Page Eight
Thursday, March 16; 1972
Thursdayf..March.1. _ 7.
TS and
ES REPORT [continued]
Continued from Page -7--
committee work, which has seem- the discussions. The administra- been heard in administration year), Natural Resources 1 (2
ed to many faculty even more no- tive assistant (Mrs. Lawson) councils. man-years), Veterans Readjust-
ticeably lacking among students. would call all SACUA members (7) However, where concerned ment Center 1 (1 man-year), and
(iii) Is there a faculty core? available to be there, could usual- backing from the mass of faculty the Library (I/2 man-year).
[n some ways. Over most of the ly get four or five within t e n was not evident there was little It is noteworthy that 8 of the
,Mast five years the relationships minutes. This, it was thought by reason for administrators to give 11 men who have served as chair-
among SACUA members has be- SACUA leaders, helped establish weight to attempted pressures men have come from L.S.A. and
come very close. There is a one- a real faculty presence within from these than from other quar- that the other three are from En-
third turnover each year with no these talks. But the administra- ters. In any case, almost- without gineering and the Medical School.
repetitions, so that new people tion does not always call when exception administrators have re- Of the 54 total, 40 members came
are always being added. Once the such situations arise. Therefore, garded the faculty role in Univer- from those three schools, providing'
annual chairmen go, they really the question arises whether t h e sity governance as advisory only. 72 of the 971/2 man-hours of serv-
go. Occasionally ex-members and faculty, through some organ or However false they may be in ice on the committee. Adding in
?x-chairmen serve on Senate As- another, should take greater mit- a given instance, it has always Education brings the totals to 46
sembly committees. New blood is iative on its own. In this instance been difficult to disprove the stan- of 54 and 83 of 9712.
brought into committees p a r t 1Iy SACUA members played an essen- dard arguments administrators use In terms of man-years most of
through the introduction of tial role, meeting both with black that the faculty is divided on its the larger units have been propor-
SACUA members from particulai groups, with the administration, views, that its leaders are some- tionately represented on the whole.
schools, colleges, or departments with the Regents in an all-day times inadequately informed, and Engineering has had a compara-
Nevertheless, many of the same meeting, and in the negotiations that with some exceptions non- tively large membership. Some of
-names appear on "want lists" over themselves. The faculty-endorsed administrators do not generally the smaller units have never been
and over again. There is a notice- position eventually prevailed, with have sufficient expertise or per- represented at all.
able lack of women, blacks, radi- only minor modification. spective to decide what is best to An intensive examination of this
Gals. and younger faculty in many Rapoport Appointment as Daily do. It has been at least equally committee's work from its found-
5f the committees. Editor. Roger Rapoport was made difficult to cure such maladies ing in 1959 through 1970 was un-
The usual selection pattern has editor over the attempted veto of where they clearly exist. Both dif- dertaken for the present report.
been to get a number of standard President Hatcher, largely through ficulties follow not so much from (See Appendix A.) This study
middle spectrum" L.S.A. men who -the efforts of the ten-member inherent weaknesses in faculty as yielded the following results:
can be counted on as "good com- Board on Student Publications and from failures in institutional (a) With some exceptions, the
-mittee members," to add repre- Senate Assembly. After this inci- structure. Despite how many or committee's functions largely have
sentation from the Law. Engineer- dent a Committee on Communica- how few faculty may currently been defined and carried out as
f b~r~r - - ,,,.,,.,....a .-. r,_...._a lexih h - h r cih ,i r T, _i.
a reflection of the so-called mar- or the less formal consultative ac- it --ould be in a position to pre-
ket and whether the market should I tivities of the conmittee may have sen a substantive report.
be as substantial a determinant of swayed administrative officials .an Meanwhile, the Faculty Reform
salaries as it seems to be in many objective assessment is difficult Coalition had issued a three-part
areas. The fact that average sal- to obtain. (v) The committee has report representing part of its
aries of the same rank also vary not had direct access to the ten-month study on University
s much as 2 to 1 between colleges budget and allocation-making pro- budgeting process and offering a
also deserves attention. At present cess within the University as a number of specific recommenda-
no agency is set up to defend the participant with its own resourc- tions on procedures, current bud-
professor who has been placed in es and authority. (vi) Never do getary cuts, and long-term plan-
a very low economic position, of- the administration, the deans ning. Its Budget Task Force has
fering both due process and pro-.council, and the faculty or their met with the Resource Allocation
tection against reprisal if reme- representatives appear to h a v e Commission and with ladministra-
dial action is requested. joined to consider policy on cam- tion officials on this subject and.
A grievance procedure has been pus planning and development the report has been publicized.
set up during the past two years, apart from this committee. Nor (c) Text of the Resource Allo-
but for many disaffected faculty have junior faculty members, stu- cation Commission Plan
its prescribed steps would be both dents or other staff had any di- The plan adopted by Senate As-
unduly burdensome and personally rect part in discussions leading to sembly in June, 1970, shows an
threatening. In any case, the pos- formation of policy in this area. unusually broad mandate. It is not
sible inequities indicated here Whether faculty understands or required to bring recommendations
should be straightened out within generally approves of these ar- concerning its own role until the
the process of assigning compen- rangements is unclear. spring of 1972.
ing and Medical schools, then to bions was proposed and formed,.| o nr t r num-advisory to the administration.
but thesailyebecmehmorey versit
include others to fill out repre- but the Daily became more inde-'versity governance, existing facili- Lacking clear and consistent man-
;entation and possibly to bring in pendent. ties for communication, for com- dates from Senate Assembly be-
some of the minority categories. ROTC Controversy. In this sit- mittee work, for consultation, for yond this broad advisory role, it
Several of the so-called radicals, uation faculty were a little ahead , decision-making and for monitor- has generally accomplished what
have been included in committees. of the students. Hundreds of cop-|ing and follow-through are sadly it set out to do. Comprehensive
Some say women are "slighted. 'ies of' the SACUA report were deficient. reports have been issued on the
though a few are always included made up, but very few requests for (8) Faculty influence on bud- Academic Calendar (1965-66),
in some committees. Women have them were received from faculty. geting and allocation has been es- Physical Education (1967-68), Sal-
not been elected to SACUA. (In On Hays' request, the Academic pecially low. The argument that ary Differentials (1969), R.O.T.C.
1971 Helen Lloyd was elected.) , Affairs Committee spent a sum-'in the lean years it is a waste of (1969), Student Participation
Women get on the League Board mer on it. Some considered the re- faculty time for them to be in- (1969), and Teaching Fellows
.but not on the Union Board or suit a "bandaid response" because j volved in such decisions because so (1970) and recommendations made
on-- athletics committees. Few the question of the appropriate- few incremental dollars are avail- on a number of other issues. Past
lave served on Campus Planning ness of ROTC on campus was not able does not hold water. Faculty members agree that it has often
University Relations, Economic thoroughly dealt with. Neverthe- participation is if anything espec- played a significant role in decis-
Status, By-Laws or the various ad less this issue went the full facul- ially needed in a situation where ion-making.
ho-c committees. Student Rela- ty route - monitoring of disrup- there is little to go around and re- (b) A sample poll of 250 faculty
tions has usually had one, as has tions, lengthy discussions w i t h alignment of priorities is clearly (Appendix C) showed that 73 per
the Civil Liberties Board. T h e participants, a report from t h e , called for. Financial, planning cent thought that faculty should
Senate Advisory Review Commit-! Academic Affairs Committee, As- should not be restricted to t h e "almost always determine" policy
tee (for grievances) has had sev- sembly consideration and action management of incremental dol- in academic affairs; 22 per cent
eral. and Regental endorsement of the lars. Nor is the policy of main- said "usually," 5 per cent "recom-
The Inclusion of younger aclty faculty position. When S e n a t e taining or increasing the funds of mend," no one said "not usually
is even less frequent. Eachear Assembly has taken considered ac- all units, regularly followed in re- involved" or "no role." Only 25
a letter goes 'out to all faculty tion on such an issue the Regents cent years, conscionable any long- per cent of 256 thought the Com-
requesting volunteers. The young- 'have usually adopted its position. er, if it ever was. One highly signi- mittee on Academic Affairs cur-
er faculty seldom respond. Per- Recruiting. Here, too, faculty in- ficent casualty of these standard rently has "a significant role to
haps one reason is that service to volvement through committees practices is to be seen in the erod- play in decisions governing edu-
the University is not generally re- such as Student Relations a n d ing economic status of UM faculty cational policy made at the Uni-
:ognized as of high importance for SACUA to school and college fa- over the past five years and the versity"; 16 per cent said "no"
promotions, merit increases, or culties was continuing and critical widening disparities of faculty and 59 per cent said "don't know."
awards. (Are Distinguished Facul- SACUA took the issue to Senate compensation within and between Of the 97 respondents who had
;y awards ever giver primarily on Assembly on several occasions the various units. Since 1966 the been members of the Senate As-
the ground of such service?) Ano- SACUA +members monitored t h e administration has studiously sembly 28 per cent said "yes." 24
-her reason, of course, may be that disruptions, fought to keep lines heeded faculty advice that most per cent "no," and 48 per cent
younger faculty are ,less widely of communication openanden- funds for raises should be put into "don't know."
kon.f comm eicactionsen ad a non-taxable compenstion (fringe < c) These findings would seem.
known ahe.g.ed specific actions such as benefits). Nevertheless, overall fa- to indicate (i) a discrepancy be-
mi T e itflenotfery ell aknown the.-)Re valtopn. meetiulty com pensation has been per- tween general faculty expectations
aonmittees it not very well known (iii) Evaluation. mitted to deteriorate while certain and actual influence in this area,
among faculty. The work of com- : It would appear that while non-academic programs have (ii) a general lack of Committee
mittees advisory to the vice presi- SACUA and Senate Assembly flourished. This must not continue. visibility among faculty, and pos-
:ents, the Civil Liberties Board. members have had more influence 2 sibly (ii a lack of clear agree-
the two committees on research, in some crises than is generally. . e c e rstmxc. among facklty ar gree-c
And others occasionally gain no- known, this has grown out of in- (a) Ters deision-making functions in aca-
tice. Among the less her'aided, the formal relationships on the whole There has been practically
Senate By-Laws Committee has rather than out of formal prepared no faculty participation in t h e demic affairs require faculty par-
had considerable effect, in that it structures for faculty participa- selection of University executive ticipation and approval.
has not only served to draft Sen.. tion. officers over the past five to ten (d Most former members of the
as ny-o t ly svd o dadtenub d)Eei years, nor generally during Presi- Committee believe that its in-
ate by-laws but has also made sub- (d) Effectiveness dent Hatcher's tenure. fluence has been much less than
stantial recommendations on con- i) See the separate report on When one of the vice presidents is desirable, specifically that it
-;ent. (The Regents By-Laws con a questionnaire distributed in was selected, four names were pre- should have a mandate for con-
tain some of these by-laws as well. April, 1971 to former Senate As- sented to SACUA for advice only. tinuous review of a comprehensive
but the Senate committee isnot sembly members and a sample of SACUA's second choice was ap- set of issues and that its general
harged with working, on them.) other faculty (II.C and Appendix pointed. This was the closest role as reactor should be lessened
ommittees on the administration C, below). SACUA eve gotto participating and its role as initiator and co-
hasmusallyee n th ouadminitio (ii) Information gathered by the i such a decision. determiner increased. Some be-
has usually been through quiet, committee from relevant litera- The Ad Hoc Vice President lieve that had the Committee un-
behind-the-scenes action. ture on higher education, from Search Committee (for the Stu- detaken to exercise a larger role
(v) Faculty rarely call for re- questionnaires, interviews, and ex- dent Affairs position) was a long this would have been accepted by+
ports. The Economic Status re- amination of records, and from time forming, eventually had a the administration. It is also note-
port has been virtually the only personal experience compels sev- -faculty iember and a student as worthy that the Senate Assembly
one requested by faculty - espec- eral firm conclusions: co-chairmen and then got to work and SACUA have sometimes ne-
Tally in 1970, when the statistical (1) In few universities of com- In the end its results were abor- 1glected to discuss reports of the
part did not appear. - parable standing across the coun- tive. This committee presented five Committee, to arrange for wide-
(c) SACUA's Role in Crisis try, public or private, are t h e candidates, none chosen by Presi- spread discussion within the entire
Management areas of government'reserved for dent tFleming though he inter- faculty, to follow through on re-
(i) General Practice- faculty and in which faculty may viewed four. (The fifth would meet commendations accepted or to
During the past five years, which exert influence so great as at the for an interview with President press for additional staff support.
this report covers, the SACUA - University of Michigan. T h e Fleming only in public; Fleming 4. Economic Status of the Facul-
>ffice has had fairly good rapport creation of Senate Assembly and refused.) Finally the Regentsg ty Committee s h
with student activists, who have SACUA partly accounts for this agreed to form a group and have The Economic Status of the
incitedrmost of the "crises" that broader expanse of influence. Even Vice-President Newell and t h eFaculty Committee has tradition- -
have arisen. It has always served more substantial is theaUM tradi- students work it out together, re- ally directed its attention to fa-f
as a middle man between these tion of decentralized faculty con- suting in the appointment of the culty compensation averages at
people and University leaders.This - trol ovel academic affairs, present VicePresident for Student the University. It has then com-t
was partly because of SACUA's na- (2)Until quite recently, At h e Affairs, Robert L. Knauss. pared these average conditions to.
ture, partly because its adminis- overwhelming majority of faculty No faculty participation in oth- averages at other universities and l
trative assistant was interested In have not displayed the wish to er executive appointments has AAUP recommended averagesj
student relations, (She has since be involved in matters of govern- been discovered, apart from in- Looking only at averages, an out-
become Assistant toA the V i c e ance outside their departments formal consultations. sider might suppose that the Uni-
President for Student Affairs.) At They have accepted whatever ar- (b) In contrast, selection of UM versity of Michigan faculty is not
times d SACUA has chosen not to rangements their leaders h a v e deans has traditionally involved doing badly. In 1970-71 it enjoyedi
be involved in specific negotiations made to effect communication be- faculty (and, more recently, stu- the highest university salary lev- -
in order to preserve this mediat- tween faculty and administration, dent) participation in substantial els in Michigan. It remained with-
ing role. They have remained inert e v e n degree. !in the top three of the Big Ten! r
A telephone chain has b e e n when they did not privately agree (c) Prof. Marvin W. Peterson universities. It also stayed within
prepared, in recent years, so that with some of the decisions made. and others prepared a 24-page the top 40 of the United States,
Assembly members can be c o n- Generally faculty performance study for SACUA on School and though its relative position slipped
tacted immediately when a serious elsewhere has been similar. College Executive Committees in from 17th place in 1966-67 to 35th
outbreak occurs threatening con- (3> Often when individual fa- November of 1969. Part V of that in 1970-71.-
tact between students and police culty members complain that the study indicates sources of influ- Yet there appears to be much
to serve as monitors in the situa- faculty does not have influence ence on these committees with dissatisfaction among UM faculty 'l
tion. ,in University governonce, w h a t i respect to their various functions. with their present salary situa-
(ii) Sme Sample "Crises" they actually mean n is that they It is noteworthy that the deans tion. Why?s y I
The South University Outbreak. do not themselves have influence thought that the Vice President For one thing, the relative slip-
A faculty monitoring system was whereas others do. for Academic Affairs had greater page is alarming. During recent
formed at about 8:00 p.m. one (4) When the faculty has influence over the totality ofac- years increases in the cost of liv- I
evening that week. SACUA mit- screamed, particularly through its tivities carried out by the execu- ing have been surpassing average c
iated it and the administration representative institutions, it has tive committees than the deans raises in salary compensation.
agreed. Assembly members were got action from the administra- themselves or any ot er source.' Economic dissatisfaction stems t
, ay n irinasuifn+ ,n so m e instances even a - No i r m o n s g v inh-md i u l ,w e , n t
sation, not afterward.
A thoroughgoing examination of
this committee's work from 1956
to 1970 was prepared for the pre-
sent report. This study has
brought forth the following in-
formation, the details of which
are presented in Appendix B.
(a) CESF goals have shifted
from year to year. Its major ef-
-fort, however, has consistently
been to help gather data and to
orfer advice to the administration
on faculty compensation.
Throughout the fifteen year per-
iod, CESF reports have consist-
ed almost entirely of statistics on
salary and fringe benefits, ob-
tained from the Office of S t a f f
Benefits and of Institutional Re-
search or their equivalents, with
extrapolations and explanations by
expert members, usually the chair-
men. Rarely has the Committee
made recommendations, and it was
seldom asked to. Some f o r m e r
members assert that CESF parti-
cipated in a form of collective
bargaining on some issues, not-
ably on fringe benefits and on
raising the comparative standing
of particular ranks. Others hold
the opinion that even when this
took place the advice given w a s
that sought by the administration.
sometimes to reinforce decisions
already taken.
(b) This basic uncertainty as
to function is echoed in respons-
es to a questionnaire answered by
a representative faculty sample.
Of 256 faculty members polled, 25
per cent thought the Committee
has "significant influence on de-
cisions affecting faculty remun-
eration," 35 per cent said "no,"
b9 per cent said "don't know."
Among the 97 former Senate As-
sembly members within the sam-
ple 35 per cent said "yes."
(c) The advice does not yield
a clear indication of whether. the
Committee's influence has been
decisive as compared with the
pressures of market conditions and
other economic realities. Former
Committee members have adduced
the lack of definite mandates, lack
of formal mechanisms for discus-
sion and implementation of its re-
ports, and lack of sufficient clout
with administration among the
chief causes of uncertainty and
frustration concerning the Com-
mittee's work. Some have stated
that the Committee shouldebe con-
stituted to make firm recommen-
dations, with means available for
obtaining general faculty discus-
sion and support, and that it
should assume functions similar to
but short of the legal provisions
for collective bargaining.
5. Resource Allocation; Campus
Planning and Development
(a) Campus Planning and De-
velopment Committee
(i) In all, 40 professors have
served on the Campus Planning-
and Development Committee from
1960-61 to 1970-71, their terms
totaling 93 man-years. In 1964-
65 and 1965-66 this was called the
"Business and Finance Commit-
tee.' Since 1964 it has served as
Advisory Committee to the Vice
President in charge of Business
and Fin~ane
(b) Budgeting and Resource * * *
Robben Fleming before he became -
President; they talked about bud- "I. Composition
geting procedures, especially about A. This commission shall be
faculty participation in establish- composed of 12 members appoint-
ing priorities. Mr. Fleming said at ed by the President. The member-
that time that he would be glad ship shall include: 3 executive of-
to have faculty input. SACUA I ficers: 3 members selected from
members, two or three at a time, a panel of 6 nominated by the
sat in on some budgeting discus- Academic Affairs Advisory Coun-
sions as observers in 1969-70, re- cil; 3 faculty selected from a panel
sponded to some questions, and in- of 6 nominated S.G.C. The faculty
dicated what needed special sup- panel must contain representation
port (e.g., supportive services for from at least four schools or col-
blacks and other minority stu- leges; the student panel must con-
dents, this before the BAM tain representatives from at least
strike) . According to former four schools or colleges and at
SACUA chairman, Joseph Payne. least two from graduate or pro-
the main question for SACUA peo- fessional schools. All appoint-'
ple at that time was: How could ments shall be for a period of two
,faculty be organized to provide years. The commission shall select'
significant input?' its own chairman and vice chair-I
Already in September of 1964, man.
at the time when a proposed new [The following replacement for
Senate Assembly structure w a s the first sentence was approved by
under consideration, a statement SACUA on June 22, 1970: "This
was made calling for faculty par- -commission shall be composed of
ticipation in development of the 12 members appointed by the'
general University budget. On President. The membership shall
May 18, 1970, Claude Eggertsen re- include: 2 executive officers: 2
minded the Assembly that this members selected from a panel of
had been one of the principal rea- 4 nominated by the Academic Af-
sons for its founding. (As noted fairs Advisory Council: 4 faculty;
above, a Campus Planning and selected from a panel of 6 nom-
Development Committee had been hated by the Senate Assembly:
in existence for many years but, and 4 students selected from a
for reasons yet to be established, panel of 6 nominated by SGC."
it had not been able to serve this "II. Powers
broader function. Senate members A. The Commission is charged
continued to feel a lack of faculty to study and make recommenda-
involvement in setting University tos:()nthprriy seting
by SACUA and elected by t h e
Senate Assembly.
The Senate Advisory Review
Committee would hear such con-
plaints or protests as could not
be resolved in contact with the
administration of the faculty
member's unit, except in cases
where the whole faculty of the
unit had disposed of it. Other
provisions regarding the review
process and the jurjsdictional
scope of the procedures are spell-
ed out in the adopted report. For
convenience, the latter are cited
here in full:
"1. The procedures herein pre-
scribed (both representational and
advisory review) shall be available
only to members of the Univer-
sity Senate engaged in teaching
in a regentally recognized teaching
"2. These procedures shall be
available with respect to com-
plaints and protests including,
without limitation, those that al-
lege (a) improper denial of re-
appointment, promotion, or ten-
ure, (b) discriminatory treatment
within a teaching unit, including
gross and continuing discrimina-
tion with respect to salary in-
creases or allocation ,"of teaching
assignments or other work loads,
(c) unfair, unreasonable, or other-
wise improper unit rules or regu-
lations, and (d) violation by the
unit administration of depart-
mental, college, school, or Uni-
versity rules and procedures.
"3. These procedures shall' not
be available with respect to (a)
matters within the jurisdiction of.
the regentally approved Senate As-
sembly Committee on Tenure; (b)
matters concerning relations- (in-
cluding salary relationships) be-
tween teaching units, schools, br
colleges: (c) matters concerning
relationships between the Univer-
sity administration and any con-
stituent unit of the University; (d)
matters concerning problems be-
tween persons other than inem-
bers of the University 'Senate in
relation to their University c oi--
leagues and administrators."
Members of the'first Senate Ad-
visory Review Committee: Frank
Kennedy (Law), chairman; Paul
Rasmussen (LSA), vice chairman;
Gerald Brown (LSA), Raymond
Canale (Engineering), Morton Cox
(Medical), Nelson Hauenstein
(Music). Ann Hungerman (Educa-
budgeting policies or allocations andt budget making
either from year to year or over!throughout the university;
the long run.) the current and projected
At the May 18, 1970 meeting of
Senate Assembly the following re-
solutions were introduced. (The
matter had been tabled during a
special March meeting.)
"1. The Assembly urges the
President to establish a Resource
Allocation Commission and re-
commends the attached plan.
SACUA is charged with handling
the negotiations concerning t h e
details of this plan and shall re-
port to the Assembly any changes
made at the time when it submits
nominations for faculty members
of the Commission.
"2. The Assembly urges there
be greater faculty involvement at
the school and college level, and
that faculty members attend bud-
get meetings with their depart-
ment chairman, deans, and the
vice president for Academic Af-
The resolutions and the append-
ed plan (set forth at the end of
this section) were both approved.
According to Gerhard Wein-
berg's presentation to Senate As-
sembly, the proposal finally adopt-
ed stemmed in part from discus-_
sions at the March meeting and in
part from special SACUA meet-I
ings with the Budget Committee
and with Mr. Fleming, the deans.I
and members of SGC. The provis-
ion to include 6 administrators on
the Resource Allocation Commis-
sion, 3 faculty, and 3 students,
was modified at the June 22 meet-
tion of resources; and
means for allowing the
sity community to be bet
formed on budgetary mat
B. The commission may
recommendations to the Pr
issue study reports to the
' Assembly and to the Un
community, and shall sub
annual report to the Presid
submission to the Regents
C. The commission shal
recommendations by the sp
1972 on the continued op
composition, structure, an
tion of the commission.
D. The commission may
lish consultive groups and
ing groups including both
bers and non-membersc
commission. The commiss
any of its working group
hold hearings on designa
. The commission may
lish its own operating pro
"TII. Information and£
A. The commission shallk
vided with information as
by the Office of Institution
search. Office of Academ
fairs. Office of ResearchA
istration. Office of Planning
get Committee, and other t
situ units.
B. The commission shallt
vided with staff assistan
needed by the Office of the
6 Faculty Grievance Pro
(2) on
(3) on
ter in-
y make
mit an
lent for
1 make
)ring of
d func-
of the
sion or
as may
ted is-
be pro-
ial Re-
ic Af-
g. Bud-
be pro-
nce as;
tion), Harold Johnson (S o c i a l
Work), Richard Judge (Medical),
'John Kolars (LSA), Alice Mars-
den (Nursing), Pauline Sherman
(Engineering). As of early April
in the first year, the committee
had heard six formal cases 'a n d
handled about six informal inquir-
ies. Five of the /formal cases in-
volved status, having to do with
T salary, rank, or both, andi were
related to promotion. A sixth had
to do with parking prIvileges. 'The
chairman reported -, ..,that ,. he
thought the committee had been
of help.
7. University Relations; Role of
the University in the Stte of
The years 1959-1965 were -pos-
Qible the' most active peiiod of
faculty involvement in interpret-
ing University needs to Lansing,
and even this produced meager ac-
tivity with little effect. According
to journalism Professor Ben L.
Yablonky, Senate Assembly secre-
tary from 1965-1971 and exper-
ienced University Relations Com-
mittee member, the University Re-
lations Committee talked with
Senator Bursley and other repre-
sentatives a few times. Such in-
formal discussions were about all
that the committee ever managed
to do in an active way.
There was opportunity for a new
beginning with the appointment of
-Vice President, Ross, then of his
successor Fedele Fauri as Vice
President for State Relations- and
Planning. So far, however, there
has been no definite " regular
faculty participation in ,t is area.
Possibly the nearest thing to it
was a luncheon of some SACUA
people with state legislators Burs-
ley and Smit, where faculty views
were presented on University com-
mitments arising frorn. the Black
Action Movement settlement.
Current members of the .Com-
mittee on the Proper Role of -the
University of Michigan in the Ed-
ucational System of the -State -re-
port growing faculty involvement
in the affairs of this vice presiden-
tial office. Their present exper-
ience leads them to expect much
greater participation of faculty
than in the past, not only in an
advisory role but in a decision-
making capacity as well. One sign
of more aggressive faculty partici-
pa tion is a 33-page essay forward-
ed by the committee in ,March,
1971. This essay covered the fol-
lowing topics in some detail: pre-
sent strength of the faculty, suc-
cess of the instructional pro'gram.
research efforts. success of the in-
structional program. research ef-
forts. service to the cominunity
and state, and cooperation with
other ins' ructions. Another is the
25-page report on the Planning
Conference of February 24-25,
1971, arranged by the committee
and attended by 30 representatives
of SACUA and Senate Assembly
uliu r u~aic.g A Ah eon January 2Q, 1969, the Senate
(ii) How have the various ; ing of SACUA, so that the presi- IAsml istuedSCAa
scol Holhavethenvr s dentally-appointed commission Assembly istructed SACUA as
schools and colleges been repre- would be composed of 2 executive follows:
sented over this eleven-year per- officers, 2 selected from nominees That SACUA study the possibil-
iod? L.S.A. has 9 on the roster of the Academic Affairs Advisory ity of setting up. an "appeals com-i
(20 man-years), Engineering 8 (19 Council (deans), 4 faculty, and 4 mittee" and also study the pos-
man_-year), Architecture 4 (14 12 1students. As reported in a com- sibility of amalgamating the CLB.
man-years), Business Administra-'munication from SACUA chairman the Tenure Committee and an Ap-
tion 5 (9man-years), Medical' Robert L. Knauss to Mr. Fleming peals Committee into one commit-
School 4 (82 man-years), Edu-Ion June 24, 1970, this represented tee. SACUA should come back to
cation 3 (6 man-years), Public a "compromise" worked out in re- the Assembly with firm recom-
iealth 2 (52 man-years), Music sponse to a request from SGC be- mendations.
2 (6 man-years). Dental School 2tween some members of SGC, SACUA subsequently appointed
(4 man-years), Natural Resources SACUA, the Academic Affairs Ad- an Ad Hoc Appeals Committee.
1 ,2 man-year). In 1963 Peter visory Council and the Executive Charles M. Rehmus (Political Sci-
Ostafin, Assistant to the V i ce e!Officers. Senatenmembers hadt ence), chairman. Other members:;
President for Student Affairs, was already questioned the wisdom of Edward S. Bordin (Psychology)
also a member. having half the Commission's James I. Doi (Education), Arthur
Representation from Ernineer- membership made up of adminis- J. Schwartz (Mathematics),Rus-
ing, , Bus, Ad., and Medical taos sell A. Smith (Law). Daniel T.
comprises 21 of the 40 professors -rSnyder (Dental School), and An-
and 51 of the 93 man-years. Of Minutes of the Senate Assembly drew J. Zweifler (Medical School)
he 8 men who have served as discussion show a divergence of !The Committee's procedure was to
chairmen 2 come from Engineer- interpretation as to the actual consider what would make sense
ing, 2 from Public Health, and 1 mandate of this Commission. Was 'within the University of Michigan
each from A&D, Nat. Resources,' its task to be primarily that of structure and then to seek agree-
Bus. Ad. (3 years) and L.S.A. (3 sharing views and information? ment. It did not attempt to do
years . Was it to participate in forming 'research on grievance procedure
It is not deemed necessary to policy? How detailed would be its .elsewhere. Its report was made
nclude a detailed summary of this study on priority-setting, budget- to the Senate Assembly and was
ommittee's work here. Certain making process, current and pro- considered over a six-month per-
nteresting features, however, are jected allocation of resources, and iod.
hared with other committees: (i) information distributed to the, On December 15. 1969. the re-
ts position has been almost en- University community on budge- port was adopted with two chang-
irely advisory. (ii) The actual. tary matters? How much of an es. One change deleted an explicit
planning has been done and the influence are its recommendations reference to AAUP policies The
elevant data provided by the ad- to the President and the Regents other was a brief amendment on
t. . . .-. _ .IZ !I '__ - . ___. __ _ _ 1 -..._ _ - 1, - . -11 1 -, , 4.1-
cale asked it they and friends 'tion. In some instances even a! No information is given in the from individuals, however, not
would appear to help quiet things grumble of complaint sufficed. Peterson study as to procedures from averages. What ESFC re-
down and to observe police action. (5) Over the past ten years, the for selecting executive officers ports have not shown is the rela-
About 125 faculty reportedly show- faculty has taken a strong stand above the school or college level. tive economic condition of individ-
ed up. No formal monitoring sys- on only a few issues affecting uni- 3. Academic Affairs Committee uals. It is not widely known that
tem exists, but the administrative versity-wide policy. Three factors! Not counting members and I within the professorial ranks some
assistant prepared a telephone have been primarily responsible chairmen of sub-committees, 54 individuals are paid less than $10,-
chain list each year so that Sen- for this weak showing. Their com- professors served on the Academic 000 per year and others more than
ate Assembly members- could be parative weight is difficult to as- Affairs Committee from 1960-61 $34.000. It is not advertised that
quickly contacted, certain., but each has been of chief to 1970-71, their terms totaling when a general "across the board"
The Bookstore Incident. SACUA importance at one time or ano-'9712 man-years. Until 1968-69 this pay raise of 6 per cent is announc-
did not come into this until af- ther: (i) There were the general was called the "Educational Poli- ed some faculty will get less than
ter arrests were made. The beliefs that faculty institutions did cies Committee." Since 1964-65 it a 1 per cent raise.
SACUA chairman, Joseph Payne, not have a sufficient share of au- has served as an Advisory Com- - P r e s e n t administrative and
called the administration ahot t;hnrity to make anv martrdi 1m- min;+-n +-1n m. i .npap- .4- -r . .-- --,
- f
t 3