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February 12, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-12

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43 a t 149

Partly cloudy;
mild temperatures

Vol. LXXXII, No. 1U4

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 12, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Panes

Ten Cents

I Y 1 P A!: .

Irish Protestants launch
pro-British campaigns

...:: M.. ..., .... _ _

Sign of the times
A sign in Capitol Square, Richmond, Va., takes on another
meaning as, in the background, demonstrators march in opposi-
tion to the Richmond-area school consolidation order and the
busing of 78,060 pupils.
Rackhlam elects new
members to council
Following several weeks of delay and debate, the results
of the Rackham Student Government (RSG) elections have
been tabulated.
Chosen to fill out the remaining seats on the RSG Ex-
ecutive Council are Christopher Unger (166. votes), Robert
Edgeworth (147), John Tolan (134), Barry Bowman (133),
Rodolfo Arevalo (129), and Robert Johnson (124).
Winning seats as write-in candidates were Dick Lecure
(21), Robert Kessler (19), Wal-
b ter R e l y e a (18), and Tom
Slaughter- (9).
A suit filed by Slaughter last
S,-- imln 1-g i n month, claiming that the election
viol a t e d Student Government
Council rules, was dismissed earli-
er this week by Central Student
S taie i Ru e Judiciary (CSJ).
In addition, three referenda were
LANSING OP)-A bill setting up approved in the balloting.
a May 16 presidential primary One question, which asked voters
election for the state bogged whether RSG should have auton-
down again in the House yester- omy from Student Government
day as new quarrels erupted with- Council and CSJ in matters of
in and across party lines. representation, taxation and gov-
The delay and subsequent frus- ernance of graduate students, was
tration prompted speculation that approved 499 to 225.
the proposal might eventually be The matt G shether RSG
thwarted. rather than SGC should represent
Such a move is considered bene-
ficial to Democratic Sen. Edmund tes has betudents on suchde ate
Muskie of Maine, who has strong for some time.
support from the United Auto frsm ie
Workers union, a chief political A s e c o n d referendum asked
force in the state. voters whether the recently-
But Speaker William A. Ryan, formed G r a d u a t e Federation
an influential UAW member andshould have the authority once
Muskie supporter, said the bill held ke graduate Assembly to
would be put up for a vote again
early next wgeek, possibly on Mon- ments to University committees.
eary neht. wThe referendum was approved by
day night. a vote of 533 to 181.
Ryan said he opposed further .
postponement of the May 16 date, A further referendum calling
but predicted "a long, long line for the appropriation of 50 cents
of new amendments." of each Rackham student's Uni-
According to reports, a bill pro- versity fees was also passed, 593
posed by Ryan could prevent can- to 233.
didates such as Alabama Gov. The election marked the first
George Wallace from winning any time RSG used a mail-in ballot.
state delegates to the Democratic,
national convention. Some 6,654 ballots were mailed
The proposal would deny any out and 835 returned, represent-
See PRIMARY, Page 7 ing 12.5 per cent of the electorate.

BELFAST (A') - Leaders of
Northern Ireland's Protestant
majority yesterday ordered a
propaganda c a m p a i g n
to voice their case for keep-
ing the embattled province
Meanwhile, leaders of the Ro-
man Catholic minority also an-
nounced a third demonstration
tomorrow in as many weeks to
protest the Northern Ireland
government's policy of interning
IRA suspects without trial. The
government also has banned all
parades in the province.
The anti-internment parade, in
defiance of government ban, was
set to place at Enniskillen by the
Northern Resistance Movement,
an offshoot of the Civil Rights As-
Thirteen persons were killed in
Londonderry Jan. 30 when troops
and civil rights demonstrators
protesting internment clashed..
Thousands of Catholics paraded
again against internment at
Newry, a strongly Catholic border
town, last Sunday, without vio-
Prime Minister Brian Faulkner
appealed for funds from the Pro-
testant community to finance the
propaganda campaign as three
terrorists bombs rocked Belfast
yesterday, destroying a furniture
store and a finance company's of-
fices and badly damaging a fac-
Responsibility for the blasts was!
laid to the Irish Republican
Faulkner, leader of the Pro-
testant - based Unionist party,
said the publicity campaign
would "counter vicious propa-.
ganda being poured out against
us ... We must actively publicize
our determination to remain Bri-
"It is not enough for the gov-
ernment's voice to be heard. . .
It is also vital that the voice of
the ordinary people of Ulster
comes across loud and clear."
The bombs planted in Belfast
yesterday were all laid by gunmen
who gave staff members only min-
utes to get clear. There were no
An earlier explosion, at a fire
station in Dungiven in County
Londonderryy, caused s e r i o u s
damage and wrecked a fire en-
Troops patrolling the border be-
tween Northern Ireland and Ire-
land yesterday found eight three-
pound mines and five antiperson-
nel devices connected to wires
leading south across the frontier.
Meanwhile, in London, leaders
of the Northern Ireland Alliance
party - which has Protestant
and Catholic members - appeal-
ed to Prime Minister Edward
Heath to end internment,

-Associated Press
What me worry?
President Richard Nixon strikes a nonchalant pose at a speech Thursday night (above) while the
leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Edmund Muskie, frantically goes
after the votes of senior citizens in New Hampshire.
City police: Losing their
grip on serious cri-me?

Ann Arbor officials of all po-
litical persuasions agree there's
never a policeman'around when
you need one, but they don't al-
ways agree why.
Some cite lack of funding and
a manpower shortage, while
others point to current police
priorities as reasons for what is
seen as inadequate police pro-
tection in the city.
Ann Arbor Police Chief Wal-
ter Krasny places therblame on
a lack of funding for the de-
partment. Operating with a staff
of 143, only 100 of whom are
actually on the streets, the de-
partment cannot, in Krasny's
opinion, adequately cover a city
the size of Ann Arbor.

'World peace
forum assails
VERSAILLES, France (R--An international anti-war con-
ference opened here yesterday with sharp protests of the U.S.
move to interrupt the Paris peace talks.
Delegates also charged that President Nixon is under-
taking a major escalation of the war.
Nixon announced Thursday that there "will be no further
concessions" at the peace talks, until Hanoi, in his view, agrees
to negotiate seriously. The United States has, in the meantime,
stepped up air attacks over Inlochina and moved large num-
bers of aircraft carriers into the Gulf or Tonkin.
The 800 delegates to the "World Assembly of Paris for
Peace and Independence of the Indochinese Peoples" ap-
plauded when the secretary-general of the French peace

Chief Krasny

State Senate reconsiders revised
version of billboard legislation

Krasny documents this assess-
ment with statistics showing a
dramatic increase in Ann Arbor's
crime rate over the last three
years, particularly in the areas
of burglary, larceny and nar-
To meet this problem, Krasny
estimates that the department
needs approximately 20 more
men. Last year he requested an
additional 22 men, but with the
city hard-pressed for funds, no
new personnel was added.
Mike Morris, Democratic can-
didate for City Council in the
Second Ward, agrees that the
department is understaffed, but
he places part of the blame on a
poor system of police priorities.
Morris, a University chemistry
professor, chaired a Democratic
party committee whose final re-
port criticized the department
for its over-emphasis on vic-
timless crimes, especially those
relating to marijuana and other
soft drugs.
Morris-who personaally favors
the legislation of marijuana-
says the department should get
out of the area of soft drugs
completely. If this were done,
Morris says, police could spend
more time on the serious crimes
which affect the safety of all
members of the community.
An even more critical appraisal
of the police is given by Jerry
DeGrieck, the Human Rights
Party candidate in the First
"I am opposed to the expan-
sion of, the police force," De-
Grieck says, "because the money
we spend on police, doesn't go
towards ending the crime prob-
See CITY, Page 7

movement proposed an ener-
getic protest of the action
taken Thursday by William
Porter, head of the U.S. dele-
gation to the Paris talks.
Porter called off the talks be-
cause of the Versailles convention,
which he claimed was ruining the
"neutral" atmosphere of the talks.
Porter said the assembly con-
sisted of a "horde of Communist
controlled agitators." In addition
a U.S. spokesman described the
assembly as a "North Vietnamese-
organized show."
Ly Van Sau of the Vietcong del-
egation to the talks said Porter
"has lost all notions of courtesy
and all reason."
Sau added that Porter's "rude
language is unworthy of the rep-
resentative of a country like the
United States.''
In response to Porter's remarks
the American delegation yesterday
released a statement which ex-
pressed itsi outrage at his actions.
It claimed that the move to
suspend the peace talks was only
part of "an American decision .. .
which consists of obstructing" the
conference. A spokesman also ac-
cused Porter of slandering not
only the U.S. delegation to the
conference, but the American peo-
ple as well.
Sidney Peck, head of the Peo-
;le's Coalition for Pace and Jus-
tice, charged that Nixon's newly
disclosed eight-point peace plan "is
only a prelude to acts of despera-
tion by tht American military" in
Al Hubbard, president of Viet-
nam Veterans Against the War,
charged that the United States has
introduced a "new form of war
in Vietnam-one in which machines
do most of the destruction."
Included in the 130-member
U.S. delegation are Student Gov-
ernment Council member Arlene
Griffin, actress Jane Fonda, Nobel
Prize winner George Wald and his-
torian Howard Zinn.
Both the U.S. delegation and
conference members voted to send
groups to the U.S. Embassy in
Paris to speak with Porter.
The State Department had pro-
Itested the holding of the confer-
ence in France, but the protest was
rejected by the French govern-
Voter registration will be con-
ducted at tonight's Gordon Light-
foot concert at Hill Aud., at 7:30
Deputy registrars will be on
hand to register those who are
18, U.S. citizens, and have been
residents of Michigan for six
months. Changes of address can
also be processed at that time.
Out-of-state freshmen are now
eligible to register locally, having
been state residents since the fall.
The deadline for registering to
vote in the April city elections is
March 3.

U.S., Viets
air attacks
By The Associated Press
In response to attacks across
South Vietnam yesterday, U.S.
planes launched over 400 strikes
against suspected North Vietna-
mese positions, while South Viet-
namese planes were also out in
South Vietnamese helicopters
flew out casualties and survivors
at an outpost in coastal Binh Dinh
province. Government infantrymen
sought out the enemy force that
~had besieged the post for 24 hours.
The Communist commands' lat-
est attacks in the central high-
lands, coastal lowlands and north-
ern provinces-now in their, fourth
day-have been accompanied by
a massive increase in allied air
raids over South Vietnam, Cam-
bodia and Laos.
Informants said U.S. tactical
fighter-bombers and B52 heavy
bombers combined to make up to
400 strikes in the 24-hour period
ending at dawnhyesterday. South
Vietnamese planes-- flew 101 sor-
ties in support of ground troops.
Half the American air strikes
were in, South Vietnam, aimed at
suspected enemy troops concentra-
tions and infiltration routes below
the demilitarized zone and in the
central provinces. The rest were
over North Vietnamese infiltration
corridors and staging areas in
Laos and Cambodia,
Meanwhile, Secretary of Defense
Melvin Laird said ships were on
standby in the Pacific to join
naval forces already massed in
the Gulf of Tonkin.
Initial reports indicated the 30-
man regional force platoon guard-
ing the outpost near An Bao ham-
let suffered nearly 50 per cent
casualties. Informants said the
helicopters brought back two dead,
12 wounded and 16 able-bodied
The outpost was surrounded by
an estimated 500 enemy troops
Thursday morning. Most of the
civilian residents of ~An Bao fled
when a 50-round mortar barrage
pounded the camp. The hamlet was
deserted by the time enemy in-
fantrymen launched a ground at-
tack against the military outpost
Thursday afternoon.
Some of the Communist-lead
forces tried to breach the base
Meanwhile, President Nguyen
Van Thieu was reported to have
visited commanders and troops in
the northern and central provinces
yesterday. He told them not to
worry about the stepped-up North
Vietnamese attacks because, ac-
cording to Thieu, the Communist
command has never achieved any
substantial victories since the Tet
offensive of 1968.

The State House of Representa-
tives sent a proposed highway bill-
board bill back to State Senate
Thursday for further considera-
Although the Senate has already
approved billboard legislation, the
House version-passed Thursday-
includes amendments which set
tougher restrictions on outdoor
advertising on federally funded
highways than the already passed
Senate version.
The bill is expected to go to a
joint Senate-House conference com-
mittee, which will hammer out a
final compromise.

The bill must conform to stand-
ards set by the national beautifi-
cation act-or "Lady Bird Law"-
which calls for minimum compli-
ance with federal regulations on
billboards. If minimum compliance
is not met, the state faces a loss
of between $16 to $20 million in
federal funding for state high-
Although the state has passed a
federally imposed deadline for
drawing up new billboard legisla-
tion, it is still receiving federal aid
for highways through an extension.
granted by federal agencies.
Legislators are considering ques-
tions of distances between signs,


location, size and type in formu-
lating billboard regulations, Each
side in the controversy supports
varying degrees of control on the
outdoor advertising.
Environmentalists want a law
that will restrict billboards to only
those that serve the "public in-
terest." Clan Crawford, a local at-
torney and environmentalist, de-
fines this as informing tourists
where "goods and services" such
as food, gas and lodging are lo-
Crawford says signs should be
located only near highway exits
and be of a limited size.
Rep. Raymond Smit (R-Ann Ar-
bor), a leading advocate of the
environmentalists position, believes
both the Senate and House bills
are inadequate.
"These bills will mean a lot
more billboards because they per-
mit signs wherever there is a
commercial zone."
Onthe other side of the con-
troversy State Sen. James Flem-
ing (R-Jackson) is leading the
fight for the Senate's original leg-
According to Fleming Democrats
in the Legislature may "use the
controversy as a political issue"
in the November race for the
state's U.S. Senate seat.
If the Legislature is unable to,
draw up legislation-which would
result in the loss of federal funds-

U' officials in wheelchairs?

What's life like in a wheelchair?
Several University administrators may
find out when they spend Feb. 17 in a
wheelchair as part of a Student Govern-
ment Council project to sensitize people to
the -problems of handicapped students.
According to Yvonne Duffy, a member
of the SGC Committee for the Physically
Handicannned .rhitecture Prof T.o nPa -

Several organizations have criticized the
University for foot-dragging in improving
conditions for handicapped students, cit-
ing inaccessible buildings and lack of trans-
portation as major problems.
In an Office of Student Services (OSS)
memo of Nov. 1, Vice President for Student
Services Robert Knauss spoke of a "hesi-
tancy to encourage handicapped students

Food co-ops: New chance to get
more groceries or ess mone
Local residents find nothing p
new about the high cost of Ann t AA
Arbor living. But with the es-
tablishment of four local food s
co-operatives in the past 14
months, there appears some .
hope that the cost of eating . A
can be reduced.. :<;
The four non-profit co-ops- .A UrA ' 3...


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