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September 30, 1971 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-30

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i~e lMfirigti!3auDId



The month
in review



September, 1971

Page Five





news notes
The campus-wide judiciary sys-
tem, approved by the Regents
last spring, is presently bogged
down in red tape. However, it
should be operative soon after
the October Regents meeting.
Student Government Council.
F along with Senate Assembly
and the Regents,tmust agree
to comply with certain adminis-
trative steps before the new
system can go into effect.
* * *
University officials' hopes for,
imminent federal government
assistance, it is now clear that
University subsidy of the Re-
serve Officer Training Corps will
continue, at least for the pre-
,The University had been ne-
gotiating a plan with the De-
partment of Defense (DOD) for
nearly two years under which
the federal government would
assume the total cost of the
controversial program. However,
a high University official said
last week that DOD has with-
drawn support for a congres-
sional bill providing for such
subsidy funds.
The University's Commission on
Women recently gave final ap-
proval to a personnel "file re-
view procedure" to discover po -
sible cases of salary discrimina-
tion based on sex.
Through the procedure, repre-
sentatives of the women's com-
mission and thenPersonnel De-
Spartment will examine the salary
levels of men and women in the
same job classification for inci-
dents of sex discrimination.
A spectre is haunting Ann Ar-
bor politics: 25,000 newly en-
franchised student voters.
In a rapid series, of events
which left city clerks across the
state gasping, 18 year-olds were
given the vote, and special resi-
dency recuirements for college
students were dropped this sum-
The resulting influx of young
voters into the city electorate
has created political controversy
of major proportions as con-
tending factions face each. oth-
er on several issues.
To what degree is the city
responsible in registering these
new voters? Which party will be
able to gain the allegiance of
the new voters? How should the
student vote be distributed un-
der new redistricting plans?
These and other questions
form the basis of the growing

agains t
The status of classified and military re
search on campus received an unexpecte
twist this month as faculty members ap
peared ready to ban nearly all classifie
Producing a striking, if incomplete, depar
ture from their previous policy on classific
research, Senate Assembly, the faculty
governing body, voted last Monday 31-1
to oppose nearly all kinds of secret researcl
Final approval of the proposal, introduce
by sociology Prof. Howard Schuman, ar
consideration of any amendments is e>
pected to come at next Monday's Assemb
Though at first glance, Assembly's "Schi
man proposal" seems a decidedly clew
statement, it was presented as a compr(
mise containing all that is necessary for E
opposite, or perhaps nil, effect.
The proposal begins saying "the Unive
sity (will) not enter into or renew feder
contracts or grants that limit open publ
cation of the results of research." The sin
ple policy proposal goes on to exempt seer(
research "of exceptional positive value
Just what this exactly means no or
seemed to know at the time and the phrase
future interpretation seems equally unce
tain. "Just how will this 'exceptional pos
tive value' be determined?" asked one sul
porter of classified research. Prof. Schi
man, author of the proposal, could on
offer that it provided "flexibility so thati
future years the proposal would still 1
The total effect of such a ban on t1
University's researchers and their facilitii
is perhaps the most uncertain variable.
Conceivably, much of the. research nc
classified would come back to Universil
researchers unclassified, having the sang
military applications which are faulted
current classified projects.
Indeed, it was the "flexibility" in Schi
man's proposal that turned defeat into vi(
tory for the opponents of classified researc
A previous motion introduced by the chap
pion of the anti-secret research causei
Senate Assembly, Medical Prof. Dona:
Rucknagel, calling for an end to all seer
research the results of which could nott
published, lost 21-25.
Rucknagel's motion would have abolish(
up to 96 per cent of University classifiE
research as Schuman's will do if given fin,
approval. However, impassioned pleas bi
tween the two votes guaranteeing a poli
"that could be lived with," were enough
change the minds of ten Assembly member
sending both victors and vanquished scu:






-Daily-Dave Margoliek
Flengi.i .ixes annual.talk
President Robben Fleming speaks before some 400 faculty members last Monday night at his annual
State of the University address. While Fleming primarily discussed the University's budget crisis, he
also made several suggestions for academic innovation on campus. Among these suggestions, Flem-
ing proposed the University look into alternatives to the traditional four-year undergraduate degree

-Daily-Terry McCarthy
Senate Assembly debates on classified research,. ..

ele c tora te


debate on how the city's politi-
cal institutions will deal with
the challenge of the student
By the time students began
flocking back into town this
fall, the controversy over how
the city should handle the prob-
lem of registering them was al-
ready developing.
In its first move aimed direct-
ly at registering the newly en-
franchised youths, the City
Clerk's office established a spe-
cial registration site at Water-
man Gym during regular class
registration, the first week of
With the Waterman project
setting the precedent, student
and various political organiza-
tions began agitating for fur-
ther reforms in the city's tradi-
tional voter registration pro-
Following a series of confer-

ences with leaders of the Re-
publican, Democratic, and Hu-
man Rights-Radical Indepen-
dent Parties, city clerk Harold
Saunders announced a new ex-
panded program for voter regis-
tration early in the month.
The new plan encompassed
several innovations including
the use of volunteer deputy re-
gistrars, expansion of registra-
tion drives from one to two
weeks, and an increased num-
ber of registration sites.
. Responding to considerable
pressure, Saunders also gave at
least partial recognition to the
concept of allowing registrars
themselves to determine regis-
tration sites, agreeing to a re-
quest from Student Government
.Council to be allowed to regis-
ter students in the Fishbowl.
Critics, however, claim Saun-
ders has barely scratched the
surface of what can be done to




register voters in the city. They
accuse him of stalling on imple-
menting such new approaches
as door-to-door, and year-round
Criticism has spread to the
Democratic Party which ap-
appointed Saunders to the clerks
office in 1969 in an attempt to
liberalize the registration pro-
Sources close to the Demo-
cratic leadership say that Saun-
ders has moved too slowly for
key party figures, and indicate
that he may be replaced with a
more innovative person follow-
ing the next election.
Equally significant to regis-
tration in assessing the impact
student voters will have on the
city is the question of where
the student votes will go,
The major contenders for the
allegiance of the student voters
appear to be the Democrats,
traditional party of young vot-
er's, and insurgent third party
efforts attemptingtto diaw stu-
dents away from the two party
Key figures in the Democratic
party view the enfranchisement
of students as a major windfall.
As students have consistently
voted Democratic in the past,
the party leadership reasons
that the addition of several
thousand student voters will
serve to solidify their tenuous
hold on the city.
Student radicals on campus,
however are hoping to mold the
new voters into a third force in
city politics not aligned with
either of the two major parties.
HR-RIP, formed here half a
year ago, is seeking to build its
base in the community as an
alternative to Democratic poli-
tics. Party members have been
hard at work over the summer,
and into the fall, registering
students as well as collecting
signatures to get on the ballot.
See STUDENT, Page 6

rying to their desks to invent forms of "per-
fecting amendments" to the Schuman plan.
These amendments will be argued at next
Monday's meeting.
And, if these obstacles weren't enough
and past Assembly action is any indication,
the new amendments will likely be "crouch-
ed" in the same "technical jargon" which
Rucknagel said characterized military pro-
posals for classified research. In addition,
Assembly must chart a course for the Class-
ified Research Committee (CRC), the 12
man faculty-student clearing house for se-
cret research projects' approval, as well as
Assembly's Research Policies Committee
These two committees, having specific
functions under a policy of general support
for classified research, would be left in un-
certain straits with the formal acceptance
of the Schuman plan. Schuman's plan calls
for the establishment of a Review Commit-
.tee, containing two members philosophically
opposed to classified research, tojudge the
propriety of the "exceptional" cases. Seven

of the 12-man committee would have to
Assembly's debate on secret research
spans far longer than the two-hour Mon-
day meeting held in a modern auditorium
of the Medical Center. Last spring, many
students and faculty members formed a
loose coalition aimed at abolishing campus
classified research.
However, the physical presence of these
protesters could not break the stalemate
Assembly found itself in and the "show-
down" resulted only in an Assembly order
for "a complete and thorough examination"
of the research question.
September came with little change from
March's scenario. Students did not seem ov-
Over a period of time, individual news
events take on new meaning as related
events occur; often it is helpful to ob-
serve the patterns and central themes
that tie events together. With this page,
The Daily inaugurates a special section
that, at the end of each month, will at-
tempt to summarize the major news of
the University community.
erly excited at the prospects for changing
Assembly's mind after the apparent immo-
bility of Assembly's March position. Faculty
debate that lasted countless hours last
spring wore down to a submerged level with
the absence of the student impetus.
Assembly members completed the im-
pression of low-keyed involvement, as indi-
cated in their surprise at the new outcome
Monday. Most opponents of secret research
had grudgingly accepted the likelihood of
slow process of reform as represented in
RPC's response to Assembly's "complete and
thorough review" mandate.
RPC, after meeting irregularly over the
summer months, produced a 15-page repOrt
essentially reaffirming University policy that
there is nothing wrong with classified re-
search if its "specific purpose" is not to-
hurt people. Instead, it sought to comple-
ment it with procedural 'changes aimed at
"tightening up" apparent inconsistencies
in existing rules and satisfying Assembly
It is likely that parts of this "concensus
of recommendations" - rejected by Assem-
bly for its prefacing section which justified
classified research - will eventually find
their way into Assembly's final action on
the Schuman proposal,

When the month began, the omens were bad
The new fiscal year was eight weeks old and
the University was plummeting along without a
budget. The classes and academic programs that
depended on that budget for adequate funding
were just a week away.
But the administration's hands were tied.
In Lansing, weary state legislators were dawdling
over the annual higher education bill, which pro-
vides the University with two-thirds of its in-
structional funds each year. Caught in a legisla-
tive logjam, the bill was already two months late
and even when it passed, it was likely to provide
the University with one of its smallest appropri-
ations increases in many years.
Back home, University faculty members shuf-
fled lecture notes along with their copies of the
University Record which informed them they
would not find salary raises in their September
paychecks-a consequence of President Nixon's
wage-price freeze.
Even the most casual observer could not es-
cape the growing implication that something
was amiss, something to do with money.

And as the month progressed, it became
clearer and clearer that this university, so de-
pendent on public funds to maintain a reasonable
fascimile of educational excellence, was losing the
battle of the dollar.
"In 1968 and 1969 we were in the midst of
the student turbulence .,. The current crisis
is not student turbulence; but financial adversity,"
reported President Robben Fleming in his annual.
State of the University Address Monday night.
What is happening at Michigan is quite similar
to what is happening at colleges and universities
around the country. After years of receiving ample
funds for expanding public institutions into every
academic area imaginable, state financial support
of higher education is beginning to markedly de-
And while past Septembers have usually seen
modest increases in faculty, in enrollment, and
in academic programs, this September, the Uni-
versity is cutting back. By order of the adminis-
tration, each school and college reduced its fa-
culty, staff, and miscellaneous instructional ma-
terials by roughly three per cent.
Although the figures are not yet in, that's
sure to mean fewer sections, in fewer courses; or
it might mean that a student needing a prerequi-
site for his concentration program might be
crowded out and put behind a term.
Melancholy administrators, from Fleming on
down, see this year's cuts as only a taste of what's
to come. The general viewpoint expressed by nu-
merous University officials seems to be that the
University got off pretty easily this year, all fac-
tors considered, but that the financial crimp is
only beginning,
This year's fiscal woes began to take shape
last February, when Gov. William Milliken sub-
mitted a proposed budget to the Legislature that
included an increase of only $2.8 million in the
University's appropriation.

--Daily-Terry Mcuarthy
. s each faculty member ponders the cquestion.

Back in the spring of 1969 a short,
stocky man came to the University of
Michigan with a mission-to mold a
championship football team.
Michigan fans didn't expect much
from the Wolverines in 1969. But Bo
Schembechler had other ideas as he
guided the team to an 8-3 record in-
cluding a tremendous upset of number
one ranked Ohio State.
Not even a heart attack by Schem-
bechler and the Wolverines' subsequent

USC. So far, they have not been dis-
The Wolverines, led by a strong run-
ning game and a tremendous defense,
swept through their first three oppo-
nents convincingly, and at the end of
the month both major wire service
polls placed them second in the nation.
Three-fourths of the student body
bought season tickets and many of the
faithful have already started making
plans for Christmas in Pasadena and
New Year's Day in the Rose Bowl.


Sep tember

year when they saved the first three
games-and the Wolverines came away
with a 21-6 win.
From there they returned home for
two weeks and, as if revitalized by the
huge Michigan crowds, the offense
came to life. Virginia was the home op-
ener but the Cavaliers were simply out
of their league as the Mammoth Blue
Wave bashed them 56-0.
Experienced seniors such as Bill 'Tay-
lor and Glenn Doughty complimented
an awesome sophomore class-the first

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