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February 24, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-24

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Partly cloudy,
not so cold

Vol. LXXXII, No. 1 14

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 24, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Ten Cents

Te _a e



Chou hold

bail fr(




more private talks




-Associated Press
PRESIDENT NIXON helps Premier Chou En-lai with his coat
before the start of meetings yesterday,
Chou may present
Willams pettions
Chinese Premier Chou En-lai may present President Rich-
ard Nixon with a set of petitions calling for the exoneration
of American black militant Robert Williams, according to
a spokesman for the Robert Williams Legal Defense Fund.
Steven Fleck, a member of the organization said Chou
would present Nixon with a petition from the Japanese Com-
mittee for the Defense of Robert Williams.
The petition's 10,000 signers include 51 Japanese National
Diet members, as well as many religious and academic leaders.
The petition asks Nixon to free Williams from a 10-year
old kidnaping charge that came out of a racial incident in
Monroe, N. C., and also from a contempt citation leveled at

PEKING (--President Nixon
and Premier Chou En-lai held
another long session yesterday,
and" more friendly Chinese
overtures lent hope that the
leaders are charting ways for
improving relations.
However, no word of what is
under discussion has come from
behind the closed doors. But it
seemed certain they were covering
ideas for cultural and scientific
exchanges, a Nixon goal, and per-
haps had discussed Vietnam.
However, no one expects the
C h i n e s e to compromise their
stated opposition to Nixon's peace
plan for Indochina. Chou made
clear before the President arrived
in China that the plan was un-
Before the opening of the sec-
ond four-hour meeting in as many
days, Chou indicated some Ameri-
can correspondents could stay on
for a look at China after Nixon
leaves next week.
After the meeting, Chou es-
corted the Nions to a sports show
at Capital Stadium and about 18,-
000 waiting Chinese applauded as
the presidential party entered. At
the gymnasium. Nixon was seen
by the largest live audience since
he arrived Monday. This added to
his public exposure. already un-
derscored by the People's Daily
when it gave great attention to the
first accounts of his visit.
Another gesture regarded as
friendly was that the day's meet-
ing between Nixon and Chou was
held at the guest house where the
Nixons are staying. The two pre-
vious sessions had been held in
the Great Hall of the People.
Once again the opening was
friendly. Nixon and Chou laughed
and joked. Before the doors closed,
Chou told the waiting reporters.
"If the press wants to see any
more places, they can apply to the
Department of Information. You
don't have much time here."
Henry Kissinger, the president's
n a t io nal security adviser, was
again present when Nixon met
Chou yesterday. Chou was ac-
companied by Chao Kuan - hua.
vice minister of foreign affairs
and several other foreign affairs
The North Vietnamese appear
to be fairly sure that Chinese of-
ficials will stand firm on the Indo-
china question in their opposition
to the Nixon peace plan.
Possibly reflecting Hanoi's cer-
tainty on this, George Wald, a
Harvard anti-war professor, said
in Hong Kong on his arrival yes-
terday from North Vietnam: "I
think the Chinese are going to
hold the line on Vietnam." But
Wald added that the North Viet-
namese "have had the same feel-
ing of uneasiness as the American
peace movement in the past few
months about which way China
might go."
For the second day, Secretary of
State William Rogers met with
Foreign Minister Chi Peng-fei.
The evening was turned over to
elaxato tCapitalrStaium-
With the Nixons were Rogers,
Kissinger, White House press sec-
retary Ronald Ziegler, and two
Chinese women officials.
The President's trip to China is
costing taxpayers at least $300,-
000 for transportation alone. Total
costs could be several times that
But the cost to the taxpayers is
dwarfed by the multimillion-dol-
lar outlays being made by the tele-
vision networks and other news
organizations to provide coverage
of the President's trip. Media ex-
penses include, for example, 10
cents a word for dispatches trans-
mitted from China.

La rge bondfigure
posted by supporters
SAN JOSE, Calif. e---Black Communist Angela Davis Was
freed on $102,500 bail last night after being imprisoned for 16
months while awaiting trial on charges of conspiracy, kidnap
and murder.
Davis, beaming broadly and waving to some 75 supporters
who turned out in a drizzling rain to see, her released, sped
off in a waiting car without talking to reporters.
She was released after Superior Court Judge Richard
Aranson ruled yesterday that she could be freed on bail. Aran-
son also ruled that her trial would open on Monday as
The order granting bail provides that Davis report once
a week to the adult probation department in Santa Clara
County, prohibits her from ------
traveling outside the six coun- ir
ties of the San Francisco Bay Fires hit
area without court permission:
and forbids her from traveling
by airplane. 0
She is also prohibited from pos-
cecsing firearms or attending pub-
lic rallies or meetings without
permission, and she must observe c ie r son
a ban issued in Dec. 1970, on pre- arson
A1 publicity in the yase. Five separate fires in the Physics
A defense attorney said the or- and Astronomy Bldg. yesterday
der requires Davis to live in Santa caused minor damage and resulted
C ara County. in a stepped-up search for a pos-
Davis. 28. was incarcerated over sible arsonist.
a year ago for her alleged involve-
ment in the Soledad Brothers in- Fire officials said four of the
cident in the Main County Court- fires were set in the men's rooms
house, in which several persons on the first, second, eighth and
including a judge, were killed. ninth floors. The fifth fire, poten-
She is accused of furnishing four tially the most dangerous, was set
guns used in the shooting. in an open space in the building's
The decision to free"Davis on basement, with a cardboard box
bail was made earlier vysterday in of fluorescent lights catching fire
a hearing in Aranson's chambers and scorching the walls.
Moore Jr.. left the hearing and. Four of the blazes were extin-
told reporters andabout 100 Davis guished by building empployes while
supporters, "We got what we came Russell Downing, chief of Univer-
for." sity security, doused the fire in the
The group responded with a basement.,
loud cheer and Moore departed. Firemen said that in each of the
saying he was going to prepare men's room fires, paper towels
necessary legal papers. were used to set'the blazes.
The defense won the hearing on The fires brought to 30 the num-
bail on the grounds that the Cali- ber of suspected cases of arson on
fornia Supreme Court last week the campus since Jan.. 27. Thus
ruled the death penalty unconsti- far, at least four dorms have been
tutional. Under state law, capital hit, and damage is estimated. at
crimes such as murder have been over $5,000.

-Associated P
ANGELA DAVIS raises a clenched fist as she leav es the Santa Clara County Prison yesterday. Da
was released on $102,500 bail after the judge in the trial had considered the recent California
preme Court decision to abolish the state's death penalty.
Gov. signs primary bi
major ho pefulIs to run


him last year by the Senate-
Internal Security Committee
during testimony.
Earlier this month Williams,
who now lives in Detroit, com-
mented that the Senate commit-
tee, which has not persued the
contempt charges, was trying to
make it look like it was "giving
him a break because he hadsold
"Actually," Williams claimed.!
"the citation was tm omrarili

issue causes
job walkout

y Non-professional employes of the
dropped because of the interna- Commission, on Professional and
tional pressure represented by the Hospital Activities (CPHA) walked
Japanese request to Chou." . off their jobs yesterday in a con-
Williams spent several years in tract dispute
China after the incident that lead tatdsue
to the kidnaping charge and was CPHA is a nonprofit organiza-
a consultant last year at the Uni- tion providing computer analysis
versity's Center f or Chinese Stud- services to about 1,600 U.S. hos-
ies. He said he thought that the pitals.
request concerning the presenta- The firm's 170 keypunch oper-
tion of the petitions could put ators, mailroom and clerical work-
Chou and especially Nixon in an ers voted last fall for representa-
embarrassing situation. tion by Local 157 of the United
"It could be embarrassing for Auto Workers union. According to
Chou," Williams said, "because he strikers, the company's manage-
would either have to risk alienat- ment refused to recognize any
ing Nixon or be accused of not union affiliations.
supporting a man he sheltered The strikers picketed in front
previously. It would be embarras- Of the entrance to the plant. Pro-
sing for Nixon because he is prob- fessional emplcyes, who continued
ably going to ask China to free working, were escorted into the
some of her American prisoners building by police.
and might be forced to make Strikers claimed they were "ha-
something that 1 o o k e d like a rassed" by police, with patrol cars
trade." See STRIKE, Page 10

By The Associated Press
Gov. William Milliken signed
into law yesterday the bill es-
tablishing a May 16 presidential
preference primary in Michigan.
All of the leading candidates
have expressed their intention to
enter the primary. Definitely
planning to enter the Michigan
contest are Democratic senators
Edmund Muskie of Maine, Hu-
bert Humphrey of Minnesota,
and George McGovern of South
Dakota, as well as Alabama
Gov. George Wallace and Rep.
Shirley Chisholm of New York.
President Nixon's name is ex-
pected to appear on the Repub-
lican ballot.
Meanwhile, an aide to Milliken
said yesterdaythat the Presi-
dent has indicated he will prob-
ably visit Michigan at leastonce
during this fall's presidential
campaign. The indication came
in a letter Nixon wrote to the
governor Feb. 2.
A number of dark horses in
the presidential race say they
will decide whether to enter the
state primary after considering
the outcome of earlier primaries.
Democratic mayors John Lind-
say of New York City and Sam
Yorty of Los Angeles, as well
as senators Vance Hartke of In-
diana and Henry Jackson of
Washington are all uncommitted
on the primary. Representatives
Paul McCloskey (R-Calif.) and
John Ashbrook (R-Ohio) are also

Sen. McGovern

uncertain of their plans.
Former Senator Eugene Mc-
Carthy is undecided on the rac,
However, Muskie's Michigan
campaign manager Sander Levin
said the Maine senator will en-
ter the contest and expects to do
Wallace looms as the big un-
known in the primary and may
provide much of its excitement.
With opposition to school busing
for integration running high in
the state and with Wallace rep-
resenting a hard line against
busing, the Alabama governor is


suffer from case

Sen. Humphrey
expected to make a signifi
State party Chairman Ja
McNeely has predicted Wal
may gather 25 per cent of
Svote, and Wallace aides sayt
think that estimate mat(
their expectation.
A Wallace aide said 25
cent could be enough to wi
enough candidates split the f
Michigan's 132 - member1
gation to the Democratic
tional convention will be div
in proportion to the votesc
didates receive in the prima
The United Auto Workers un
a staunch ally of Humphre
previous years, is becoming
creasingly committed to Mu
The Maine senator has the
mal endorsement of the uni
Michigan Community Action1
gram and personal endorsem(
from President Leonard W(
cock and several internati(
vice presidents.
M. David Vaughn, acting h
of McGovern's Michigan c
paign, said: "We feel the N
structure of the election will
us a strong opportunity to b
and demonstrate Sen. McC
ern's grass roots support."
Rep. Chisholm's administra
assistant said she would c
paign in several areas of

nonbailable offenses.
State Assistant Atty. Gen. Al-
bert Harris told reporters that the
prosecution agreed Davis would be
eligible for bail if the high court
decision stood.
In no case. Harris argued, should
Davis be freed before the decision
became final in 30 days.
'He said that the attorney gen-
eral's office plans to ask the Su-
preme Court to rehear its capital
punishment decision filed last Fri-
Asked how Aranson responded
to the prosecution argument, Har-
ris said: "He feels no good pur-
pose will be served by delay."
"I think what he Is doing is
contrary to law," Harris said, but
he added that the state plans no
cant appeal.
Bailbondsman Steve Sparacino
lm's of San Jose posted a $100,000 sur-
Rlace ety bond. He would not disclose
the who put up the collateral but chief
they defense counsel Howard Moore Jr.
aches said it was supplied by the McAfee
Family Cooperative in Fresno,
per Calif.
in if Stephanie Allan, press represen-
ield. tative for the National United
lele- Committee to Free Angela Davis,
na- announced that Davis would hold
ided a news conference this afternoon
can- in San Jose.
ry. Sparacino said Moore contacted
nion, him two weeks ago about the pos-
y in sibility of posting a bond and he
in- See DAVIS, Page 10

Green is the color of hope;
ironically, a pale shade of it
coats the cement-block walls of
the county jail's visiting rooms
and administrative offices. A
vigilant television camera keeps
an eye peeled on the water foun-
tain near the door.
"You know, it's really cold-

scheduled, finally, 'to go
According to Sheriff's
Kenneth Schulz, chief tu
the aging and overcrowx
on Ann St., at least 11
125 prisoners now inca
in the jail are not servi
for committing any crim
are waiting to be tried
to meet bond.

more days to
register for
city election
Time is running out for city
voter registration. If you will
be 18 by March 3, will have
been in the city for one month
by April 3 and have not voted
in another state after Oct. 3,
1971, you are eligible to register
to vote here. Registration is at
City Hall, 10-5 weekdays, or
anytime you find an open tem-
porary registration site. "USE
Ann Arbor police, along with :t
the Ann Arbor arson squad and
an aide from the state fire mar-
shall's office, joined in the hunt
for possible arsonists.
In past weeks the fires have
struck the general library, the un-
dergraduate library, West Quad,
South Quad, Betsy Barbour, the
Student Activities Bldg., and the
Administration Bldg., among other
Thus far, local police and fire
officials have declined to comment
on possible leads in the suspected
arson cases.

to trial circuit is supposed to add one
more judge next January. Until
Captain then, Conlin and his two col-
rnkey at leagues on the circuit bench fear
ded jail that the backlog will increase.
d0 of the Dozens of interviews conduct-
0rerated ed by The Daily this month leave
ing time the impression that jurists, po-
ne; they ticemen, attorneys, prosecutors
, unable and the accused criminals them-
ua l esa te accusd iinal tem


Re vised school, busing
amendment proposed
Mike Mansfield, (D-Mont.), and
Hugh Scott (R-Pa.), the majority
and minority ,leaders, unveiled a
compromise school busing amend-
ment yesterday in an effort to
defuse the bitter Senate dispute
over the issue.
They won out in a parliamen-
tary scramble for position so that ;: 3:


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