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October 14, 1971 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-14

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Page Eight
director o
Elizabeth Davenport, active in
student affairs at the University
for 14 years, has been named di-
rector of the Office of Special Serv-
ices and Programs (OSSP).
Under last spring's reorganiza-
tion of the Office of Student Serv-
ices, OSSP was conceived as a di-
vision with direct responsibility to
student organizations. It will seek
to consolidate a variety of student
services under one administrative
Davenport sees OSSP's function
as a "striking force of specially
skilled people to deal with needs of
student organizations and special
constituencies in a flexible man-
After receiving her bachelor's
and master's degree from the Uni-
versity, Davenport served in a
variety of student-affair positions.
She was a force behind the in-


Thursday, October 14, 1971

named as 'U' anti-w
(Continued from Page 1)
goes with the "crimes" that he
has inflicted upon the people of
this country-continuing the war
itiation of co-ed housing, the co- and his economic policies.
ordination of drug and sex educa- Workshop leaders discussed the
tion programs and the student "Evict Nixon" campaign as a
groups exploring problems of dis- whole, and expressed their desire
crimination. that enough people would back the
Under OSSP will fall groups like campaign to make Nixon a symbol
the International Center, the Of- of political injustice.
fice of Religious Affairs and com- To do this, organizers are hold-
munity services. OSSP will also ing a rally in Washington Oct.
assume jurisdiction over the medi- 23-26, where protesters can regis-
ation service (dealing with student ter their dissatisfaction with Nixon.
landlord disputes), the women's Economics Prof. Frederic Scher-
office and the school and govern- er, speaking on the economic costs
ment advocates. of the Vietnam war, said U.S. mil-
"OSSP will help to provide the itary expenditures are expected to
out - of - classroom education pro- increase steadily, rather than drop,
gramming. It will be a -centralized over the next few years. He said
information source where we act weapons systems presently under
as facilitators," says Davenport. development might cost over $250
billion in the 1970's.
In an effort to reach a greater U
number of students, OSSP will em- U.S. taxpayers are footing the
ploy a multi-media approach in- bill for these expenditures and are
cluding leaflets, radio announce- willing to do so as long as they
ments and advertisements. are given material goods, added


ar workshops varied

Echoes of Buffalo Springfield

Wayne County Jail same despite suit

(Continued from Page 1)
The plaintiffs' attack on the plan'
has covered all areas including'
suicides and assaults, health care
and drug addiction, vermin con-
trol, recreation, discipline, and the
reduction of occupancy in the jail.
In addition, attorney for the plain-
tiffs Neal Bush contends that the
county officials have ignored the
immediate problems such as dental
and psychiatric care, lack of beds,
and th'e lack of, any mechanism for
discipline hearings.
Plaintiff attorneys contend that
the . officials have not provided
anything at all and that "lives are
wasting" in the jail as a result.
In a fiery rebuttal Tuesday, attor-
ney for the plaintiffs Justin Ravitz
expressed his disgust at the offi-
cials and the courts responses.
"The defendants are criminals,"
he charged, "and these whole pro-
ceedings are beginning to become
a farce."
During Tuesday's proceedings, it,
became apparent that some pro-
gress towards a long run solution
may have been made as a result
of the hearing. But attorneys for
the plaintiffs charge that immedi-
ate solutions remain of utmost pri-
ority, and that the defendants have
made no plans to solve them.
At that time, defense witness
Robert Fitzpatrick, chairman of
the Wayne County Commissioners,
testified that the commission had
already resolved in a meeting last
week to begin building a new
counlty jail within 14' months and
to begin renovating the present
jail Nov. 1.

-completion of a s e r i e s of
studies to determine the size, type
of facility and location by April 1,
-renovation of the present jail
beginning Nov. 1, 1971 and should
the study indicate a use for the old
jail along with the new, cell sizes
will be increased;
-authorization of additional
staff; and
-inclusion in the new jail such
services and facilities as recrea-
tion programs, a drug withdrawal
program and a library. N
The proceedings Tuesday con-
cerned provision of recreational
facilities for the inmates. Cross
had contended that the defendants
had considered numerable pro-
posals for recreation, but found
"insurmountable problems" with
them all.
During T u e s d a y 's testimony
Judge Victor Baum charged that
the defense did not even seem to
have a plan and all they were say-
ing was "we can't do any more
about recreation than is being done
now." At the present time prison-
ers have no recreation other than
a place to occasionally play chess,
checkers and cards.
Ravitz commented that "the
judges show tremendous concern
for assaults, assaults which they
agreed stemmed from the lack of
physical activity. But they show
no concern for the defendants who
hoernn nnidlr d ha hv ial

and concern on the part of the
officials, the only way to force
them to do something is "by lock-
ing them in the jail."
Plaintiff attorneys say that this
unconcern and the lack of concrete
proposals is characteristic of every
point in the plan.
Last May's court order required
that while the defendants are still
using the present structure, they
-should submit for court approval
within 30 days (mid-June) a plan
for a suitable recreation facility.
They added they did not want the
area facility to be confined to the
area where the prisoners can play
the table games.
Now, Ravitz charged it is Octo-
ber already and the defendants
have not even proposed anything
except continued use of the same
area-something the court specifi-
cally said was not enough.
Further, he brought out the lack
of action concerning another point
of their plan-attempted suicides.
"It is already October," Ravitz
said, "and nothing has happened.
The defense has misrepresented
the facts by saying nothing can be
done. We can prove that com-
munity people have offered pro-
grams and they have been flatly
rejected." '

economics Prof. Daniel Fusfeld.
He claimed Americans have traded
their power to effect government
decisions for economic abundance.
Political developments i n s i d e-
Vietnam and international develop-
ments that led to that involvement
were explored in a seminar entitled
"Vietnam, Internal Developments
and the International Scene."
The discussion was sponsored by
the Committee of Concerned Asian
Scholars (CCAS).
John Whitmore, a professor of
Vietnamese history, detailed Amer-
ican support for the French co-
lonial forces, American sponsor-
ship of the Diem regime following
French withdrawal, and the change
of support in 1963 and 1964 from
Diem to individual military strong-
men, such as President Nguyen
Van Thieu.
Zoology Prof. Richard Cellarius
was the featured speaker at the
Ecology Center's seminar on Chem-
ical Defoliation in Vietnam.
The discussion ranged over a
wide variety of topics, among them
the long term effects of defoliation
and herbicides on the ecosystems
of Vietnam, the buildup of herbi-
cides-and pesticides on the human
body, and the danger to unborn
babies presented by chemical and
biological warfare.
Led by representatives of Wo-
men Uniting to End the War
(WUEW), the workshop "Peace-
What Women Can Do" focused on
feasible economic actions.
Citing the universal role of wo-
men, WUEW emphasized "no
spending" -days as a potentially
effective method ofsindividual par-
ticipation in the anti-war move-
Two workshops were held spe-
cifically to deal with aspects of
non-violence. The first, sponsored
by the Michigan Institute for Non-
Violence, concentrated on the phi-
losophy of non-violence and con-
sidered the concepts of love, ag-
gression, cooperation, and compe-
The second was more involved
with direct non-violent action, with
concentration on training programs
to assure that non-violent action
remains non-violent. The workshop
discussed the tactics of guerrilla
theater and certain exercises in
planning and executing long-range
non-violent strategies.
A workshop entitled "Another
Vietnam in Pakistan? The Crisis
in Bangladesh" concentrated on
the plight of East Pakistan. Prof.
Rhodes Murphy, director of the
Center for Chinese Studies, moder-
ated the discussion. He contended
that the United States has been
giving aid to West Pakistan, thus
increasing the suffering in Bangla-
desh (East Pakistan).
Members of the Interfaith Coun-
cil conducted a workshop entitled,
"Daily Death Toll - White House
Project for November." The pur-
pose of the workshop was to begin
to mobilize concern for upcoming
action in Washington in which
groups of 300-400 persons will fast
in front of the White House begin-
ning Nov. 8.
According to Bill Hutchinson,
state coordinator for the Daily
fc October

Death Toll Project, the action is!
designed to "dramatize the, con-
tinued cruelty and victimization ofE
the Indochinese."
This story was written by Gene
Robinson from information compiled
by reporters Daniel Jacobs, John
Clements, Bruce Rubenstein, Sue
Stephenson, Howard Brick, Rachel
Goodstein, Linda Rosenthal, Kevin
Behrens, Ricky Gladstone, Jan Bene-
detti, Peter Campbell, Cathy Lilly,
and Ruthanne Gordon.
October's moon
A bright Harvest Moon and
shortening days are among the
astronomical features of October,
according to University astrono-
my Prof. Hazel Losh.
Defined as the full moon near-
est the autumnal equinox, the
Harvest Moon will first appear
Oct. 4. The peculiarity of this
moon, Losh notes, is that it rises
at very nearly the same hour for
several nights in succession.
The reddish hue of the Harvest
Moon while near the horizon is
attributable tothe earth'sratmos-
phere, she explains.
Another feature of October 'is
the noticeable shortening of days,
Losh says. Twelve-hour days be-
gin the month, but they will be
reduced to 10 hours and 20 min-
utes by the end of October.
Revolution letters
The University's Clements Li-
brary and the Rhode Island His-
torical Society will jointly pub-
lish the correspondence of Gen.
Nathanael Greene of the Ameri-
can Revolution.
A series of four or five volumes
will be published with a grant
from the National Historical Pub-
lications Commission, an arm of
the National Archives.
Greene was a Rhode Island
Quaker who showed great military
talent at young age. He was made
a brigadier general in 1775 and
served actively in the field until
1778 when Washington made him
quartermaster general to get sup-
plies for the Army.
He returned to active field du-
ties in 1780 and commanded in
the South until the close of the
war. He died in 1786.

(Continued from Page 2)
sounding like an old rhythm and
blues standard but weighted by
stupid lyrics.
The first Pilgrimage of Wish-
bone Ash (Decca DL 75295) de-
monstrates that, with a 1 i t t 1e
hard work, these boys could un-
seat Ten Years After as Brit-
ain's lousiest blues-rock band.
Just listen to "Jailbait" a n d
the ten-minute live version of
"Where Were You Tomorrow?"
When Wishbone Ash aren't
spining their wheels, they make
good use of the studio w i t h
weird guitar instrumentals.
About the only cut here which
didn't offend my ears was a
pretty thing called "Lullabye."
Much more pleasant is an al-
bum by English Gypsy (Decca
DL 75299). Echoes of the Buf-
falo Springfield (they're gone,
sob sob) abound, especially on
"Feel about country fine,"
where bassist David McCarthy's
vocal sounds like Neil and Steve
at the same time, no kidding!
This album kicks off with Gyp-
sy asking the musical question
"What makes a man a man?"
as John Knapp's 12-string gui-
tar fails to lift the song out
of the "dumb" category. Next
is "Keep on trying," with a
characteristically bad vocal and
an acoustic riff plucked from
the ; Beatles' "Here Comes the
Sun." English Gypsy isn't any-
thing to write home about but
the band clicks at times a n d
shows some definite potential.
On the country side is Mel
Tillis' Greatest Hits,sVolume 2
(Kappa tKS 3653). Mel is the
guy who breaks up the folks on
TV withhisstuttering; when he
sings, however, the stutter dis-
appears. Here he does some un-
original material in blah fash-
ion, digging up some fine old-
ies by Harlan Howard and even
giving "Games People P 1 a y"
another go-round.
If you're woman enough, Dun-
hill spews forth yet another al-
bum from Steppenwolf, t h i s
An erotic mystery, a phantas-
magorical film by Nagisa Os-
hima, "Japan's esthetically and
politically most radical film-
Diary of a
Shinuku Burglar
in the JAPAN festival
ARM/Michigan Film Society
at Natural Science Aud.
7:30 and 9:15

Statistics Seminar: Prof. J. Wendel,
"Some Limit Theorems for Random
Walks with Drift," 2440 Mason Hall, 3
Physics Seminar: P. Ghosh, "The 3
deg. K Background Radiation," 2046
Randall Lab, 4 pm.
Speech Dept. Performance: ".The
Room," and "The Flies," Arena Thea-
tre, Frieze Bldg., 4:10 pm.

International Night: Indonesian Food,
Mich. League Cafeteria, 5-7:15 pm.
India Students As ;ociation, Diwali
Celebration Oct. 17, 5:00 PM, Scharling
Aud. School of Education Building._
Call for reservation-764-2547 or 769-
Bach Club,Oc ig.14, 8:00 PM, South
Quad West Lounge. Flutes & piano
play Bach, Telemann.
Gay Liberation Community Potluck,
Oct. 15, 6:30 PM, Canterbury.

one For Ladies Only (DSX 50-
110). Once again the Steppen-
wolfers puff out their brawny
chests and ball their way
through ten heavy rockers. The
title cut is typically-churning
stuff, with a vocal theme sand-
wiched around a long piano-
based instrumental, all done
with the usual competence and
lack of originality. The slide
guitar on "Shackles and Chains"
may be a band first, for y o u

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Mars Bonfire wrote three of
these songs but none of them
approaches his fiery oldie
"Born to be Wild." One, called
"Tenderness," is a tear-jerker
boringly done by John Kay.
Most of side two runs togeth-
er, but I did notice one instru-
mental stuck in there some-
where. If you want to know
where Steppenwolf is at, open
up the cover and take a gander
at the penis-shaped sports car
pictured inside. What a bunch
of freaky guys, ha ha ha!




Last week, however, the comn- ave ot proviae aa pnysicai
missioners' plan contained only activity, and have instead called
vague references to studies of a in the cops."
new jail and nothing at all about Concluding, Ravitz said that the
enlargement of the present jail. C
Defense attorney George Cross told only way to end this lack of action
the judges that he had not under-
stood their order to mean that the ",}p4y
jail cells had to meet the space W rite-O n w
requirements outlined in the order.
"I just for the life of me cannot
understand how anyone who could (Continued from Page 1)
read could misinterpret our opin- Meanwhile, Write-On is taking
ion," fumed Judge Maher. no chances with the lives and1
The attorneys for the plaintiffs prospective grade-points of its cli-
this plan is new, developed ents. It maintains confidential filest
say that eeastweek and of its customers, and claims to do
Tuesday, and therefore in no way everything possible to prevent n-
excuse the commissioners from the formation leaks.
contempt charges. The attorneys In addition, they advise custo-f
for the plaintiffs were told to hold mers to retype their papers before
their questions as to the origin of handing them in, giving the stu-t
this new proposal until the con- dent an opportunity to add addi-
tempt portion of the hearing, re- tional material and delete words
stricting their questions to the "their teachers know they don't
plan itself. use."
The commissioners' new plan No cases involving such papers
included: have yet been brought before Uni-,
versity officials. Observers attrib-
-construction of a new jail by ute this to the fact that the group
JTan. 1, 1973;-I - - - - __- __ -- --

President Nixon has asked the
American Bar Association to in-
vestigate the qualifications of
six possible nominees for two
U.S. Supreme Court vacancies
he will fill next week.
The candidates are: Sen. Rob-
ert Byrd (D-W.Va.), lawyer
Herschel Friday and Judges
Mildred Lillie, Sylvia Bacon,
Paul Roney, and Charles Clark.
rrites papers
has been operating for such a
short time that no one has -yet
been caught.
Despite official disapproval of
their enterprise, e m p 1 o y e s of
Write-On seem to be relatively
" I debated the morality of it
for about 30 seconds," says one
writer, a senior in history, "and
then I thought, well, life is a farce
anyway so what the hell?"
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