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October 14, 1971 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-14

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Thursday, October 14, 1971


Page Seven

Thursday, October 14, 1971 THE MICHiGAN DAILY Page Seven

special To The Daily
A pair of twenty-one yearolds
paced the Pittsburgh Pirates to
a 4-3 win over the Baltimore
Orioles in last night's first.
night game in World Series his-
tory. ,
Bruce Kison pitched 6 1/3
innings of shutout relief while
Milt May's pinch hit single in
the seventh inning provided the
margin of victory for the Pi-
Before a sell-out crowd of 51,-
378 at Riverfront Stadium in
Pittsburgh, the Pirates, despite
wasting numerous scoring op-
portunities, evened the Fall
Classic at two games apiece.
The first inning gave every
indication of a high-scoring
game. Paul Blair led off the
game with a line drive single to
left center. Mark Belanger and
Merv Rettenmund followed with
infield singles to load the bases

and start action in the Bucs
bullpen. After a passed ball and
two deep sacrifice flies to center
by Brooks Robinson and Boog
Powell scored three runs for
Baltimore, Pittsburgh mentor
Danny Murtaugh decided to
bring in Kison. Kison retired
the side on one pitch.
The Bucs came back to score
twice in their half of the first
on a walk to Dave Cash and
back to back doubles by Willie
Stargell and Al Oliver.
The Orioles only hit off the
baby-faced Kison came in the
second on a bloop double by
Blair. As the ball hit in front
of Oliver, it took a high hop on
the artificial turf, allowing Blair
to reach second.
For the only time in the game
the Pirates went down in order
in the bottom of the second.
After Kison set the Birds
down in order in the third, a


fired-up Pittsburgh team tied
the game. Richie Hebner de-
livered a one out single to cen-
ter. and Roberto Clemente sent
a shot down the right field line
that umpire John Rice ruled a
foul ball.
When Clemente returned to
the batter's box after a heated
argument, he slammed a single
up the middle sending Hebner to
second. Oliver then tied the
game with his second consecu-
tive hit, a? single to right scor-

ing Hebner.
The only threat by either
team in the third inning ended
when Cash hit into a double
play for Pittsburgh.
Baltimore went down in or-
der in the fourth. Pittsburgh
got two runners on but failed to
Kison his his second batter in
the fifth but the Orioles failed
to capitalize. The Bucs again
loaded the bases in their half
but failed to score.
In the sixth frame, Kison set
a new World Series record by
hitting his third batter of the
game. But Baltimore again
couldn't muster any offense as
the runner never got past first
Pittsburgh threatened in their
half when they loaded the bases.
Between singles to Jackie Her-
nandez and Cash, Kison struck
out. Grant Jackson then reliev-


ed Pat Dobson, the Oriole start-
er. After Hebner lined out to
the third baseman, Clemente
walked, but Stargell hit a weak
grounder to the second base-
man to retire the side.
Kison's whiplash delivery
once more stopped the Orioles
in the decisive seventh. In their
half Robertson and Sanguillen
stroked singles up the middle
off the new Oriole hurler Ed
Watt, after Oliver struck out.
Vic Davaillio, hitting for Her-
nandez, lofted a fly ball to left
center which Blair dropped.
Quickly retrieving the ball, he
threw toward home. Robertson
stopped at third, but Sanguillen,
not seeing Robertson, rounded
second and was caught in a run-
down. Then May, hitting for
Kison sent a clothes-line single
to right scoring Robertson, with
the winning run.
Dave Guisti retired the last
six Oriole hitters to preserve the
victory for Kison.
The Pirates stranded 14 men
on the bases and have now left
a total of 43 in six post-season
The Series resumes tomorrow
in Pittsburgh. Dave McNally is
expected to start for Baltimore
while Pittsburgh will counter
with Nelson Briles.


-IF- "Y

fStars race patRockets
SALT LAKE CITY-Utah broke Westfall made it 2-0 at 2:15 of Hockey League shutout of the sea- penguins addl
open a close game early in the the second period and Mike Wal- son as the Chicago Black Hawks
fourth quarter and opened the ton connected just 39 s e c o n d s defeated the S. Louis Blues 1-0 LOS ANGELES - Ken Schinkel
1971-72 American Basketball. As- later. last night. scored after 56 seconds of the
sociation season "with a 135-121 Fred Stanfield scored midway of opening period to spark the Pitts-
victory over Denver last night. 'the same period and Westf all and Fr'cs , y burgh Penguins to a 4-1 National
The Rockets, who won just one Derek Sanderson wrapped it up Hockey League victory over the
in the last period. OAKLAND - Gary Dornhefer Los Angeles Kings last night.
chion Sgars lagst y e saBAe * 4 scored a goal with 51 seconds re- Schinkel, an outstanding hust-
champion Stars last year, stayed maining, powering the Philadel- ler all night, was named one of
4 close through three quarters. Then Hawks honch phia Flyers to a 5-4 win over the the three stars of the game. The
Utah, led by guard Glen Combs, CHICAGO - Goalie Tony Es- California Golden Seals last night victory was the Penguins first of
broke away from a 99-91 lead posito kicked out only 18 shots despite Norm Ferguson's three- ' the year and their first since last
stating the final quarter and while recording his first National goal effort for the losers. April when the season ended.
pulled away. -----
Denver was led by Ralph Simp-
son's 36-points and 18 by 6-10!
rookie Dave Robish of Kansas.
& Besides Combs' 26 points, Zelmo
Beaty had 25 for the Stars and
Willie Wise contributed 21.
* * *

-Associated Press
MARK BELANGER of the Baltimore Orioles slids home Safely as Pittsburgh backstop Manny San-
guillen takes the throw. Looking on is the man in black, unctuous Ed Vargo. The mighty Bucs
wheeled and dealed their way to a big 4-3 win over the fading Orioles.

Sticiettes flaunt vete

Bruins belt
NEW YORK - Ed Westfall
scored two goals as the Boston
Bruins ripped New York 6-1 last
night in the Rangers' National
Hockey League home opener.
The Rangers, who tied an NHL
record last year by losing only
twice at home, peppered goalie Ed
Johnston with 35 shots,. but only
Rod Gilbert, getting his 500th
career point, could score for New
York late in the second period.
The Bruins, defending cham-
pions in the East Division, broke
it open with three goals in the
second period after Phil Esposito
had scored on a power play in the
opening minutes of the game.
Ailin Bing
hits town
DETROIT ()-Dave Bing, one
of the big men in the Detroit
Pistons offense, was sent to the
University of Michigan medical
center yesterday for observation
and possible surgery of his right
eye which was cratched in an ex-
hibition game Oct. 5.
Bing's injury came during an
exhibition game against the Los
Angeles Lakers. He missed the
Pistons' last three tuneups for the
National Basketball season but was
in the lineup when the Pistons
beat New York in the season open-
ed 91-84 Tuesday night.
Team physician Dr. R u s s e 11
Wright made the decision to hos-
pitalize Bing when the condition
did not improve.
The Pistons got some good news
on the medical front when X-rays
showed that Bob Lanier, who suf-
fered a toe injury last week and
had the injury aggravated in the
New York game, did not have a
III Munn
battles for
his life
LANSING ()-Clarence "Biggie"
Munn, Michigan State University
athletic director who suffered a
stroke last Thursday, was de-
scribed yesterday as still critical
but "a little stronger."
Dr. James Feurig, MSU team
physician, relayed word from
Sparrow Hospital that "his condi-
tion is still critical, but Mr. Munn
appears to be a little stranger to-
day. Apparently some of his aware-
ness is returning."
Munn, 63, has been in critical
condition ever since being strick-
en. He took over as athletic direc-
tor 17 years ago after serving as
head football coach for seven

The women's field hockey team
here at Michigan has had several
years of experience. Last year, In
intercollegiate competition against
Eastern and. Western Michigan,
the women posted an 0-2 record.
New talen this year should bring
better results.
All but two of the 15-20 women
who are on the team are experi-
enced, either from previous sea-
sons or from competing in high
The team is scheduled for six
games this year. The first contest,
last Monday, was won by Eastern
Michigan 3-1, in what was con-
sidered a close game. The major
problem was that the Michigan
team couldn't score against East-
ern's more experienced defense..
The women are quite intent on
fielding a good team. Their prac-
tices are rough, with no holds
barred. Miriam "Midge" Ross, the
goalie, was quick to point out that,
"I don't want to be made out to
be a jock." A few seconds later
she savagely slashed one of the
women coming in for a practice
shot. In a lady-like manner
though, she contended.
On a more serious side, there are
a few problems that the team has
overcome or is trying to solve.
Their practice field is Wines field,
band offer keen competition for
available practice space.
The team is not an intercolle-
S--_ _ _

giate varsity team, so they must
ask athletic director Don Can-
ham for equipment and the neces-
sary money every year.
Phyllis Weikart is the coach,
but she is not paid for the time
she devotes to the team. She also
has a conflict with the hours she
teaches and the practice times of
the team.
Sheryl Zady is the elected man-
ager who conducts the practices
when Weikart can't get away.
Sheryl wants the team to turnl
varsity, and that is the biggest7
problem facing the women.
Canham stated, "There is a
good chance of the field hockey
so the men in IM sports and the
team turning varsity." He even
suggested that it would be a good
idea to get the women to join a
national intercollegiate associa-
tion, specifically the Association
for Intercollegiate Athletics for
Women (AIAW).
But Marie Hartwig, Professor of
Physical Education, who would

ran squad
help the women approach Can-
ham, has her doubts: "The rea-
son that women's sports are ex-
tramural instead of varsity are
that the levels of skill and par-
ticipation are not up to those of
other schools:"
These problems are in the pro-
cess of being resolved. The women
involved naturally want t h e m
solved as quickly as possible, be-
cause as one of the women re-
marked, "We're struggling just to
keep our heads above water, we
have to deal with the men for
In spite of the disadvantages,
the women generally feel that
there are some bright points in
playing field hockey. Senior Janet
Hooper indicated that "the wom-
en's sports are more social, we
have refreshments after every
game with the other team."
Hmmm, imagine, Bo Schem-
bechler asking Woody Hayes and
the boys over for milk and cookies
after the game.







-Associated Press
Huliza poppen
Chicago Black Hawk left wing Bobby Hull and his family hold their own last minute workout
before Hull begins his mission of leading the H awks to the NHL title. The woman in the center,
however, isn't Bobby's wife, it's super-skater P eggy Fleming. Could this be the start of some-
thing big???
Taylor trots triumphant trail

It's T-minus 188 yards for B.T.
Billy Taylor needs less than
twice the length of a football field
to become the alltime leading
Michigan rusher, and a good game
against Illinois could do it. The
senior tailback really ploughed
through Michigan State last week,
and despite all his aches and
pains, breaking the record against
the Illini this week is not out of
the question.
Taylor has been accumulating
all kinds of bumps and bruises
in his career, the most recent be-
ing an extremely sore left arm
and a slight shoulder separation,
courtesy of Michigan State's Brad
Van Pelt.
But B.T. still managed to pick
up 117 yards in only 15 carries
against the Spartans, and when
asked about the record said, "I fi-
gure if I'm close, I'm gonna' get
it: I'd like to stay in and try. I
don't think anyone will mind
The 5-11, 200-pounder has
been averaging "only" around 100
yards a game this year but he has
more often than not been playing
less than half a game. Against
State the Barberton, Ohio, pro-
duct was in for only 21 plays.
Two years ago against Iowa
Taylor ran for 225 yards and the
week before, against the Illini he
picked up 155 yards. In neither

game did he play for over three
quarters, so it's easily within the
realm of possibility that he could
break Ithe record, set by Ron
Johnson, before the hometown:
fans this week.
The Man himself admits "I
think about it, (the record), and
it'll be a big day." But he adds,
"I have no set time when I get
the record, I'm just doing a job."
"Actually, I don't think about
it as much as I thought I would,"
he confessed. And indeed he was
surprised to find out how well he
had done in last Saturday's game.
since during a game, he has little
idea of how much yardage he is
picking up.
Coach Bo Schembechler, like
Taylor, isn't that interested in re-
cords, admitting, "I don't care (if
he breaks record), I'd like to see
him get it, but I don't really care."
Bo, of course, IS interested in
his star runner's physical condi-
tion. Taylor is seeing little action
in practice this week and is still
heavily taped. But that doesn't
mean he wants it that way. Tues-
day, Schembechler said "Taylor
wanted to hit today but I would-I
n't let him."

This was somewhat reminiscent
of last Saturday's game when B.
T., injuries and all, kept ,asking
to be put in the second half and
Bo finally relented. For his ef-
forts Saturday Taylor was given
the game ball-normally awarded
at the end of the year. But
Schembechler gave it to him after
the game, adding "I thought he
did a great job."
Despite seeing limited action in
practice this week, Schembech-
ler expects Taylor to be at full
strength Saturday. In the mean-
time, Alan Walker has been doing
most of the running with the
first string.
One person who won't be ready
for Saturday is Kevin Casey. Cas-
ey has had a sore shoulder and
didn't play at all against Michi-
gan State. Tom Slade, who played
the entire State game at quar-
terback "is definitely starting
against Illinois" according to Bo,
but has not secured the starting
role permanently. Larry Cipa has
also seen plenty of action this
week and could press Slade if the
sophomore should falter.








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10-7 MON.-THURS.
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