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April 05, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-04-05

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Vol. LXXXII, No. 141

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 5, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Cents

Ten Pages











SAIGON (R) - North Vietnamese forces overran two more
South Vietnamese bases below the demilitarized zone yes-
terday, and drove to within seven miles of the provincial cap-
ital of Quang Tri.
Yesterday's attack, part of a six day thrust by Communist
forces into the South, brought to 14 the number of outposts
abandoned by South Vietnamese troops.
In Washington, Defense Department officials condemn-
ed the attack, but hinted privately that there was little the
United States could do about it. From a military standpoint,
officials said, it is plain that stepped-up air attacks are the
main recourse left for U.S. forces in Vietnam.

Humphrey, Wallace close for
second; Lindsay quits contest
By The Daily's staff in Wisconsin
Special To The Daily
Milwaukee - Sen. George
McGovern (D-S.D.), yesterday
won an overwhelming victory
in the crowded Wisconsin pri-
mary thereby catapulting him
into a front-runner position
for the Democratic presiden
tial nomination.

U.S. ground troops have

jury still
locked jury trying the Rev. Phill
Berrigan and six others yesterde
asked for more time to delibera
in the controversial kidnap-co
spiracy case.
The defense objected on ti
spot to continuing the jury d
liberations, and renewed its obje
tions of, yesterday and Monda
charging the jury was "bei
coerced into a compromise ve
"Further forced deliberations t
this jury would be prejudicial
the defendants," defense lawy
Thomas Menaker said in a form
handwritten motion, asking th
the jury be discharged.
The motion was denied by Judg
R. Dixon Herman who again i3
structed the jury to try to rea
a decision.
The jury has already convict
the 48-year-old Berrigan on charge
of smuggling a letter out of fe
eral prison. He faces a possible
year prison term on that coup
plus two years he has remainin
on a six year sentence for destro
ing draft records in Maryland.
Berrigan and the six co-defen
ants are charged with conspirin
to kidnap White House aide Henr
Kissinger and blow up a govern
ment tunnel heating ssytem
Washington, D.C.
In yesterday's proceedings, d4
fense attorney Paul O'Dwyer re
quested a poll of the jury to dete
mine how each member felt on t1
question of possible progress
the deliberations. According I
O'Dwyer several jurors wished t
be heard on that subject, but the
were never given an opportunit,
to reply.
Prosecutor William Lynch prc
tested that the foreman of the jur
was the only spokesman for tha
body. The judge upheld his con
plaint and refused to allow a po
of each juror.
The jury was dismissed for th
day at six o'clock and will resum
its deliberations today.

dwindled to the point where they
are no longer available fory
much combat action, they
added, and there are no indi-
cations that the administra-
tion plans to change its stra-
tegy of gradual troop with-
Meanwhile, some 50,000 refu-
gees from South Vietnam's north-
ernmost province are said to be
fleeing from the areas under sige.
d- Most of the refugees are fleeing
ip to Hue the nearest large city, and
ay South Vietnam officials anticipate
te that as many as 100,000 people
n- may eventually be forced to evac-
Concentrated U.S. air power is
le being brought to bear on the
_ Communist forces, however, as the
entire fleet of B52 bombers was
y' called in yesterday to disrupt pos-
sible Communist plans for new
' strikes.
by Senate majority leader Mike
to Mansfield (D-Mont.) criticized the
to decision to step up the bombing,
al and called again for complete
at American withdrawal from Viet-
ge sThe current offensive differs
n-sharply from recent Communist
ch attacks in both its scope and
style according to military offic-1
ed ials in Vietnam.
es It is being fought in conven-I
10 tional battlefield fashion by some
t, 30,000 Communist troops using
g tanks, artillery and other heavy
y- Soviet-supplied equipment, they
U.S. officials have mentioned
y the Soviet aid in recent days, but
n- have said that the President has
in no plans to cancel his Moscow
trip, currently scheduled for May.

-Daily-Rolfe Tessen
A MILWAUKEE campaigner yesterday hands out literature to two women just before they enter
their polling station to vote in yesterday's presidential preference primary. In the background is
the beer that made Milwaukee famous.
Strongstdntu ot

McGovern led Sen. Hubert
Humphrey (D-Minn.), by nearly
10 per cent, with George Wallace
trailing close behind. Sen. Edmund
Muskie (D-Me.), and Sen. Henry>.
Jackson (D-Wash.), finished far
behind the leaders.
New York Mayor John Lind-
say. who came in a weak sixth,
announced late last night that he
was withdrawing from the race.
"I am withdrawing as a candi-
date," he said. "I will continue to
fight for the principles that I be-
lieve in."
With 61 per cent of the vote tal-
lied, McGovern led with 223,960
votes or 30 per cent, Humphrey
was second with 161,545 votes or
21 per cent, Wallace was third
with 159.600-votes or 21 per cent,
Muskie was fourthwith 80.737
votes or 11 per cent, Jackson
was fifth with 58,673 votes or
eight per cent, and Lindsay was
sixth with 51,430 votes or seven SEN. GEORGE McGOVERN (D-
per cent. while campaigning there for t
Six other candidates gained mary. Voters there yesterdayg
scattered support. in the badger state's Democratic
McGovern appeared to be run- - -
ning strongly across the state, and
with 67 per cent of the vote count- POLIC CI NGE:
ed, he was leading for 54 of the 67
Democratic national convention
delegates at stake.
Humphrey had the edge for the U . . e c
rest of the delegates in two con-" "
gressional districts, which includ-
ed black precincts of Milwaukee
and the area bordering his Min-
nesota home.
"We have won a great victory
today." said McGovern. "This is
the first giant step since New
Hampshire toward a victory in WASHINGTON (Al - The
Miami. Tt is a victory over the ficially recognized Bangladesh,
polls, nredictions and pundits.
On the basis of McGovern's 54 the former eastern province o1
delegate votes, he would emerge l the aid of the Indian army.
from Wisconsin with 94.5 commit- "I am pleased to announce

-Daily-Sara Kruiwich
S.D.) speaks to Wisconsin voters
he presidential preference pri-
gave him a substantial victory

ky to
Daily News Analysis
Political analysts were proven
starkly mistaken on two major
counts by the results of Mon-
day's City Council election: the
newly enfranchised young voters
are both capable of turning out
in large numbers and will not
automatically vote like their
parents do.
A few months ago, experts
across the country had pre-
dicted that only 25 to 30 per
cent of the new voters would
actually cast ballots. Monday's

HRP victories

figure - in a local election -
was well over 50 per cent of
those registered.
In addition, students provid-
ed a surprise by turning, in
large majority, to the Human
Rights Party. The party's can-
didates averaged close to 60
per cent of the vote in student
dominated precincts of the First,
Second and Third wards.
The student vote, alone, how-
ever is not large enough to have
electedaHRP in any of the city's
five wards.
In the First Ward, for exam-

LSA government considers new
peace research center proposai
By KAREN TINKLENBERG the recently closed Center for Re- lpge Course Mart or by interested
Students at an LSA student gov- search on Conflict Resolution i'structors in the various depart-
ernment sponsored meeting last (CRCR). ments.
night decided to work for the es- Those present, however, decid- A
tablishment of courses relating to ed to press for the introduction ofj heard Dr. Christian Bay, co-
peace research. tourses instead to determine whe- founder of the Institute for So-
The meeting was originally ther interest in such a center ex- cial Resear ch in Oslo, Norway.
called to discuss the possibility of ists among students and faculty and political science Prof. David
forming a new student-faculty members. The courses would be indrpresien e P rf. ad
Peace Research Center, to replace offered through the literary col- Singer, president of the Interna-
_____ __tional Peace Research Society, ad-
vance arguments favoring such a
r center-
:>"'{:Singer encouraged students to
exert pressure on the University
for the formation of a new cen-
ter and Bay stressed that such a
center should be under joint stu-
F dent-faculty control.
The Regents decided to close
CRCR last summer because a lit-
erary college Executive Commit-
tee recommendation cited its "fail-
... ... n ure to obtain external financial
The University contributed
about $30,000 annually to the
center. It also received a sizable
grant from the Carnegie Foun-
Singer and others contend the
center was closed partly for po-
.....:;::;>::;;;: litical reasons, as some University
officials disliked the center's ac-
.z::: ftivist policies.
"It was at the bottom of the to-
t. 'tem pole on this campus from the
very beginning," Singer said last
ft">. , :t night.

ple, HRP candidate Jerry De-
Grieck's vote in largely non-stu-
dent - neighborhoods was well
above the margin of his victory.
A certain amount of this old-
er HRP vote can be ascribed to
such aberrations as what is
jokingly referred to as "the
grandmother vote" - the can-
didate's appeal to voters on a
purely emotional level.
In both Wechsler's and De-
Grieck's campaign, however,
there appear to have been a
considerable number of voters-
mostly Democrats-who turned
to HRP out of disaffection with
three years of Democratic ad-
ministration in the city.
Mayor Robert Harris yester-
day maintained that "a smat-
tering of disillusioned liberals"
was in part responsible for the
IHRP victory.
The other surprise story in
the election was the strong
Democratic showing in the
Fourth and Fifth Wards - tra-
ditionally Republican turf.
Based on recent elections, the
Democrats gained considerable
ground on the Republicans in
both these wards - despite the
large portion of the student
vote captured by HRP.
In the Fourth Ward, Demo-
cratic contender Mona Walz
fell only 80 votes short of Re-
publican victor Bruce Benner.
In contrast, Gilbert Lee, a
Democrat, last year lost by 574
votes in the same ward to Re-
publican opponent Richard
See STUDENT, Page 7

ted delegates. just one nominat- States government is extending recognition to Bangladesh,"
ing vote behind Muskie.
iloe acknowldgsingthat the Secretary of State William Rogers said in a statement.
results were not "as good as i The action ends more than three months of varying
hoped," Humphrey explained that stances by the Nixon administration toward the new nation.
"I expected to come about second The initial American response to Bangladesh when it
place and I hope to hold that."
"Tn high school I was never and
sprinter but a long distance run- cember was one of reticence
ner," Humphrey told cheering H arr s w aru with spokesmen, saying at the
workers. "T've never felt more en- time recognition was not be-
couraged than I do tonicht on ing considered.
our way to the nomination." veto upheld
Governor Wallace, who ran a This was followed by statements
close race for second place in a that the matter had been elevated
Northern state, called his show- A resolution to override Mayor to active consideration with the
ing "a victory for the average cit- Harris' veto of the Republican presence of Indian troops in Ban-
izen." ward redistricting proposal was gladesh considered a negative fac-

United States yesterday of-
the new nation carved out of
f Pakistan late last year with
this morning that the United

" e
el Uetions 7:
"The other candidates are be-
ginning to sound like us," said
Wallace. "This is a victory be-
cause we ran so much better than
they thought we would."
President Nixon swept to an
easy victory in the Republican
primary and captured 28 national
convention votes for renomination.
See McGOVERN, Page 7 ,

defeated at last night's city coun-
cil meeting. The vote on the reso-
lution, which was proposed by
Councilman James Stephenson.
was six to five in favor. Accord-
ing to the City Charter, however,
eight votes are needed to override
a mayoral veto.
The vote on the measure broke
along strict party lines. If the veto
had been lifted and the Republi-
can redistricting plan accepted,
the new ward boundaries would
have given city Republicans a de-
cided advantage in future elec-
tions, observers said.

The American recognition is ex-
pected to help ease tensions with
India, which has been at odds
with the United States over the
war with Pakistan that led to
creation of the new government.
Meanwhile, India and Pakistan
made direct contact for the first
time since December's two-week
war, Prime Minister Indira Gan-
dhi said yesterday.
Observers said that despite the
small step toward peace talks, the


Warner criticizes



"The University should be run
like a democracy. Instead it's
run like a business, like a mill
to move people up the elite lad-
der," says history Prof. Sam
Warner, a faculty member for
five years, will leave the Univer-
sity at the end of the term for a
teaching position at Boston Uni-
versity in history and urban
He is an outspoken critic of
the present University structure
calling for extensive changes in
the way of "democratization."
"The people that large in-
stitutions are supposed to serve
usually aren't raenPRn+.C1 i

ly to solve problems in the Uni-
"The students and faculty
must function as a community.
Others think these ideas are rad-
ical, but actually they're quite
ancient, dating back to the first
colleges," he says.
A major- obstacle to change,
according to Warner, lies in self-
imposed isolation by both stu-
dents and faculty.
"The standard faculty notion
is to say how can we keep this
little world for ourselves, while
students say 'I'm only here for
four years, what can I do?'."
Warner has been actively in-
volved in the controversial Pro-
gram for Educational and Social

Singer also said academic prob-
lems, the political science depart-
ment chairman's "dim view of
pacifists," and poor management
contributed to the center's demise.
Singer said center workers stud-
ied such problems as race rela-
tions, nationalism, and the econ-
omic consequences of disarma-


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