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April 22, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-22

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See Editorial Page




Windy with
scattered showers

Vol. LXXXII, No. 156

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 22, 1972

Ten Cents






Twelve Pages


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disrupt STAGE WAR

Regents 'meeti-ng;

From Wire Service Repor



t uit i o
Forty black students dis-
rupted the Regent's public
meeting yesterday and.
charged them with "racism"
in regard to their rejection of
the Afro-American and Afri-
can Culture Living Units last
After shouts of "stop the meet-
ing" forced a short adjournment,
the Regents stayed seated as Lee x
Gill, president of the South Quad
Minority Council, read a statement
of grievances' and demands.
Following the presentation, the
protestors left without incident
and the Regents reconvened the
meeting without comment.
As expected, the Regents subse-
quently approved a five per cent
increase in tuition for next year,
"in order to meet the gap antici-
pated between anticipated state
appropriations and University
The new undergraduate tuition
level will be $696 for in-state stu-
dents, $36 more than the present {
level. Out of state tuition will in-
crease from $2,140 to $2,260. LE
The confrontation by black stu- as
dents came as a result of last Cu
month's regental rejection of the Ge
controversial living units which
would have provided housing for---
those with a sincere interest inCR
Afro-American and African Cul-
t4 ture.



A n t i - w a r demonstrators
around the country yesterday
boycotted classes, picketed de-
fense faciilties, marched and
rallied to protest the renewed
U.S. bombing of North Viet-
There were reports of demon-
strations on about 100 college cam-
puses, with the number of protes-
ters ranging from only a handful
to several thousand.
In California over 150 Stanford
University students were arrested
and many others were struck by
police when a crowd of 900 anti-
war demonstrators blocked a four-
lane highway in Palo Alto.
Earlier in the day, over 1000
Stanford students rallied in front
of the university's administration
building and broke a glass door
there. Police arrested 10 students
for "illegal obstruction." The re-
maining protesters left the admin-
istration building and marched to
the university's war research lab-
oratory where four more students
were arrested for trespassing.
Riot-equipped police using tear
gas and billy clubs turned back
over 1,000 University of Texas stu-
dents who marched into the down-
town area of Austin after a campus
demonstration. At least five per-
sons were arrested.
In a demonstration scheduled for
today, thousands of people are ex-
pected in New York and Los An-
geles for another protest march.
The non-violent demonstrations
are being organized by the
Student Mobilization Committee
(SMC), who also planned last
year'shmassive April 24 marches
in Washington and Los Angeles.
In New England yesterday, 95
persons were arrested in Chicop-
pee, Mass., when a crowd of 250
blocked the gates leading to the
Westover Air Force base near Bos-
Over 8,000 students converged on
the Boston Commons yesterday for
an afternoon rally, and blocked one
of the busy streets in the area.
Demonstrators read off a list of

Dozens of club-wielding po-
lice waded into a crowd of
some 500 anti-war demonstra-
tors grouped on a highway
overpass yesterday, dispersing
the city's most militant war
protest in recent years.
The police intervention came too
late, however, to prevent an esti-
mated $5,000 worth of damage to
tha Reserve Officer Training Corp
headquarters in North Hall, miles
of snarled traffic, and smashed
windows in the office of two
downtown military recruiters.
City, state and county officers-
many of them brandishing rifles
and shotguns - advanced on the
crowd of activists as they gath-
erod to block traffic ,on the U.S.
23 overpass at Washtenaw Avenue.
The troops then chased the
demontrators back toward the city
in disarray, arresting at least one
man and clubbing dozens more.
One plainclothes officer was in-
jured when a uniformed patrol-
man mistook him for a protester,
eyewitnesses said.
The police effectively ended the
day of anti-war activity, which
had climaxed in the trashing of
the ROTC building and a three
mile march from campus to the
Toledo-Flint expressway.
Astonished commuters watched
from their automobiles as first a
crowd of activists and then the
force of police swarmed onto, the
highway near the Arborland Cen-
At least one demonstrator was
pushed off the bridge onto the
roadway 15 feet below in the police
Another youth was arrested by
sheriff's deputies, and others fled
as the force of officers marched
down the highway, clearing pro-
testers with their clubs.
The police were drawn from al-
most a dozen agencies and were
commanded by county Sheriff
Douglas Harvey.
The day of activity had begun
at noon when over 1,000 students
and young people gathered on the
Diag to hear anti-war speakers.
The crowd reacted in anger
when a University security man,
George Staunch, tore an American
flag from a burning effigy of a
U.S. bomber on the steps to the
general library.
Moving away from central cam-
pus, the activists marched down-
town chanting slogans such as
"One-two-three-four-we don't want
your fucking war," and "Stop the
bombing, end the war."
Arriving at the offices of the
Navy and Air Force recruiters,
which are adjacent to each other
on Washington Street, about a
dozen protesters threw rocks at
the offices' windows, breaking sev-
eral of them.
After a brief debate on tactics,
the crowd marched back to cam-'
pus, across the Diag, where they
mustered more support, and to the
ROTC building, where they arrived
shortly after 2 p.m.

-Daily-Terry McCarthy
E GILL, president of the South Quad Minority Council, reads
slate of demands to the Regents yesterday as Regent William
dlip (R-Detroit) stands up to avoid confronting Gill. Regent
rtrude Huebner (R-Bloomfield Hills) looks on.
Vomen s agency to
reo pen doors soon

With this issue, The Daily1
stops publication for the winter
term. The summer Daily will
start publication on the first day
of classes for the spring term
and will published throughout the
summer. Be free.
Nearly 30 per cent of those who
had been provisionally accepted
prior to the Regental action were
Yesterday's statement called it
"flagrantly discriminatory to re-
quest a guarantee of occupation
of the proposed units by non-
blacks and not to request the same
kind of guarantee from white lan-
guage houses."
A list of demands included the
immediate establishment of:
-The Afro-American and Afri-
can Cultural Living Units;
-A minority affairs division to
coordinate all supportive services
and programs for black students
-Full implementation of BAM
demands of 1970.
See BLACKS, Page 8


-Daily-Tom Gottlieb and David Margolick
COUNTY RIOT POLICE march down Washtenaw yesterday to keep anti-war demonstrators from
regaining the streets. Below (left), protesters camp on a U.S. 23 overpass to block traffic before
police arrive. Earlier (right), scores of protesters stream into the ROTC building after smashing
several windows.

Offering peer counseling for
problems unique to women, t h e
Women's Crisis Center (WCC) willt
reopen this Monday as a telephone,
service based in St. Andrewst
Trained volunteers will answer
the phone - 769-7586 (769-WISE)
- from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. seven!
Jays a week.
Jackie Wiersma, one of the
WCC's founders, says "We're pre-
pared to counsel women who've
been raped, women with problem
pregnancies, welfare women witht
problems, and any women with
crises - economic or social. We'
want to reach women throughout!
the community."
The fifty-five member staff hast
had empathy and suicide training,!
training in the legal aspects ofl
rape, and some training in drugs.I
The WCC also plans to serve a

a referral service for women with
brnla gtnff b Eahr'.il~a

prowems.z ) adi mem er ieen
Sheff says, "We're willing to listen all Boston universities on strike.
to women's problems until t h e y The crowd then split up, half go-
know what they want to do, and ing on to demonstrate at the Mas-
then we'll refer them to specific sachusetts Institute of Technology,
services which can help them. and the other half reurning to

We've checked the various agen
cies in Ann Arbor and we know
which agencies are helpful to
Wiersma adds, "Besides refer-
rals, we're trying to compie lists
of women willing to help other
women with emergency housing,
transportation and babysitr4ng.'
She says WCC is also rying to
find women who are willing to
share their experiences in crisis
situations such as rape, abortion.
breast surgery and emotional dif
The present location and hours
of the Center are temporary. A,.
See CRISIS, Page 8

Harvard University.
At Harvard, demonstrators ral-
lied in sympathy with the 40 black
students occupying the university's
administration building. The blacks
are protesting the university's3 re-
fusal to sell its Gulf Oil corporate
stock. They contend that Gulf is
responsible for the repression of
African blacks.
At Boston University, students,
took over the office of the dean of
After three days of violence on
the University of Maryland cam-
pus, demonstrations there dwin-
dled to a 30-person peaceful pro-
test rally held yesterday. The
See WAR, Page 7

U.S. ph1
.N.0 Viet,
SAIGON (/)-Waves of U.S. war-
planes struck within 80 miles of
Hanoi yesterday, hammering at
North Vietnamese targets in effort
to blunt the Communists' spring
offensive. But North Vietnamese

s gain

the U.S. Command said an Air
Force Phantom jet was shot down
by anti-aircraft fire. Two crewmen
bailed out into the Gulf of Tonkin
and were fished from the waters
by a rescue helicopter.

atnes hit


n South
Vinh, 145 miles inside North iVet-;
In the northern quarter of South
Vietnam, senior U.S. officers re-
ported that the district town of
Hiep Duc, 35 miles southwest of
Da Nang, apparently was under
North Vietnamese control after
several government outposts fell.
In Cambodia, Cambodian rein-
forcements were rushed up to de-
fend what is still in their hands
on Highway 1, where the enemy
seized a 50-mile str~etch of the
road Thursday. At the nearest
point the enemy was about 40'
miles west of Saigon.

groundforces continiueduto scored A North Vietnamese broadcast!
gains in the South. reported three American planes!
The raids were the deepest pene- were shot down over Than Hoa
tration into the North since the' when "waves of B52 bombers and
heavy attacks last Sunday against fighter-bombers barbarously and
targets in Hanoi and Haiphong. criminally attacked civilian popu-
In announcing yesterday's raids, lated areas, causing many innocent
- --------------- -,deaths and injuries."
On the ground, field reports said
a battalion of 500 South Vietna-
mese paratroopers had been maul-
ed near An Loc, with about ,100
rb -,/a dy db rin men killed or wounded.


After nearly eight hours o
tions, the Central Student Judie
voted early yesterday morning
the charge of "gross fraud
month's all-campus elections.
The unanimous ruling, which
weeks of dispute over the elect
and results, states that plainti
verstein of SGC "did not carry
of proof necessary to his chE
gave final approval of the M
voting results.
Silverstein and co-plaintiffs M
mann of the Responsible Altern

dismisses vote
of SGC's election rules, and I'm extreniely SGC
f delibera- disappointed with my government." said y
iary (CSJ) SGC members Marty Scott, Curt Stein- would
g to reject hauer, and Bob Nelson, all of GROUP, get do'
" in last acted as defense counsel throughout the Thet
lengthy proceedings for SGC and Elec- pert w
ends four tions Director David Schaper, who vas of che
ion process named in Silverstein's charge as "de- analysi
iff Joel Sil- frauding or allowing the defrauding" of the ba
the burden large numbers of ballots. Gord
arge," and All three expressed their "extreme sat- of "at
Larch 21-22 isfaction with the unanimous verdict" and "could
described the plaintiff's case as "a fish- that so
ing expedition based on groundless sus-
ark Ruess- picions. favor
ative Party C. n vs v f 1 How


4-h L


President Bill Jacobs of GROUP
yesterday he hoped the plaintiffs
"get back together with us and
awn to the business of SGC."
defense had presented several "ex-
itnesses" to counter the testimony
mistry Prof. A. A. Gordus, whose
is of some 500 sample ballots was
sis of Silverstein's case.
us had maintained that a pattern
berrant markings" in the sample
only. lead one to the conclusion
ome 350-450 ballots were stuffed in
of GROUP."
ever psychology and statistics Prof.

The battalion was lifted by heli-
copters to the rear base at Lai
Khe, 35 miles to the south, for re-
I placements and retraining.
At dusk, the North Vietnamese
continued to besiege the provin-
cial capital with rockets and art'il-
lery shells and infantrymen as-
saulted another airborne unit on
the southwestern flanks of the
After being repulsed in earlier
attacks, the North Vietnamese re-
newed the attack on An Loc yes-
terday, hoping to make it the first
provincial capital captured in the
Also in the Saigon area, heavy
fighting was reported at the dis-

. game e n

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