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November 10, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-11-10

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Y r e



Clearing, sunny, and
warmer in the afternoon

Vol..LXXXII, No. 53

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 10, 1971

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


student files






,suit against city



Daniel Feld, Grad, is filing suit to challenge an Ann'
Arbor law which he says bars many students from par-
ticipating in city government, and specifically from running
for City Council.
The law-known as the Duration Residency Require-}
ent-states that a candidate must be a resident of the ~c
ard in which he or she runs for one year prior to the regis-
tration date
Feld, who had been a Second Ward resident for six years, '
moved out briefly during last summer vacation, returning
several months ago.
Upon finding that his move had4
rendered him ineligible as a coun-
cii candidate, Fell decided to chal-
lenge the regulation in court.
iOn Nov. 2, Arthur Carpenter,
lee Feld's attorney, filed suit in De-
troit's F e d e r a 1 District Court
against the city and city clerk Har-
old Saunders, charging that the law
was unconstitutional.-
refu g ees According to Carpenter, the suit
is -based upon the inability of the
city to prove "compelling interest"
By CHARLES STEIN which would require such a law,
Several hundred East Quad stu- and the law's allegedly discrimi-
dents plan to forego two meals natory nature.
today in an effort to generate stu- Students, Feld contends, who are'
ent concern for the Pakistan otherwise qualified candidates are
refugee crisis, prevented by the law from running .
Students who skip both lunch and because they tend to change wards
dinner will receive food service often.
credit to equal the cost of the raw City attorney Jerold Lax explain-
materials for the two meals-ap- ed yesterday that the law was de- Chinese delegatess
proximately $1.10 each. vised under the assumption that Kao Liang, head of mainland China's adva
*The sum obtained through these "residency requirements help pro- United Nations, is greeted at U.N. headquarte
credits will be donated'to a British duce more familiarity with the terday by Byron Castrounis, a U.N. proto
relief agency named Oxfam which problems and therefore a more in- delegation from the Peoples Republic of Chin
is presently involved in providing formed candidate."
relief for East Pakistani refugees Under law, the city has 20 days York tomorrow. (See News Briefs, Page 3.)
who. have fled to India. during which to respond to the
A similar form of protest was suit. RESIGNS PRESIDENCY:
planned on a national. scale for According to Lax, the city has
Rov. 3, but local organizers did not, as yet, considered a formal
not become aware of it until it was reply. i
too late to participate. For Feld to qualify as a candi-
The ordinance states that for ,tu- date in the next election, however, IS
dents to receive rebates on meals the decision must come in the near
The final deadline for filing pe-

-Associated Press
nce delegation to the
ers in New York yes-
col official. The full
na is expected in New

In September, it appeared
that the five-year quest for a
University-wide legal system
would be completed by the end
of this semester. But now, it is
likely the system will not be
implemented until well into
the winter term.
Of the two parts to the legal
system-a set of conduct rules and
a judicial mechanism to enforce
the rules-the judicial mechanism
is close to a reality, but the con-
I duct rulesshave been delayed be-
cause of student turnover on the
committee which is formulating
University Council (UC) - the
group charged by the Regents in
February, 1970, with formulating
a conduct code for the University
community-met once in Septem-
ber, at which time it was discover-
ed that one of the student mem-
bers had resigned, and another one
was considering the possibility of
No plans for future meetings
were made until last week, when
Student Government Council filled
the vacancy. The student who had!
been wavering decided to remain.
tA meeting is now planned within
two weeks.
"I regard this as simply an un-
fortunate combination of circum-
stances," said law school Dean
Theodore St. Antoine, commenting
on the delay in starting UC meet-
ings. "I do not feel it's fair to
blame anyone for what happened."
St. Antoine resigned last summer
as chairman of UC. But a newl
chairman has not yet been ap-
pointed and he has continued to
function as the "executive secre-
tary" for the group.
SGC officials were not available
for comment -last night, but St.
Antoine noted that internal diffi-
culties on Council during October
were "sufficient reason" to excuse
its delay in making the UC ap-
UC released a draft of a pro-
posed conduct code lastFebruary,
but the draft was rejected by both
Senate Assembly-the faculty rep-
resentative group-and SGC.
Students claimed the code was
too Harsh, while the faculty gen-J
erally felt it was too lenient.
"We tried to work out a compro-
mise between faculty and student
interests," said St. Antoine. "Now
we'll have to find adjustments for
the peculiarly valid criticisms."
Since the first draft of the UC
rules was essentially a compromise
between student and faculty posi-
tions, the problem of revising the
rules to make them acceptable to
both groups promises to be both
delicate and difficult.
In contrast to the conduct code,
the other part of the legal system
- the judicial mechanism - is al-
most ready for operation.
The judicial mechanism-a Uni-
versity court system - was ap-
proved, with modifications from
its original form, last April by the
Regents. With SGC and Senate As-
sembly both assenting to the modi-
fications, essentially all that re-
mains to be done is appoint tudent
and faculty members to the court.
See 'U' COUNCIL, Page 10


A major fire hit the north-
west block of South Main and
Huron Sts, early this morning,
causing severe damage to a
number of downtown business
offices on the upper stories of
a five-story complex covering
most of the block.
The fire, which was reported
at 12:52 a.m. remained out of
control as of 2:15 a.m.,
Off-duty members of the
Ann Arbor Fire Department
ere pulled into help fight the
blaze. It was unclear this
morning what the total amount
of damage was caused by the
fire or whether there were any
Among the businesses report-
ed on fire were Morays Jew-
elry, Alfred Hair Stylists, and
Varsity Bar.
the proposed fast, they must sub-
mit to the food service a petition
signed by one-third of the dorm's
This regulation explains why
East Quad will be having its fast
today, while South Quad must wait
until Nov. 22. Other dorms con-
sidering fasts include Bursley and
Alice Lloyd.
Some 250 students in East Quad
yned the original petition. but
ifovement leaders in the dom
predict that more than 250 stu-
dents will participate today. Resi-
dential College coordinator N)r m
Snustad has made provisions for
latecomers - to observe the last
students will need only to have
their meal tickets checked, thus
frhdering them ineligible for the
two meals to be skipped.

titions for the city election is
Jan. 3.
Both Feld and Carpenter are op-
timistic about their chances for,
According to Feld, a similar reg-
ulation brought before the courts
earlier this year was declared un-
Commenting on the case Carpen-
ter said recently, "Sometimessyou
have to wait until a legal issue
gets ripe enough to pick."
With the increasing interest in
student involvement in electoral
politics. occasioned by the 18-year-j
old vote as well as the state su-;
preme court decision last summer
to void special residency require-
ments for student voters, both Feld
and Carpenter feel the residency
requirement challenge is ripe now.

LSA govt. post

-Daily-Denny Gainer
Winter wonderland
With the first snowfall of the school year, winter scenes predominate on campus yesterday. The cube
in Regents' Plaza is covered with snow, as is someone's chief mode of transportation. At bottom, stu-
dents dig in to create a snowman.
LaIbor leaders denounce
con tinued. wage controls

LSA Student Government
President Jim Bridges, '72 has
resigned his post.
Bridges' resignation took ef-
fect last Saturday, and followed
weeks of absence from student
government activities.
It is speculated that the re-
signationhwastprompted by per-
sonal rather than political fac-
A source close to the literary
college government told T h e
Daily that Bridges had not ex-
ercised the "duties of his office"

11 file for 10 vacant LSA
Executive Council seats

since September. Bridges w a s
elected in last spring's campus-
wide student elections a lo n g
with. Vice-President Rick Rat-
ner, '73.
Because of Bridges' inactivity
on the governing unit, the
source said, the unit sent Brid-
ges a letter asking him to "de-
clare his intentions."
Bridges' reply - received last
Saturday - contained his ve-
He remained unavailable for
comment yesterday.
The resignation has resulted
in Ratner's elevation to Presi-
dent, leaving open the Vice-
President's seat.
Ratner told The Daily that
the group would appoint a Vice-
President at its regular weekly
meeting tonight. The new Vice-
President, he predicted, will pro-
bably come from the ranks of
the government itself.
Such an internal shift would
create an additional vacancy on
the 15 member body. All 10 va-
cancies are to be filled in a
campus-wide election next Tues-
day and Wednesday.
Also appearing on the ballot
will be a resolution to amend
the LSA constitution to provide
for a more rapid establishment
of the lower house of the LSA
Student Government.
The lower house-the assem-
bly-is to include representatives
from each of the literary col-
lege's undergraduate associa-
tions. These associations rep-
resent students from the col-
lege's various academic depart-

By The Associated Press
The nation's labor leaders
yesterday protested strongly
against the new federal wage
controls set Monday against
labor wishes, by the adminis-
tration's pay board. Reactions
ranged from caution to a call
for a general strike by the
AFL-CIO's nearly 14 million
Under general guidelines ap-
proved by the board Monday
night, wage increases should not
exceed 5.5 per cent per year.

Also under the board's deci-
sion businessmen can appeal for
a rollback of any previously
granted wage increase whichex-
ceeds 5.5 per cent.
Leaders of the meat cutters
and construction workers unions
yesterday urged AFL-CIO Presi-
dent George Meany to quit
President Nixon's 15 man
labor - industry - public Pay
Further, the executive council
of the 500,000 member Amalga-
mated Meat Cutters Union an-

Beset by a long and growing
list of vacancies coupled with
widespread student apathy, the
LSA Student Government execu-
tive council elections Tuesday
and Wednesday have attracted
just 11 candidates, most of whom
are destined to gain election.
LSA Student Government offi-
cials yesterday made public their
list of the 11 students who have
filed as candidates in the upcom-
ing election. There are now nine
vacancies on the body, but the
list may grow.
The resignation of LSA Stu-
dent Government President Jim
Bridges, '72, and the subsequent
assumption by Vice President
Rick Ratner, '73, of that post

has left the unit without a vice
According to Ratner, a imem-
ber of the executive council will
probably be named vice presi-
dent tonight, thereby creating a
tenth opening and thus assuring
the election of all but one of the
council aspirants.
Those running for council in-
clude three incumbents who were
appointed last month to council
-Neal Aisenson, '73, Mark Bris-
sette, '73 and Richard Ross, '73.
Other candidates include council
Secretary Kris Sankovitch, '75,
C h a r 1 e s Barquist, '75, James
Glickman, '75, Carl Herstein, '73,
David Hornstein, '74, Jonathan
Klein, '74, Bob Stephens, '73 and
Steve Vagozzi, '73.

CRC lists rejected proposal

nounced they have prepared a
motion for the AFL-CIO con-
vention opening Nov. 18 which
would call on the giant union
to "take whatever action is
necessary, including a national
work stoppage or general strike"
to fight the controls.
Some union leaders, however
voiced a note of caution in re-
garding the possible labor re-
volt from the President's price
Three representatives from
the construction union com-
mented that labor could better
argue its case from within the
President's price board. -
But Frank Rafferty of the
135,000 member Painters Union,
a member of the AFL-CIO exec-
utive council claimed the Pay
Board was "stacked" against
The board consists of five rep-
resentatives from business, five
from "the public" and five
from labor.
While falling short of call-
ing for a withdrawal of labor
from the board, John Lyons of
the Iron Workers commented
that if the other 2 segments of

The first minutes made public
by the University's Classified
Research Committee (CRC) re-
veal that the group failed to
approve a secret research pro-
posal at its Oct. 29 meeting be-
cause "the sponsor's objectives
.included target acquisition and
weapons delivery."
Set up in 1968 to review all pro-
posals for classified research,
CRC must approve projects be-
fore they are sent to sponsors

outside the University with re-
quests for funding.
CRC's minutes were previously
confidential but geography Prof.
George Kish, chairman of the
faculty-student group, announced
Monday that minutes of CRC
meetings on Oct. 29 and there-
after will be available for public
The project, titled "Optimized
Air-to-Surface Infrared Sensors,"
involved measuring the heat
characteristics of different tar-
gets for identification purposes.
"Of special concern," the CRC
minutes state, "was an item in
the work statement which said
sensor performance will be meas-
ured in terms of detection, recog-
nition and identification and that
the baseline targets included per-
"It was noted that the spon-
sor's objectives included target
acquisition and w e a p o n s de-
A motion to approve the pro-
ject failed 3-5 with one absten-
tion. The proposal was not re-
jected outright, however, since

cently passed by Senate Asseinm-
bly which would further retrict
classified research on campus.
Some CRC members felt there
would be difficulty in interpret-
ing the p r o p o s e d prohibition
against research "any specific
purpose or clearly forseeable re-
sult of which is to destroy huaman
life or incapacitate human be-





Although the Tenants Union (TU) has
not been an active visable organization
over the past few years, a nucleus of hard
working members is trying to make it a
viable service organization.
In the spring of 1969 TU, with an ac-

TU has been forced to restrict its actions
to answering telephones and trying to
provide tenants with information con-
cerning their rights when dealing with
This semester, TU has launched one
major project, and has plans for another.

landlords for the eventuality of damage
being done to apartments. The landlords
can deduct the cost of repairing the dam-
ages from the deposits.
One TU member says, "Tenants in Ann
Arbor have been getting ripped off for.
years. The majority have not received'



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