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September 25, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-25

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C, 4c



Cloudy and cold,
chance of frost

Vol. LXXXII, No. 14

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 25, 1971

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

SGC to vote&

on judiciary1
Student Government Council President Rebecca Schenk
said last night SGC will make a final decision next Thursday
on whether to comply with administrative steps toward im-
plementing the campus-wide judiciary system approved by
the Regents last spring.
Until then, SGC members will contact the Regents to
communicate their dissatisfaction with several aspects of the
judiciary draft.
Schenk said if any of the Regents express interest in
revising the proposed plan to assuage SGC's objections, Coun-
cil will contact President Robben Fleming and Secretary of
the University Richard Ken-
G rot'dy to set up appropriate
"At our regular meeting next
Thursday, we will definitely make
T our final decision on whether to
o rs follow the steps, but I have no
idea what that decision will be,"
'ru Schenk said.
Elb-B I s n Two days ago. Council voted 6-4
IVRdIL S U against complying with the. pro-
cedure by which the University
By JOHN MITCHELL has said the judiciary will even-

Despite past pronounce-
ments of imminent federal
government assistance, it now
appears the University sub-
sidy of the Reserve Officers
Training Corps (ROTC) will
continue - at least for the
In December, 1969, following. .
years of protest against ROTC, the
Regents moved to negotiate a plan
with the Department of Defense
(DOD) under which the federal
government would assume the
total cost of the program.

in govt.

Nearly three years after its in-
troduction as an "innovation that
would meet a basic academic need"
in the literary college, the Course
Mart program continues to ex-
pand its role of providing courses
not available through regular Uni-
versity curriculum.

tually be implemented.
"We have hopes of reaching a
better settlement," added S G C
member-at large Rick Higgins, '74.
A memo last Monday from Ken-
nedy's office outlined a list of 13
steps pertaining to the adoption
of the new judiciary mechanism.
Kenned~vasked SGC. University

Offering programs under the Council (UC), the Committee on
heading of "College Courses," the a Permanent Judiciary (COPJ),
Course Mart has compiled a "stock a n d Senate Assembly - the top
market" of courses, growing from faculty body-to take action on
an enrollment of 22 in t h r e e the steps which concerned them
classes during the winter of 1969 specifically, so that the new judi-
to thirteen courses attended by ciary system could be "made op-
over 600 students this fall. erative as soon as possible."


This summer, after two years of
negotiation, it was thought DOD
would soon be paying a subsidy of
$500 per cadet which would par-
tially cover costs incurred by the
University through the operation
of the program.
However, University Administra-
tive Dean Robert Williams said
yesterday that DOD has withdrawn
support for a congressional bill
providing subsidy funds, thus min-
imizing its chances for passage.
Williams emphasized that the
withdrawal from the subsidy did
not mean DOD intended to forego
reimbursement entirely. According
to Williams DOD is presently "try-
ing to find a formula which will
meet the needs of all institutions"
with ROTC programs.
In direct and indirect cost, the
burden to the University of main-
taining the ROTC program is
about $200,000 to $300,000 a year.
This includes annual expendi-
tures of roughly $55,000 for sup-
portive services such as secre-
taries, roughly $50,000 a year for
janitorial services and mainte-
nance of North Hall and the lossj
of $100.000 to $200,000 per year
ihirh tha U niv it vrildnrnh-


Through the program a student
can now obtain academic credit
for subjects ranging from theI
study of urban design in relation
to urban problems or the history
of American student movements
to the investigation of constitu-
tional criminal procedure or the
history of blues.
"And this g r o w t h has been
achieved," says Pete Jacobson, a
member of the Course Mart's gov-
erning board, "without the alter-
ation of the basic goal-curricular|
innovation for the benefit. of the
The growth of the program has
not been without its problems,
however, with frequent questions
arising over the quality and ad-
ministration of the Course Mart.
As early as October of 1969 re-j
views of the Course Mart's func-
tionings were undertaken, but not
until February of last year, during'
the controversy over C o 11 e g e1
Course 327, did problems become,
Triggered by LS&A faculty con-'
cern over the quality of instruc-3
tion and grading practices in Col-!
lege Course 327 named, "Political
Issues and Strategies," six of fif-
teen sections of the course were
deleted in midterm, effecting some.
See COURSE, Page 8 1

UC is the group of students,
faculty members and administra- K(
tors presently working to formu-
late a set of rules which the new State Attorney General Frank Ke
judiciary mechanism would en- Club of Michigan last night at th
force, while COPJ is the tri-par- possession cases from the judici
tite body that formulated the lem," and said criminal investig
original judicary plan-later mod- Kelley also urged support of his
ified into its present form by the
SGC's refusal to cooperate with SALARY EQUITY:
Kennedy's request last Thursday
was unexpected. When the Re-
gents approved the modified ver-
sion of COPJ's draft last spring,!
it appeared that students, faculty a
members and administrators while
not completely happy with the
plan. would live with it.
ceived a sizeable voiceand at the t
same time faculty-administrator
concerns that the mechanism be By PAT BAUER;
firm were realized. A personnel "file review proce-
T'he new mechanism replaces dure" to discover possible cases of
the notion contained in the Re- salary discrimination based on sex
gents' Interim Rules of a single was given final approval yester-
"hearing officer" appointed by the day by the University's Commis-
President of the University, whoI sion on Women.
would be empowered to determinesm
guilt or innocence and impose Through the procedure, repre-
penalties. sentatives of the women's com-,
Instead, the new plan provides mission and the Personnel De-
for students to be tried by a jury partment will examine the salary
of their peers-six other students levels of men and women in the
-and includes six students on the same job classifications for inci-
See SGC, Page 8 dents of sex discrimination.

-Daily-Sara Krulwich
lley addresses forum
lley, speaking before the 54th annual meeting of the University Press
he Union, calls for the removal of public intoxication and marijuana
al process. Kelley termed marijuana use "a public health prob-
gation should concentrate on the sale and distribution of narcotics.
proposal for public compensation to victims of crime.
pts procedu-r

-Daly-Jinm ,uaks
CHINESE SCHOLARS Uldis and Ann Krutze talk at the University
yesterday on their month-long travels in mainland China.
China travelers speak
at U' about recent trip
Offering lectures, talks and slide shows to the campus
community, Ann and Uldis Krutze - two members of the
first American group to travel extensively in the People's
Republic of China in 20 years - spoke at the University this.

wbl cie ntversy cru pt esin
ably receive if they rented the; week on developments in China since 1949.

dtigate sex



According to Virginia Nordin,
new chairwoman of the women's
^ommission, the procedure is "an
important step in a continuous
process of insuring equity for wo-
men on this campus."
However, University Women's
Representative Zena Zumeta says,
"A 1 th o u g h the new procedure!
seems effective, we won't know for
sure until it's been exercised."
The review procedure begins
with a computer search, program-
med in such a way that it identi-

Use of
y Some six months after City
Council passed an ordinance re-
ducing penalties for the posses-
sion of marijuana, local officials
have begun to prosecute under
it instead of the harsher state
Since early September, the
Ann Arbor police have begun re-
ferring cases to the City Attor-

city pot law increases

fies any woman employes whosek
salary levels fall substantially be-
low those of men in the same job
Cases identified for possible sex
discrimination will be examined
by a review team, made up of the
Commission on Women's repre-
sentative and a representative of
the personnel.
If the two reviewers and the
supervisor of the employe involved
all agree that sex discrimination
exists, their finding is forwarded
for review and action by the Uni-
versity's executive officers.
In cases where the three parties
- the two reviewers and the sup-
ervisor - disagree, each sends his
or her own recommendations to
the Ad Hoc File Review Board for
review. The Board members are
appointed by the University presi-
dent and consist of at least three
members representing both em-
ploye and supervisor points of
view. The Board's recommenda-
ticns are forwarded to the Uni-
versity executive officers for re-
view and action.
Employes can also request an
investigation if they feel that their
salaries are considerably less than
those of their male coworkers. Be-
cause the file review is scheduled
to be done only once, these re-
quests must be submitted to the

While the University bears
these costs, the Pentagon still pro-
vides most of ROTC's funds, cov-
ering such costs as the salaries of
instructors, the instructional mIa-
terial used in ROTC courses and
scholarships to ROTC cadets.
Some have argued that since the
University has been forced to cui
tired Supreme Court Justice
Hugo Black, died early this
morning at the age of 85.
His death came at 1 a. m.
EDT at Bethesda Naval Hos-
pital, a hospital spokesman
said. The cause of death was
inflammation of the arteries
and a stroke.
expenditures, the campus ROTC
program rshould be among the first
to be cut because of the present
According to Williams, however,
ROTC escaped University reviews
which resulted in the termination
of several other programs, includ-
ing the Center for Research on
Conflict Resolution. This was due,
he explained, to a two-year-old re-
gental policy to maintain the pro-
At present the Navy, Air Force,
and Army all use North Hall fore
their officer training programs.
According to Williams, however,
North Hall is "not being used 100
per cent," and space in the build-
ing exists which "could probably
be used by other departments."

Sponsored by the Committee of Concerned Asian 'Schol-
ars (CCAS), the Krutzes spoke to various University groups
Thursday and yesterday.
This past summer, the Krutzes spent a month in China
visiting factories, communes
and schools. While in Peking
they also talked with PremierU"
Chou En-lai, Prince Norodom
Sihanouk, former Cambodian
chief of state, and other dip- says China
lomatic notables.
A major topic raised at yester-
day's lecture concerned the re-
ported power struggle in Peking
between Chou and Chairman By The AssociatedPress
Mao Tse-tung. U.S. sources said last night that
The recent cancellation of the U.S. monitors have picked up
Oct. 1 National Day parade and Peking broadcasts to the People's
the removal of Mao's posters in Republic of China's overseas mis-
Peking have raised speculation of sions calling for war preparedness.
a possible change in China's po- Washington authorities attributed
litical hierarchy. the messages to internal political
The Krutzes yesterday rejected struggles underway on the Chi-
speculations of a succession 'prob- nese mainland.
lem or Mao's death, contending Disclosure of the messages came
that the recent moves are part of as the Soviet news agency Tass
a new emphasis by Mao towards said the general situation in China
muting the "personality cult" in "is affected by a number of grave
China which virtually deifies him'Ipolitical developments" but gave
"No man is truly indispensible no hint as to what they might be.
to China," Uuldis Krutz says. He
further argues that Mao has; The P o li s h newspaper Zycie
stated in the past that he wants Warszawy viewed the struggles as
to tone down the almost religious meaning the role of Chairman Mao
adulation of himself Tse-tung is diminishing while that
Calling reports that Chou has of Premier Chou En-lai is increase
usurped Mao's power "ludicrous", ing.
the Krutzes say that both men The recent cancellation of China's
hold the same ideas and goals Oct. 1 National Day parade and
However, current reports from the subsequent removal of Mao's
Poland and Russia suggest a
strong likelihood of grave inter- portraits in Peking gave sparked
nal political developments inside speculation of a power struggle in
the mainland. the Chinese mainland.

ney's office for prosecution in-
stead of to the state, as it had
been doing since the city ordi-
nance was passed by City Coun-
cil last March.
"There was a problem in that
we had a city ordinance which
was not being used," Mayor
Robert Harris said yesterday. "I
spoke to the city administrator
about it and he spoke to the po-

lice, and now the ordinance is
being enforced."
Harris added he is awaiting
statistics of those prosecuted un-
der the state law since the city
ordinance was passed, but said,
"I am mainly interested that
city policy be observed from
now o.
The mayor said that while
there are no exact criteria for
determining which statute to
prosecute under, he said he ex-
pects the ordinance to be used if
the offense is covered by it. -
The new ordinance passed by
a 6-5 margin made possession
and sale of marijuana other
than for profit a misdemeanor
punishable by no more than a
$100 fine and 90 days in jail. It
was designed to provide the city
with an alternative to the harsh-
er state law.
Under existing state law, pos-
session of marijuana is a felony
punishable by up to 10 years in
prisen and a $5,000 fine.
But at the time the city ordi-
nance was passed, its effect ap-
peared drubtful, since it did not
replace the state law.hand left
authorities open to choose be-
tween the ordinance and state
law on each case.
Two days after the ordinance
passed Council. County Prose-

Jerold Lax says "there has been
a recent increase in the ,lumber
of cases being referred to my
The exact reason for the in-
crease in prosecutions under the
city ordinance is uncertain.
Although Delhey could not be
reached for comment, Police
Chief Walter Krasny said Wed-
nesday, "I am not in a position
to comment any further than the
fact that I have consulted with
city officials on the matter and

Beyond Mayay:

Last of a Series
Mayday and its repercussions left the
anti-war movement in a state of shock.
The movement had lost faith in many
of its leaders and was unsure what its
future course would be. Few were cer-
tain the nation would ever respond to
the years of protest that culminated in
last May's massive Washington demon-
Mayday's participants found another
-+kna it h+ nntrn1_rcv s ir

direction of anti-war protests in this
The Atlanta conference set dates for
fall demonstrations: Oct. 13 for a na-
tionwide moratorium and teach-in, Oct.
25-29 for non-violent protests in Wash-
ington, and Nov. 6 as a day of large
anti-war demonstrations centered in
various large cities around the country.
Following the Atlanta conference, a

What lies ahead?
According to medical Prof. Donald
Rucknagel, acting chairman of the Ann
Arbor Committee to End the War and
co-chairman of the Interfaith Council
for Peace, Oct. 13's program will con-
sist of an afternoon and evening of ;k
carefully planned anti-war teach-ins.
The teach-ins are locally sponsored
by the Student Mobilization Committee
(SMC), The Ann Arbor Committee to
End the War, the Interfaith Council,
the People's Coalition for Peace and
Justice, and Vietnam Veterans Against '.

the Iinaydav

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