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January 13, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-01-13

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~r~~sr tE j
Two unfortunate Ann Arborites were pistol whipped, bound with
adhesive tape, and robbed of $70 and four pounds of marijuana late
Thursday night, according to a report taken by Ann Arbor City Police.
Police said that one of the two complainants answered the door of their
Rosedale Street home at 11:50 p.m. and was greeted by two men
wielding a shotgun and a pistol. The en burst in, clubbing and
binding the two men inside. The robber then reportedly demanded
marijuana and ransacked the house. Police said that neither victim
was hospitalized, and expressed no surprise that the theft of the still-
illegal cannibis was reported to them. "I don't consider anything that
happens in Ann Arbor to be strange anymore," said a senior member
of the AAPD. He added that the complainants would not get their
marijuana back should it be recovered. However, it seems doubtful
that the case will be solved, since the police have no description of the
armed robbers, no description of their getaway car, and no suspects in
the case.
Take ten
The monthly closed meeting of the literary college faculty on Jan.
13, 1969 was abruptly adjourned whentover 25 students refused to leave
the room in which the meeting was to be held. The students, chiefly
representing the Radical Caucus, had intended to participate in
scheduled discussion of required courses, and had seated themselves
in Aud. A, Angell Hall to do so. But then-Dean William Hays cited a
Regents' bylaw restricting the meeting to faculty members. When the
students wouldn't leave, the faculty decided, by a two-to-one vote
margin, to break up.
Cinema Guild - Sleeper, 7, 9:05 p.m., Old A&D.
Ann Arbor Film Co-Op - Saturday Night Fever, 7, 9 p.m., MLB,
Aud. 3.
Faculty Recital - R. Reynolds, horn, Paul Makanowitzky, violin,
Paul Boylan, piano, 8 p.m., SM Recital Hall.
Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales, "Chicano Community Organizing in
the 1980's," 2 p.m., Lawyers Club Lounge.
International Association for the Advancement of Appropriate
Technology for Developing Countries - Elliot Berg, "Appropriate
Agricultural Technology,," Ali Mazi, "Dimensions of Appropriate
Technology," 10 a.m., Rackham, East Conference Room.
Women's Basketball - U-M vs. IndianaUniversity, 2 p.m., Crisler
Men's Swimming - U-M vs. Minnesota, 3 p.m., Matt Mann Pool.
Wrestling - U-M vs. Iowa State, 3:30 p.m., Crisler Arena.
Hockey - U-M vs. Colorado College, 7:30 p.m.; Yost Ice Arena.
Women's Swimming - U-M vs. Shroeder swim team, 7:30 p.m.,
Matt Mann Pool.
Men's Gymnastics - Big Ten Invitational, 7:30 p.m., Crisler
Dirty words
Anyone who's ever been to a Regents meeting or City Council
gathering knows which buzz words are likely to surface: "input,"
"feedback", "impact," "facilitate", "utilize" (never just "use"), and
so on. But good news: someone's fighting back. Provost John McCall
of the University of Cincinnati - who happens to be an English
professor - has sent a memo to all departments warning that any vice
president, dean, or other administrator saying or writing the
forbidden words will be fined 25 cents. "Input" and "feedback" were
the first words banned, and McCall said others will be added to the list
each month. Among the words that soon may be expensive to utter are
"hopefully," "proactive," and "utilize." That impacts on us just fine.
Smile and take a swig
If the University isn't well known enough for its football players or
researchers, now people around the country will know us as the place
where students under 21 have to drink alcohol on the sly. An NBC

group showed up on campus yesterday to do a spot on the new 21-year-
old drinking law. They said Norma Qharles, the correspondent, would
be going to bars and that the item might run as soon as this evening.
Here comes the Fuzz
Ingenious collectors take heed, New York's Wendy Ward Ehlers
believes she has the largest and rarest collection of its kind anywhere.
Ehlers collects laundry lint, and along with other household debris like
rusty nails, used teabags, and unused cereal, she creates some
unusual artistic masterpieces. "Booberry (a children's cereal) on
Lint," "Lint with Dried Red Peppers," and Ehlers' Homage to
Rothko's Homage to Matisse" (also in lint) are some of the great
works she has created. The works are mainly spoofs of famous pieces
of art, and when they were exhbited in Ehlers' home county museum
with other more "respectable" artworks, they drew angry response
from art lovers. Ehlers' latest project is a "lint museum." She sent
letters to sixty celebrities asking for their laundry lint but got only
seven responses. But one response was from cartoonist Charles
Adams, who proffered not only his dryer lint, but, in a separate plastic
bag, a bonus labeled "pocket fuzz."
Pass the leg
According to the Department of Agriculture, we're eating more
chicken and less red meat, more hamburger and less steak, more
sugar and less candy. We ate a little more in 1978 than in 1977 - more
crop food and about the same amount of animal. While we managed to
take in less beef, fruit, and coffee, it turns out we managed to down
turkey, chicken, eggs, dairy products, fish, potatoes, vegetables,
melons, cereals, sweeteners, and vegetable oils in larger amounts.
You probably ate more than your weight in meat - 155 lbs. worth -
and 15.4 pounds of candy. There was no data on consumption of tooth



Pope: Superpowers
exploit troubled nations


Paul II indirectly accused the U.S. and
the Soviet Union yesterday of exploiting
regional conflicts "to ensure power
over the world."
The Polish-born pontiff, speaking in
French in an address to the diplomatic
corps, expressed particular concern
over the turmoil in Iran and the Viet-
namese conquest of Cambodia.
ALTHOUGH HE did not single out in-
dividual countries, it was clear he was
referring to superpower rivalry when
he said the world is split "by ideological
divisions linked to various state
"We follow the dramatic events of
Iran and we are very attentive to the
news from. Cambodia anti all the
populations of Southeast Asia who have
already.been so tried," the pope said.
The U.S. has backed Shah Moham-
mad Reza Pahlavi in Iran and has war-
ned foreign'governments not to inter-
fere in that country's internal
problems. Russia backs the Vietnamese
and the Cambodian rebels who ousted
the Cambodian regime last weekend.
"ONE CANNOT transform a search
for solutions into a fighting program to

ensure power over the world," the pope
said. "Searching for justice is the main
sign of our times.
He listed respect for human rights as
the biggest world problem and said it
requires "concerted action by gover-
nments and all men of good will."
The pope called for a global effort to
deal with the problems of nourishment,
health, international economic
cooperation, arms reduction' and the
elimination of racism.
THE 58-YEAR-OLD pontiff again ex-
pressed concern for Lebanon-"A
country torn by hatred and destruc-
tion"-Northern Ireland and the Middle
Vatican observers said the papal
statements also appeared to be aimed
at the upcoming Latin American
bishops conference in Puebla, Mexico,
where the pope is likely to face
challenges from those advocating the
Marxist-influenced "theology of
More than 250 bishops from the
world's most overwhelmingly Roman
Catholic countries are expected to at-
tend the two-week conference to be
opened by the pope Jan. 27. The theme
is: "Evangelization in the Present and
the Future of Latin America.'s
The pope said the Vatican's
mediation effort to defuse a long-
running feud' between Argentina and
Chile has "already achieved positive
and precious result." The Argentine-
Chilean dispute involved ownership of
10 islands in the Beagle Channel and
48,000 square miles of ocean around
them off the tip of South America.

The Michigan Daily-Saturday, January 13, 1979-Page 3
Join the Arts staff!'
N OW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? There are large, corn-fed
men at the door of every tavern especially hired to make sure that
you don't have any fun; the rotating sign in front of the Ann Arbor Bank.
on the corner of South U. and East E. reads nine degrees, again, and you
can't frolic in the Arb with that significant other. You could sit by the
heater and read what other people have to say about movies, plays,
dances, concerts, and records, or you could lumber off to the Daily (in the
Student Publications Building, 420 Maynard) and write your own articles
for some other sucker to read. We do.
At the Daily we enjoy free tickets to all kinds of events and free records,
and write for a challenging readership.
There will be an informal meeting upstairs at the Daily Sunday at 5:30
p.m. (come in the back door). Dress: informal.




The best (only?) science fiction comedy ever made, in which the inimitable
Allen style spoof's everything: sex, robots, A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE,
cloning, Nixon, revolutions, beauty pageants, Rod McKuen & health food.
The future will never be the some . . . in color too. With ALLEN as the 20th
century reject & DIANE KEATON as his pleasure-seeking, scattered-brained
love interest.
MON: MAN RAY experimental films,

Daily Official



7:00 & 9:05


Saturday, January 13,1979
3200 SAB-7634117
U.S. Dept. of Justice, Managemt./Finance, Wash-
ington, D.C. Student must have completed first year
of law. Work involves computerized legal research
data and law clerk duties. Apps. and further details
HEW, Social Security Admin., Baltimore, Md.
Computer science opening for students having com-
pleted Junior year. Also, economic opening for
graduating seniors/grad students. Further details
HEW, Bethesda, Md. Summer Intern Program
open to medical students/Public Health Majors. Fur-
ther details available.
U.S. Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Prisons, Milan,
Mi. Summer Intern Program available. Apps. and
details available.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
Washington, D.C. Six months intern program for
graduating seniors/grad students in foreign policy
ffield. Deadline for applying Feb. 1. Details available.
Governor's Office, State of Illinois. Summer
Fellowlship Program. Open to all Illinois residents.
Student must have completed Junior year by Sept.
'79. Fields-social services, law, business, accoun-
ting, engr., econ., many others.
Camp Tamarack, Coed, Mi. Ortonville, Brighton.
Will interview Thurs., Jan. 18 from 9 to 5. All
positions open at this time. Register by phone or in
Summer Intern Program, U.S. Dept. of Justice;
Managemt, Finance. Grade GS-7. Must have com-
pleted first year of law school. Further details
Dept. HEW, Bethesda, Md., Summer Intern
Program open to medical students, Public Health
Majors. Further details available.
U.S. Dept. Justice, Bureau of Prisons, Milan, Mi.
Summe Intern Program available. Apps. and details
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
Washington, D.C. Six months intern program for
grad. seniors and grad students in foreign policy
field. Deadline for applying Feb. 1. Further details
Governor's Office, State of Illinois. Summer
Fellowship Program. Open to all Illinois residents
who will be at least Juniors in college by Sept. '79.
Fields-social services, law, bus., accounting, ed.,
engr., econ., many others. Deadline Mar. 1, '79. Fur-
ther details available.

The Sixties come alive again in this drama of love and war. Contrary to the
gore and pillage documented in Hearts and Minds, Coming Home depicts the
home front with its embittered veterans and those loved ones left behind. The
insistent beat of such artists as RICHIE HAVENS and the ROLLING STONES com-
bine with the superb cinematography of Haskell Wexler to create a backdrop
of Sixties paranoia and passion against 'which the tender love affair of a
paraplegic Viet vet and a Marine officer's wife develops. JON VOIGHT won
Best Actor at the Cannes Film Festival with his sensitive, but powerful per-
formance as Luke. Also starring the incomparable JANE FONDA, with BRUCE
SUN-Glenda Jackson in MARAT SADE


7:00 & 9:15




Saturday, Jan. 12, 1979
Lawyer's Club-1:00 PM (FREE)

Pope John Paul HI
vo s y O a ~
k- Voo V

Head of the Nation of Islam in the West
-Speaking Sunday, Jan. 13, 1979
Hill Auditorium-1:00 PM (FREE)


Volume LXXXIX, No.86
Saturday. ,January 13, 1979
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail,
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through
Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7,00by mail outside Ann Arbor.

The Good Person of Szec/wsn
Bertholt Brechtk
Jan. 10--13
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre





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