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April 14, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-14

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In tomorrow's SUgtiad a adaZim :
Fringe JOLTing
political groups juveniles

\ r "
gEL4NCU£NCY %a °

Joseph Heller's
new novel,
and more...



NUC EA P WE High50"O
See editorial page Low-42
Eigl f---Nixije YeaIrs of IEdi h, 11(1Free dom,
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 156 Ann Arbor, MihghStra, April 1,97eCnt' Twelve Pages plus Supplement

'U'prof's experiences
reflect change in Africa

Lute assumes
Ugandan rule

Africa, the world's second largest continent,
has more than 400 million inhabitants, and its
history stretches 'over more than 4,000 years.
For nine years, Africa's story has been told at
the University solely by History Prof. Godrey
Uzoigwe's life as a politically active in-
tellectual and internationally known
African-and to a lesser extend, as a
European historian-can almost substitute
for a description of the 20th Century African
History course he teaches.
UZOIGWE WAS contacted by the Univer-
sity nine years ago in response to demands for
more attention to African and Afro-American
studies, one goal of the 1970 Black Action
Movement (BAM) strike. Uzoigwe says his
task at the time was "to basically start an
African history department from scratch."
Ironically, Uzoigwe faced a similar task as
a professor at the University of Makerere in

Uganda. The history department there em-
ployed a majority of , European-born
professors, and had a strong orientation
towards European history, explains Uzoigwe.
The sparse African history offerings at the
University of Makerere consisted primarily
of European explorations and missionaries
in Africa.
"Africans," Uzoigwe dryly observes,
"were incidental to Africa." Uzoigwe helped
to turn around the emphasis of Makerere's
history program to grassroots African society
and its institutions. He also made African
history a required course at the Ugandan
WHEN THIS University offered a post to
Uzoigwe, he says he was glad to accept,
although he had never heard of Ann Arbor. As
a vocal supporter of the Biafran cause during
the Biafran-Nigerian civil war, the Biafran
See PROF'S, Page 3

Daily Photo by PAM MARKS
NATIVE NIGERIAN Godfrey Uzoigwe possesses a variety of
credentials for serving as the University's only professor of African
history. He has combined political involvement with his academic
pursuits in both Europe "and Africa. At the University, he has
been a strong force behind Afro-American and African studies.

From AP, UPI, and Reuter
To the beat of African drums, Ugan-
da's new scholar-president took the
oath of office yesterday and asked
citizens to "help me erase the traces of
eight years of Idi Amin."
While Yussufu Lule and his Cabinet
were sworn in, Tanzanian commando
teams reportedly scoured the north and
east in search of the deposed president.
PROFESSOR LULE, a quiet and
courteous academic, flew home from
Tanzania after living in exile for 10
years to become the fourth president of
Uganda since it became independent of
British rule 17 years ago.
"You have a legal government in of-
fice and Amin is now the rebel," the
exile leader told thousands gathered at
the steps of the long-disused parliament
But as he pledged a return to the rule
of law, there were a number of reports
of bloody retribution carried out by
Tanzania' s troops against the remnants
of Amin's army.
Amin's army and captured his capital
to put Lule in office sent their out-of-
uniform commando squads into eastern
and northern Uganda in the search for

Amin. Amin was last reported in the
vicinity of Jinja, 40 miles east of Kam-
pala, with about 500 loyal troops.
Kampala has been stripped bare by
looters since it was captured at dawn
Wednesday. The pillage of homes,
shops and offices only began to die out
yesterday. Tanzanian soldiers
patrolled the city in armored personnel
carriers to keep the peace.
Also yesterday, the State Department
said the U.S. will be prepared to reopen
its embassy in Kampala and restore
normal relations once it is certain that
the new government is generally accep-
Tanzania and Zambia have
recognized the new provisional gover-
nment, but Washington was awaiting
reaction from countries not so closely
identified with support for the over-
throw of President Amin, U.S. officials
"We would like to await moves by a
broad spectrum of countries including
West African states," an official said.
But the United States was en-
couraged by the make-up of the new
government, and full relations would
probably be restored shortly, officials

TA poiiey eauses, complaints

Because a large portion of the
teaching at the University is done by
graduate student teaching assistants
(TAs), the Literary College's (LSA)
Executive Committee's decision in
February to prohibit TAs from teaching
courses independently above the 200-
level could force the restructuring of all
teaching assignments at the Univer-
According to LSA Associate Dean
John Knott, the Executive Committee
made its decision in response to com-
plaints about the widespread use of
TAs. "The policy is an effort to put a
breakon the spread of TA use," Knott
ALTHOUGH the policy was supposed
to take effect in September, Knott said
the Executive Committee recently ap-
proved a recommendation submitted
Oy the LSA Curriculum Committee
postponing the start of the policy in or-

der to give departments the chance to
present more material justifying the
use of TAs in upper-level courses.
"I think that's (the decision for post-
ponement) reasonable," said Knott.
"The Curriculum Committee needs to
feel comfortable in their decision."
Although TAs are theoretically
supervised by faculty members, there's
often less supervision in upper-level
courses. "A TA is an apprentice,
assisting faculty. In an upper-level
course, with autonomy, you're moving
the TA to another role," said Knott.
THE NEW policy, however, has in-
spired a great deal of controversy, both
from various departments which might
be prohibited from offering their upper-
level, TA-taught courses, and from the
TAs themselves.
The Graduate Employees
Organization (GEO) is involved in a
hearing against the University over the
employment status of graduate studen-

ts. The University claims TAs are only
students, not employees. A decision in
the hearing, filed with the Michigan
Employment Relations Commission
(MERC), is expected to be handed
down this summer. GEO President
Gregory Scott said he expects MERC to
rule in GEO's favor, based on the
* You can read about adven-
tures people have had in exciting
and not so exciting places across
the globe. Whether it be a story
about camping on the Siani
Desert or adventures in Ypsilan-
ti, it's all in "Taking Off," our
annual travel supplement in
today's Daily.
" Ann Arbor police yesterday
decided to release five people
who were arrested Thursday af-
ternoon in an incident involving a
large crowd at State and William
Streets. See story, page 2.
r Road the Today
column. Pog 3

decisions of recent cases at other
"GEO thinks it's (the Executive
Committee's TA decision) a bad
decision and hopes LSA will reconsider
it," said Scott. Scott said he sees "in-
direct links" in the current controversy
to what he considers an earlier attempt
See TA, Page 9

Federal judge rejects. request to

Black Caucus hears
charges of 'U' bias

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP)-A federal
judge rejected late yesterday Oregon
Magazine's request that he prevent the
CIA from censoring a humorous article
about the spy business in Uganda, con-
taining 16 words the agency contends
would endanger national security.
U.S. District Court Judge Robert
Belloni ruled after holding a brief
closed-door hearing on the magazine's
petition for a temporary restraining or-
der against the CIA.
THE REQUEST was filed after
representatives for the magazine and
the CIA failed to agree on whether 16
words should be deleted from a planned
article. The government argued a

censors hi
restraining order was not called
becasue nothing had been done to int
fere with publication of the magazine
"You're back where you w
before," Belloni said, adding he was
ruling on whether the 16 words mi
endanger national security.
Representatives of the magazine a
the CIA continued their talks in priv
after the judge's ruling.
IN DISPUTE were parts of a story
former CIA agent Jay Mullen of M
ford. 'The article, entitled "I was
Amin's Basketball Czar," details si
things as Mullen's coaching depo
President Idi Amin's basketball te
and swimming in Amin's swimm

of article.
for pool, said Oregon Magazine editor Tom
er- Bates.
Bates said yesterday he had agreed
ere to make some deletions in the story, but
not refused to make others after a meeting
ght that ended shortly after midnight Thur-
nd As negotiations resumed, Bates said
ate he didn't know what the CIA was going
to do, but he was going. to the printers
by to get things rolling on the May issue.
ed- "IT LOOKS LIKE we've got some
Idi time to work things out," he said after
uch CIA lawyer John Greany arrived at the
sed Times Printing Co. in Forest Grove, a
am farming community 23 miles west of
ing Portland.

Black students testified yesterday on
the ways in which they think the
University discriminates against
minority students before six members
of the State House of Representatives'
Black Caucus.
The .students, representing blacks
and other minority groups, spoke at a
hearing in the Michigan Union spon-
sored by the Black Students Union. The
students claimed in their presentations
that the University discriminates.
against members of minority groups in
admissions, recruitment, hiring, and
investment policies.
pathetic to the students' concerns.
Morris Hood (D-Detroit), chairman of
the legislature's Black Caucus, said,
"This is the first time in many years
that we've had a group of students
vocal in their opposition to the Univer-
sity's policies" with respect to
minorities. Hood added that in the early
70's students had a commitment to ac-
tivism that he hasn't seen for a while.
They attacked, for example, the
University's adherence to traditional
criteria when considering minority
students' applications. Lou Tripp, a

staff member of the Summer Bridge
Program, which teaches math and
English skills to disadvantaged studen-
ts, said the admissions office focuses on
a student's high school grade point
average and Scholastic Achievement
Test scores. Among the white students,
he said, these criteria may be an ac-
curate mirror of the students' ability,
but "among, minority students, that
relationship does not seem to hold."
Bruce Kozarsky, a member of a
Michigan Student Assembly committee
on minority attrition, charged that the
University, "in order to inflate its
minority statistics, actively recruits
middle and upper class minorities, par-
ticularly Asian-Americans.''
The point is not that the University
should not be recruiting Asian-
Americans, Kozarsky said, "but that
they should be recruiting lower income
Asian-Americans. The whole purpose of
affirmative action is subverted unless
recruitment is aimed at lower income
and underprivileged families ...'
RON HARRIS, a leader of the 1970
Black Action Movement (BAM) at the
University, spoke to the caucus mem-
bers about the effects of the movement.
Even though BAM shut down the
See STUDENTS, Page 5

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'Ug roups di
When President Carter made his dramatic announ-
cement that the United States would open full
diplomatic relations with The People's Republic of
China last December, the decision was bound to have
a profound effect on campus since the University.
maintains extensive China connections.
After all, a University professor, Michael Oksen-
berg, currently a member of the National Security
Council, was one of the primary movers behind the
two-year long normalization process.
ONE RESULT OF normalization is that the
University stands to benefit from a scholarly ex-
change agreement between the two countries. The
arrangement was part of a science and technology
pact signed by Carter and China's Teng Hsiao-Ping in
But mainly, the University - with the second
largest Asian population in the country - has been
polarized into three different ideological directions in
the wake of normalization. The schisms had existed
before, but have only recently been highlighted by the
normalization announcement.
"Normalization has stirred up a lot of discussion

ffer on U.S.-China relations

Normalization issue
stirs campus emotions
among Chinese students," said Shiuh-Wuu Lee, who
heads the China Study Club.
THE DEBATE centers around Teng Hsiao-Ping's
monumentally ambitious plan.to modernize China's
technology using foreign investment capital and a
new pragmatic policy to replace Mao Tse-Tung's
principles of self-reliance. This debate has split the
Asian community as well as fueling the already-
intense rivalries between the political and social
student groups on campus.
On the one hand, there are the groups who favor
Teng's pragmatic policies and view them as best for
China's economy. Then there are the groups which
see Teng's policies as counter to Mao's revolutionary
Moreover, the Taiwan issue has further polarized
the Asian community and put the University's large
Taiwanese community on the defensive.
talk about this emotional issue, but those who do say

they feel saddened and angered by Carter's decision
to break ties with their homeland. "President Carter
betrayed Taiwan," said Yih-Shyang Chang,.head of
the Free China Student Association, summing up the
sentiment of most of the Taiwanese students.
These volatile and conflicting emotions could
collide in September when the first group of Chinese
exchange students from the mainland arrive on cam-
pus. While no one expects violence, the Federal
Burea of Investigation (FBI) contacted the Free
China Student Association, according to Cheng.
"The FBI is worried that we will do something bad
to them, but we won't," explained Cheng. An FBI
spokesman refused to confirm or deny the agency
had contacted the group.
THE FREE CHINA Student Association visibly
displayed their anger only a few days after Carter
announced the U.S. was breaking ties with Taiwan.
The day after the Dec. 15 announcement, the group
held an emergency meeting to discuss how they
would react to the unexpected situation. Their first
concern was with family back in Taiwan. Letters
were sent home in an effort to provide moral support
during this crisis.
In addition, letters were sent to U.S. senators ex-
See U.S.-CHINA, Page 5

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Student-run art magazines make campus debut

First in a Two-Part Series

Both magazines, however, stress
creativity - a characteristic they
share with two other local

heavy-weight, high-quality, paper, and
does not contain advertising. This is
unusual for small, local publications

THE MAGAZINE is eclectic, and will
include poetry, prose fiction, short
dramas. translations. critical essays.

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