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September 19, 1971 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-19

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Michigan onslaught scorches Virginia, 56-C

See stories,
Page 7

See Editorial Page


1tr tan


Mostly cloudy,
chance of rain

Vol. LXXXII, No. 9

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 19, 1971

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


.. ---

The Attica

ATTICA, N.Y. (P) - Just four
Time enough for state troop-
ers and sheriff's deputies to
storm the barricades held by re-
bellious prisoners in A t t i c a
state prison's cell block D.
Time enough on a rain-
drenched morning for a blood-
letting that has stirred contro-
versy across America.
Time enough to enter in the
record books that bloodiest pri-
son riot in the nation's history
. . 30 inmates and 10 civilian
hostages dead.
The archives will show the up-
rising began on Thursday, Sept.
9, and was suppressed on Mon-
day, Sept. 13. Those are the cold
chronological facts. But what
of the realities behind the fig-
The roots of the rebellion un-
doubtedly lie deep in the Amer-
ican prison system itself; , the
change in the character of the

prisoner; and a change in the
attitudes of American society.
These issues have been blur-
red by charges and rebuttals
dealing with the use of unneces-
sary force and official indiffer-
But interviews with ex-in-
mates of Attica, with officials,
guards, and local residents, in-
dicates that the upstate N e w
York prison had come to reflect
within its gray walls the troub-
led society without, just as had
the college campuses and t h e
U.S. Army in Vietnam.
Inside Attica were political
activists, usually blacks or
Puerto Ricans, arguing that they
were victims of a discriminatory
society, and recruiting f e 11 o w
convicts into political groups
that openly flourished in t h e
prison yards.
There were the guards, a 11
white and all from surrounding
rural Wyoming County, increas-
ingly exasperated by the politi-

cal activism of their urban-root-
ed charges.
And the ranks of the guards
were split, too, between t h e
older men and the younger ones
who felt that the old-fashioned
methods of pushing prisoners
around were no longer valid.
Just as the color and the psy-
chological make-up of the pri-
soners had changed in recent
years, so should the techniques
to handle them, these younger
guards suggested.
There were the planned prison
reforms themselves that, many
guards argued, allowed prisoners
too much leeway, destroying re-
spect and order.
Another factor was the com-
munity outside Attica's turreted
walls, the neat frame houses
with toys in the yards. Most of
the people there were dependent
upon the prison for their liveli-
hood. They gossiped, and dis-
cussed the pulse of the peniten-
See ATTICA, Page 3

Mid East attacks
endanger truce

-Associated Press
IN THE AFTERMATH of a police attack to regain control of Attica
Correctional Facility, a policeman and guard collect the prisoners'
make-shift weapons from the exercise yard.




climaxes in rioting

SAIGON (/) - Students rioted in t h e
streets here yesterday, climaxing more than
a week of rising anti-government unrest and
anti-American violence.
Protesting the government's compulsory
student military training and President
Nguyen Van Thieu's one-man presidential
election scheduled for Oct. 3, militant
Buddhist students clashed repeatedly with
police in Saigon throughout the day and
long after nightfall.
The students hurled fire bombs and rocks
and the police countered with massive
amounts of tear gas.
At least three students and two policemen
were wounded.
By the end of the day, three jeeps, three
motorbikes and an American sedan had been
burned by student bombs. A U.S. military

RIOT POLICE charge students yesterday in Saigon in response to a barrage of rocks
and molotov cocktails. Buddhist students were protesting South Vietnam's one-man pres-
idential election.

fiGS study reveals no bad effect


job or grad school chances

bus was forced off a street by students and
crashed into a pole.
No injuries to any Americans were re-
Hours after the rioting, a large South
Vietnamese ammunition dump north of the
capital was partially destroyed by a series
of explosions.
There were no reports of casualties in
the ammunition dump explosions. Officials
said the cause was not known. Artillery
shells and thousands of rounds of small
arms ammunition were still exploding at
daybreak today, four hours after the first
blast and fire.
Damage appeared confined to one sec-
tion of the Go Vap dump, one of the biggest
in the Saigon area, located about four
miles from the city's center.
On the battlefronts yesterday, there was
no major ground action reported. Military
spokesmen, however, disclosed that the Viet
Cong Thursday sprang a double ambush 35
miles north of Saigon that took the lives
of three American advisers and inflicted
heavy casualties on South Vietnamese
In the action, Viet Cong troops, hiding in
the Michelin rubber plantation, first am-
bushed a jeep, killing the three Americans.
Then, military spokesmen said, the Viet
Cong ambushed two rescue, platoons of
South Vietnamese soldiers, by hitting them
with mortar shells, grenades and machine
gun fire.
Official reports said that of the 70-man
government rescue force, 15 were killed, 25
were wounded and three are missing.
In the U Minh forest, deep in the Me-
kong Delta, fighting died down after three
days of large-scale action with heavy losses
on both sides. The South Vietnamese claim-
ed they killed 189 North Vietnamese and
Viet Cong but acknowledged losses to them-
selves of 47 killed and 97 wounded.
The day's political disorders began with
a short-lived demonstration by 18 opposition
deputies of the National Assembly and
ended with a rain-soaked clash between stu-
dents and police at a Saigon University stu-
dent housing compound on Minh M a n g
Street in the Chinese section of the capital.
In between, other student groups ranging
in size from 50 to 200 staged noisy demon-
strations in at least three other parts of
Saigon, including one at Van Hanh Buddhist

By The Associated Press
Israel and Egypt exchanged missile fire
along the Suez Canal yesterday, pushing the
13-month-old cease-fire dangerously close to
Cairo said Israeli Phantom fighter-bombers
attacked Egyptian canal side positions with
American-supplied Shrike missiles, without
causing damage or casualties. It added that
Egypt fired antiaicraft missiles back.
The Egyptians described the attack as an
"unsuccessful attempt" to retaliate for the
shooting down of an Israeli transport plane
Friday over the Israeli-occupied Sinai Desert.
Egyptian and Israeli troops were put on
alert all along the 13-mile waterway after
the World War II-vintage Stratocruiser was
shot down by Egyptian air defense, Tel
Aviv said.
Israel charged yesterday's exchange was
begun by Egyptian missile batteries which
fired Soviet-supplied rockets at Israeli war-
planes flying on the Israeli side of the water-
way. The military command said its planes
were untouched and returned the fire.
The Egyptian communique said the for-
mation of Israeli Phantoms fired missiles
from about six miles east of the canal on the
Israeli-held side. A military spokesman in
Tel Aviv declined comment on the Egyptian
The weekend incidents underscored the
fragility of the U.S.-initiated cease-fire in
the absence of a political settlement between
Israel and Egypt.
Reliable sources said there had been con-
tacts between American diplomats in Tel
Aviv and Israeli officials, but could add no
It was assumed the Americans, as archi-
tects of the canal truce, expressed fear that
retaliation might revive the eye-for-an-eye
military policy that has carried the Mideast
through 23 years of conflict.
In Washington, the State Department
sought yesterday to head off a renewal of
the fighting by calling on both Egypt and
Israel to abide by the truce.
"We urge both sides to scrupulously ob-
serve the cease-fire," a State Department
spokesman said in a brief public statement.
Informed sources indicated Washington
would be conveying similar messages to
both countries through diplomatic channels.
Israeli officials insisted Israel had not
broken the cease-fire, declaring it would
See MISSILE, Page 8
Women call for
shopping boycott
The local chapter of Women Uniting to
End the War (WUEW) is calling for a "no-
spend day" this Tuesday in protest against
the Indochina War.
In a campaign aimed at uniting Ameri-
can women in a nation-wide protest, the
WUEW urges all area women not to spend
money on Tuesday.
"The intent of the boycott," said one of
WUEW's leaders, Jean Converse, "is not to
deprive stores of business, but to make
women aware of the feelings of other women
concerning the war."
According to Mrs. Chris Gerzevitz, an-
other of WUEW's organizers, refusing to
spend money is a private action all women
can take. "Women who haven't expressed
their feelings before about ending United
States' military involvement in Indochina
will have a chance to protest," she says.
Tuesday's boycott is the second "no
spend day" organized by WUEW to protest
the Vietnam War.

ISRAELI SOLDIER surveys the wreck-
age of a Boeing Stratocruiser, downed by
Egyptian missile fire Friday in the Is-
raeli-occupied Sinai.
Panel probes
~sexism In
county govt.l
Members of the Committee on the Status
of Women, a county women's group, em-
barked on a study of alleged sexism In
Washtenaw County government this week
by presenting their plans to top county
BothCounty Administrator Ross Childs
and County Commissioner Jay Bradbury met
with the committee members earlier this
week and expressed their willingness to
cooperate with the women's probe.
Childs said, however, he did not believe
any sex discrimination existed in the coun-
ty government. "At least there isn't any
violent discrimination that I know of,"
he said. "But if there is," he added, "we
want to stop it too."
Responding to Child's remarks, commit-
tee chairman Gail Boyd said, "Just be-
cause the county has a written policy that
says it doesn't discriminaterdoes not mean
that, in fact, it does not."
"Part of our job is to educate, to help the
county officials administrators and the gen-
eral public to see how subtle the discrim-
ination indeed is," added another commit-
tee member, Debra Oakley.
Working with the woman's group is Sue
Sayre, the only woman commissioner on
the Washtenaw County Board. Sayre re-
cently said of the probe that "nothing is
factual yet so we really don't know whe-
ther discrimination at the county govern-
ment level does exist."
However, she continued, "We do know
that there are a lot of county jobs that
are sex-oriented, traditionally women's
Sayre added that all jobs are classified
by "grade and level" with promotions de-
pending upon these specifications. "T he
study should point out whether some peo-
ple are being moved along faster than oth-
ers," she said.

With a preliminary study i on the first
graduating class now completed, indications
are that the University graduate with a
Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) degree
need not fear lowered, status in the job or
graduate school market.
In fact, of the 30 University graduates
holding a BGS degree who responded to a
survey over the summer, only two thought
the degree had any negative effect on their

chances for gaining employment or accept-
ance to graduate schools.
The BGS degree program, unlike the tra-
ditional Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor
of Science (BS) degrees, carries no language,
distribution or concentration requirements.
The degree was created in winter, 1969, fol-
lowing a wave of student protest seeking to
eliminate langauge and distribution require-
ments from the regular BA degree.
In the past, the BGS has been regarded

Local Vietnam vets organize
to protest war in Indochina

The newly-created Ann Arbor chapter of
the Vietnam Veterans Against the War
(VVAW) held its first meeting last week
with a turnout of over 40 veterans.
'The Ann Arbor chapter was incorporated
into the national VVAW this past August.
VVAW became nationally prominent last
May during the demonstrations against the
Vietnam war in Washington, D.C.
While a leader of the Detroit VVAW
spoke on the group's national goals at their
meeting last week, Mike Lewis, co-founder
of the Ann Arbor chapter address-d the
veterans on how to relate their anti-war
activities to the Ann Arbor community.
Projects suggested by the veteran group
included the showing of anti-war docu-
mentaries in an attempt to draw local com-
munity support as well as participating in
the teach-in against the Vietnam War to
be held here Oct. 13, National Moratorium

Mike Reade, co-founder of the Ann Ar-
bor chapter, spoke of "shoving the war
home" by using guerilla theater to drama-
tize the demands they raise.
VVAW's overall national objectives in-
clude "stoking the waning fires of the anti-
war movement" along with increasing GI
benefits, Reade added.
The veterans group is also calling for an
immediate end to the fighting in Indochina
and withdrawal of American troops.
Viewing themselves as a permanent
watchdog group, VVAW plans to investigate
what they see as ties between American
business interests and the Vietnam War.
In an effort to increase GI benefits VVAW
also demands that servicemen and women
in the military stopped "being treated as
second class citizens" and that legislation
for veterans hospital care and veterans
job plac ment and training be enacted. The
VVAW also pledged it support to all mili-

by many faculty members and administra-
tors, and even some students, as an aca-
demically inferior degree.
They say the program is not as rigorous
as the BA program, and the lack of require-
ments allows students to "take it easy."
Despite such fears, however, the program
enjoyed a phenomenal growth last year-
increasing from 300 to over 1,000 students.
And a survey last spring on BGS undergrad-
uates indicated BGS students were every
bit as "academically qualified" as their BA
and BS peers, and were pursuing equally
rigorous programs.
This summer the LSA Committee on the
Underclass Experience (CUE), composed of.
students and faculty, sent out a question-
naire to the 88 students who graduated last
April with BGS degrees.
According to John Revitte, '72, and Ron
Alpern, '74, both committee members, the
response rate was 37.5 per cent, which they
consider to be "fair" considering the dif-
ficulties of locating graduates by mail in
the summer.
The BGS graduates were asked:
-What effect BGS had on being accepted
to graduate or professional programs;
-What effect BGS had on obtaining a job;
-Did BGS benefit their education.
Of those grads seeking entrance to gradu-
ate and professional schools only one felt
the BGS degree had any negative effect on
his chances for acceptance. Of the remain-
ing, 31 per cent felt the degree had helped
them gain acceptance, and 63 per cent felt
the BGS had neither helped nor hindered
their chances for acceptance.
This compares favorably with a nation-
wide telephone survey conducted by The
Daily last winter, which revealed that most


' promises Indian admissions, aid

The University is moving to
meet Indian demands for in-
creased Indian course offerings,
admissions and financial aid
at the University, according to
Vice President for Academic
Affairs Allan Smith.
Smith's announcement at Fri-
day's Regents meeting was the

essential in founding the Uni-
The land, the suit maintains,
was originally ceded with the
understanding that the Univer-
sity would provide for the edu-
cation of Indians, an obligation
it says the University has failed
to meet.

been taken" to answer the de-e
mands. "We will have a re-
cruiter in the admissions office.
We hope he will be an American
Indian, and that he can continue
visits to high schools," Smith
Further, Smith promised to
take action on Indian demands

'+" ii

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