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January 13, 1972 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1972-01-13

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John Sinclair, founder of the radical
White Panther Party (now Rainbow
People's Party) who had been serving a
nine and a half to ten year sentence
for possession of two marijuana cig-
arettes, was released from jail Decem-
ber 13 on $2,500 bond pending appeal.
The bond grant, ordered by the state
Supreme Court, came shortly before
Governor William Milliken signed into
law the new drug bill reducing penal-
ties for use, possession and sale of
marijuana. The bill, which had been
passed earlier last month by both the
state House and. the state Senate, re-
duces the penalty for use of marijuana
to a misdemeanor with a maximum
penalty of a 90-day jail sentence and
a $100 fine.
Possession of less than two ounces,

leaves jail,
under the new law, carries a maximum and federal
penalty of one year in jail plus a $1,000 imprisonmen
fine, and is also considered a misde- recent petit
meanor. nied in fede
Sinclair, convicted under the old law before theE
which provided a nine and a half to .
ten year maximum penalty for pos- Sinclair has
session of marijuana, has already served tence is a
two and a half years of his sentence - ment, and b
far above the maximum penalty stipu- tinual rejec
lated by the new law. on his polit
Lawyers for Sinclair feel that his re- I
lease on bond came as a result of the Inir additi
new law since it came by an independ- clair attribu
ent order initiated by the State Supreme ance of ov
Court judges - the same judges who Freedom Ra
had twice rejected a request for bond before the
submitted on behalf of Sinclair by his Still pend
lawyers. appeal of th
The bond order comes after seven re- itself. Sincl
quests for appeal bond in both state Ravitz said

free on


courts by Sinclair since his
nt in July 1969. The most
ion for bond had been de-
ral district court three days
Supreme Court order.
s four years of court battles
s contended that his sen-
cruel and unusual punish-
both the sentence and con-
tions for bond were based
ical beliefs.
n, supporters of John Sin-
te his release to the attend-
er 15,000 at the Free John
lly in Ann Arbor three days
bond order.
ing before the court is the
ie conviction and sentencing
air's defense attorney Chuck
shortly after the bond was

granted that the court will probably
now just "sit on the case and leave
the onus on the governor."
This is true, he explained, "because
the new law calls on the governor to
review all existing sentences resulting
from drug cases for possible commuta-
"The order granting bond leaves one
with, the impression," said Ravitz, "that
the court will defer any judgement. As
a matter of law they are obliged to rule,
but it won't be soon."
But Ravitz adds the order indicates
that "John won't be going back."
"At the very least, I think it's a pre-
lude to our not getting beat. And by
the 6 to 1 vote on the bond order it is
apparent that at least six judges think
he should be out."
See SINCLAIR, Page 2

-Courtesy of the Ann Arbor Sun
JOHN SINCLAIR greets his two children upon his release from prison.

1971: MAKING
See Editorial Page

Sir tgx


Cloudy and windy,
chance of light snow


Vol. LXXXII, No. 78

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 13, 1972

Free Issue

Twelve Pages






curb on

rU' Cellar revoked

Frederick Davids
Campus police.
plan submitted

Students buying c o u r s e
books at University Cellar, the
student-run non-profit book-
store, no longer enjoy a four
per cent sales tax exemption.
A bill removing the tax-exempt'
status of school books sold at
bookstores operated by educational
institutions was passed last month
by the State Legislature.
Estimates from a variety of
sources show that the tax will add
an additional four to six dollars
in yearly cost to students who buy
their books at U. Cellar.
Dennis Webster, manager of the
Cellar said that there were no
present plans to increase the dis-
count on books. "We can't afford
to absorb a four per cent tax. He
added that a 15 per cent discount
on supplies and a five per cent
discount on all books would con-
The bill underwent considerable
surgery before emerging in a final
approved form December 14. The
net increase in revenue to the
state is expected to be approxi-
mately $300,000.
Ironically, the original intent of;
the bill proposed by Rep. Douglas
Trezise (R-Owosso) was far re-
moved from the final version ap-
proved. The bill, as first proposed.
would simply have reinstated a tax
exemption for volunteer ambu-
lance services buying equipment.
The textbook tax amendment was-
offered during committee discus-,
sion. According to Sen. William
Ballenger (R-Ovid), "the ambu-
lance ouestion became a pawn in
the power struggle over the text-
book issue."
According to Senate sources
most legislators accepted the phil-
osophy of bringing about equity
between private and institutional
bookstore salesatax burdens.mBut
they could not agree on the meth-
od of achieving equity.
At one time, the Senate voted to
simply abolish the taxsacross the
board. The House refused to ac-
cept that vote and after lengthyI
debate, the present bill was passed.
As Ballenger explained, "It be-
came a question of whether the
Legislature, cognizant of a very
tight budget. would gain revenue
or lose it. They voted for the extra
Those who opposed the bill cited
misplaced priority. Sen. John De-
maso (R-Battle Creek), chairman
of the Senate tax committee said.
See CELLAR, Page 2

Tenants Union confronts Mayor Harris
Tenants' Union member Rusty Lavelle reads a statement to Mayor Robert Harris after members
interrupted the mayor's meeting with the Chairman of the Board of Realtors. The group demanded
that meetings involving landlord rent freeze violations be open, and that landlords open their books
to tenant inspection when illegal rent increases were suspected. Harris termed the group's action a
"publicity stunt."

Frederick Davids, the Univer-
sity's Department of Safety direc-
tor, outlined a model to the Re-
gents last month for the estab-
lishment of a separate police force
for the University.
The proposal comes in the wake
of a drastic reduction of payments
frqm the state to the University
for police and fire protection.
During the last fiscal year, the
University received approximate-
ly $1.1 million from the state spe-
cifically for payment to the city
for these services.
The state budget this year ear-
marked only $350,000 for these
purposes, and state officials have
indicated that there -will be no
such allocation for the next fis-
cal year.
Because the cutback of Univer-
sity funds adds to the city's al-
ready serious budget problems.
University officials feel that they
may no longer be able to rely on
city police protection. Thus, there
is a good possibility that a Uni-

for industry
Senate Assembly's Research Policies Committee (RPC)
has completed a report calling for sanctions on restricted
access proprietary research.
The report was recently delivered to the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) for consideration.
After consideration by SACUA, the faculty executive com-
mittee, the report's proposals will be considered by the faculty
representative body, Senate Assembly. If it passes the assem-
bly, it will then be submittedt

versity police department will be-
come necessary.
Under David's proposal, a cam-
pus police force of about 35 mem-
bers would be directed by the new
University Department of Pub-
lic Safety.
They would be trained by an of-
ficial state training agency, and
have privileges and salaries com-
parable to city police officers-
including the power to arrest and
carry firearms.
In addition, Davids said, the
force would respond to calls to
assist students and staff, aid the
city police department, and en-
force parking regulations. Em-
phasis would be placed upon try-
ing to curb theft and assaults on
Davids recommended the force
obtain authority from the city po-
lice department, although it could
also derive authority from the
county or the state. This would
"insure the complimentary re-
lationship of the city and the pro-
See CITY, Page 9


HEW may investigate


to the Regents along with the
recently passed Assembly res-
olution which seeks to restrict
federal classified research.
Proprietary research is research
done for corporations, as opposed
to federally funded classified re-
search. Results of proprietary re-
search, however, are often also re-
The recently passed assembly
resolution on federal classified re-
search calls for the University not
to enter into or renew federal
grants or contracts which restrict
the publication of the results of
The proposal was to be consid-
ered by the Regents in Decem-
ber, but was stalled as opponents
of the measure called it incom-
plete because it contained no men-
tion of proprietary research.
Backers of the classified re-
search resolution fear that inclu-
sion of the proprietary research
issue; in the final proposal pre-
sented to the Regents would re-
sult in final passage of weakened
restrictions on classified research.
They argue that since much
proprietary research is done at the
University, so any proposal severe-
ly limiting both proprietary and
classified research would be un-
acceptable to the Regents.
They also claim that classified
and proprietary research are two
different issues. Assembly member
Leslie Kish, long an opponent of
classified research, said a delay of
Regental action on the classified
research proposal due to the pro-
prietary research issue "could be
disastrous" for the measure.
SACUA Chairman Warren Nor-
man said he expects that the final
report as revised by SACUA will
contain basically the original pro-
posal on classified research, with
additional clauses suggesting some
restriction of proprietary research.'
Norman said the report would'
See RPC, Page 6 ,

Dems vote
to, support
From Wire Service Reports
The State Senate Democratic
Caucus yesterday voted unani-
mously, but grudgingly, to sup-
port Republican Governor Wil-
liam Milliken's proposal to hold
a state presidential primary this
The governor's proposal, al-
ready subject to a flood of be-
hind-the-scenes analysis, sur-
faced last week following a day
of meetings Milliken held with
The impact of the youth vote
in local elections appears to
have been bolstered by two rul-
ings over the vacation. See
stories, Page 12.
ranking state Republican fig-
The meeting and the proposal
were prompted - or at least in-
fluenced - by Democratic pres-
sure for a spring election of pre-
cinct delegates to state and lo-
cal conventions.
Publicly, the Democratic plan
was offered in the name of
meaningful citizen involvement
in the presidential election pro-
cess - including giving 18-21-
year-olds a chance to influence
the presidential nominations.
But critics have alleged that
the Democratic plan was moti-
vated more out of political ner
cessity than any overwhelming
Under national Democratic
Party reform rules, the Michi-
See STATE, Page 12

sex bias in


The Department of Health,
Education and Welfare (HEW)
may once again be sending in-
vestigators to study charges that
the University discriminates
against women in its employ-
ment practices.
An investigator from HEW's
Chicago Civil Rights office last
month told Gaye Crouch, presi-
dent of PROBE, a local women's
group, that investigators would
come back to the University


LSA nan
In the second phase of a campaign to
revamp literary college administration,
compotative literature Prof. Charles Witke
has been named to the newly created post
of associate dean for curric'ulum.
The appointment, made by Literary
College Dean Frank Rhodes was approved
by the Regents last month.
The action represented yet another at-
tempt by Rhodes to back a commitment,
made when he was appointed dean last
summer, for reform in the literary college.
The" first major step came last November
with the appointment of psychology Prof.

yes curriculum dean

"soon after the holidays," ac-
cording to Crouch.
PROBE recently filed a new
complaint with the federal gov-
ernment which charged that the
University's affirmative action
plan for ending sex discrimina-
tion has been a failure.
The plan was developed after
an HEW investigation a year
and a half ago found that the
University discriminated against
women in hiring.
Subsequently, HEW held up at
least one federal contract, worth
$350,000, according to Univer-
sity officials. However, sources
say more than $3.5 million in
contracts were also held u by
HEW at the time. HEW hat not
yet approved the University's
goals and timetables for hiring
more women.
Officials in the Chicago HEW
office yesterday would neither
confirm or deny that another
investigation was imminent.
Bernard Rogers, the investiga-
tor who spoke with Crouch. said
a visit was "within the realm of
possibility" but said that no date
had been set.
Office director John Hodgdon
said no immediate investigation
was planned. However, he said,
"Sex and racial discrimination
are such pervasive problems that
it will take many check-ups to.
ensure, that they are eradicated."
Virginia Davis Nordin, chair-
woman of the Commission for

and female employes, Vice Pres-
ident for Academic Affairs Al-
lan Smith announced Tuesday.
According to directives sent
out by both Smith and Person-
nel Director Russell Reister,
each department, school, and
college is to evaluate the present
salary level of its female em-
ployes on the basis of "internal
equity ,in the department."
Described as part of the Uni-
versity's affirmative action pro-
gram, the review involves non-
academic, academic-teaching,
and academic-non-teaching posi-
The announcement stimulated
discussion at yesterday's meeting
See HEW, Page 2j

This formula of creating strong central
responsibility as a vehicle for change has
been used once more in the Witke appoint-
ment, according to Rhodes.
"We teach 1,400 courses," Rhodes said,
"and we must centralize responsibility to
be sure our teaching is the best available."
Further, he said, if the college is ever
to do anything new it will be necessary "to
have someone above the day to day opera-
tions" who can have a long range view.
Witke, a professor of classical studies and
director, of the Program .in Comparative
Literature, said yesterday he plans to deal
with the implications of long term growth
by studying the programs of other univer-

Van Wylen may leave 'U' for
presidency of Hope College

Engineering Dean Gordon Van
Wylen will resign his post at the
University to assume the presi-
dency of Hope College in Holland,
Michigan, according to highly
placed sources within the Univer-
sity administration.
It is expected that the resigna-
tion will be announced at today's
Reaents meeting.

Trustees scheduled next week.
A spokesperson at the office of
Hope's president said yesterday
"We have no comment on this.
There is no news on this."
It is unclear who would replace
Van Wylen. Asst. Dean Hansford
Farris, mentioned as a possible
new Dean, was not available for
comment last night.


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