Thursday, Month 34, 1972
Page Seven
Thursday, March 30, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven
Black speaker denied
visa to lecture here
Medical courses
be revamped
Jamaica requires of one only a
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719 North University
Try .Daily..Classifieds
Trevor Munroe, a Jamaican po- drivers license and a return ticket
litical scientist, has been denied a to enter Jamaica."
visa to attend a University con- "It shows how civilized a black __
ference by the American embassy nation can be in its treatment of
in Kingston, Jamaica. a racial group that is sot overtly
Trevor was to speak on the Car- hostile to them. But my brohersj
ribean revolution in a conference and sisters from the Carribean
this weekend sponsored by the must undergo a long and torturous
Center for Afro-American Studies humiliation just to visit North f"
and the Committee on Black Mat- America," he added.
ters in the Political Science De- In addition, Prof. Singham point-
partment. ed out that the political science ,
In a telephone conversation yes- department has close ties with the"
terday with conference chairman University of the West Indies.
Political Science Prof Archie Sing- Dean Donald Sokes (Rackham) 2
ham, Trevor said that he was told was once a visiting professor there.
that the decision not to grant him Professors Meyer and Jacobsen
a visa was made in Washington, are also external examiners for
other sources in Washington claim that university. Thus, he said, this.
that the decision was made at the appears as an insult to the Uni-. . . . . . . .. V
embassy in Jamaica. versity of the West Indies.
Singham said, "I believe that! Two statements have been is-
the basic reason why his visa was sued by a number of black and
denied was that it was intended whie faculty members and stu- x
as a warning to all those who en- dents on Trevor's case. One state-<
gage in radical activities. Thus ment has been sent to the Con-
the decision appears as a warning gressional Black Caucus, the other
to many of the youth that if they to Sen. Phillip Hart (D-Mich.).
dare step out of line their chances Trevor is a professor in political inner W onderland
for mobility will be restricted." science at the University of the Plo
"I'd like to point out," he con- West Indies, and has written, aiPresidential hopeful George McGovern goes for a walk innew
tinued, "that it is incredible that number of books and articles on fallen snow yesterday as he campaigned in Milwaukee for
a small black country such as Jamaican and Carribean politics. Wisconsin's presidential primary next Tuesday.
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The Medical School will intro-
duce, an Integrated Pre-Medical
Medical Program next fall in an
attempt to provide a more
meaningful and flexible curricu-
The program, which would
probably take the average stu-
dent six years to complete, aims
to combine LSA courses and
medical science courses through-
out the curriculum.
Zoology Prof. Lewis Klein-
smith, a co-chairman of the
program's steering committee,
says the new program will at-
tempt to get around the "inef-
ficiency and redundancy" creat-
ed by the current system. Klein-
smith says the freedom of the
current pre-med curriculum cre-
ates a wide variation in the de-
gree of students' preparation for
medical school.
Funded by a special project
grant from the National Insti-
tute of Health, planners are
considering creating new courses
and modifying old ones to facili-
tate the goal of combining med-
ical training with humanistic
Forexample, a proposed flrst-
year curriculum includes the
usual introductory biology, a
new course in ecology, human
behavior, and evolution, an ab-
breviated chemistry course com-
bining inorganic and organic'
For the Student Body:
chemistry, and a freshman sem-
inar on the societal aspects of
However, the curriculum pro-
posed by Kleinsmith and co-
chairman Dr. Harvey Sparks
must receive the approval of a
policy committee made up of
students and faculty as 'well as
the faculties of both schools.
Kleinsmith said the literary
college will also have to decide
whether students in the program
may bypass some of the require-
ments for a bachelor's degree, such
as foreign languages.
Response to the new program
has been overwhelming. Accord-
ing to Dr. Dorin Hinerman, chair-
man of the admissions committee,
over six hundred applications have
been received for next year, but
only fifty places can be filed.
Although the selection process
will undoubtedly eliminate many
on the basis of their academic
record, Kleinsmith stresses that
other qualifications - extra-cur-
ricular activities, the applicant's
attitudes toward medicine, non-
academic skills - will also be con-
Because courses will be integrat-
ed and much needless repetition
eliminated, the new program will
probably take students less time
to complete than the current sys-
tem of four years each in pre-ried
and med school.
But a more important aim of
the program is to provide flexibil-
ity, so that a student may take
more time to complete his educa-
tion if he wishes. Kleinsmith also
hopes students may elect to meet
curriculum requirements through
course alternatives.
The shorter time .period, how-
ever, may be the prime motivation
for the increased number of wo-
men applicants to the progam.
According to Hinerman, one-third
of the applications received have
been from women. A similar pro-
portion will be admitted, he added.
"Ann Arbor's fi
demands that ea
present a forth-ric
of priorities - no
list of empty prorr