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April 07, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-07

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In tomorrow's SundaY madazine:

Why is
John Baker at
Plymouth Center?

The Ramones:

Forecasting the
Academy Awards

and more

. .

I p ____lip,-0

See editorial page


Sir 1U11r
Eight v-:ii. clea r.' of Editorial Free done


Vol. LXXXIX, No. 150

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 7, 1979

Ten Cents

AnnArb.M_ r...ua - A .-197

Plant c
HARRISBURG, Pa. - Engineers ran
into a fresh snag yesterday that
threatened to delay even further their
efforts to cool down the contaminated
reactor on Three Mile Island, a Nuclear
Regulatory Commission spokesman
Meanwhile, a lawsuit was filed.
seeking to force the plant to close, and
three congressmen announced a bill to
require improved communications
systems for nuclear power plants.
"THEY'VE GOT a few bugs," repor-
ted James Hanchett, referring to a
problem in a pump which was shifting
radiated gas from tanks in an auxiliary
building to the sealed reactor contain-
ment building.
The pumping operation, used briefly
during the morning, was a preliminary
step in a plan to reduce the fuel core's
temperature to below the boiling point,
thus putting it into a safe and dormant
"This gas pumping will result in a
significant reduction in the amount of
all gases leaving the plant," NRC
operations chief Harold Denton told
reporters Thursday.
repair would delay the 10-day schedule
for a cold shutdown, Hanchett said, "It
depends on how long it lasts." At mid-
morning, steam whooshed from a non-
nuclear boiler on the other end of the
island, startling workers and reporters
near the site.
"It shook me up, you better believe it
shook me up," said a security guard.
"It's nothing to get excited about,"
said Don Barry, an official with

See Today for details
Ten Pages
Metropolitan Edison, the plane
MEANWHILE, four nearby residents
asked a judge to close the crippIl
facility and force its owners to pay for
the medical treatment of over a hJ4
million people for the next 20 years.
The class action suit, filed in Daup
County Court against the play
owners Thursday, claims the Mardi:
nuclear accident "caused the release
huge amounts of nuclear energy; W
attendant risk of explosion, fire ands q..
nuclear fallout, so huge in magnitudes
to be potentially destructive of
human and animal life within at leasta
60-mile radius of Three Mile Island
THE ACTION asks medical reimbur-
sement for the treatment of 636,000
residents living within 20 miles of the
plant. It claims they should have
medical check-ups four times a year for
the next two decades to detect possible
cancers resulting from the radiation.
And three Pennsylvania
congressmen, whose districts encircle
the plant, announced at a news con-
ference that they had introduced
legislation to create a fail-safe com-
munications system in event of another
nuclear accident.
The lawmakers said that under the
legislation, sophisticated com-
munications systems would be require
at every U.S. Nuclear power plant t&
provide an uninterrupted, emergency,
link between the plant, Civil Defense
authorities, Nuclear Regulatory Coma;
mission offices, and the Federal;
Emergency Management Agency.

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
-Taking the cue

Shooting for the top and for individual trophies, students from across the country room this weekend. Semi-finals will be held at 1 p.m. today, and the finals at 7 p.m.
compete in the Pabst Intercollegiate Billiards Championship at the Union Ball-
Other ''nedpreiet o

While University Regents and advisory committee
members sift through the final fifty nominees in their
search for a permanent president, two other Big Ten
schools - Michigan State University and the Univer-
sity of Illinois - continue to look for people to fill the
top positions at those institutions.
Six days after former University President Robben
Fleming announced his resignation last Sept. 14,
University of Illinois president John Corbally made
public his decision to step down as head of that
school. As a result, both schools are following almost
identical timetables for the selection of their top ad-
ministrators. Both schools are aiming for late spring

or early summer as the deadline for selecting a new
BUT COMPARABLE timetables are not the only
similarity between the two searches.
"I'd be damn surprised if there wouldn't be some
overlapping names," said Illinois Search Committee
Chairman Martin Wagner of the lists of candidates
being compiled in Chicago and Ann Arbor.
The 67-year-old University graduate, and most
others associated with the two searches, noted
similar research orientations, prestigious
reputations, and concern over future financial mat-
ters at both universities will cause them to seek the
same type of president - if not the same individuals.

"I'D ALMOST BE surprised if, within a list of
reasonable length, there weren't duplicate names,"
said Senate head Shaw Livermore
Instead of the separate student, faculty and alumni
advisory committees assisting the University Regen-
ts' search, the eight Illinois trustees created a twen-
ty-two member selection committee charged with
compiling a list of candidates from which they will
choose the school's next president.
THE COMMITTEE, whose members are selected
from among Illinois' three campuses, in equal num-
bers, includes six faculty members, three students,
three non-academic staff members, four of the
university's administrative officers, three academic-
See OTHER, Page 8


AFSC ME contract ratification vote today
By RON GIFFORD tract in a s nonsis of the p t $84

The new contract agreement between
the University and Local 1583 of the
American Federation of State, County,
and Municipal Employees (AFSCME),
which union leaders expect to be
ratified by the union membership this
afternoon, includes an average wage
increase of 83.5 cents over 24 months,
with an average wage hike of 38.5 cents
per hour this year, and 45 cents per
hour next year.
The AFSCME bargaining committee
outlined the major changes of thecon-

.asc 11a y p~l 1lr agreement
sent to ubion members this week. The
initial wage hike for each of the twelve
wage classifications varies from 32 cen-
ts per hour at the six lowest pay grades,
to 51 cents per hour at the highest level.
The second year wage schedule of the
contract calls for a per hour increase of
38 cents at the lowest grade to 58 cents
at the top of the scale.
AFTER THE second wage hike, a
beginning employee in pay grade 1 will
earn $5.05 per hour, and an employee in
pay grade 12, the highest, will make

The membership is scheduled to meet
at 1 p.m. today in Rackham Auditorium
to vote on the ratification. Union
president Dwight Newman said he will
"present what we have tentatively
agreed upon" to the members, and is
"hopeful" they will accept the terms of
the contract.
If ratified by the AFSCME local,
which represents more than 2,100 ser-
vice personnel at the Ann Arbor, Flint,
and Dearborn campuses, the new con-
tract will be retroactive to March 21,

and will expire April 20, 1981.
UNDER TERMS of the new'
agreement, the number of hours ad-
vance notice an employee must receive
before working mandatory overtime
has been changed from 36 hours to 48
hours. Overtime will be distributed
more equitably, based on number of
hours on the overtime log.
An employee may not be transferred
to any department or unit under the
supervision of a relative,
Other provisions of the contract in-
clude changes in the grievance
procedure, sickness and injury pay,
probationary employees, and job
classifications. The language of the
contract was also changed from an all-
masculine tense to include the feminine

Teamster contract
tals breakdown
WASHINGTON (AP) - Striking several plants and laid off thou
Teamsters and trucking industry workers during the week as p
bargainers broke off contract talks plies ran out.
yesterday, dashing hopes for a quick Chrysler President Lee
end to the longest trucking shutdown in already has announced the N
U.S. history. firm's 41 assembly and manu
Chief federal mediator Wayne Hor- plants in the United States wil
vitz said that after two days of talks, down as of Monday and its wor
bargainers were "no closer to a set- 85,000 hourly employees laid o
tlement than we were at the time the duration of the trucking dispute
strike started last Saturday night." Horvitz said he would remai
THE BREAKDOWN made it vir- tact with representatives of
tually certain that the six-day, nation- sides over the weekend, buta
wide work stoppage would irag into was not optimistic talksc
next week and threaten new economic resumed that quickly.
disruptions, particularly in the hard-hit He told reporters that ba
auto industry. remained at odds over the "t
Crippled auto factories strugled to package" of a nbw three-year (
keep operating yesterday despite wor- J. CURTIS COUNTS, indust,
sening shortages of assembly parts that bargainer, said the uni
already have idled more than '54,000 demanding a settlement tha
autoworkers. violate the Carter administrat
Industry officials, surveying the ex- ti-inflation guidelines and be"
tent of parts shortages stemming from dously costly" for employers
the six-day-old trucking dispute, said how costly, he replied, "Megab
they were not sure whether their plants Union President Frank Fitzs
could begin another week of production said he believed the union'sd
without a resumption of freight would fit the guidelines. But, hi
deliveries. "We're not negotiating a con
GENERAL MOTORS, Chrysler Corp. the basis of the guidelines
and Volkswagen of America closed negotiating on the basis of infla

Lsands of
arts sup=
o. 3 aut4
ill be shot
k force of
ff for the
in in con-
the two
added he
could b
total cost
ry's chief
on was
t would
tion's an-
"tremo .
s. Asked
he added;
ntract on
s. We'ti

Snags dt
Election officials for the Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA) were to
proceed with the counting of the ballots
late last night unless a Central Student
Judiciary (CSJ) hearing granted a
temporary restraining order preven-
ting the counting of ballots.
The temporary restraining order was
requested by People's Action Coalition
(PAC) candidate Pat Singer because
some poll sites were not operating in
this week's three-day election and
" Former University Political
Science Prof. Archie Singham
returned to campus last night to
speak on the tenth anniversay of
the BAM strike. See story, Page
* Opponents of nuclear power
continued to protest the building
of reactors with a rally in Detroit

stuaents were allegedly denied votes.
ANOTHER hearing, requested by
PAC members, was held last night, also
requesting a restraining order. CSJ
refused to grant it. Some justices said
the restraining order would not remedy
election problems. PAC also requested
that the elections be extended, and
some polling sites opened Monday. The
request was denied.
One Assembly member said exten-
ding elections would open up the
possibility for many more suits. PAC
members were specifically interested
in opening up polls at East Quad and

Bursley, two of their strongholds which
did not have polling sites set.up Wed-
nesday night.
OTHER SUITS calling for in-
validation of the election have been
filed by University students Ric Shahin,
Joshua Banner, and PAC.
Other election-related suits have
been filed by Mike Spirnak, against
Proposal D on the ballot, and by
Thomas Potter, against the Michigan
Republicans Club (MIRC) for placing
paper campaign stickers over campus.
CSJ certification of the elections will
take place Sunday at 7 p.m.

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Students receive high honon

Dormitories will vote on
proposed Nestle boycott

Applause rolled across Hill
Auditorium yesterday morning,
building into an inspired standing
ovation for Otto Graf, the honors
program director who will leave the
University after 18 years this spring.
Many among the hundreds of students
and parents who gathered for the
Honors Convocation didn't know Graf.
But that didn't matter - they'd come to
applaud the scholarship and diligence
he represents.
On a stage bedecked with flowers, the
Regents joined student and faculty
representatives from across campus to
acknowledge some 4,000 students for
superior undergraduate course work,

If a majority of University dormitory
residents vote "yes" on a referendum
next week, the University will boycott

stopping the direct promotion of infant
formula by Nestle in developing coun-
tries. Nestle is the leading seller of the
forumla which, according to INFACT,
has bee~n nroven harwmf,, if not~


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