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March 22, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-03-22

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Hitrh, tgan


Colder with
occasional showers

Vol. LXXXII, No. 129

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 22, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages




Muskie p
in Illinois



ists win



BELFAST, Northern Ireland (N)-- Four bomb blasts
rocked Londonderry yesterday and guerrilla gunmen fought
a two-hour battle with British troops that the army called
the city's biggest confrontation since street fighting began
in August 1969.
The bombings sent 25 persons to hospitals suffering from
shock and minor injuries. Two of the bombs were 100-pound
gelignite charges placed inside two parked autos. Both cars
had been left where they could do the worst possible damage
to shops and offices.
Warnings preceded the bombings, but police were not

able to evacuate the areas in
Yesterday marked the end of a
two-day suspension of all archi
tecture classes, in an attempt by
the department to "rethink" it
The department began work
shops Monday designed to provid
open discussion on seven major
topics: The current situation at
the school, communication within
the school, educational theories
and teaching strategies, relation
of the school to the community
output of the school and evalua
tion of courses, resource identifi
cation, and the relation of the
school to the professions. .
The much-discussed "'issue o
grading came up at the sessions
At a mass meeting yesterday con
cluding the program, a straw vote
was taken on how students felt
about grades. Only one student in
the audience favored the reten
tion of letter grades.
However, the vote was strictly
Another controversial issue dis
cussed was that of open admis
sions for the school.
The workshop Proposed a stu
dent-faculty committee to investi
gate open admissions, listing points
for its consideration. However n
committee has yet been forme
t for this purpose..
Yesterday the workshops con-
tinued their discussions in an at=
tempt to get down to some defi-
nite proposals, and at the mass
meeting yesterday afternoon the
workshops reported on their pro-
gress and presented specific pro-
A posals.
Generating some of the mosi
heated discussion Tuesdaywas the
report by the workshop on evalu-
ation systems.
The workshop proposed that
each student submit a list of what
he feels should be the criteria b3
which he is evaluated, according
to what he wants to get out of
the course, and that the grading
system be replaced by a credit/no
record system based on his list
of criteria and the minimum ob-
jectives of the course.
A proposal drafted by the work.
shop on government within the
school proposed decentralization of
See A & D, Page 10

time. Security forces blame the
- blast on the IRA, but the or-
ganization has not as yet com-
mented on the incident.
The explosions come only one
day after.a 100-pound bomb killed
six people and wounded 150 oth-
ers on a Belfast street crowded
with noontime shoppers.
In that case, guerrillas had
warned of a blast on one street
and when police evacuated people
to a second street, the bomb went
off there.
Blame for the Belfast explosion
has not been fixed. The IRA's of-
- ficial wing has denied responsibil-
ity and its militant nationalist
s Provisional wing so far has issued
only a blunt "no comment."
- A Protestant based organization
e called on the government to ban
r all cars from the centers of Bel-
t fast and Londonderry as a means
n of halting bombers.
s In the wake of the explosion,
n leaders of both major British par-
ties warned that a way to end
- the violence must be found soon.
- "If we fail," Home Affairs Min-
e ister Reginald Maulding told the
House of Commons, "we will cre-
f ate an area of desolation where
violence and murder and inhu-
- manity bordering on bestiality will
breed and take over."
t Labor party leader Harold Wil-
t son said the mood in Ireland had
- worsened "from doubts and anxi-
ety to fear - fear that a still
graver situation is on the point of
developing which could engulf not
- only the danger areas of the North
- but the South."
Despite opposition criticism
f- that the Conservative government
- was worsening the situation by de-
s laying its new political proposals
o for Northern Ireland, the Conserv-
I atives defeated an emergency La-
See FIGHTING, Page 6

-Associated Press
A LITTLE IRISH GIRL skips gaily past a patrol of British soldiers (left), while in another part of
Belfast, British troops hold a young boy who was caught hurling stones at an armored vehicle. The
boy claimed he was paid by Irish nationalists to throw rocks at the British.

ward dispute

flu re-us

Daily News Analysis
A Republican proposal to re-I
draw the city's ward boundaries
has stirred further controversy in
a long smoldering battle between
the GOP and the Democrats.
According to state law, the city
must redraw its ward boundaries
after each federal census.
What irks city Democrats -
they say - is that the Republi-
cans devised and submitted their
plan to the city council without
reference to the city's ward and
boundary commission.

ew GOP plan

CHICAGO (1-Sen. Edmund
Muskie rolled past Eugene Mc-
Carthy last night to win the
Illinois presidential popularity
contest, and led Sen. George
McGovern in a twin primary
battle for Democratic nation-
al convention delegates.
Meanwhile, Chicago M a y o r
Richard Daley was taking a beat-
ing as two candidates he had en-
dorsed had lost or were losing
early this morning.
Muskie. the one-time Democrat-
ic front-runner, bent on a 'come-
back after an also-ran showing in
the Florida primary a week ago,
polled about 63 per cent of the
presidential preference vote over
McCarthy in an expected victory.
The stakes in that race were
mainly psychological, with Muskie
seeking to regain political momen-
tum for the crowded, crucial Wis-
consin primary April 4. where all
the Democratic contenders will be
With 70 per cent of the 10.858
precincts reporting, the race stood
this way:
Muskie - 540,384 votes, or 63
per cent.
McCarthy - 320,591 votes, or
37 ner cent.
The count was slower in the
complex delegate selection con-
test, where the stakes were more
tangible - 160 votes for the Dem-
ocratic nomination for President.
At least half of them were ex-
pected to go to uncommitted dele-
gates led by Daley
With 31 per cent of the precincts
c o u n t e d, delegates committed
to Muskie were in the lead for 47
convention posts, McGovern dele-
I ates led for 19, and uncommit-
ted entries for 54.
Edward Hanrahan won the
Democratic nomination for an-
other term as Cook County state's
attorney, decisively defeating two
candidates, one of whom was en-
dorsed by Daley.
H a n r a h a n, who had been
dumped by party leaders because
of his indictment stemming from
a police raid on a Black Panther
apartment, now stands as a ma-
jor rival of the 70-year-old Daley
for the leadership of the state's
powerful Democratic organization.
And in the major state-level
contest, party insurgent Daniel
Walker held a narrow lead over
Lt. Gov. Paul Simon - Daley's
choice for the Democratic nomin-
ation for governor as results came
in early this morning.
Muskie's preferential primary
victory was a landslide by any
standard, but it came over a less-
than-f ormidable rival..
Nonetheless, he staged an in-
tensive and costly campaign in
Illinois, spending about $250,000,
invested heavily in television ad-
Furthermore, since McGovern
wasn't entered in the preference
poll, Democrats who supported his,
delegate slate likely voted for Mc-
Carthy in the popularity poll.
On a rainy election day, Repub-
licans crossed over in droves to
cast ballots in the Democratic
Statewide, the switches appear-
ed to help the Muskie cause and
spelled trouble for Daley and his
Democratic organization.
While Illinois voted, Muskie flew
to Milwaukee for quick swing of
campaigning for the upcoming pri-
mary there, then flew to Cleve-
land for a private fund-raising din-
At a news conference there, he
was asked whether there is any
See MUSKIE, Page 10

What is really as stake, how-I
ever, is the balance of political
power in the city with the Re-
publicans standing to district
themselves into being a majority
party if their plan is accepted.
Specifically, t h e Republican
proposal would:
-Move s t u d e n t dominated
areas of the First Ward into the
Second Ward;
-Move Republican dominatedI
areas of the Second Ward into the
Third Ward;
-Move parts of the student!
dominated Hill street area out ofI

Sheriff Harvey denies charges
of negligence in prison assault

l the Third Ward; andj
-Move black sections of the
Fifth Ward into the First Ward.
The results of these changesj
would be to maintain andI
strengthen Republican power in
the Fourth and Fifth Wards, and
by subtracting students and add-
ing a Second Ward Republicans,
place the Third Ward - at pres-
ent a swing ward - solidly into
the Republican camp.
Councilman James Stephenson
(R-Fourth Ward) does not deny
that the plan would favor Re-
publican interests in the city.
Comparing the city to a wheel
and ward boundaries to spokes he
said yesterday "to redistrict you
rotate four spokes so as to divide
the wards and make them equal
population wise. You have to ro-
tate them one way or another. We
rotated them to the left. We find
the Republican Party coming out
kbetter when we rotate to the left."
Stephenson, however, denied
that the party plan was a gerry-
The plan has come under vio-
lent attack from both Democrats
and Human Right Party (HRP)
Councilman John Kirscht (D-
First Ward) called the plan "ill-
conceived" Monday while HRP
first ward candidate Jerry De-
Grieck yesterday labeled it "ab-
Under the plan, De Grieck said,
"the voting power of the students
will be totally thrown into the
Second Ward leaving their repre-
sentation to two council mem-
Lost in the shuffle is the Ward
and Boundary Commission, set up
last January to prevent fighting
See WARD, Page 10

Sheriff Douglas Harvey denied
charges yesterday that he was
negligent in allowing an alleged
rape to take place in the Wash-
tenaw County Jail last month. Six
inmates are scheduled to appear
today to finish preliminary exam-
ination on charges of Gross Inde-
cency arising from the incident.
However, Harvey did admit that
sometimes regular patrols of the
cell areas, which could have pre-
vented the alleged incident, are
not always carried out.
The negligence charges were

levied by Fred Postill, a former ample of Harvey's tragic mis-
sheriff's deputy who is Harvey's management and neglect of the
Democratic primary opponent. He county jail."
said that Harvey was "guilty of Harvey said that a shortage of{
gross neglect and nonfeasance in manpower and the incomplete in-
office." stallation of television and audio
Postill was fired twice by Har- equipment- were responsible for
vey, first for organizing a deputy's allowing the alleged rape and
union. The dismissal was ruled il- beatings to occur unnoticed by
legal by an arbitrator but he was county jail personnel.
fired again shortly after he was He said that no penal institu-
rehired for alleged insubordina- tion in the country has been able
tion, to halt sexual attacks from oc-
"This kind of thing should nev- curring inside their walls.
er have happened," he said in an Postill said that there is noth-'
interview. "It serves .as an ex- ing incomplete with the audio
portion of the monitoring devices
I that Harvey has had installed in

-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
STUDENTS VOTE in all-qampus elections yesterday. Voter turn-
out was unusually heavy, possibly because of the spring-like
Turnout larger than
usual' in ca-mpus, vote

Perhaps enticed by the spring-
like weather, students turned
out in numbers that pollwatch-
ers described as "heavier than
usual" to vote in the first day
of the all-campus elections yes-
Election chairman Dave Scha-
per described the voter turnout
as "greater than average" and
added that, in general, he was
pleased with most aspects of
yesterday's balloting.
However, at least one party
was not completely pleased with
the day's events, as GROUP
presidential candidate Bill Ja-
cobs filed a complaint against
Bob Black, '73, charging the
use of Jacob's name on unsign-
ed literature.
Due to space limitations in-
yesterday's paper, The Daily
was unable to print the entire
list of candidates for the
PIRGIM Board. Those deleted
yesterday were: Bonnie Jean
Fox, Jay Hack, Jamie Kaplan,
Jack Quinn, Bill Schroeder,
Garret Terberg, Steve Vagnozzi
and David De Varti.
Jacobs contends that leaflets
urging students to write in his
name for LSA council Vice Pres-
ident and that of Randall Cas-
well for Council President were

produced and distributed by
Black. Caswell is the University
student charged with starting a
fire in the General Library
Feb. 3.
When informed of these alle-
gations, Black stated that he
"disclaimed sole responsibility
for producing and distributing
the leaflets", but refused to ans-
wer questions' concerning what
role, if any, he played.
Tom Bentley, Credentials and
Rules committee chairman, said
a hearing has not been sched-
uled yet, in as much as he has
not been able to reach Black.
However, C&R is scheduled to
hear two minor cases involving
GROUP complaints against the
Student Tenant's Union Coali-
tion tomorrow night, although
there is a possibility these com-
plaints may be settled out of
Most of the candidates seem-
ed encouraged by the day's pro-
ceedings, although many ad-
mitted to the difficulty of mak-
ing any predictions as to who
would win.
Greg Kateff, Presidential can-
didate on the Responsible Alt-
ernative ticket said that, al-
though "it could go either way,
today's voting went as well as
we expected it to," adding that
"a lot of our supporters haven't
gone out to vote yet."

Gregorydescribes war fast
Comedian/politician Dick Greg-:
ory, looking gaunt and emaciated
in the eleventh month of his anti-.
war fast, told a standing-room-
only crowd of Washtenaw Com-
munity College students yesterday
he will continue to starve himself
"until the war in Vietnam is com-
pletely over."
In a strongly worded speech,
characterized by Gregory's unique
brand of humor,the 38 year old
Chicagoan told an appreciate au-
dience that young people "com-
prise the strongest power in the
world today." . ',* .
Gregory's faith in young people
was a recurrant theme in the one w
and a half hour speech, though
he also lashed out at the Nixon
administration for its stands on
school busing, the Vietnam war,
the China visit and the ITT affair.
In 1968 Gregory entered the
presidential race with a bid under

the jail.V
"Any fighting, banging, jostling
or normal conversation in the cell
would have been extremely audible
to anyone monitoring the cells,"
he said. "It is clear to me that no
a hhppl to n nit n.nr hea imilin

one oun ereu o o L om or u a
system on the two nights that the
young man was attacked."
Seventeen-year-old Donald Nor-
ris, the complainant in the case
against the six inmates, told The
Daily that a "Kangaroo court"
and subsequent beatings and sex-
ual assaults which were sentenced
him by the court lasted for two
solid hours and that at no time
did he see or hear any patrolling
Harvey called "ridiculous"
rharves that the cellblock was not
regularly patrolled the night in,
auestion. He admitted, however,
that. at times, due to the large
work load pressing on the four
men who at night are responsible
for the entire jail, regular period-
ic patrols are not always carried
Garvey is named in a suit filed,
ainst the Washtenaw County
Jail. The suit charges illegal and

Name laws hurt married


Jean King, a local attorney, felt she got
a backhanded honor when she was awarded
the President's Scholarship Award of the
American Trial Lawyers Association. The
only law student in the country to be
awarded this honor in 1968, King keeps the
plaque she received on her office wall -
inscribed to Mrs. John C. King.
King is one of many women who have be-
come increasingly concerned over the fact
that in many states, married women are re-
quired to use their husbands' namies in all
business transactions.
"Obsession and concern with names is

the time of marriage. The case was brought
to the Court by an Alabama woman who
wanted her maiden name on her driver's
While the effect this ruling will have on
future cases is unclear, many states have
laws or backlogs of legal opinion prohibit-

for office.
This view is based on the right of all
citizens to change their names informally
by common law, as long as their intent is
not fraudulent.
State law also allows all citizens the right
to change their names formally in probate

Credit card companies are also
::C:under maiden names.


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