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April 06, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-06

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Jury c
Rev. Philip Berrigan and Sister
Elizabeth McAlister were convict-
ed yesterday of smuggling half a
dozen letters in and out of Lewis-
*burg federal penitentiary. The
jury h o w e v e r deadlocked on
charges that they conspired with
five other defendants to kidnap
presidential aide Henry Kissinger.
Eqbal Ahmad, the Rev. Neil
McLaughlin, the Rev. Joseph Wen-
deroth, Anthony Scoblick and Mary
*Cain Scoblick were freed by the
jury deadlock on the key govern-
ment conspiracy charge.
The seven were also charged
with conspiring to blow up a gov-
ernment tunnel heating system in
Washington, D.C., and vandalize



draft boards in several eastern
Berrigan faces a possible maxi-
mum of 40 years in federal prison
including a pcssible 10 year prison
term for an earlier conviction on
a charge of smuggling one letter
out of federal prison.
McAlister faces a maximum
sentence of 30 years.
"We all have a feeling of cele-
brating a victory," McAlister said.
"We consider what happened
something of a victory. The gov-
ernment based a whole indictment
against seven people on the ex-
change of correspondence between
two," she told a news conference.
The trial, which was marked by
demonstrations outside the court-

house in support of the seve
fendants, began Jan. 24, alth
proceedings began Feb. 21 fo
ing a four week jury sele
The government presente
witnesses before resting Mar
The defense surprised the
March 24 when it rested its
without calling a single witne
Berrigan entered Lewisburg
itentiary on May 1, 1970 to
a six year sentence for destr
draft board records in Balti
in 1967 and Catonsville, Md.
following year.
In prison he met Boyd Do
who was serving a five-year
for bank fraud and armed as
on a federal agent. Douglas

Be rrigan
n de- however free to leave the peni- port
hough tentiary daily for a study release an i]
ollow- program at Buknell University. Ah
ection Douglas - the government's key amoi
witness-testified that it was his Mosl
d 65 own idea to offer to carry letters Stev
ch 23. for Berrigan. From the outset, Affai
court however, Douglas made copies of andI
case letters Berrigan exchanged with pries
ess. McAlister which later ended up in Jrie
pen- the hands of the FBI. Jose
serve On Nov. 27, 1970, FBI director for
oying J. Edgar Hoover revealed what A
imore he described as a plot to blow up said
the the Washington tunnel system and here
kidnap an as yet unidentified high the
cglas gover'nment official. Viet
term From that point on, the defense
ssault claimed, the FBI went all out to tiwa.
was produce evidence that would sup- frigh


the Hoover charges through
hmad, the only non-Catholic
ng the group, is a Pakistani
1em associated with the Adlai
enson Institute of International
irs in Chicago. McLaughlin
Wenderoth are Roman Catholic
sts, Scoblick is a former
phite priest and his wife is a
ner nun.
hmad, speaking to reporters,
: "My plan is to get out of
as soon as I can and go into
streets to protest tht war in
nam. We, will continue our an-
r work. We have not been
htened by our government."

-Associated Press
FIVE OF THE SEVEN defendants in the Harrisburg trial hold a news conference yes-
terday in the Harrisburg federal building. They are left to right, Eqbal Ahmad, Father
Neil McLaughlin, Father Joseph Wenderoth, Sister Elizabeth McAlister; and Anthony

See Editorial Page


Sf r, i au


Fair with increasing


Vol. LXXXII, No. 142

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 6, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

omen slam
Fleming plan
President Robben Fleming yesterday told the chair-
persons of the University's women's and minority commis-
sions that he intends to appoint a single Affirmative Action
,Director to monitor equal employment opportunity programs
at the University.
According to a memo sent to Virginia Davis Nordin,
chairwoman of the Commission for Women and William Cash
Jr., chairman of the Commission for Minorities, the two
commissions would become advisory to the Affirmative Ac-
tion Director, or they could choose to act as ombudsmen or




push f
From Wire Service Reports
The Communists yesterday
intensified their week-old of-
fensive in South Vietnam, ad-
vancing to within sixty miles
of Saigon on a newly opened r
southern front and advancing
across Quang Tri province to-
drrr H~n in the Vnth




Area court
pot law
In a -decision that could result
in both legal .and political action,
District Court' Judge 8. 3. Elden
ruled yesterday that the city's
special ordinance on marijuana is
Under the city law, possession of
arijuana is a misdemeanor sub-
ject to a maximum $100 fine and
90 days in Jail. Larry Nash, de-
fendant in the case, was the first
person to be tried under the law
passed by city council last year.,
Elden said that his decision
would mean that "there is now
*one comprehensive and reasonably
fair law for marijuana possession,"
referring to the new state drug
law which went into effect April 1.
Under the state law the crime is.
also a misdemeanor but is pun-
ishable by up to one year in jail
and a $1,000 fine.
According to rCouncilman-elect
erry De Grieck (HRP-First
Ward), Elden's action could open
the way for the city to entirely
re-evaluate the legal status of
marijuana. De Grieck said that
the Human Rights Party is con-1
sidering the introduction of a law
Which would be far less harsh
than even the city ordinance.s
City Attorney Jerold Lax said
that the city attorney's office has'
always supported the municipal
marijuana law, because "the pen-
alties are still substantially less
than the new state law." Lax stat-
,ed that he may appeal Elden's de-
Elden made his declaration on
the grounds that the city law in-
corporated the old state narcotic
law definition of marijuana. The
See JUDGE, Page 10

Members of the women's com-
mission yesterday expressed strong v
disapproval of the plan.
The proposal "in effect destroys
the commission," Nordin said.-
Nordin also expressed concern
that Fleming is trying to "sweep
under the rug" the commission's
grievances by presenting the an-.
nouncement at an awkward time .,.., *.:,
of the academic year.
Fleming and Cash were unavail-
able for comment last night.
The women's and minority com- Lindsay v
missions were formed in fall 1970 A Lindsay campaign worker (left) rolls
as part of the University's Affirm- afrN Y ork mgore rew rs
tive Action Program when the De- after the New York mayo withdrew fr
partment of Health, Education (D-S.D.) (right) to grin at well wishers
and Welfare (HEW) charged the push for "bigger and better" wins tha
University with sex discrimination
and threatened to withhold feder-SE BI S C A G D
al contracts.SRG
The appointment of a single of-
ficer to take over the role of the
two commissions was first consid-
ered in January when HEW is-
sued Revised Order Number Four.
The order applies specifically to
large corporations but universities
may revisettheir affirmative action em ploym
programs to include such an offi-

-Associated Press
aps it up; George grins
up a giant poster of his candidate last night in Milwaukee
om the presidential race, leaving Sen. George McGovern
. McGovern arrived in San Francisco airport yesterday to
an his Wisconsin victory.

non test county
cent procedure

In choosing the Director, "I
would search for the best person,
without regard to sex or race,"
Fleming's memo said.
The commission o b j e c t e d
strongly to the President's memo
on several counts.
Commission members protested
th job description's "lack of clout"
and the provision that the officer
be accountable to the Personnel
As ,to the commission's future
role, Nordin called the proposed
situation a way to "wind down"
the commission without abolishing
Members expressed unanimous
opinion that the commission
should be "parallel" rather than
subordinate to the Affirmative Ac-
tion Director. Both the officer and
the commission should report to!
the President, they said.
"I tend to think this individual
should report to us from time to
time," Nordin added.

The Washtenaw County govern-
ment has been charged by the
Washtenaw County Commission
on the Status of Women with sex
discrimination in hiring and sal-
ary policies.
In a report submitted Tuesday,
the commission - a volunteer,
group of local women - charged
that women working for the
county are clustered in lower sta
tus and lower-paying jobs than
men with the same qualifications
The report also recommends
several changes in the county'sI
paying procedures.
According to Sandra Bouxsein, a!
commission member, legal action;
may be taken if the Board of
Commissioners does not act to
eliminate discriminatory practices.
The report charges that:
-The county's female employes
are clustered in the lower salary
ranges. The commission stated

that 80 per cent of the women in those jobs requiring a college
earn salaries less than $9,999, but degree. In grades 20-37, women
only 38 per cent of the men earn are hired in at a median income
less than $9.999. Also, the median which is $1,000 lower than that
income for women is $7,000, but of men, according to the report
for men it is $11,000. And after; eight years or more on
--Women are clustered in low the job, the income difference be-
grade jobs. Of the 40 grades of tween men and women was found
jobs in the county government, to be $3,000.
78 per cent of the female employes William Lands of the Board of
are in grades four to 14, the low- Commissioners, said yesterday he
est grades., is not sure discriminatory prac-
tices exist.
-Within the same gradelevels, "There was no specific citation
awomen are hired in at lower me-
dian salaries. The median income r evidence of discrimination in
for women, according to the re- tatredidn't recog ize ith"
port, in grades four to 14 is $6,000, '
but for men in the same grade, it Lands added he was disappoint-
is $7,000. In grades 15-19, the me- ed in the report because "the
dian income for women is $10,000, Board was not given anything of
but for men it is $12,000. The re- substance as to what specifically
port claims that similar discrep- was wrong with our operations at
ancies exist at higher job levels. the present time."
-Increased time on the job only The report recommends that
serves to increase the gap between the county initiate a personnel re-
emaestoandrmaetmedgapnbenweeclassification program, -immedi-
female and male median income ately conduct a file review to lo-
cate and correct specific, existing
inequities in salary and rank for
black and white women and men."
To increase the numbers of wo-
men in the higher grade jobs, the
report recommends that adminis-
Sa 1 trators "seek out, advertise for
and encourage black and white
women applicants for these
The Commission also recom-j
mended that the County establish
an official Commission on the Sta-
tus of Women which would have
the power toccreate policies on
''matters of concern to women"
and to hear and act upon indi-
vidual and group charges of sex
discrimination anywhere in the
According to the report, thef
county, a federal contractor, must
seemnenarraet n~n defienei _R in +he

wara tue nI e .II M .4UUi.
Details of the fighting were con-
fused, and Associated Press dis- -
patches hinted that censorship was
being imposed. However, there was
believed to be heavy fighting un-
derway in the Central Highlands
region of South Vietnam and North
Vietnamese MIG 19 fighter-bomb-
ers were sighted over South Viet-
namese front line positions at
Dong Ha.
S o u t h Vietnamese President
Nguyen VanThieu declared ia
;nationwide radio and television <r:. :::,;:n:..... ..:
address that the fighting in Quang
Tni province was "the decisive <
battle forthe survival of the coun
try." He appealed for more Ameri-:
can aid to combat the offensive.
In Washington, the White Housel...:
"Special Action Group" of presi-
dential aide Henry Kissinger held
its third meeting in as many days.~ . .
Following the meeting the White Daily-Roife Tessem
House would say only that it would DEMONSTRATORS and strikers confront police while picketing
"keep all options open" in plans! CPHA yesterday. Two demonstrators were arrested but later
to deal with the offensive.
Meanwhile, c o n t i n u e d cloud released.
cover made impossible the ex-
pected United States air counter
attack, but a massive bomber
armada was being readied in pre-
pardness for clearer skies.
Repoits from Washington said' Te -- u o n
at least 20 U.S. based B52 bombers
were on their way to Southeast
Asian bases to bolster those al- By SARA FITZGERALD
ready there. At least 250 missions Two demonstrators were arrested yesterday as over 100
were flown over South Vietnam
before heavy rain forced the"people joined the picket lines of striking workers of the
grounding of aircraft. One plane Commission on Professional and Hospital Activities (CPHA)
was reportedly lost to Communist at the hospital information coipany on Green Rd.
gunners. Arrested on charges of "disorderly person," the two were
On the Northern front, the Asso- subsequently released, and charges against them were
ciated Press reported, South Viet- dropped. Police, however, told the demonstrators that further
namese troops were clinging to
the Cua Viet-Dong Ha river line charges may be made pending an investigation.
10 miles south of the demilitarized Two striking workers incurred minor injuries yesterday
zone. The Communists were re- when they were hit by cars during the picketing.
portedly advancing on the troops The strike started Feb. 23 over the issue of a union shop
See N. VIETS, Page 10
and involves scores of secre-
taries, computer operators,
and key punch workers, who
are members of the UAM local
A state mediator has called a
meeting tomorrow between repre-

What can you say abou

A heterogeneous crowd of
corn-starched scholars and'star-
crazed fans came to watch
America's latest sweetheart,
Erich Segal, lecture on Roman
comedy, yesterday at Angell Hall.
0 The balding, bedimpled Segal,
author of "Roman Laughter,"
"Death of Roman Comedy," and
"Love Story," (gosh), intrigued
the scholars while he swept the
fans off their feet with his

cate gesticulations, hoping that
the author of "Love Story,"
friend of Ali McGraw, might
tell the real love story.
The uniqueness of his pres-
ence soon wore off as he delved
into Plaudus' theatre and Mo-
And when Segal failed to mol-
lify the rumorous thirsts of his
fans, it became apparent that
this was only a scholarly lec-
tos tha ,n-.4nan --tilm fnf


sentatives of CPHA management
and Local 157. It will be the first
such meeting since the strike
Yesterday's incidents occured as
employes began entering and leav-
ing the plant at the 4:30 p.m. shift
change. Demonstrators and strik-
ing employes formed a picket line
at the driveway entrance to the
CPHA plant.
Thegfirst car to arrive edged
through the crowd, then accele-
rated slowly, knocking down Bren-
da Harris, a CPHA worker. Harris
was pulled out of the way, accord-

? ,.

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