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March 28, 1972 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-28

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Eighty-one years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

C. Win. Colburn-Republican

Th ird

ward candidates

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printedin The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



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Dangers in Ulster

- EN PRIME. Minister Edward Heath
announced before the House of Com-
mons Friday that the British Govern-
ment would be assuming all legislative
and executive powers over Northern Ire-
land for a period of one year, it repre-
sented a positive, but potentially precar-
ious move for the British, the Ulster
Protestant majority, and the Catholic mi-
nority alike.
Through the recent "Ulster initiative,"
the British hope to win the trust of the
Catholic minority which up till now has
been given very little by England to base
any trust on. However, by transferring
the responsibility for law and order in
Northern Ireland to Westminster, pro-
rogating the Protestant Parliament at
Stormont, and initiating processes to
bring internment to an end, the British
have made a positive start toward earn-
ing that trust.
The danger for Britain, however, lies
in the inevitable accusations -- not en-
tirely unjustified - that the Ulster ini-
tiative is a virtual tossing in of the towel
to the terrorist tactics of the zealously
nationalistic Irish Republican Army.
In addition, there is the accusation
that England, finding itself in a rather
sticky predicament, has resorted to strik-
ing out in true imperialist fashion by de-
posing one government and setting up
its own.
ACCUSATIONS aside however, Britain
stands to be in for some real live trou-
ble from Ulster's million Protestants -
who consider themselves as English as
Mr. Heath himself. The Unionists deeply

suspect the British move which, despite
Heath's protestations to the contrary,
they see as merely the first step in a pro-
cess which will eventually result in a
change of position from the comfortable
2-1 majority they presently enjoy, to their
becoming a vast minority themselves,
when the unification of Ireland takes
Yesterday's massive protest by 250,000
Unionists provides more than ample evi-
dence of Protestant discontent.
Yet even the Protestants can find sol-
ace in the Ulster initiative if it succeeds
in stopping or at least slowing down the
massive bloodshed in Belfast, London-
derry and the rest of the North.'
Obviously, for. the Catholic minority,
the Ulster initiative is positive for the
very reasons it is abhorrent to the Prot-
estants. The termination of the Stor-
mont Government which symbolizes 50
years of discrimination and depression
to Catholics, and the end of internment
which wielded its iron hand in outrage-
ous disproportion against them, can be
viewed as positive signs toward an even-
tual unification of North and South.
THE CATHOLICS must remember, how-
ever, that the British troops still re-
main in the North. They must not subside
in their zealous efforts, nor lose sight of
their historically justifiable goal. For un-
less they make sure that Britain's Ulster
initiative is not merely an act of su-.
preme pacification, the unification of all
Ireland will remain a misty dream.
News Editor

ANN ARBOR'S third ward is the
largest and clearly the most di-
verse of the city's five wards. Rep-
resenting this ward is not an easy
Of the three candidates seek-
ing the council seat, however, I
feel that I am best qualified to
serve the people of the third ward.
I have devoted my life to the aca-
demic community and therefore
have a good understanding of stu-
dents and student related prob-
I also have served as president
of the local elementary school
PTO and know the problems fac-
ing our city's school system. I
have served as the president of a
Homeowners Association and know
the feelings of this particular con-
stituency. I have neighbors and
friends in business and profes-
sional occupations which gives me
insight into this element of the
Neither of the other two candi-
dates can claim this diversity in
their qualifications.
IN ADDITION, the Republican
Party has prepared a platform
which does make an honest at-
tempt to meet the needs of the
people of Ann Arbor. The Demo-
cratic Platform on the other hand,
is as Councilman Robert Weaver
so aptly labeled in his March 2
letter to The Daily, ". . . one of
the greatest con-jobs ever at-
tempted . .
Democrats running have admit-
ted that they do not support the
platform and Mayor Harris is on
record as being opposed to sev-

expIa in

should elect them
Ulrich ,Stoll-Democrat

eral major ideas in the platform.
The Human Rights Party has
presented a platform which is be-
ing, honestly supported by all of
their candidates. The rather ob-
vious problem with the platform
(and thus a handicap to HRP
candidates) is that while it in-
cludes numerous worthwhile goals
the financial crisis will not allow
implementation of major planks.
The Republican Party has a re-
alistic platform in terms of work-
ing within the financial stringen-
cies facing the city and in terms
of actual implementation.
I FEEL that on the basis of
qualification and in terms of be-
ing able to implement a series of
worthwhile programs I can best
serve the interests of the residents
of the Third Ward. I urge all vot-
ers to read the Republican Plat-
form and compare it to the plat-
forms of the other two parties.

THERE ARE two crucial issues
facing the voters in the elec-
tions for City Council on April 3.
How are we to respond to the
current financial crisis, and how
are we to control the future
growth of Ann Arbor?
With the rejection of the in-
come tax proposal in February,
the city faces serious belt-tight-
ening. There is simply no "fat"
in the current budget, and we
have exhausted all the remedies
that can result from shifting funds
form one account to another.
The projected deficit will be
$1,000,000 if we continue at the
current rate of expenditures. The
question we face is alarmingly
simple: Which programs shall we
maintain and .where are the cuts
to come?
Neither of my two opponents in
the Third Ward race has con-
fronted this issue. They are prom-
ising greater expenditures in their
campaign materials. I believe that
it is unfair to the voters to make
promises that we cannot fulfill.

why voters,

MY HIGHEST priority is to pre-
serve the humane programs to
which the Democradic Party is
committed, and I propose that
cuts should be made by eliminat-
ing non-essential functions and
by reducing the level of conven-
ience services.
The ous system, for instance,
receives my highest priority. It
now serves a growing number of
regular customers and helps us
all by reducing dependence on
automobile transportation But
more important, it is vital to a
number of low income wage earn-
ers and students. And while the
bus system continues to attract
Republican opposition, we should
remember that only two per cent
of the city budget is devoted to
this purpose.
Even smaller expenditures go to
such needed facilities as Ozone
House and the Program it provides
for troubled young people. The
Housing Commission, Model Cities
Program, and Grievance Officer
are vital to us all and particularly
to those long-neglected groups
that are served by these branches
of city government. I promise to
preserve these programs.
On the other hand. funds can
be saved by going to curb side
trash pick up. Also the airport
subsidies and non-essentials like
the civil defense budget can and
should be cut during this period
of financial difficulty.
THROUGHOUT the campaign,
I have spoken of the need for con-.
trol of the undisciplined growth.
that has created a series 'of etas-
sive, one-of--a-kind subdivisions on
the perimeter of the dity.
In these newer areas of our
city, we find huge tracts of uni-
form housing that lack ieigh-


Genie Plamondon-HRP

INCE 1968 I have been living in
' Ann Arbor and working" on al-
ternative institutions for filling
people's needs. I have been active
in the Park Program, the Psyche-
delic Rangers, and Tribal Council.
I am also a member of the Rain-
bow People's Party.
Recently those of us in the
Rainbow People's Party have come
to realize that alternative institu-
tions alone are not sufficient to
meet people's needs. We decided
that we had to involve ourselves
in forcing city government to re-
late to young people, blacks,'and
We concluded that working with
the Human Rights Party was the
only honest way we could relate
to electoral politics. . The Human
Rights Party is a democratic or-
gainzation. Its decisions are made
at open meetings; its candidates
and elected officials are chosen on
the basis of agreement with its
The Democrats and Republicans
are totally incapable of honest
progressive politics. Both claim to
represent the best interests of
everyone. In fact they represent
the interests of local businessmen.
They cater to the ideas and fears

Forrester case: No merit

ONEOF THE most fundamental rights
guaranteed to citizens within our so-
ciety is the right to trial by jury - a
jury composed of people from a repre-
sentative cross section of society.
But recently there has been much con-
flict over how potential jurors are se-
lected. Jim Forrester, an Ann Arbor resi-
dent, has recently filed suit claiming his
rights are being violated because the
present jury pool does not contain the
names of the newly enfranchised 18 to
21 year old voters.
He claims that the present pool is not
a representative sample of the commun-
Differing view
TrHEAMERICAN judicial system prom-
ises, as every school child knows, the
right to "a jury trial by one's peers."
This relates to Jim Forrester's attempt
to have his trial postponed until 18 to 21
year olds now on voter '"registration lists
are placed in the jury pool.
The argument for waiting until the
normal yearly additions enter the jury
pool is that of "convenience" --it is not
practical, some say, to continuously up-
date jury rolls.
With a normal influx of new voters,
perhaps only a yearly addition to the
rolls is valid - but this is not a normal
year. The thousands of new voters who
have registered should be given their say
in the judicial system now, and Forrest-
er deserves the "benefits" whatever they
may be, of that say.
When the issue at stake is American
justice, convenience should not be the
primary concern.
- TJ-

ity. Thus, the pool is in violation of both
state and federal constitutions.
But for this position to be acceptable,
there must be some essential difference
beween 18 to 21 year olds and the rest
of the Ann Arbor community. And there
is no such essential difference with re-
spect to the criminal and civil offenses.
Nor is there any real cultural difference
between the average new young voter and
the voters in the jury pool.
Age alone is no criterion for claiming
that the new voters comprise a special
interest group. In a precedent-setting
case similar to Forrester's, Judge Joseph
Sullivan ruled in Wayne County Circuit
Court that because there was no such
fundamental difference, de f e n dan ts'
rights are not being violated by the pres-
ent jury pools.
ON PRAGMATIC consideration, it is dif-
ficult to conceive of a more desirable
jury selection procedure than the one
presently employed. The law currently
states that the jury pool list must be up-
dated eaph year in May to include all
newly registered voters. Thus in May the
new young voters will be included in the
jury pool.
Ideally, it would be nice to have the
pool updated daily. But this is not prac-
tical. It would require a committee that
now meets yearly to meet on a daily
basis. This would create another bureauc-
racy in a government which is already
top heavy.
GOVERNMENTS must synthesize what
is ideally desirable with what is prac-
tical. With this in mind, the present jury
selection process comes closest to obtain-
ing that goal.

of Ann Arbor's upper middle class
-though they may hide this with
a gloss of 'liberal' rhetoric at elec-
tion time.
BOTH PARTIES refuse to take
an honest stand on the problem of
drugs. Some of their candidates
may concede the destructiveness
of treating drug addicts as crim-
inals. But none of their candidates
or officeholders will propose, the
changes in local government that
this position dictates. They are
too afraid of offending their up-

per middle class supporters.
There are concrete steps we can
take in Ann Arbor to decriminal-
ize our treatment of the drug
problem. We must fire the present
police chief Walter Krasny and
replace him with someone who
realizes drug users are human be-
ings.} City Council must pass or-
dinances making all drug offenses
misdemeanors. Council must then
order the police to end investiga-
tive work on drug use and to make
all drug arrests under its misde-
meanor ordinances.
An adequate program of metha-
done treatment must be set up.
Taking these steps will end much
of ouf problem with the crimes
addicts are forced to commit to
support their habits. Therefore
methadone maintenance can be at
least partially financed by cutting
the size of the police force.
Of course these proposals are
only an interim solution to the
problem of addiction. A real solu-
tion lies on the national level -
with the repeal of laws against
of heroin maintenance programs.
drug usage and the establishment
of heroin maintenance programs.
Council I will work with the oth-
er Human Rights Party members
of the Council to implement this
interim program.
The Human Rights Party mem-
bers of City Council will work for
substantive change in other areas
as well - instead of mouthing
'liberal' slogans. We will work to
break thetstranglehold of land-
lords on the housing market.
We will oppose road projects
such as Ashley-First bypass de-
signed to funnel traffic through
residential areas to downtown
We've got a long thing ahead of
us in Ann Arbor because the Hu-
man Rights Partycan only de-
velop if all of us participate. Let's
work together to make Ann Ar-
bor a healthier and happier city!

borhood stores, parks, and school
sites and whose residents feel
abandoned or neglected by the
city. However, within the last year,
there has developed an awareness
that citizens, both individually and
through ad hoc groups and by
their councilmen, must and can
control the pace and character
of Ann Arbor's growth.
In the course of the Briarwood
debate and more recently, the sub-
division control ordinance, I have
played a role in developing and
debating the evolving city poli-
In seeking election to the coun-
cil, I hope to act on these con-
cerns in a way which will retain
what is good and unique in Ann
Arbor while meeting our obliga-
tion to see that all our citizens
have access to adequate 'housing
in friendly and integrated neigh-

This is the third in a five-par/, series in which Democratic, Human
Rights Party, and Republican City Council candidates briefly
summarize their positions. The election is April 3.


Washington hot-shot
is very very cool
WILLIAM MAGRUDEU lounged gently back in his chair as he
he easily volleyed questions at a news conference. He would be
speaking later in the day about the recently proposed, New Technology
Opportunities Program.
He sat confidently while his tight butch haircut and cleancut,
square-jawed face in no way reflected the defeat he had experienced
as director of the now-defunct SST program.
One could easily see the military training in his controlled manner-
isms and careful speech. Magruder smiled as he began the conference
by describing the purpose and origin of his latest program.
"Our study was devoted to the possibility of implementing tech-
nical programs to solve domestic problems . . . the government is
attempting to create a balance between technology directed to security
and technology directed to domestic needs . . . we are still hanging on
to our free enterprise system ..
"We are asking Congress for 737 millions dollars plus 150 million
dollars for the Pentagon."
NORMALLY, such figures are glanced over absent-mindedly when
read in a newspaper - but when a man ten feet away speaks of 900
million dollars like some students would talk about two dollars an
hour, something has to click.
"To what extent is your program aimed at sending more money
into the aerospace industry?" I asked.
Magruder had played the news conference game before and was
prepared with a careful reply. "Although there is a significant amount
of money that will go into the aerospace industry, this is not the
purpose nor goal of this program."
"We will use the helicopter to create a more efficient emergency
health care system," he continued. "We could use many principles
of aerodynamics and inventions used in the aerospace industry for
high speed transit."
Magruder was cool; very cool.
"To what extent will the industry be stimulated by your program?"
I asked, rephrasing my first question.
HE HESITATED briefly. "Of the 65,000 immediate technical jobs
and 675,000 technical jobs that will open after five years, a great
deal will open in the aerospace industry," he responded.
The Nixon administration was giving the companies that build
planes that drop bombs on Southeast Asia money under the guise of
instituting domestic reform. But Magruder was carefully ambigious
and denied any intention of directing more money to the plane in-
The topic of the SST was brought up.
The Washington hot-shot was sure of himself. "It cost the U.S.
government 200 million dollars more to quit the SST experiment then to
finish it . . . the aerospace industry is as important as cancer research
only nobody criticizes too much government spending for cancer re-
"How can you compare the aerospace industry with cancer re-
search?" I asked, not able to see the parallel between a private
industry that is concerned with destruction and a non-profit research
nrnmm +ha+ is rnn,.rmr wthea;+ alir


The Largest Recall in Automotive History


Letters to The Daily

STRESS shows new problem

To The Daily:
I BELIEVE strongly, if naively,
that the role of government in any
society should be to work as a
collective agent to solve those
problems of the society which the
individual members, especially the
less-wealthy members, cannot
solve for themselves.
Social progress is only made
when intelligent people sit down
and discuss problems rationally
and develop. viable policies for
dealing with those problems with-
out political influence from spec-'
ial financial interests.
Only one candidate in the cur-
rent Democratic race has done
that to any great degree. That
man is George McGovern.
I cannotitake theaspacedhere ,o
even mention, let alone describe,
all of the detailed programs which
McGovern has developed involv-
ing, for example, extraordinarily
comprehensive tax reform, a min-
imum income plan eliminating the
humiliation and the bureaucracy of
welfare, and objective analysis of
defense spending needs.
I can mention here that Mc-
Govern's proposals are clear, rl,gi-
cal, and excitingly progressive in
their potential social impact. In
short, George McGovern hais de-
veloped programs designed to
make the government responsive
to the needs of now-neglected

supporter of President Johnson's
Vietnam war policies at the 1968
Chicago convention.
I write these things not because
I believe that Senator McGovern
is the perfect candidate for Pt esi-
dent, but because he is the best
candidate now running.
I also write because I am sick-
ened by the astonishing (to me)
popularity of a man l i k e Ed
Muskie who has so little, morally,
intellectually, or materially, to of-
fer to the American people.
And I write because I don't feel
that any man as bland and lacking,
in forthright leadership as Ed
Muskie can ever defeat Richard
George McGovern is offering a
clear alternative to the status
quo of American politics.
With your help, McGovern will
he our next President. And that is
a goal worth working far.
-T. Coates Nelson
Cornell University
March 23
To The Daily:
I WAS VERY annoyed ard ut-
terly disgusted at what I wit-
nessed while attending ) W a]l t
Disney movie "Ichabod and Mr.
Toad" at Natural Science Aul.
I certainly have nothing whatso-
ever against the use of grass ex-

I suggest that if certain mem-
bers of the viewing public must
be stoned to enjoy an entertaining
movie such as this, then perhaps
it is not worth their while to
-Jackie Kischuk, '74 Nurs.
and three others
March 27
To The Daily:
RECENT SGC election stories
prominently noted that Bill Jacobs
of GROUP had filed charges
against me before the Credentials
and Rules Board alleging that I
posted unsigned election leaflets.
I wish your readers to know that
this baseless charge has been with-
drawn by Jacobs - just as t ie
charges brought against me by
Bill Krebaum last November were
twice dismissed by C&R.
I have never violated the SGC
Election Code nor any ether stu-.
dent-passed rule. Jacobs and the
rest of his opportunist GROUP
slate were merely abusing C&R
in order to generate some pre-elec-
tion publicity.
Now that this purpose has been
served, it would only embarass+
them to permit their accusaions
to be refuted in court.
-Bob Black, '73

A NEW SIDE ISSUE has developed in
the wake of the March 9 STRESS
shootout which left one Wayne County
deputy sheriff dead and three others
That issue is the confidence which the
public and the police themselves place in
police investigations.
After three STRESS officers were
charged with assault with intent to com-
mit murder, attention has shifted to the
role played by Dennis Schiemke.
Schiemke, also a member of STRESS,
arrived at the scene of the shootout aft-
er the firing had already begun. and fa-

THE REAL ISSUE beyond Schiemke and
the shootout is the deep-seated dis-
trust of the police and the legal system
in the black Detroit community. An in-
vestigation of police conduct by the
prosecutor's office predictably invites
skepticism, regardless of its findings.
The distrust is not one-sided; in reac-
tion to unfavorable press and a hostile
community, the police threatened a walk-
out before they knew the results of the
Neither the angry skepticism nor the
threat of a walkout would be necessary
if both sides were sure that a. thornouh

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