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October 28, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-28

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01k igaun


Partly cloudy,
windy and cooler

Vol. LXXXII; No. 42

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 28, 1971

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

US. may revise UN.
support, oreign aid
By The Associated Press
'E President Nixon yesterday
suggested the possibility of
lessened U.S. support to the
United Nations and a re-
shuffling of foreign aid prior-
0. ities in his first public reac-
tion to the world body's Mon-
day nightdecision to oust Na-
tionalist China.
Many U.N. diplomats expressed
surprise and anger to threats of
U.S. financial reprisals against the
"United Nations.
Press secretary Ronald Ziegler
said Nixon was shocked by what
he regarded as "undisguised glee"
'and "personal animosity" on the
. Ipart of unnamed U.N. delegates
following votes by the world or-
ganization that marked a dip-
lomatic defeat for the United
According to Ziegler. Nixon ob-
jected to. the cheering and clap-
f ping on the part of some delegates
r:,.Monday night following th.e an-



nounc'ment of the U.N. vote to
seat the People's Republic of
China. Nixon further warned of
erosion in public and congres-
- sional support for the world or-'
::....:~ ganization and-in the case of
foreign aid-for countries whose
-Daily-Jm Judkis dPlegates joined in what he term-
t ued "shocking spectacle."
Chemistry through osmosis "it is not our intention to re-
This class moved from the stuffy Chem Bldg. yesterday to enjoy taliate." said Ziegler. but he noted
the Indian summer on the Diag. that some of the delegates whose
___he___ Inia mer h __ __ _ actions were offensive to Nixon
rFnrasented countries that receive
FUT URE CHAR TED: considereble foreign aid from the
_______________________________United States.
Forty-four of the 76 nations that
to Con in u eca st U.N. votes to oust Nationalist
I'CPJ to continue S.assac ne th
China are among recipients of U.
S. assistance under the $3.2-bil-.
lion foreign-aid bill now before
the Senate.
action s, test arrests Congressional reaction, accord-
ing o Seateminority leader
By TAMMY JACOBS Hugh Scott (R-Pa) is decisively
and CHRIS PARKS against both the United Nations
Special To The Daily and the $3.2 billion foreign aidf
WASHINGTON-Organizers of the People's Coalition for bill."-
"There eissno ralfriend-
Peace and Justice (PCPJ) yesterday promised court tests ofv
lv entiment towardsrte Unte
*the 298 arrests made at Tuesday's sit-in near the White Nations in the Senate today."E
House, and discussed plans for the next four months of their Scott said. adding that almost any
campaign to "evict" President Nixon. move to cut the bill at this point
The announcements were made at a press conference ; would be approved.
yesterday afternoon, a few hours before the last protestors field (D-Mont ) sought to fore-
remaining in Washington jails were released on bond and stall until next year any move to
-'personal recognisance. Person- chop U.N. funds in retaliation.
U.N al recognisance is granted to The regular appropriation for
Sdisclose those having Washington or the U.S. contribution to the Unit-
ed Nations has already been
suburban addresses. passed, but the pending measure,
SThe arrests came Tuesday when contains some $141 million for U.
ha lf tim e i the group, part of a crowd of See U.S., Page 8

-Daily-Jim Wallace
COMPLAINANTS Frank Shoichet '71, and Vic G utman '73, director of Student Organizations,
(above left) and George dePue of American Revolutionary Media (ARM) (below left), listen last
night to the Orson Welles Film Society's lawyer, Gene Hanlon (right), defend the film society.

barred from
An agreement to withdraw the Orson Welles Film So-
ciety'snrecognitiontas a student group was reached last night
at a special meeting of Student Government Council.
The move came as a surprise to most observers. SGC had
been expected to hear charges of improper conduct against
Orson Welles last night and to act on the allegations Nov. 10.
The agreement between Vic Gutman, director of Stu-
dent Organizations, and representatives of Orson Welles, will
prevent the group from further campus film showings as of
Dec. 23.
Gutman originally charged Orson Welles with signing for
use of an auditorium under an assumed name and with ad-
vertising while failing to iden- --
tify the sponsoring organiza-
tion. Reserves
Prior to last night he had
planned to bring an expanded
group of charges to SGC, includ- ]
ing allegations that Orson Welles en lis tm e n t
used a film without permission
from the distributor, harassed
other campus film groups and op-
erated for profit.
In addition to dissolving Orson t u h n
Welles as a student organization,
the agreement stipulated that: WASHINGTON () - The Penta-
-SGC appoint a committee to gon yesterday ordered that 19-year-
jointly administer Orson Welles' olds be granted the lowest enlist-
financial records and accounts, ment priority for the National
effective immediately and to con- Guard and Reserves.
tinue until its final financial set-
tlement; and The enlistment program has
-Any remaining funds of Or- served as a popular refuge from
son Welles be passed on to SGC the draft during the Indochina con-
to be used for the purchase and flict, but the Pentagon's actions
-maintenance of movie or sound make it less easy for those most
equipment to be used by and for vulnerable to the draft to escape
students of the University. it through enlistment.
Gutman explained that the so- Dr. Theodore Marrs, deputy as-
ciety would be permitted to con- sistant secretary of defense for
tinue operation through Decem- reserve affairs, told a news con-
ber in order to fulfill obligations ference that qualified men 20 years
to season ticket holders and to and older, women and youths 17
film distributors. and 18 will be enlisted without re-
He expressed plans to send let- gard to the waiting lists. Those
ters to film distributors referring now on the list and those vulner-
all their future complaints and able to the draft will, in effect, be
questions to SGC, in its canacity bumped down, he added.
as an impartial student govern- The policy explained by Marrs
ing body. was spelled out in a new directive
Last night's agreement marked signed by Deputy Secretary of De-
the culmination of a long and fense David Packard. Marrs said
often bitter controversy between the intent is to make clear that
campus film groups that began 19-year-olds now have "relatively
last January. low priority."
With the United States with-
CORRECTION drawing from the war and draft
The Daily incorrectly reported calls dropping off, the Guard's
The ail incrretly epoted waiting list has shrunk from a peak
yesterday that persons wishing of more than 100,000 to about 15,000
to vote in the April City Coun-
cil elections must register by names.
tomorrow. T h a t registration Marrs said also the new policy
deadline is for voting in a spe- would help in recruiting blacks
cial referendum Nov. 30 on a and other minority-group mem-
proposed bond issue for ,the bers.
city's schools. The actual dead- The Guard recently started a
line for registering to vote in heavy recruiting campaign to off-
the April election is March 7. set the loss of draft-motivated
People may register today volunteers. Following Pentagon
and tomorrow at the Fishbowl, criticism of its failure to enlist
the Michigan Union, the North more blacks, the Guard announced
Campus Commons, East Quad, last month the goal of doubling
the dental school, the Law Quad the number of black guardsmen
and at the city clerk's office in within the next 12 months.
City Hall. In the past, Marrs said, the long
j__waiting list, filled mostly with
In particular, members of the young whites, made it unnecessary
American Revolutionary Media to go out and recruit actively.
(ARM) complained about con- According to the Pentagon, only
tinued harassment and sabotage 1.7 per cent or about 17,000 of the
Gutman pointed out that his nearly one million National Guards-
agreement with Orson Welles men and Reservists are black.


to resume


seats on advisory units

After a prolonged lapse, Stu-'
dent Government C o u n c 11 will
begin appointing student repre-
sentatives to a wide variety of
University advisory committees.
Over 15 student posts are cur-
rently open on the advisory com-
mittees of Senate Assembly, the,
faculty representative group, and
ion such units as the Board of
Directors of University Cellar and
the Office of Student Services Pol-
icy Board.
The failure of the present SGC
administration to make appoint-

ments is the result of a "break-
down in the appointing mechan-
ism," according to SGC President
Rebecca Schenk.
"SGC has not made appoint-'
ments to advisory committees for'
a long time," said Schenk. "As a
result, we do not have an appoint-
ing procedure."
Schenk said she was not aware
of the number of student open-
ings on Senate Assembly commit-
tees until two weeks ago.
Previous SGC administrations,
have been reluctant to appoint'
student representatives to com-

Anti-war veterans will protest
the Indochina war on Michigan
Stadium's Tartan Turf as part of
t h e Marching Band's anti - war
halftime show for the Oct. 30
Homecoming game.
Plans call for a band formation
*to demonstrate band concern; then
for the spectators to remain stand-
ing after the Alma Mater for a
moment of silence in memory of
Asian and American dead in the
Indochina war.
Following this, the veterans, un-
der the aegis of Vietnam Veterans
Against the War will line up at
he end of the stadium. While the
bands plays taps, the veterans will
release black helium-filled balloons
in commemoration of the war
University officials agreed Tues-1
day to implement the Homecoming
theme endorsed by Student Gov-
4rnment Council-"Bring all the
troops home now; Let's have a
real homecoming" - by allowing
the anti-war halftime activities.

1.000 demonstrators, sat down in
the streets and on sidewalk curbs
at the intersection of Pennsylvania;
Ave. and 15th streets, one block
from the White House.
According to Chicago 7 defend-
ant John Froines, also a PCPJ
leader, the group considers the
arrests "unconstitutional" and will
fight them in court.
The basis of the argument, he
said, is that while a permit was
granted for a march to the White
House Monday, the government
refused the permit for Tuesday
when Monday's demonstration was
rained out.
Later, however, a PCPJ legal
advisor discounted the constitu-
tional aspect of the court contest.
While refusing to comment di-
rectly on what thrust PCPJ's legal
strategy would take; he did prom-j
ise "extensive litigation fightinga
on what happened yesterday."
The actions leading to the ar-
rests came at the end of the week
long Phase One of PCPJ's year-,
long strategy to "force the Presi-
dent out of office."
See PCPJ, Page 8

Arbitrators postpone- decision
on Hunter's return to city post

mittees which do not have policy-
making power or committees where
students do not have parity with
f a c u It y members, according to
"I agree with this philosophy,"
said Schenk, "But as a practicalf
matter,.I think students should
have an input in decision-making."1
Some observers believe that SGC
has begun the appointment mech-
anism at this time to assert its
authority as an all-campus stu-
dent government by appointing
graduate as well as undergraduate
In the past, the now-defunct
Graduate Assembly made appoint-'
ments when a committee specific-G
ally required a graduate student
and SGC was invited to make
undergraduate appointments and!
appointments which did not spec-1
ify whether the position was for
a graduate or undergraduate.
A Graduate Federation, which
is designed to take over the func-
tions of the old Graduate Assem-
bly, has not yet been ratified by
all graduate college governments.
SGC thus hopes to take advantage
of the lack of a graduate appoint-
ing body to make all graduate
appointments itself.
SGC has long contended that it
is the only body authorized to
make committee appointments -
graduate or undergraduate.
According to the SGC constitu-
tion, Council is empowered to
"serve as the appointing body for
selection of members of student
committees, student representa-
tives to University committees and
student representatives to outside
However, Senate Assembly rules

By ROBERT SCHREINER principal briefs with the associa-' duties of his position ?.n an effec-
Arbitration proceedings came to tion within two .weeks. tive and responsible manner."
a close yesterday with no.decision Alexander said he would not Hunter has contended, however,
as to whether Robert Hunter, the issue a decision for at least six that he was fired because he is!
fired assistant director of the city's weeks and possibly ten. black, and because city officials
Human Rights Department (HRD), In effect, if the arbitrator rules could not condone the "aggressive
legally belongs on or off the city in favor of the city, Hunter's fir- manner" in which he pursued the
payroll-a dispute stemming from ing would be upheld, and if the E responsibilities of his position.
his controversial dismissal last decision comes out in Hunter's Most of yesterday's stssiorn was
Feb. 1. favor, Hunter would be placed back taken up by testimony from Hunt-4
After hearing seven hours of on the city payroll. er. McDonald attempted to show
lengthy testimony for the second Hunter, for almost five years a I the arbitrator that Hunter often
time this month, Gabriel Alexander center of controversy at City Hall came into disagreement with high-
of the American Arbitration Asso- because of his radical views con- er city officials while attempting
ciation pronounced the hearing cerning the human rights field, to execute the normal responoibili-
over and instructed both City At- was fired by his superior, HRD ties of his office-particularly whfle
torney Jerold Lax and Hunter's Director James Slaughter, fr al- acting HRD director for several
attorney Frederic McDonald to file legedly "no longer performing tne months in 1970.


would not prevent other students
or organizations from bringing al-
legations against the film group.
However, George dePue, an
ARM spokesman and Frank Shoi-
chet, '71, dropped individual
charges against Orson Welles
after the SGC meeting.
It was also agreed last night

f- + 1, - 4-


Small firm displays new
emission-free automobile
While the large Detroit automakers struggle
to meet 1976 federal auto emission requirements,
a small manufacturing company may already
have developed a solution to auto exhaust pollu-
Introduced at the dedication of a new federal
exhaust emission control laboratory here yester-
day, the anti-pollution device is called the Bos-
ton Car. It consists of a regular production
automobile with a small reformer added to elim-

EPA opens new
engine-testing lab
A new federal laboratory de-
signed to help in the development
of a pollution-free car was offic-
ially dedicated here yesterday.
All automotive engines sold in
the United States will have to pass
emissions-control tests at the Ply-
mouth Rd. laboratory.
Set up under the Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA) Mo-
bile Source Pollution Laboratory,
the new lab is part of a federal
automobile engine testing pro-

This, McDonald claimed, along specify that graduate student ap-
with racial discrimination on the pointments will come from Gradu-
part of certain city officials, was ate Assembly.
the real reason for Hunter's dis- See STUDENTS, Page 8
missal.------ -
Through cross-examining Hunt-'
er and from testimony by Mayor
Robert Harris, City Administrator
Guy Larcom and Slaughter, LaxI
countered that Hunter's dismissal
was not in fact "patently arbi-
trary or discriminatory," but was
based onsHunter's "insubordima
tion, misuse of sick-leave, failureI
to fulfill the duties of his position
and acts inconsistent with the
policies of his department."°
Thecity succeeded in dismissingK
Hunter until April 7, when Judge
John Feikens of the 8th U.S. Dis-
trict Court found that Hunter had
been denied "due process" in his
firing and ordered that he be re-
instated to his post.:

that a meeting between the re-
maining campus film groups
would be held to avoid future con-

No specific quotas have been set
and none is anticipated, Marrs
said. But, he added, the ultimate
goal is to have the makeup of
Guard and Reserve units reflect
proportionately the local neighbor-
hood racial patterns.
But despite the minority enlist-
ment drive, Marrs said 19-year-
old . blacks eligible for the draft
would not receive preference from
guard recruiters.
E. Pakistani
tells U' of
war horrors
In an effort to garner support
for his strife-torn country, Dr.
A.R. Mallick-former Vice Chan-
cellor of Shillagog University in
East Pakistan and T e m p o r a r y
Commander of the Armed Resist-
ance to the Pakistan Army-yes-
terday talked to University stu-


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