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October 08, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-10-08

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See Editorial Page

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Partly sunny,
chance of rain

Vol. LXXXII, No. 25 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 8, 1971 Ten Cents
Violations of rent freeze discovered in
By PAUL TRAVIS "Tenants aren't aware of the early enough in the year and access to these records by their ments, the monthly increases are landlady she told me that in late Te
Contrary to the wage-price-rent law," says Dave Goldstein, attor- should be allowed to stand," says new tenants. limited under the freeze to no August the landlords all decided filing
ordre y res-id ent on ney for the Washtenaw County Le- Kenneth Vaitkus, manager of the One tenant currently renting a more than 1.5 per cent of the to charge the higher rents until if the
freeze ordered by President Nixon gal Aid Society. "They aren't tak- building. modern 3-man, 2-bedroom from amount spent on improvements. they were forced not to. Even my "will
Aug. 15, several Ann Arbor land- ing the time to find out their rights Joan Glatzer, a University Tow- Campus Management says she re- A tenant renting an old bi-level fee for a parking place was raised temp
lords are charging increased rents under the freeze guidelines." ers tenant, claims the rent on her cently called to ask what her apartment from Summit Associates from $8 to $10." Th
on apartments this fall. Yet, according to the IRS, which 2-bedroom, 2-man apartment was apartment's rent was last year. says, "Summit raised our rent $15 These are just a few examples has;
The rent increases appear to di- serves as the local service and raised from $250 to $280 per month. "They told me at first that they a month from last year and didn't of what appears to be widespread lates
rectly violate the freeze guidelines, compliance center for the Cost of Another tenant, who asked that didn't know what the rent was make any improvements, they violations of the rent freeze. says.
which stipulate that landlords can Living Council (CLC), the guide- his name be withheld, says the last year," she claims. "Then they didn't even clean the place." "Students who feel that their Bu
be fined $5,000 and can face court lines are "very specific" on ex- rent on his. 4-man was raised $20 told me that they weren't going Jack Becker, attorney for Sum- rents have been increased in viola- pect
injunctions. ceptions to the freeze. from $280 to $300. to pay attention to the freeze until mit counters, "It is my impression tion of the freeze should file a the r
Although numerous complaints One of the basic'guidelines states Likewise, Sharon Cla k, man- somebody tried to enforce it." that there are dozens of circum- complaint with the IRS in Ann Lo
have been filed by tenants with that it makes no difference when ager of Park Terrace Apartments Campus Management spokesmen stances other than capital im- Arbor," IRS spokeswoman Donna of A
the Ann Arbor branch of the In- a lease was signed. If the lease says, "Our lawyers told us that declined to discuss the issue with provements for which the rent McCauley says. The complaint will rents
ternal Revenue Service (IRS), went into effect after the freeze since the contracts were signed The Daily. may be raised." He declined to then be investigated by the IRS. byc
most affected tenants seem un- was announced no rent increase before the freeze went into effect Under the freeze guidelines, elaborate on what those circum- Students may also refuse to pay made
aware of the legal action they may may be charged over the rates for it was okay to charge the in- landlords are allowed to raise stances were. the increase 'and deduct any in- cums
take. . the same apartment last year. crease." rents only if they-have made capi- The large landlords are not the crease they have already paid. be r
The guidelines were issued by However, the management of Another freeze guideline states tal improvements totaling at least only ones charging higher rents. "Any attempt at evicting a tenant (CLC
the President's Cost of Living University Towers believes it is that the landlords must maintain three months rent and a minimum One girl who is renting a modern for not paying an increase which our r
Council and outline any and all entitled to charge higher rates be- and have available records of of $250. 2-man, 1-bedroom from a small is in violation of the freeze is waiti
exceptions to the freeze. cause "the rates were announced prices charged last year and allow If they make these improve- landlady said, "When I called my illegal," McCauley states.

Ten Pages
nants also have the option of
suit against their landlords
y feel that their landlords are
fully and maliciously" at-
ting to violate the freeze.,
e guidelines that the local IRS
are "the most current and
t ruling available," McCauley
t some landlords seem to ex-
further rulings from CLC on
ent issue.
well Terrill, general manager
rbor Forest Apartments says
were raised but justifies this
claiming that CLC has not
a final decision on the cir-
tances under which rents can
wised. "The owner has asked
) for a specific ruling (on
ent increase) and we are still
ng," Terrill says.

Four SGC m
resign seats,

c mess'


Four members of
Government Council,
ing t h r e e members
conservative Student
resigned last night.

of the

T h e resigning conservatives
called SGC a "farce" and charged
that its very existence is bad
because "it makes students think
they're being represented when
they aren't."
The fourth member, Marnie
Heyn, resigned because of pers-
4sonal reasons. "I cannot physic-
ally and emotionally handle my
responsibilities as an SGC mem-
ber right now," she said.
The three student caucus mem-
bers who stepped down are Karen
Haas, Rick Higgins and Mary
"The red tape, the bureaucracy,
the bickering, is repugnant to me,"
Higgins said. "I don't think it
(SGC) has done a bit of good for
any one in the University, in the
community, or in the country."
The sudden resignations by the
conservatives came as a complete
surprise to other council members.
many of whom voiced opposition
to the motives given by the re-
signing members.
"It's absurd that the pseudo-
anarchists on the right want to
abolish local student self-govern-
W ment b e f o r e they abolish the
administration," said C o u n c i l
member Doug Richardson. "If
they're concerned with authority
at all then it should be with the
"AWe are not opposed to the spe-
cific people on SGC," said Haas.
"No matter who is on Council, it
would still be the same way. The
existence of SGC cannot in any way
help people, run their own lives."
Earlier in the meeting, a recall
petition for Brad Taylor, '74, the
fourth Student Caucus member,
containing 1,147 signatures was
presented to Council. After the pe-
titions were presented, Taylor read
a statement saying he would not
resign. He called the recall cam-
paign a "blatant attempt by the
irresponsible clique which controls
SGC to repress a political minor-
The resigning Student Caucus
members emphasized that their
resignations had nothing to do
with personal or political differ-
ences with the other council mem-
3 000 added
to voter rolls
More than 3,000 18 to 21-year
olds have registered to vote in
Ann Arbor since the passage of
the 18-year-old vote, according
to City Clerk Harold Saunders.
This represents 22.08 per cent
of those qualified to vote in this
age group, and 18.7 per cent of
those who will be in this age
group as of the Nov. 1972 elec-
Over 4,000 people in all regis-
tered during the city's special

Rick Higgins

Karen Haas

for w
New plansr
encoura e
By The Associated Press
Top economists, both Dem-
ocratic and Republican, said
last night they were encour-
aged by the Phase 2 program
for the economy outlined by
President Nixon, but thought
he would have a hard fight to
make it work.
Meanwhile, in the Senate, calls
by some Democrats for a stronger
congressional hand in shaping fu-
ture economic controls. mingled
with generally favorable com-
John Kenneth Galbraith, a top
Democratic economist, said it
was "good to hear a Republican
President say that the old eco-
nomic system was crisis-prone and
obsolete, that a new system is re-
A leading spokesman of con- P
servative economics, Dr. Milton PR
Friedman, said, however, he felt stra
the President's pronouncement -
left many important issues in the BO
dark and was disturbing in its im- piain fbod nn h cp
plications of broadening the scope
of economic restraints.
Sen. George McGovern, (D-
S.D. ), said "Phase 2 of Presidenti
Nixon's new economic policy is a
smokescreen for the old game
"Phase 2, like Phase 1, will not
create one additional job," Mc-j
Govern said. He said special con-
sideration should be given to
workers in low-wage occupations.
"All the difficult questions have
been postponed," Sen. Edward The



'Phase 2'
aims for
nationwide radio and televi-
sion address, President Nixon
last night announced the ma-
chinery for an economic sta-
bilization program to go into
effect Nov. 14 after the ex-
piration of the current wage-
price freeze.
Nixon fixed no specific wage or
price standards. He turned over
that politically sensitive issue to
two newly created quasi-indepen-
Wholesale prices dropped last
month for the first time in near-
ly a year. White House econom-
ists said it could be credited to
Nixon's economic policy. See
story, Page 3.
dent bodies whose major decisions
will be subject to governmental
These bodies, comprised of busi-
ness, labor and public figures, will
seek to implement as yet unspe-
cified, but more moderate, price
and wage restrictions while put-
ting few controls on profit.
Key features of Nixon's post-
freeze program include:
-Appointment of a 15-member
Pay Board, giving equal represen-
tation to management, labor and
the public, that will set wage
guidelines and, if it so decides,
prohibit, reduce or defer pay
hikes it deems inconsistent with
its standards.
-Establishment of a Price
Commission of seven public mem-
bers to administer price and rent
restraints it will formulate.
-A presidential request for
standby authority - which Nixon
said he does not plan to use-
to regulate dividends and interest
-A request that Congress ex-
tend the Economic Stabilization
Act of 197-the legal basis for
the entire Nixon program - for
one year beyond its scheduled ex-
piration next April 30.
"We will continue price and
wage restraints until inflationary
pressures are brought under con-
.See NIXON, Page 7


Mary Schnelker

Marnie Heyn

Four who resigned_
'U' committee probes
RC's first four years

-Associated Press
ESIDENT NIXON poses last night after delivering his address on "Phase 2" of his economic
Bias ruling may have.

State Board of Education

With four years and its first graduating class
the University's boldest experiment in education,

behind it,
the Resi-

dential College (RC), is presently undergoing a thorough Kennedy, (D-Mass.), complained.
review to evaluate RC's performance and perhaps determine "The thing we must remember is
its future, that so far Phase 2 is just an or-
if eganization chart,"
A Residential College Review Committee, consisting of Sen. Hubert Humphrey, (D-
five students and nine faculty members, has been meeting Minn.), praised Nixon for estab-
since early September, taking testimony, collecting data, and ishing a wage board with labor,
probing into many areas of the college's operations. tion, but added, "the test will be
The investigation, which was provided for when the RC in how they operate . . . whether
was founded, is charged with making recommendations for theanti-nflation relem t of t
possible changes as well as advising the literary college on economy."

voted unanimously yesterday to
follow a U.S. District Court order
to draft statewide desegregation
plans-a move which could cause
busing of students in some Ann
Arbor schools.
The board's vote killed any
Ichance that state school officials
might appeal the order issued
Monday in Detroit by Judge Ste-
phen Roth, giving the state until

RC innovations
be implemented

which could

on city schools
Feb. 1 to submit a desegregation The board's official action in-
plan for Detroit area school sys- structed the state school superin-
tems. tendent, John Porter, "to begin
"This decision and how it is in- developing plans in order to com-
terpreted will not only affect De- ply with Judge Roth's court or-
troit, but all outlying districts," der which asked the state Board
B o a r d President Edwin Novac of Education to develop desegre-
said yesterday. N o v a c included gation plans for the metropolitan.
Ann Arbor's school system in the Detroit area."
list of the 85 school systems af- It also told Porter to draw up
fected. segregation standards that could
Under the proposed standards be used in any area of the state.
of the ruling, no school system is
allowed more than 50 per cent Roth's ruling was also signifi- i
minorityyenrollment, nor can an cant in that it was the first time
district contain a particular that a judge has imdicated that
school with minority enrollment may require busing across city
of greater proportion than the and county lines to achieve school
total district's minority enroll- egration.
The Ann Arbor school system
appears to contain two schools
which violate these standards -
Mack Elementary School with 53
per cent black enrollment and
Northside elementary which is
nearly 40 per cent black.
If the state board finds that
racial segregation exists in these
two local schools, the local Ann.:
Arbor School Board would be or-I
dered to submit a desegregation
plan for approval.
Such a plan would likely in- .
lude, as Judge Roth indicated *"':
in the text of his decision, a wide-
spread busing program in the

According to Marty Scott, '72, a
member of the committee, the
group will "look into as many
aspects of the Residential Col-
lege as time permits," and will
make "subsantive" recommenda-
tions to the literary college on
how it might be changed.
A m o n g those hoping major
change will result from the com-
mittee's work is Ellis Wunch, act-
ing director of the college.
"-f he findings of the commit-
snee are favorable, and I expect
they will be," he says, "the par-
ent college (LSA) will be more
like'y to act on a number of
reforms he college has requested.

Expert lool
"The Nixon Administration may truly have
misled the American people with its 'Two China
Policy' in the U.N.," stated Political Science Prof.
Allen Whiting in an address yesterday afternoon,
but both nations appear committed to improving
U.S.-China relations.
Whiting, an expert on Chinese politics, deliver-
ed these opinions in a speech before the local Phi
Beta Kappa chapter.
Citing a recent Harris poll, Whiting said 69

ACs at China



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