosen at last
week's meeting, and the entire committee should
start working as soon as its faculty members
are chosen at the next meeting of the literary
college faculty, the first Monday in December.
The policy committee, approved by the facul-
ty last spring will serve to review the operations
of the literary college, with power to recommend
legislation to the faculty.
The five .members named last night are, Jim
Winestein, '75, Mike DeBoer, '75, and Lesly-
Guttenburg, '73. Executive council members
Neil Aisenson, '73, and Steve Weissman, '73 were
also named to the committee.
-Associated Press
Castro in Chile
Fidel Castro waves to a cheering crowd as he leaves the airport
in Santiago, Chile, with Chilean President Salvador Allende. (See
News Briefs, Page 3).
Edboard asks appeal
of segregation rulin
From Wire Service Reports
The Detroit Board of Education, after heated debate
Tuesday night, voted 8-4 to appeal U.S. District Judge Stephen
Roth's decision that Detroit schools are illegally segregated.
Gov. William Milliken, a defendant along with the board
in the suit which brought the Roth decision, had announced
his intention to appeal the ruling last week.
Meanwhile, in Lansing, both the State Senate and the
House Tuesday rejected separate attempts to enact laws
-_--- '*-which would prohibit student
Area Indian
busing to attain racial balance
in the schools.
It is not certain whether the
Milliken or the board appeals can
be made now or not until after
Roth orders some kind of inte-
gration plan, but the board's vote
was to appeal the decision "at an
About half of total sales and P n t l-in
pay increases for about 83 per cent
of all U.S. workers will only be By MARCIA ZOSLAW
subject to spot government checks American I n d i a n s Unlimited appropriate time"-as far as the
for post-freeze violations. (AIU) are sponsoring a teach-in U.S. Supreme Court.
The council said 1,300 compan- at the University on Indian culture The board's decision to appeal
ies, with sales of $100 million or and Indian rights Nov. 12-14. met with the opposition of two
more, will be required to report The main purpose of the teach- board memberg, C. L. Golightly
price increases before they can go in is to focus on the elementary and Darneau Stewart, who con-
into effect. This represents 45 per school needs of Indian children, tended an appeal was uncalled for
cent of all sales. according to Victoria Barner, an since, in their opinion, Detroit
Pay increases affecting 5,000 organizer of the teach-in. schools are, indeed, segregated.
workers or more must be reported Besides wanting to sensitize edu- Bitter exchanges between board
before they can be paid. About 500 cators how to teach Indian chil- members and shouts from the
economic units, mostly bargaining dren, the teach-in is also directed
unisareafecedrereentng10at Indian education on the Uni- audience were generated by the
units, are affected, representing 10 atIda dcto nteU-board's decision to add Thomas V.
per cent of all workers. versity level. bor'deiontadThmsV
About 1,100 companies with an- The teach-in will stress the need Giles as an attorney for the board
nual sales between $50 million and for an intensified drive to recruit in the appeal.
$100 million must report price Indians for college and for college Giles was hired by the board last
hikes on a quarterly basis. Pay in- scholarships. ! spring as an administrative intern
_F4 1- ,. n cp i,'i m miinder a federally funded Drogram
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