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February 03, 1972 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-03

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NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

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page three

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, February 3, 1972



news briefs
by The Associated Press

State submits busing plans;

en. Griffin asks for injunction


A POWERFUL NEW LASER BEAM developed at the Los
Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico has been speculated
to be a possible death ray gun of the future..
Dr. J. A. Sullivan and Dr. C. P. Robinson of the laboratory, which
conducts secret research for the Atomic Energy Commission, said the
new source of energy might eventually make the laser powerful
enough to knock down airplanes in flight.



EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT Anwar Sadat arrived in Moscow j
yesterday for military and political talks with Soviet leaders as
Israel agreed to participate in American-sponsored talks with
Egypt on reopening the Suez Canal.
During Sadat's visit to Moscow, his third in less than a year, he
was expected to ask for additional Soviet military support to force
Israeli troops from occupied Arab territory.
Sadat has rejected U.S. mediation efforts to end the Middle East
conflict because of additional U.S. aid to Israel.

From Wire Service Reports
The State Board of Education voted Tuesday to submit
six plans for desegregating Detroit area schools, expressing
no preference for any of the plans.
The move was made in response to an earlier order issued
by Federal District Court Judge Stephen Roth. It was spec-
ulated that the board was attempting to turn away white
suburban anger by "passing the buck" to the judge.
Meanwhile, Robert Griffin (R-Mich.) has asked Atty.
Gen. John Mitchell to intervene in the case in opposition
to any court order for cross-city busing.
Griffin, the Senate Republican,

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A FEDERAL ATTORNEY said yesterday that Vice President
Spiro T. Agnew should not involve himself in a pending urban re-
newal lawsuit in Camden, N.J. The lawsuit, brought on behalf of --Associate Press
the poor against Camden, seeks to force the city to provide housing Governor leads cheers
for people displaced by urban renewal projects.
A spokesman for Agnew said that the vice president has attempted Rep. Edwin Edwards. a Democrat, celebrates with his wife upon
to bring together Camden officials, at their request, with representa- ___
tives of the Office of Economic Opportunity's legal services program inp
an effort to solve what he described as "a critical economic situation" HITS CONGRESS:
in the New Jersey city.




Reg. to $13 5

support for his demands that Indian troops withdraw to the pre-
war cease-fire line in Kashmir, and that the U.N. guard West1
Pakistan's cease-fire line.
Bhutto spelled out demands yesterday for talks with Bangladesh
prime minister, Sheik Mujibur Rahman. One point, to withdraw Indian

Nixon urges new law
to, halt dock walkout


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troops from Bangladesh, did not receive the Chinese Premier's WASHINGTON (U) - President Nixon urged the Demo-
approval. catic-controlled Congress yesterday to get moving on new
laws to halt the long West Coast dock strike and prevent such
SEN. PETER DOMINICK, (R-Colo.), is working on a compro- crippling walkouts in all crucial transportation industries.
mise amendment to settle the issue of enforcement which has "The dock strike on the West Coast continues to impose
deadlocked Senate passage of an equal employment opportunity a cruel and intolerable burden upon the American people,'
The bill empowers the Equal Employment Opportunity Commis- Nixon said in citing export losses alone of more than $600
sion to enforce bans on job discrimination based on race, religion, million in the 117-day walkout.
sex, or national origin. The Commission is now limited to the voluntary He said the dock strike also threatened the nation's eco-
compliance of employers. nomic recovery and could lead to worsening unemployment.
- -- - __- He added he could not under-
stand why Congress has delayed
GM VEGA PLANT action for the past 12 days on his
emergency dock strike bill, and
for some two years on his pro-
posal to limit strikes in rail, air-
J orkers ap rove stike vote line, shipping, longshore and
trucking industries.
LORDSTOWN, Ohio () - the UAW International office at the Vega car and Chevrolet "Let us resolve that this stop-
Auto workers at the General in Detroit. Gary Bryner, presi- truck -plants at Lordstown. page on the West Coast will be the
Mbno2itAihhmbeytDivision plant dent of Local 1112, said he did last of its kind. The Congress
Motor AssmblyManagement has accused Un- should act immediately to end the
here h aroved aie ote nth e etat st cal runt ion members of shoddy work- West Coast strike and, with ut-
stemming from' a three-month further negotiations were at- mnhpadsbtg n a otdsacps h rpln
dispute over an alleged work tempted. manship and sabotage and has most dispatch, pass the Crippling
speedup. "The strike vote should give sent home entire workshifts in Strikes Prevention Act," Nixon
Officials of Local 1112 of the the union a powerful weapon in recent months. said i a special message to Con-
United Auto Workers said 97 its negotiations for an agree- Workers have lost more than gress.
per cent of 6,556 employes who ment that includes 78 specific $3.3 million in wages because of House minority Leader Gerald
voted yesterday favored a problems and disciplining of the dispute. Production has Ford (R-Mich.) and other Re-
strike. An exact breakdown of workers," 8ryner said. been reduced by some 12,000 publicans in Congress accused
the vote was not released by the At stake is the streamlining of Vegas and 4,000 Chevrolet trucks Democrats of foot-dragging on
union. About 7,900 members operations by GM after it took the legislation.
were eligible to cast ballots. over control of the assembly because of alleged repairs need- "Action ought to be taken next
The balloting left the deci- lines Oct. 1 from the Fisher ed before they could be ship- week," Ford said at a news con-
sion nn a noih1 etrike with ndv and C'hevrnlt divisinns ned ference.

whip, also said Tuesday that the
Senate Judiciary Committee should
hold hearings sand send to the
'floor a proposed constitutional
amendment forbidding busing for
the sake of racial integration.
"It may well be that if we can
get moving toward aconstitutional
amendment, even the Supreme
Court might not be oblivious to
what is going on and perhaps at
some point, the court would make
it clear that such a constitutional
amendment would not be neces-
sary," Griffin said.
He said he was encouraged by
word that the Justice Department
is likely to appeal a Richmond,
Va., federal court ruling ordering
busing across county lines.
The plans submitted by the
board look like this :
-Detroit Metropolitan Racial
Proportion Criteria Plan: T h e ra-
cial composition of every school
in a designated metropolitan area
would be within 15 per cent of
the racial composition of the en-
tire area.'
-Metropolitan One-Way Move-
ment Plan: Black students from
Detroit would be bused to suburban
schools. This would involve some
78,600 black students.
-Metropolitan School District
Reorganization: Fifty of the 86
existing school districts and their
boards would be maintained. The
other 36, including Detroit, would
be formed into six regional educa-
tional districts with 65 per cent
white and 35 per cent black stu-
dents. A three-member b o a i d
would administer the desegre' a-
tion program.
-Metropolitan Magnet P 1 a n:
Extension of the 'Detroit schools
"magnet concept" requiring,
among other things, that all kin-
dergarten through sixth-grade stu-

Dollar sinks
to new lows.'"
in gold trade,,.
LONDON (P) - The dollar sank
to new lows and the price of gold
rose to nearly $50 an ounce in
Western Europe yesterday. Deal-
ers' said doubts about the health
of the U.S. economy are growing
as some dollar-holders seek to get
rid of them.
In London, Paris, Frankfurt,
Brussels, Zurich, and Milan, the
dollar dropped to 38.31 pence, 5.-'
0905 francs, 3.1860 marks, 43.8285
francs, 3.8460 francs, and 586 lire,
respectively. All have dropped to
new lows since the December de-
Meanwhile, the price of gold on
Europe's free markets hit record
highs. It has risen at a rate of
about $2 an ounce during the past
two days.
Dealers here and in Europe
blamed the dollar's value loss
partly on predictions that the U.S.
would continue to run into mas-
sive debt internationally over the
next year, despite Nixon's de-
The United States had hoped
for the return of short-term cap-
ital after devaluation.
The gold price increase in ef-
fect, automatically devaluates the
dollar because it .takes more dol-
lars to buy an ounce of gold.
This has little immediate effect
on American residents, as they
are forbidden by law to buy gold
other than for commercial uses.
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-


f} " " R, , R .4.1Y." tit lV.Y"


Reg. to $15.00

dents attend specialized neighbor- aged by students at the University of
hoodschols nd hat ll ighMichigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
hood schools and that all high class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
schools with a comprehensive or igan, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
full range of programs be elim- Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
inated. The Detroit public schools day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
said their magnet plan was de- carrier, $11 by mail.
signed to demonstrate "voluntary Summer Sesion published Tuesday
integration based on quality edu- through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
cation."tion rates: $5 by carrier, $6 by mail.


for, 1500



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