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March 30, 1972 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-30

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Page Six


Thursday, M&-ch.36, 1972

Pane Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, March 30, 1972

Regents veto black culture units;
tell Fleming to prepare pro grains
(Continued from Page 1) the original motion and the coin-' charged with review and guidance'
lation of the law and approved it. promise," said Waters. "My only of the University's Opportunity'
The Senate Assembly Civil Lib- fear was the implication of segre- program has been rendered func-
erties Board and the Detroit Ur- gation and I felt convinced that' tionally inoperative recently due
ban League issued conditional ap- the unit would have been multi- to resignations and disinterest.
provals of 'the proposals and the racial in nature. I The committee had been
National Association for the Ad- Fleming also expressed support' charged with the task of study-
'vancement of Colorec People op- for the plan for the first time, ing supportive services available
posed the plan because "we are saying "I supported the proposal. to ininority students as well as{
opposed to the establishment of not because I think it is perfect financial aid procedures and then
what amounts to separate living but rather because it was better to submit recommendations "for
facilities 'for blacks." than anything recommended." any changes deemed desirable."
At the March 17 meeting, a "The greatest difficulty for us "Task forces and affirmative
NAACP official said that the or- has been to define segregation," action programs have been tried
'ganization would reconsider its Fleming explained. "Is 95 per cent before," said Williams, "and they
decision if assured that the units white segregated? Or is it 90 per have failed. To beef up counseling
would be multi-racial. cent or 70 per cent? We don't services and redesign OSS is not
Georgia Williams, assistant di- really know. When our dorms are the answer, we need programst
rector of special programs and a 95 per cent white is it segrega- that deal with the real problems
proponent of the plan said, "This tion? We haven't called it that." of day-to-day living,',
is a clear indication that some- Gerald Dunn (D - L a h s i n g). Proponents of the plan indicated
thing is amiss in the University's i voiced the predominant sentiment after the meeting that the Regent-
attitude toward segregation. There of the Regents by saying, "I don't al .proposal left the door open tol
are already housing units here want us, as a public body, to go on formulating alternative plans in!
that are all-white and no one record in 'support of segregation the near future. Georgia Williams
seems to worry about them." of any kind." suggested one possible alternative
"I see this as analagous to the Regents Lawrence Lindeer might be a "culturaexchangeiv-
typical white liberal ideal which Stcbigi oetBrw R ng unit."
assues that blacks can't make Kalamazoo) andg R obert NeeR- Such a unit, she said, could
innovative decisions which affect Idemphasize better interaction be-i
their own lives that whites are 'lander (D-Birmingham) voiced tween ethnic groups rather than
ter wnlies -omk th h~es ae similar reservations about the pro- any specific race or culture.
better able to make these deci- posals.aeo ulue
sions," Williams added. "There is no question of the ,
The black students who devised serious concerns facing black stu The oldest rock returned from
the original proposal refused to dents," said Lindemer, "but this the moon is at least 4.9 billion
comment on the Regents' decision proposal is counter-productive in years old.
Pieipae ts of the plane.havenre-ature and would insure segrega-.-
Propnent ofthe lanhavere-tion."
peatedly emphasized its multi- "Irecognize the, dismal failures jj
racial orientation and housing of- in the areas of counseling, dorm
Uecials reported Tuesday that advisors andin dealing with dif- a great game
students-73 blacks and 30 whites ferences in life' style," he said,
--had been provisionally accepted,1 "and I believe our proposal will FREE INSTRUCTION
on the basis of a sincere interest deal with all of that." THURS., APRIL 6
in Afro-American culture. The Regents' "affirmative ac-
In an unusual format, each Re- tion" proposal for minority stu- U
gent - and Fleming - detailed dents comes in the wake of the miUnion
his reasons for supporting or op- disclosure that the committee
nncine. th in n Oit, fnl turn R.. gntr.

Second ward candidates explain stands

Coutinued rom Page 1)
cist" and adds that she feels
"the black community doesn't

want it." Morris is also against
the bypass, saying "the death of
Model Cities is a high price to pay
for five minutes of driver time."
Burnham, on the other hand, sup-
ports Ashley-First though he said
that at first he did not. The GOP
candidate maintains that the
planned bypass would not cause
the problems critics have clai ned
it would.,
The problem of growth is a long
range one, and occupies the atten-
tion of many in the city. There
are concerns that attempting to
tamper with growth rate could
cause grave side effects.
Burnham sees a "totally no-
growth plan" as stupid and "of
dubious constitutionality." He adds
that unlimited urban sprawl is
"equally unacceptable." Burnham
says that one must consider both
economic and ecological conse-
quences when attempting to regu-
late growth.
Morris feels that the best way
to achieve a regulated growth plan

is to work at the zoning and de-
velopment regulation level, re-
placing developers with citizens
in the community as the ones de-
termining the make up of neigh-
Wechsler views the issue of lim-
iting growth differently. "Any
talk," she says, "about limiting
growth is aimed at keeping Ann
Arbor an upper middle class city."
Wechsler says that HRP favors
more, light industry and low rent
housing, with growth to be "nrhon-
itored regionally on an ecological
The financial crisis in the city
and ways to alleviate it have occu-

erty tax measure, but adds that
he thinks it was a wise move to
place it on the ballot. Morris feels
that income taxes are the only
long term solution to the fiscal
bind. He also says that voters,
when they defeated an income tax
in February, did not know the size
of the city's problem.
Wechsler and the Human Rights
Party favor steeply graduated in-
come taxes as the only fair means
of financing city operation. She
adds that there should ne a re-
arrangement of the way city
money is spent.
Burnham feels that any prop-
erty tax increase, like that pro-


pied a great deal of the attention posed by Council, should be "tem-
of local lawmakers. Recently City porary in nature and be reviewed
Council voted to place a 2.5 mill by Council." He supports an in-
increase in property taxes on the come tax only after certain con-
May ballot. ditions are overcome. One of these
Morris is opposed to the prop- See SECOND, Page 8
The Executive Council of the LSA Student Govern-
ment is accepting petitions for interviews for the
10 student seats on the Joint Student-Faculty Pol-
icy Board. This board has the power to place pro-
posals before the faculty at their meetings. If you
are interested sign up at room 3-M, Michigan Un-
ion from 2-5 weekdays, or call 763-4799.


BOB STEWARD-Henderson Ford Sales
21 and over.

posing Lne piar. .JnJLy Lwo M e
indicated support - Paul B
(D-Petoskey) and Waters,
though Gertrude .Huebner
Bloomfield Hills) said she w
have agreed to a revised
'with minor changes."
"I could have supportedl
Atten, Men in
EPSG, Sub-GroupI
who have received
deferments since
Jan. 1, "72.
leave message

rown 2
plan Grant Green
both ,3
at the
golden falcon
just a great place to get together
fine food, drinks (check out our
stimulating atmosphere golden hou 4-6
reasonable prices




presented by the
for the


We'll sell
you this
Fisher T-shirt for 1.
Or, if you stump us with one of these questions,
we'll give you the T-shirt for nothing.







Voters im each word may vote for one candidate for city councilman to
represent that word on the city council for the next two years.
All registered voters may vote on the bonding proposal, It is not necessary
to be a property owner to vote on this issue.
The City Council is asking voters for permission to issue $935,000
worth of bonds to finance an "Ashley-First Bypass."

1. What is sensitivity?
2. What does a muting control do?
3. What is a Hertz?
1. A car bearing a corpse
2. The number of back and forth
vibrations of an AC signal in
I second.
3. A national car renting company.
4. What does the term "selectivity" mean?
5. Th control that makes it possible to
listen to the full range of sound when
musiois played at a low volume is called:
1. Range control.
2. Loudness contour control.
3. Volume control.
6. What purpose does a high flter
control perform'?
7. What are Baxandall controls?

8. What is a watt?
1. A unit of light.
2. A unit of power.
3. A unit of efficiency.
9. What is distortion?
10. How do the various power
measurements, such as Peak-to-Peak,.
IHF, EIA and RMS relate to actual
output power?
11. The ability of a speaker to follow
low-frequency signals of large
amplitude is called:
I. Transient response.
2. Compliance.
3. Efficiency.
12. What is the function of a
crossover network?
13. What is meant by an acoustic-
suspension speaker system?

14. What are the advantages of a
heavy turntable platter?
15. Wow and flutter are:
1. Changes in power output
of an amplifier.
2. Distortion caused by variations
in turntable or tape deck motor speed.
3. Irregularities in the human voice.
16. What are the main benefits of
electronics tuning?
1. More accurate than manual tuning.
2. Lower cost than manual tuning.
3. Provides convenient remote
control tuning.
17. What does the term "capture
ratio" mean?
18. What is an IC?
19. What do tape monitor circuits do?
20. What is the TS-100?

PURPOSE: To finance the cot of realigning two sections of Ashley
First Streets to connect with Packard Road on the south and
Beakes Street on the north, in order to provide a bypass,
around the Central Business District. The realignment does
not involve widening of present roads. The money requested
would pay for:
0 land acquisition



M rood rehabilitation and bypass link construction
* intersection improvements
* traffic signals
* landscaping
COST: .16 mills per year for the 20-year life of the bonds. This means
$.16 per $1,000 of assessed property valuation (50% of market value).
This amount actually decreases slightly each year during the life of the
EXAMPLE: If your home is assessed at $10,000, tax for the first year
would be $1.60, decreasing each year. (The average Ann Arbor home is

Introducing the Fisher TS-100 T-shirt.
It's at least a $3.50 value, as you know if you've
priced T-shirts lately.
And we're selling it to you for only $1.
Not only that, but we're making it easy for
you to avoid paying anything for the T-shirt.

Just ask any Fisher salesman any of the twenty
questions in this ad, and, if he doesn't know the
answer, you win the shirt.
And we have a heart-to-heart talk with that salesman,
Note: If you want a copy of the official answers,
ask any of the dealers listed b IX,

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