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April 16, 1972 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-16

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Sunday, April 16, 1972


Page Seven




uper d eck,
pp r

Berra-men bea

Special To The Daily
DETROIT - The Detroit Tig-
ers gained a tie for first place by
nipping the Boston Red Sox in
their strike-delayed opener be-
fore a less than capacity crowd of'
around 31,500.
Starter Mickey Lolih went
through a complete spring train-
ing in the first inning as he look-
ed very shaky. Lolich then gained
the form that earned him 25 wins
last season as he set down the
last 17 Beanmen to face him.
The Bosox scored in the open-
ing frame but through faulty base
running limited themselves to only
one tally. Tommy Harper, the Ca-
jun Comet acquired in the winter?
singled to left and went to sec-
ond on Luis Aparicio's grounder
through, short. Carl Yastrzemski
followed with a liner to center but
Harper held up at third. After
Reggie Emith fanned, Rico Petro-
celli lined a fastball to left to!
score Harper. On the play, Apa-
ricio stopped at third but Yastr-
zemski did not. When the wet dust
cleared, Aparicio was looking at
Yastrzemski being called out.
The Bengals took the lead in
the second on an opposite-field
double byBill Freehan and fol-
low-up home run by little, Ed
Brinkman who clouted the ball
370 feet into the left-field stands.
The Tigers got the winning run
off starter Marty Pattin in the
seventh when Norm Cash scored
from second on Freehan's single
to left.
Lolich's control was question-
able in the first, three innings
but impeccable the rest of the
way as he struck out a total of
nine while walking only one.
Indians Brewed
CLEVELAND - Ray Parsons
Major League

and Ken Sanders stopped the
Cleveland Indians on seven hits
and Dave May and Ron Theobald
smashed home runs yesterday to
lead the Milwaukee Brewers to a
5-1 opening day victory over the
Parsons yielded a run to the In-
dians in the first on a double by
Del Unser and sacrifice fly by
Alex Johnson but the Brewer
right-hander drovein Milwaukee's
first run himself in the second to
tie the score.
Two more runs off Cleveland
starter Gaylord Perry in the fifth
on three hits and some sloppy
Cleveland Indian fielding gave
Parsons a 3-1 lead. Sanders took
over in the seventh and retired
tihe Indians on one hit over the
next three innings.
May homered off Perry in the
seventh and Theobald, who had
only one homerun all last season
connected off Denny Riddelberger
in the ninth.
* * *
Twins Twacked
OAKLAND - Joe Rudi, racing
home on Gene Tenace's 11th-
inning grounder, slammed into
Minnesota catcher George Mitter-
wald, jarring the ball loose and
scoring the winning run as the
Oakland A's edged the Twins 4-3
in their season opener yesterday.
Rudi opened the bottom of the
11th with a double off Dave La-
Roche and moved to third or
Reggie Jackson's sacrifice. A wall
to Sal Bando brought up Tenace,
batting for Mike Hegan.
Tenace drilled a grounder tc
third baseman Eric Soderheim,
who knocked the ball down, then
threw home, beating Rudi. But
Mitterwald was charged with an

tBucs flE1
error when he dropped the ball in
the collision.
Mets Maraud
NEW YORK (P) - Newly-ac-
quired Rusty Staub and Jim Fre-
gosi delivered key hits and Ed
Kranepool drove in three runs
with a homer and a sacrif ice fly
as the New York Mets opened the
strike-delayed 1972 baseball sea-
son yesterday with a 4-0 victory
over the world champion Pitts-,
burgh Pirates.
Tom Seaver, a 20-game winner
in 1971, pitched six innings for
the Mets, allowing five hits and
striking out six in the raw, windy
weather. Tug McGraw completed
the five-hit shutout.
Reds Racked
CINCINNATI (AP) - Don Sutton
and Jim Brewer held the Cincin->
nati Reds to three hits yesterday:
1 as the Los Angeles Dodgers opened
the late-starting 1972 National
League baseball season with a 3-1
victory over the Cincinnati Reds.Ch
Phillies Fly
CHICAGO () - Jose Cardenal's
three-base error allowed two Phil-
adelphia runs to score in the top
of the ninth inning and the Phil-
lies whipped the Chicago Cubs 4-2c
in the opening game of the 19721 u ru
baseball season Saturday.
With two on and two out in the:
ninth, McCarver lofted a fly ball By ANDREW WHITEHALL
that Cardenal misjudged. When special To The Daiy
he caught up with it, the ball WEST LAFAYETTE - In a day
glanced off his glove and both featured by stunning upsets, de-
runners scored. *afending champion Wisconsin and
*l. * Michigan were both thumped in

Daily-Bob warg
atce fully whistles back a service.
e plies Ruggfers
due 9-6 to move into the finals with 33 points while holding th
today. Michigan rebounded to scoreless the rest of the way.

Pro fss onatIsm.:
*.P, Qpl's PingPoang
AMIDST AS MANY JOURNALISTS as spectators, the table
temis team of the People's Republic of China presented a
textbook example of, sports achievement par excellence. Hold-
ing their bats in he same tight-fingered manner one holds a
pen,,the ChiieSad,nsta why they have reached the pin
nacle of paddledom. -'
Table tennis is very much the sports metaphor for the
Chinese. The game's rigors demand light players, dedicated to
the pursuit of excellence. Quick reflexes and an attunementi to
the Cultural~Revolution stand a player in much better stead
othan -regarding it as a asement diversion, a status that the
sport 4olds ini the United States.
The Chinese play their sport with an agileness and with
a dedication bordering on fanaticism. And as a result, their
achievements rank with the best in the arena of sport.
their dominance 'i xilpyjt 'risler was quite evident. Gra-
cious guests thart "thi~y were, they carried their weaker
American hosts in order to leave an air of competition to
The key to sports excellence is a rare combination of self
assured play and control. The ability to dictate the tempo is
>Q the mark of champions, and this ability differentiates between
thq great and the merely good.
The Chinese team, shortly blilti and carefully groomed, pre-
sented themselves as'much -more disciplined than their Ameri-
can counterparts. From the opening ceremony, which the
Chinese captured by applauding back at the audience, through
their refusal to be-rufflediwhen the announcer mistakenly and
crudely identified them as the Nationalist Chinese, to the finale,
the visitors were certainly in control.
The first match, a wonen's affair between Yang Chun
and Olga Soltasz, set the tentipo of the entire day's sporting.
The Chinese representative smply outplayed her opponent,
iem forcing her to push the little white ball off the safe edges
of the table into the spaceless void. Chun had an obvious ad-
hale vantage in conditioning, zipping from one end of the table
and to the other without breaking stride. She exploded with each
orn of her shots, driving the American into poor playing
one position.
Ms. Soltasz, who "split her wrist" in her attempt to return
hat the volley, lunged after the ball, obviously aware of the mis
ent match. The Chinese coach, aware that delicate matters beyond
sic- table tennis supremacy were at stake, signalled to her charge
me to let up and Chun responded by lobbing a few into the net
in to make the match respectable.
the From the service, in which the ball is held tantalizingly in
to front of the opponent on the palm, the Chinese star aced her
opponent forcing her on the defensive. Lacking a backhand be-
cause of her penholder grip, Chun relied on her speed and her
explosiveness, taking to the air to whip out some miraculous
shots. Soltasz's broken wrist attempts dictated her weak play,
r. The men's match was a bit more exciting with smashes
of and drives, as well as some fine finessing on the part of -
.f . eorge Brathwa te, a Broo lyn resident, and Ch'en Paw-
s- ching, a denizen of the People's Republic. The pace was
a varied in this match: first short delicate play and then
a} . slams. -The second , pme between the duo featured long
he' ; ,slams wbidh foundt Brathwite on the offensive. The China-
he' - man played wih control and -confidence, returning the -
an ball with looping volleys. But after behig forced back by a
d' Brathwaite's shot, he was out of position -for the killing
'slam. 'His attempt brough"tthe Crisler crowd -to their feet
aid with a thunderops round of applause. -,-
the, With the diplomacy out of the way, the table was given
on to Chinese doubles exhibition. First the women came to the
the forefront. Putting aside the misconception that all Chinese play
heir with a penholder grip, Shih Ping-lin combined a beautiful
:backhand with the same'explosiveness that all the Chinese seem
due to possess. Their brief leaps were astonishing and, beautiful to
Si watch. The men~ duplicated this feat with equally fine perform-
ances, playing the game as a basement player dreams of.
It is ,not often that one seesa:perfect blend of -sportsman-
oon ship but the-Chinese showed it yesterday at Crisler. Someday,
for maybe in ten or fifteen years according to U.S. officials, the
wo- United States- might'hit balls over into the net in a champion-
ship match, but at that time diplomacy won't be the focus.


Cards Decked
ST LOUIS (P) - Jose Cruz' two-
base' error set up Mike Jorgenson's
third run batted in, a sacrifice fly
in the eighth inning, that carried
the Montreal Expos to a 3-2 open-
ing-game victory over the St.

single elimination first round ac-
tion of the Big Ten Rugby Tour-
nament yesterdayuM i c h i g a n
handed host Purdue an opening
round victory by blowing a sec-
ond half lead. Wisconsin never
lost its kickoff jitters while Ohio
State tacked on a 50-3 shocker.

New York
Kansas City




- 1


Louis Cardinals Saturday. - In other first round action Illi-
The 23-year-old Jorgenson, ob- nois toppled Michigan State while
tained only nine days ago by the Indiana advanced to the semi-
Expos in a trade with the New finals on a forfeit by Iowa.
York Mets, hit a home run in his In the second round action, U.-
first time at bat to send Montreal S. U. mopped up Indiana 19-6 and
to a 2-0 lead off Bob Gibson% sleeper Illinois eliminated Pur-

smash M.S.U. 36-6 while Wiscon-
sin copped a 30-10 triumph toC
win the right of playing the Blue
for consolation honors.-
In the first game Michigan and
Purdue traded two penalty kicks
in the first half before the Blue
seemed to take control of the
game. With less than two min-
utes remaining in the half Ron
Smith fielded a kick near the far
sideline and romped 60 yards
along the chalkline for the Blue's
only try. Dave Osborn successfully
However, as Smith was touch-
ing down the ball in the endzone,
he was slammed to the turf head-
first and left in a daze. Smith re-
turned to the game once he re-
gained his senses after the start of
the second half.
The Blue increased their lead to
15-6 before the momentum shifted
to sweep the Boilermakers to vic-
tory. Purdue narrowed the score
to 15-9 on a penalty kick.

Ron Story scored two tries wI
Jeff Grill, Flint L a r s o n a
Osborn added one each. Osbi
also converted each try plusc
penalty kick.
I just can't understand wv
went wrong." said club presid(
Chuck Drukis. "We were phys
ally ready for the game; we ca
here with a relaxed attitude but
those last two minutes of
game everything just seemed
go wrong."
Game Today
Due to inclement weathe
the baseball contest betwe
the fighting baseballersrs
Michigan and the Badgers o
Wisconsin was cancelled ye
terday. Moby's Men will play
doubleheader today at 1:00
cragged Fisher Stadium. As ti
sun made.its -way out of t1
clouds, the game seemed like a
even money shot to be playe




'1W'stiekers collar Co'lumbus

Milwaukee 5, Cleveland 1
Detroit 3, Boston 2
New York at Baltimore, postponed
Kansas City 2, Chicago 1, 11 innings
Oakland 4, Cinnesota 3, 11 innings
Texas at California (night)
Today's Games
New York at Baltimore (2)
Milwaukee at Cleveland (2)
+ Chicago at Kansas City (2)
Boston at Detroit
Minnesota at Oakland
Texas at California

By BOB HEUER tacker Tom Lyle, left open in and flung a short-angle drive past But in the last two minutes the (- -
The Michigan Lacrosse team front of the net, took a pass from the stone-like Columbus goalie. walls caved in on Michigan. Pur-
parlayed a 5-0 second quarter Glenn Rudy and scored from point The visitors were unable to dent du nudged ti way donth "We gave them the ame,"
surge into a 10-5 pasting of the blank range. the impregnable Michigan defense field until they began a movement ainDick oon. All
Columbus Lacrosse Club yesterday The first quarter ended at 2-2, and the teams tangled without ao b kth was vehentrpoits that Purdue scored were
on he artn Trf t FrryFied.but the deadlock lasted only two goal for the next 15 minutes of of grub kicks towards the corner pit htPru crdwr
n the Tartan Turf at Ferry Field. u hdd k eof the Michigan goal. As the ball penalty kicks. I think that allt
The win gave the stickmen a 4-3 minutes into the second period. play. That spell was broken at squirted into the endzone. Michi- players, however, played th
record for the year and elevated Senior midfielder- Dan "Night 9:10 of the third quarter when sot een eM dth erso ep"d
their conference mark to 3-2. Train" Lamble opened the flood- Wolverine midfielder Dick Dean gan's outside wing attempted to hearts out."
kick the ball out of bounds,.'butTebnutgvnb u
Throughout the contest, it was gates when he took a pass from-engineered one of his patented i th a f t The banquet given by Pur
the unbending Wolverine defense behind the goal, beat his man to solo drives and scored on a knee- n o e e featured roast Shetland pony
I heriht ad liteedhoea hghsht ro 2 fetoS.eaber, obstructed Purdue from faue os htadpn
that kept the visitors from Colum- the right, and blistered home a high shot from 20 feet out use in Lafayette.
bus from making a game of it. 25-footer. A deflected pass and convertedg
reaching the ball. Thus a penal- ThBlepadatwlv
The rearguard, composed of Dave The Michigan lead was in- rebound by Columbus made the ty try was awarded and with The Blue played at twelve n
GB Fischer, Bo Cooper, and Pete Lod- creased in rapid-fire succession as score 8-3 at the end of the third the successful conversion the score while Ohio State will be trying
- wick held Columbus to a mere six Curt Adkisson, Steve Hart, and' quarter. was tied after regulation play its second Big Ten title at t
- shots on goal in the first half as Chico Rogers tallied all within 22 Attacker Donnie Holman neu- e thirty.
1 they easily stopped the opposi- minutes. Skip Flanagan and Carl tralized the Columbus scoring out- - A final stroke of fate doomed
il tion's unimaginative attack and Burns added assists on the Hart put in the final period by notch- Michigan's chances for a cham-
1 turned the play around for Michi- and Rogers' goals, respectively. All ing two goal mouth tallies. pionship bid when during the time
gan on numerous occasions. three scores came on bouncing The Stickmen take the field that was added to regular time for
At the other end of the field, the shots, which clicked with better again today, playing host to the injury time, Michigan was de-Cv n aeln eyt
-- midfielders and attackmen fore- than usual success for the Wol- Cleveland Lacrosse Club at Ferry tected offside in a net scrum. The
checked viciously, especially dur- verines. Field. Game time is 2:00 p.m.

New York
St. Louis
Los Angeles
San Francisco
San Diego






errs' take third straight,
Bad gers indoors, 9-0



New York 4, Pittsburgh 0
Philadelphia 4, Chicago 2
Montreal 3, St. Louis 2
Los Angeles 3, Cincinnati l
San Francisco 5, Houston 0
Atlanta at San Diega (night)
Today's Games
Pittsburgh at New York
Philadelphia at Chicago
Los Angeles at Cincinnati
Montreal at St. Louis
San Francisco at Houston
Atlanta at San Diego (2)

ing Michigan's five-goal second
quarter. The Wolverines gave
themselves added scoring chances
by breaking up and interceptipfg
clearing passes throughout the
On the offensive side of thel
ledger, eight different marksmen'
garnered Michigan's ten goals.
Chico Rogers and Skip Flanagan
bothscored in the first six min-
utes to get the Blue Stickmen off
to a 2-0 lead. But Columbus came
back with two markers late in the
period to tie it up. The equalizer
came at 13:35 when Columbus at-'

The game was temporarily
stopped during the second quarter
when Burns was accused of using
a too-deeply pocketed stick. Upon
further examination it was dis-
covered that a Columbus player's
stick similarly violated the regula-
tion. After a few minutes of con-
sultation, the coaches and referees
decided that two wrongs could
make a right and bade the game
continue, with both players andr
sticks still present.
Burns proceeded to score Michi-
gan's seventh goal at 10:28 of the
quarter when he circled the net

Flying fists
liven Yost in
A.A.U. meet
Heads were bobbing and fists

penalty kick carooined just to the'itv
inside of the left goalpost above
the bar. Time ran out within see-

onds after the kickoff.
Michigan took out its revenge
on M.S.U. to move into third place
consolation honors today. The
Blue spotted the Spartans two
penalty kicks in the first half be-
fore they became untracked. Ter-
ry Larrimer opened Michigan's

Special To The Daily
Its Friday match with North-
western was rained out, but the
Michigan tennis team came in-
doors yesterday at Wisconsin and!
just about belted the Badgers out
of their own Niellson Tennis Cen-
ter, as they took their third con-
secutive Big Ten dual meet of the
season, 9-0.

Adams garners Dogwood titles,
sets marks for shot put,- discus !

Special To The Daily
KNOXVILLE, Tennessee - Steve Adams led a
Michigan delegation to a respectable showing in
the Dogwood Invitational Relays yesterday with
the best performance of his career. Adams, who
was the only Michigan field competitor in the
meet, took first-place honors in both the discus
and shot put.
Adams began his outstanding day with a Big
Ten record-shattering discus throw of 185' 1",
which is 25' farther than his previous best throw.
Adams later capped his day with a first-place
winning heave of 59' 2%"-& in the shot put. The
combined distances made it the best double in
Big Ten history.
Jamaican national team member Godfrey Mur-
ray continued his dominance of the high hurdles
with another first-place finish. His time of 13.9

40.5. Gene Brown ran the first leg in a time of
10.8, Mel Reeves turned in a 9.4, Greg Syphax fin-
ished with a time of 10.0, and Murray anchored
the race with a split time of 10.4. Memphis State
won the event with a time of 39.9, with one of the
best times recorded in the nation this season.
Michigan distance men suffered somewhat of a
let-down, as both Pyatt and Bill Bolster failed to
place in the 1500 meters.
Coach Dixon Farmer will take his top perform-
ers to the prestigious Kansas Relays next week.
The Michigan "B" squad made a good showing
at the EMU relays. John Mann took the only
title with a first place finish in the high jump.
Despite a very wet field, Mann leaped 6' 6".
Freshman Keith Brown finished second in the
three-mile with a time of 14:11.3. The only other
track events in which the Wolverines placed were

were flying last night as the Mich- scoring with a 25 yard dropkick. However,-the shutout score may
igan A.A.U. Boxing championships The Ruggers then blasted State have->been a little deceiving as the
were staged at Yost Fieldhouse. A
crowd of over 500 witnessed the,:
excitement of the 85 boxers battl-
ying for a state title.
While bouts were held in four
divisions, the main attractions
were those in class 'A'. The win-
ners here go- to Las Vegas for the
nationals and the kids fighting
last night fought like they were
dying to go. .
There were some great matches
fought, one of them being be-
tween Alex Benavidz and Creigh-
ton Mabry in the 119 class. Mabry
won a controversial split decision
champ and seven-time Bay City
from Benavidez, a two-time state
regional champ. The two fighters
stood to-to-toe for several minutes
and it was a great match.
The best fighter of the evening >}:
had to be Doug Brya from St.
John's. He captured his fourth
consecutive state crown with an
overpowering of an underclassed
opponent, John Wolverton. Brya
continually pummeled his foe with
hooks and crosses to score a TKO -
at 1 :20 of the first rounid. -

strong Badger tean put;.-up a-
tough fight. Six of the matches
were' -fairlyclose, with three going
into: three'sets.-
- Wolverine coach Brian Eisner
emphasized the fact that the win
Iwas not an easy one for his team.
"Each match individually was
tough," he commented. "We were
just a little -stronger at 'each po-
Eisner was pleased, though,
about the way his charges per-
formed in the pressure of the
tight matches. "Iliked the - fact,
.that we won the cloe ones, the
three .setters," he said, "we hadn't
been * tah ng them earlier in - the
Yeari.h s g'
The' cosest 'match , of the day
was the number twosingles com-
petiti i'° In which iJeff Miller-:-of-
the Wolverines came back from
thebryink of defeat to edge Johns
Scwrtz; 4-6-, -,6-4. Down 4-1
in the final set, Miller came on
with five straight games to win the
In the two other three-getters.
Michigan number three man''Dick
Ravreby defeated; 4et Kllngelh oets
6-7,-,613, 7-6, u~ile in -. fourth,
si~ngle,. 'Time Ott ~rvived. 4 poor
start to win 4-6,: -2, 6-4.
=,,Rav did not play his best-,
tennis 1bt managed to come..1
with "the right shot at the riPt
time" for his win. Ott, meanvyhile.
did not play well in the-first set,
but once he got his tling down,
he had few problen '', -

an, easy time, winning by scores of
6-2, 6-2, over Bob Kessler.
In the doubles competition, Eis-
-er shook up his -lineup a little,
in order to get the Wolverines'
number seven player, 'ike Ware,
into, the lineup. Ware teamed up
with Ross n the number three
doubles, and they romped off with
a 6-2, 6-2 victory.-
The usual number three team,
consisting of Miller and Ott,
moved up to the first spot, and
had to fight off a fine effort by
Kessler and Scwaktz of Wiscon-
sin, before triumphing, 7-6, 6-3.
In the second doubles, Sennich and
Karzen breezed to ha 6-3, 6-2 win.
' 'gh B golfers
slp to eigh-h
Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS - Michigan links-
men finished a dismal eighth in
the Kepler Invitational Golf Tour -
nament here yesterday. The team
had. been in a -ffth place tie after
thefirst roundy Friday.
1.rad Rhio led Blue golfers
wit~h a fine 77-38-115. He was
f'ollowed~by Gary Balliet and Gary
#iunter who fired 81-36--117.
Rcalxnding out the scoring for
Mic.higain was Neil Spitalny, 83-.
36-234, Sandy Estroff, 8 1-41-
122. and Rene. Desmarais, 85-42-

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