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September 18, 1971 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1971-09-18

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Sir k


Partly cloudy,

Vol. LXXXII, No. 8 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 18, 1971 Ten Cents

Eight Pages









aces change
WASHINGTON (R--Associate Justice Hugo Black, cham-
pion of individual rights in more than three decades on the
U.S. Supreme Court, retired yesterday.
The retirement gave President Nixon the opportunity to
reverse, or at the very least neutralize, a liberal lean of the
nation's highest court which dates -to the New Deal days ofI
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
A White House announcement said that 85 - year - old
Black, who has been a patient at the Naval Medical Center
in Bethesda, Md., since Aug. 28, was retiring because of fail-
ing health.
White House press secretary Ronald Ziegler said Nixon
twould begin to "look for the
most qualified man to fill the
Pr-ofs hear post.n has said as far back as'
his 1968 election campaign that he
d " favors "strict constructionists" onE
i tC 1SS1(i the court, which has been inter-
V preted generally to mean conser-
Burger and Justice Harry Black-
on un10ns mun, Nixon's two appointees,
joined the conservative wing of
the court. Two other Nixon nomi-
By CHRIS PARKS nations were rejected by the Sen-
Professors from all over the ate.
nation gathered at the Michigan A leading prospect mentioned
League yesterday for the first day for the Black vacancy is Rep.
of a two-day conference on faculty Richard H. Poff (R-Va.), a mem-
unionization sponsored by the In- ber of the House Judiciary Com-
stitute of Continuing Legal Educa- mittee and the House Republican
tion (ICLE). Leadership. At 47 Poff also ful-
The conference, entitled "Fac- fills another Nixon prerequisite-,
ulty Power: Collective Bargaining youth.
uty CPwer: Colleved tr Justice John Harlan, a member
on Campus" is scheduled to run of the court's conservative wing,
through today with numerous ex- also is a hospital patient with
perts on aspects of faculty union- what officials called "a backache."
ization on hand for speeches, panel He is 72.
discussions, and workshops. Four monthsafter his inaugu-
Yesterday's sessions dealt bas- ration, Nixon told White House
ically with two aspects of the un- reporters that his chief criteria in
ionization problem, the "princi- choosing men for the high court
ples" and the "problems" of col- was their view of the Constitution.
lective bargaining. "I happen to believe that the
In his opening remarks Theo- Constitution should be strictly in-I
dore St. Antoine, Dean of the Law terpreted . . ." the President said.

ft . n

University officials announced yesterday they will prob-
ably request an additional $20.7 million in state funds for the
fiscal year 1972-73.
The figure is about $1.3 million less than the amount of
new funds sought for this year's budget.
The budget request, presented to the Regents at their
monthly meeting yesterday is the first in recent years to
undercut the amount of increase in the previous year's re-
Of the hoped-for $20.7 million increase-which will put
the University's total request at $98.8 million-some $18.3 mil-

--ar-"l' " ainer
UNIVERSITY VICE PRESIDENT and Chief Financial Officer Wilbur Pierpont (left) discusses the University 1971-72 budget at
yesterday's Regents meeting. Listening are (clockwse): Reg:nts Gertrude Huebner, James Waters, Leonard Goodall, new chancellor of
the Universities Dearborn campus, and Regent Robert Brown.
Senaterfuses to table draft

School, set the generally cautious
tone which prevailed in yesterday'sC
sessions saying the process of fac-1
ulty unionization, "is likely to be
more evolutionary than revolu-
A majority of the speakers pre-
sented unionization as involving a
trade-off of benefits with faculty
gaining in some areas and losing
in others. None of those present
came out wholeheartedly in sup-
port of the concept of professors
organizing unions to bargain with
college administrations.
In a panel discussion entitled
"Should professionals organize"
several speakers, including Uni-
versity Vice President for Aca-
demic Affairs Alan Smith, and Al-
fred Sumberg, Associate Secretary
of the American Association of
University Professors (AAUP), dis-
cussed the relationship betwe2en
faculty and administration and how
it may be affected by unionization.
Smith, while expressing come
uncertainty on the topic, ques-
tioned whether the benefits of
p unionization would balance what'
he viewed as possible adverse ef-
fects. Smith said such faculty pri-
vileges as determining curriculum,
and hiring and firing of colleagues
could be threatened by unioniza-
The establishment of a tradi-
tional union, Smith contended,
would formalize the relationship
between faculty and administra-
See PROFS, Page 8

Despite Nixon's two unsuccessful
efforts to get Senate confirmation
of a Southerner, Poff's name was
put forward by congressional col-
leagues as a Southerner who
would have no trouble getting con-
firmed. A conservative Republican
from Radford, Va., Poff is serving
his tenth term in the House.
The White House announcement
said Nixon accepted Black's decis-
ion to step down "with deep re-
Black has been a member of the
Supreme Court since Aug. 12, 1937.

Vietnam war critics lost a fight
yesterday. to scuttle a compro-
mise draft extension bill in an
effort to force the House to
accept an amendment fixing a
deadline for withdrawal of U.S.
forces in Indochina.
By a 47-36 vote, the Senate
defeated a motion by Majority
Leader Mi k e Mansfield (D-
Mont), to table the bill com-
bining a two-year extension of

the draft with a $2.4 billion
military pay raise. It has been
approved by the House.
President Nixon had made an
all-out effort to defeat Mans-
field's tabling motion. The ad-
ministration contended that if
Mansfield's tabling motion had
been adopted the result would
have been no draft extension
bill and no military pay raise
this year.
Still in the future is final

Police raid Rainbow commune
in search of stolen property

Senate action on the compro-
mise draft measure which was
worked out by Senate - House
conferees from separate bills
previousl y passed by each
With some anti-war and anti-
draft senators threatening to
filibuster to block final action,
a petition was filed immediately
after defeat of the tabling mo-
tion to force a vote Tuesday on
cutting off the debate.
To put the Senate's debate-
closing cloture rule into effect
will take a two-thirds mapority
of senators voting. It appears
doubtful that a first attempt to
invoke cloture will succeed.
However, Republican Leader
H u g h Scott of Pennsylvania
said as many cloture petitions
as necessary will be filed in an
effort to get a final vote on the
draft bill as quickly as possible.
Despite White House lobbying
efforts, 11 Republicans joined
with 25 Democrats in voting for
Mansfield's motion. V o t i n g
against it were 18 Democrats,
mostly southerners, and 29 Re-
If the tabling motion had car-
ried, Mansfield intended to move
to send the bill back to confer-
ence with the House with the
Senate conferees instructed to
stand fast for his end-the-war
The amendment, adopted by
the Senate on June 22 by a 61-
38 vote as part of its original
draft extension bill, called for
withdrawal of American forces

in Indochina in nine months,
contingent on the release of
prisoners of war.
The compromise reached by
Senate-House conferees dropped
any withdrawal deadline but put
Congress on record as favoring
an end to. U.S. military opera-
tions in Indochina at the earli-
est practicable date.
Before the vote, Mansfield told
newsmen that if his tabling mo-
tion was defeated he would re-
offer his amendment to the $21
billion military procurement bill,
coming up next in the Senate,
or to some other measure.

lion is earmarked for the Ann
Arbor campus, with $1.2 mil-
lion designated for the Flint
college and $1.5 million for
the Dearborn campus.
According to Allan Smith, vice
president for academic affairs,
the administration is curbing its
budget request because of direc-
tives from the state's executive
budget bureau. The bureau con-
firmed the University's expecta-
tions that state support'for higher
education will decline due to the
state's financial squeeze.
The Regents voted yesterday to
authorize the administration to
submit the finalized appropriation
request to the state budget bureau,
before the next Regents' meeting.
Traditionally, budget requests
have far out-stripped the Univer-
sity's needs, as campus officials
anticipated legislative cutbacks.
Last year, the University re-
quested an additional $22 million
for fiscal year 1971-72. The figure
was subsequently sliced to a $4.6
million increase by the Legislature.
According to Smith, this year's
budget increase request will seek
funding for "relatively few items
-faculty salary increases, health
science developments, and student
aid programs."
One high priority of the budget
increase will be increased student
Regents approve $131 million
general fund budget for fiscal
1971-72. See story, Page 8.
aid, which University officials are
reportedly seeking to increase by
$2.5 million next year.
Smith said late last night that
the executive officers have not yet
come up with proposed faculty
salary increases for fiscal 1972-73,
but hope to hammer out the terms
within a week.
In addition, Smith said he did
not anticipate another across-the-
board cut to free funds for re-
allocation, but that each unit
would instead make its own re-
Last fall, the University ordered
a flat three per cent cutback in
all departments.
The budget b u r e a u had re-
quested the final budget request
by September 24. However, due to
the lengthy legislative tangle over
the 1971-72 higher education bill,
the bureau has extended its dead-
Last night, Smith said he
doubted whether the state would
raise taxes next year to free funds
for appropriations.
"There just isn't going to be a
tax increase next year-not in an
election year," hesaid.

'U' asks for
of bdeg. fe
The University will seek $18
million in capital outlay appropri-
ations from the state legislature
for the 1972-73 year with $10.1
million earmarked for Ann Arbor's
Approved by the Regents at their
meeting yesterday, the request is
$4 million over last year's capital
outlay request-which was subse-
quently slashed to $624,252.
This year's request-which would
provide for new building construc-
tion, renovation of existing struc-
tures and planning for new facili-
ties-includes $2.8 million for the
renovation and construction of
health science facilities, $1.4 mil-
lion for the Dearborn campus and
$3.5 million for Flint college.
University officials generally
concede that the new request is
"a bit unrealistic" in view of the
legislature's rock-bottom grants
for capital outlay in the past.
According to Fedele Fauri, vice
president for state relations and
planning, University officials in-
clude in the annual request all the
projects and plans they would like
to see realized, hoping the legisla-
tors will approve at least some of
This year's requests for the Ann
Arbor campus include:
-$3 million for the contracting
of a new Architecture and Design
See SEEK, Page 8
Program set
for ecology
Walkers, bicyclists, legislators
ind concerned citizens will dra-
matize the need for ecological
awareness starting tomorrow and
for the next seven days.
Mayor Robert Harris has pro-
claimed Sept. 19-26 as Ecology
The week will open with a clos-
ing of downtown Main St. to all
but pedestrian and bicycle traf-
fic. The week will end with a 12
mile "Walkathon."
See WEEK, Page 8

By MARK DILLEN Early this year, this view was
Aided by a contingent of Ann apparently reinforced locally after
Arbor and Washtenaw County police raided nearby youth com-'
police, law officials from Madison munes involved in radical politics.
Heights yesterday. conducted an Arrested on narcotics charges, it
unsuccessful search for s t o1 e n took nearly a week before workers

you." he responded to a resident's
invitation after the search was
concluded. "But I just have to go.'
The Rainbow People's Party is
a locally based organization in-
volved in service operations for
the city's "youth culture". The
group has sponsored such activi-
ties as a food co-op, and various
free concerts.

property at the local headquartersI
of the Rainbow People's Party.
The Rainbow People's Party,
formerly the White Panther Par-
ty, has in the past often been the
object of police scrutiny. This has
lead to charges of police harass-
ment aimed at suppressing the ra-
dical political views of the group,
rather than stopping illegal activ-

on the now defunct Argus news-'
paper could get confiscated ma-
terials returned.
Thomas Linviller, of the Madi-
son Heights police, acquired a

'U' research speiiding
falls after decade rise

s e a r c h warrant 1fom District Units of the Ann Arbor police
Court Judge Samuel Elden yester- ontscn t o gardorpoun
day afternoon, citing "probable on the scene stood guard around
cause" that four rifles and sev- the house while not actually par-
eral other stolen items would be ticipating in the search itself.
found in the three-story house at City police officers explained they
1520 Hill. knew nothing of the particulars
However, a 45 minute search of
the premises produced none of the of the case but had merely been
stolen goods. A small crowd of sent to provide support.
youths gathered outside, occas-
sionally taunting police, but the
atmosphere surrounding the search !
remained one of unusual calm.
Several of the party members who
greeted the four squad cars of o u s
police at 5:00 p.m. sacrastically
offered to assist in the search.
Earlier' in the day, Rainbow .enters: Can t
People's Party leaders Pun and
Genie Plamondon, stood muteat g What they,
County Circuit Judge John Letts. getw
The 26-year-old Pun Plarnondon By PAUL TRAVI
and his wife were charged with Last year, returning studen
conspiracy to possess marijuana bywamakeshiftctyvofcn

Sen. Mansfield

ig: Ain't much, but it's home

According to outgoing Vice
President for Research A. Geof-
fry Norman, University research
expenditures d e c1 neduring
1970-71 for the first time in 11
Speaking at the monthly meet-
ing of the Board of Regents,
Norman reported a research ex-
penditure total of only $61.2 mil-
* lion, $1.2 million less than the
previous year.
Research expenditures, which
had climbed steadily during the
early and middle sixties, had
been leveling off lately, with ex-
penditures for 1968-69 failing for
the first time to exceed those of
the previous year. This year's
figure, however, marked first
actual decline.
Norman nredicted an upswine

want ...
ats were greeted
s apartments on

and hashish.
Authorities accused Genie Pla-
mondon of smuggling marijuana
into the Kent County Jail in
Grand Rapids, where her husband
is awaiting a federal court appear-
That appearance stems f r o m
charges linking him to the bomb-
ing of a Central Intelligence Ag-
ency office in Ann Arbor in 1968.
Judge Letts remanded Pun Pla-
mondon back to the Kent County

the Diag, set up to dramatize the tight housing
market in Ann Arbor.
This year the students found no Tent City,
but the housing market remained tight, with
students still faced with a shortage of adequate,
inexpensive student housing.
Although most major realtors in and around
the campus area report that they still have a
small number of apartments which have not
been leased, there is a shortage of the type of
housing steiants want.

'U raises dorm fees,
diminishes services
Students returning to dorms this year have
found the places aren't quite the same. Many
changes greeted them-including new security
measures, extended phone service, higher rents
and fewer dorm services.
Because of the University's tight financial
situation, the Housing Policy Board has been
forced to increase room and board rates while
cutting back on certain services.
This year's rates are $1,135.68 for most two-
person dorm rooms, up $100 from last year and
$200 from the year before. At the same time,
linen service and breakfasts have been cut.
The elimination of linen service has forced

V.P. Norman

aggregate than in the preceding
three years.

:: - . .... ' . ;

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