See Editorial Page
r 3 1 rA6
Cloudy, with
chance of snow
Vol. LXXXII, No. 90
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 27, 1972
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
A look inside PESO classrooms
Physics 242, "General Physics III"
meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2
p.m. in the Physics and Astronomy
At the same time, Physics 400, "En-
ergy and Man" gathers across the
street in Randall Laboratories.
The main difference between the
two? The first is a traditional Univer-
sity course; the second a part of the
Program in Educational and Social
Change (PESO).
In the controversy generated by
PESC's open auditing policy, only
scanty attention has been paid to its
wide variety of course offerings and
program innovations.
PESC faculty - many of them so-
cial scientists - offer both redesigned
versions of already existing courses, as
well as a number of. totally new of-
It is two of these new courses which
have recently been threatened with a
credit review, as they are taught pri-
marily by persons not employed by
the University. f
"Community Control" is taught by
Charles Thomas and Hank Bryant,
both of the Black Economic Develop-
ment League, while "Community Con-
trol of Prisons" is taught by John Sin-
clair, head of the Rainbow People's
History Prof. Sam Warner leads PESC class
In addition, assistance is given the
teachers of these and other PESC
courses by "resource" persons. The
community course for instance relies
upon professors in the social sciences
to sponsor it for University students
and to help provide background and
supplementary material.
In other courses, students who have
experience in that field may help teach
the course or serve as consultants.
The community courses have, more
than most PESC courses, made spe-
cial provisions for local persons. A stu-
dent in the "Community Control"
class estimates that up to half the
participants at evening lectures are
"outside" persons.
She adds that the number has in-
creased since the first meeting, as pub-
licity has increased.
Community Course organizers ar
now investigating ways to solve child
care and transportation problems as
well as offering credit to high school
students, according to a PESC spokes-
"Community Control," according to
a statement issued for the U.S. social
history course of which it is a part,
is trying to relate general concepts and
titerature of racism, sexism and cap-
italist exploitation to the facts of daily
life in Washtenaw County.
To this end, the course has split
into task forces to explore various
profit and non-profit corporations,
organizations and governmental agen-
cies within the county. Along with this
research, history students are required
See LOOKING, Page 8
Final hearing
~begins in 'U
sex bias case
The University's three-member Complaint Committee
began final hearings last night into the case of Cheryl Clark
- the first woman in the nation to demand back pay from a
university on grounds of sex discrimination.
In the first application of the University's new complaint
procedure for cases of alleged sex discrimination, Clark and
the University presented their evidence to the arbitration
From Wire Service Reports
North Vietnam , and the
Viet Cong yesterday denounc-
ed President Nixon's proposed
Indochina peace plan, and ac-
cused him of bad faith in re-
vealing that his adviser, Henry
Kissinger, held secret talks
with Communist delegations
in Paris.
The North Vietnamese radio
said Nixon's o f f e r contained
"nothing new" and was unaccept-
able because it does'not end Viet-
anamition nor withdraws all sup
port for President Nguyen Van
Thieu of South Vietnam
The North Vietnamese delega-
tion to the Paris peace talks is-
sued a statement saying the
speech included more threats of
war and was a "brazen challenge"
to Americansw as well as Vietna-
Nixon offered Tuesday night
to withdraw U.S. forces within
a six-month period and to hold
new South Vietnamese presiden-
tial elections in return for a re-
lease by the North Vietnamese of
all American prisoners of war and
an agreement to a ceasefire.
As for secret talks conducted by
Kissinger with the Communist
delegations in Paris, yesterday's
North Vietnamese statement as- -Daily-Jim Judkis
serted: "In deciding unilaterally Russ Bikoff, a member of the LSA student government execu-
to make public the content of the Aive council, listens to discussion last night of the government's
private meetings that his dele- $100 allocation to the Program for Educational and Social Change
gates proposed and promised to (PESC).
keep secret. Mr. Nixon gave fur-
ther proof that his administration
was very easy to break its engage-
"Moreover, his Jan. 25, 1972, ovt. votes
maneuver to deceive the Ameri-
can electorate in this election
Neither the North Vietnamesefu n d s
radio nor the delegation state- E.
ment, however, used the word re-
jection in discussing the speech.
The reasons behind the appar- ! By DANIEL JACOBS
ently unfavorable reaction may The executive council of the LSA student government
ietnamese believe they cannorth voted last night to allocate $100 to the Program for Educa-
far more by fighting than nego- tional and Social Change (PESC).
tiating. The allocation represents more than 40 per cent of the
_ _ :,
UP in '71
A l u m n i contributions to .the
Annual Giving Fund totaled $3,-
209,089 last year-a record amount
for the 18-year program, accord-
ing to Michael Radock, vice presi-
dent for University relations and
The figure represents a 63 per,
cent increase over 1970 contribu-
tions, while the number of donors
increased nine per cent to 33,163.
The Annual Giving Fund, organ-
ized in 1953, supports numerous
student scholarships, awards for
faculty members, and over 80
medical research projects through
voluntary gifts from alumni.
Reasons for last year's increase,
according torWendell Lyons, asso-
ciate director of development, in-
clude improvement in national
economic conditions, reduction of
campus unrest, and increased ac-
ceptance of alumni of recent
changes in the University.
In 1970, according to Lyons, cam-
pus disturbances at the time of
the Black Action Movement strike,
and an economic slump caused a
decline of nearly a million dollars
in fund contributions from the
previous year's level.
See "U", Page 8
Both parties now have 30 days
in which to submit a written brief
to the panel summarizing the ar-
guments of the case.
After studying the briefs, the
panel may call another hearing if
they need clarification on any is-
sue, The hearing officers will then
submit their recommendation -_
or possibly two or three - to
President Robben Fleming for a
final decision.
Clark, a research associate in
the University's Highway Safety
Research Institute, (HSRI), filed
a complaint last January charg-
ing that she was receiving a sal-
ary $3,400 less than a man doing
the same job.
Her request for increased salary{
and back pay, was denied last
March. However, Clark's lawyer
law Prof. Harry Edwards, criticized
the then existing grievance pro-
cedure by which Clark's case was
reviewed, charging that it denied
a complainant due process of law.
As a result of Edwards' charges,
the Commission for Women and
the University's executive officers
drew up the new complaint appeal
procedure - the procedure under
which Clark's complaint is pres-
ently being reviewed.
Under the new process, the
plaintiff and defendant each choose
one member of the three-member
review board. The third-an im-
partial chairman - is chosen by
the other two members from a
panel of seven men originally se-
lected by Fleming.
In the Clark case, law Prof. Rus-
sell Smith acts as chairman, while
business administration Prof. Jack
Stamm and engineering Prof.
See HEARING, Page 8
-Daily-Jim Judkis
CHERYL CLARK, her attorney, law Prof. Harry Edwards (right) and research assistant Zach Fas-
man (left) listen to panel chairman Prof. Russell Smith during last night's hearing into Clark's
charges that she received a lower salary than a man performing the same job.
Knuss confirms he'll
stay untilend fFb
Hanoi apparently read the U.S.
proposals as a sign of a decreasing
American will to continue mili-
tary involvement in Indochina
much longer. Hanoi apparently
sees good possibilities for its
cause in the upcoming U.S. presi-
dential elections.
One North Vietnamese general
told a Hanoi newspaper earlier
this month, "The present situation
is creating a great many new ad-
vantages for our armed forces."
He summed up Hanoi's appar-
ent position by adding, "Why set-
tle for less if there's a chance to
get it all?"
Withdrawal to the two sides
mean different things. The Ameri-
cans mean taking out all U.S.
forces and equipment. The other
side means withdrawal of every-
thing: -all equipment, all weapons
and dismantlement of all bases,
"without any conditions what-
On the date, Nixon says he
would withdraw U.S. forces to-
tally within six months of an
agreement. The other side wants
a date for total withdrawal first.
Then it will talk about other mat-
The Communists are unlikely to
agree to unfettered, internation-
ally supervised elections. It is
Communist tradition to distrust
free elections.
government's current budget but only a small portion of
PESC's projected deficit, which totals $1,500.
PESC's major funding problems stem from administra-
tive expenses and the cost of its three community courses, in-
- -- ° structed by non-University
personnel. The courses, which
examine the political and so-
cial makeup of Washtenaw
In a memo to the staff of the
Office of Student Services (OSS),
Vice President Robert Knauss
yesterday confirmed reports that
he will continue to head that of-
fice through the end of Feb-
Knauss, who will become dean
of the Vanderbilt University law
school next Tuesday, plans to
commute when necessary b e -
tween Nashville, Tenn., and Ann
During Knauss' absence As-
Angela Davis 'mother to speak
here today on daughter's trial
sistant Vice President Charles
Kidd will take on the adminis-
trative responsibilities of the of-
fice. He will be responsible to
President Robben Fleming and
attend executive officers meet-
ings. Knauss, however, will at-
tend the February Regents meet-
Chi Chi Lawson, assistant to
the vice president, will coordin-
ate the work of the unit commit-
tees and the OSS Policy Board.
Tom Easthope, also an assist-
ant to Knauss, will coordinate
budget and personnel matters
and preparation of the 1972-73
Ibudget for the office.
No problems are foreseen on
a short term basis. As Lawson
commented, "We can all work
together, but on a long term
basis it would not be a good sit-
uaticn. Right now it's being
treated as if Knauss was go-
ing on vacation."z
Knauss, however, said, "It is
important that directors, co-
ordinators, and all of the staff
not assume a waiting game'
posture pending the selection of
the new Vice President, but con-
tinue to move ahead in develop-
ment and implementation of
progress has been made in in-
terviewing candidates. M a n y
University people have been in-
terviewed, he said, and more in-
terviews will be conducted. In
addition, a list of acceptable non-
University people is being com-
piled for interviews in Ann Ar-
However, it is uncertain if the
committee will meet the Febru-
ary deadline. "It's possible" said
Smith, "and we'll try. But I
wouldn't be more optimistic than
possible 2nd
election "suit
The Rackham Student Govern-
ment (RSG) election reported to
have officially begun yesterday,
may once again be the object of
a suit charging illegal election
Tom Slaughter, write-in candi-
date for vice chairman of the
Rackham Assembly, the lower
house of RSG, said he will take
action against RSG once the spe-
cial mail-in ballots are received
by Rackham students.
Slaughter's suit, filed last week
with Central Student Judiciary
(CSJ), was denied since he could
not produce "prima facie" evi-
dence that the election was occur-
This time, Slaughter said, "I'll
See RSG, Page 8
County, have thus far been at-
tended mostly ; by University
students, according to PESC
In other efforts to balance its
budget, PESC has begun wide-
spread funding drives, and plans
to receive donations from the
summer salaries of some of its
own professors.
The student government also
voted to provide representation for
the Bachelor of General Studies
(BGS) program in the next literary
college assembly meeting, to be
held in March.
In another action, the govern-
ment designated two of its mem-
hers, Robert Black, '73, and Robert
Stevens, '73, to serve in a non-vot-
ing capacity on the LSA Admin-
istrative Board.
There had been some question
as to whether appointing non-vot-
ing members would ,hinder the
government's long-range aim of
placing voting student members
on the administrative board.
Craig Hall: Youngest landlord?
As one of several efforts to free Angela Davis,
currently imprisoned in California, Sally Davis,
the former UCLA philosophy professor's mother,
will speak here this afternoon.
Davis will discuss legal aspects of the case in
which her daughter is charged with kidnap and
murder for allegedly supplying the guns that
Black Law Students Association, and the Ann
Arbor Committee to Free Angela Davis.
Meanwhile, more than 200 people demonstrat-
ed in Detroit yesterday in response to Detroit
Common Council's refusal ,to name Angela's
birthday, which was yesterday, as Angela Davis
The proposal, which came in a letter signed
Twenty-one-year-old Craig Hall is per-
haps the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area's young-
est landlord.
Hall began his career at 18 by investing
$4,000 in an Ann Arbor building because, "I,
too, thought landlords were terrible people."
The part owner of Hall Management ad-
mits~ that at the time. some of his ideas
creased during Phase I of the wage-price
The company says it is currently seeking
a written opinion from IRS after receiving
conflicting answers over the phone from
the Ann Arbor and Detroit IRS offices.
"We want to be within the law," Hall
explains, "and we'll act accordingly with
the final decision."