Lights out
The lights in certain corridors of Mary Markley dormitory have
been mysteritsly going out for long periods of time for the past two
weeks, particularly within the past six days. Building Director Leroy
Williams says the problem stems from students breaking the power
boxes in certain wings. Williams says he has no suspects but believes
it could be either a single student or a group of three or four. If he finds
out who has been pulling what he calls "just pranks", penalties could
range from a simple verbal reprimand to lease termination. Williams'
biggest worry is students being late for classes due to their clocks
stopping, especially with finals just around the corner. Williams said
that the locks have been replaced and he hopes it will stop soon.
Work Study
Work/study applications for Spring/Summer term . are still
available at the Office of Financial Aid. Students who are enrolled at
least half-time are eligible. You can pick up your application at 2011
SAB, or call 763-4128. Fall/winter term deadline for first priority con-
sideration is Friday, April 13.
Final tally
The final results from
Tuesday's mayor's race show in-
cumbent Mayor Louis Belcher
defeated Democrat James Ken-
worthy 50.4 per cent to 48 per
cent. Belcher had 9,936 to Ken-
worthy's 9,463 - 473 votes to
spare. And in Ann Arbor, where
Belcher was defeated by one vote
when he ran in 1977, a 473-vote
margin is nothing short of a lan-
dslide. (There were no results on
how "uncandidate" Louis J.
chr.:.. Fairperson faed in the election.)
a 473-vote landslide
Where credit' due
The photograph from the Judy Collins concert on page seven of
yesterday's Daily ran without a photo credit. Photographer Darryl
Pitt took the picture.
Take Ten
On April 5, 1969, tens of thousands of anti-war protesters marched
in New York City and Chicago in the largest demonstration against the
Vietnam War since the "march on the Pentagon" in October, 1967.
Also that day, several departments were considering granting four
hours credit for upper level courses rather than the traditional three
hours. The History Department was one of the first to win approval
from the Literary College Curriculum Committee for the increase in
credit hours.
A-V Services - Exploring Inner Space, 12:10 p.m., Aud., SPH II.
ISMRRD - Media exchange, Let No Man Put Asunder, 3 p.m., 130
S. First St.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op - Lawrence of Arabia, 6:30, 10 p.m., Aud.
A, Angell.
Mediatrics - Singin' in the Rain, 7, 8:45, 10:30 p.m., Assembly
Mall, Union.
Cinema Guild -- THX 1138, 7, 9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
The Studio Theatre --Two original one-acts, 4:10 p.m., The Arena
Theatre, Frieze Building.
New Words, New Words - Open play reading, Nagarkar's Bed
Time Story, 7 p.m., Pendleton Room, Union.
Guild House - Robert Hayden, poetry reading, 7:30 p.m., 802
Residential College - Moliere's L'Avare, 8 p.m., Pendleton
Room, Union.
UAC - Soundstage Coffeehouse, 8 p.m., Main Floor Lounge,
Residential College Players - Between Women: Faces of Frien-
dship, 8 p.m., Residential College Auditorium, Fast Quad.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society - HMS Pinafore, 8 p.m., Men-
delssohn Theatre'
UAC MUSKET - Bernstein's On the Town, 8 p.m., Power Center.
CRLT - Arthur M. Sullivan, Memorial University of Newfoun-
dVand, "The Place of Research in the Improvement of Teaching
Programs: The Why and the How," noon, 109 E. Madison.
Center for Japanese Studies - William Steslicke, Wayne State
Medical School, "A Comparative View of Health and Medicine in
Japan and America," noon, Commons Room, Lane Hall.
MARC - David Marsh, "Grammar, Method and Polemic in
Lorenzo VaIla's Elegantiae", noon, 204 Tappan.
Transportation Lecture Series - Howard Bunch, "The Great
Lakes Role in Multi-Modal Transport: Two Recent Studies," 1 p.m.,
East Conference Room, Rackham.
Veterans Ad./Health Research Program - Mark Kleiman, direc-
tor, Consumer Coalition for Health, "Consumer Organization and Cost
Containment," 1-3 p.m., 3001 Vaughn Building.
Collegiate Institute for Values and Science - Dr. Dennis Tierney,
Environmental specialist, Michigan Department of Natural Resour-
ces, "When is the Quality of Life Good Enough?", 4 p.m., 231 Angell
Economics - Pamela Nickless, University of Kentucky, "Women
Workers and Productivity in the New England Textile Mills, 1830-
1860", 4 p.m., 103 Economics Building.
Program in Comparative Literature - Edward Said, Columbia
University, "On Critical Consciousness: Gramsci and Lukacs," 4:10
p.m., Aud. 4, MLB.
Women's Studies - Batya Weinbaum, New York City, "Kin
Categories in Capitalism: Family Roles in the Work Place," 4:30 p.m.,
East Conference Room, Rackham.
Music School - Honors Assembly speaker, Allen Britton, dean, 8
p.m., SM Recital Hall. f
Michigan Economics Society - 5 p.m., 301 Economics Building.
Wesley Foundation - Peace Education Group, 7:30 p.m., 629 E.
Rackham Student Government - Council meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Executive Board Room, Rackham.
Arbor Alliance - June 2 Action-Planning, 7:30 p.m., Kuenzel
Room, Union.
Students Against Domestic Violence - Bake sale, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.,,
International Center - Indian menu, 5-7:15 p.m., League
The Michigan Daily-Thursday, April 5, 1979-Page 3
Is Kampala falling?
Rebels closing on Amin
NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuter) - A Tan- in the southern parts of Kampala.
zanian-backed rebel invasion force THE OFFENSIVE began, the exile
yesterday began its final assault on the sources said, after anti-Amin forces
Ugandan capital of Kampala, overrun- had cut the road from the city to Enteb-
ning strategic army and military police be International Airport and had at-
barracks in the southern suburbs of the tacked Libyan troops on the road east of
city, exile sources reported. Kampala, leaving the capital almost
The sources said forces opposed to surrounded.
Uganda's President Idi Amin had cap- The sources said that although the
tured the military police barracks at initial stages of the offensive had gone
Makindye and the army barracks at off smoothly, they expected that it
Malire, and heavy fighting was raging. could take as long as a week before
Kampala was completely in the hands
of the anti-Amin forces.
They said the rebels had cut the main
road to Kampala following a battle on
Monday night near Kajansi, eight miles
outside the capital on the way to Enteb-
soup& sandwich 75C
Friday, April 6
Bunyan Bryant
American-Chinese Friendship Association:
Reflections on China Since 1976"
GUILDHOUSE--802 Monroe
The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative Presents at Aud. A
Thursday, April 5'4
(David Lean, 1962) 6:30 & 10:00-AUD. A
This bold, compelling biography of a British soldier-of-fortune stars Pete:'-
O'Toole as a man who goes off to become a leader of Arab tribesmen during
WW I. Expansive, picturesque, and electrifying, LIFE called it "the most-:
visually stunning film ever made." With OMAR SHARIFF, ALEC GUINESS",
ANTHONY QUINN. Cinemascope.
... Is Kampala falling?
More than 150 Libyan and Ugandan
troops were killed in the fighting, the
sources said.
KAMPALA WAS also reported to be
threatened from the east, with the exile
sources saying anti-Amin forces had at-
tacked a Libyan barracks at Mukono,
20 miles east of the capital. This meant
rebel forces are not reported to be on
four of the six major roads out of Kam-
Residents in Kampala reported an
increase in small arms fire in the
capital today, and one said cars moving
out of the city towards Entebbe were
being fired on by anti-Amin forces.
Exile sources said President Amin
had moved most Libyan troops out of
the city during the past two days,
leaving the defense of Kampala to his
depleted marine regiment and the
military police.
IN TRIPOLI, Libya issued its second
denial in two days that Libyan troops
had been sent to Uganda.
(The only Libyans in Uganda were
teachers, bank employees, medical
missions and sports officials, it said.)
Ugandan exile-sources said the at-
tack on the Mukono barracks last night
was launched by an exile column which
had advanced from Mubende, in the
west. They did not say how many
casualties there had been.
Refugees crossing into Kenya repor-
ted seeing many Libyan troops on the
road east of Kampala. Some exile sour-
ces suggested that President Amin
might be planning to make a standl at
the industrial city of Jinja.
George Lucas'
THX-1 139
The Famous 1st film by the Director of AMERICAN GRAFFITTI, and STAR
WARS, is a chilling tole of a man who tries to rebel in a future society, which
is beneath the earth and dominated by computers. Influenced strongly by
experimental films and originally done (in an earlier version) as a student
film. Robert Duvall and Donald Pleasance star.
Fri: Truffaut's SMALL CHANGE
Sat: A' Premiere of SLAVE OF LOVE
i r
.. _ ..
v s
7:00 A 9:05
Mediatrics presents
(Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly, 1952) This is perhaps the best of all Hollywood-
musicals. Represents the theme of the power and beauty of illusion. With,
Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds..
Thurs, April 5 Assembly Hall Mich Union 7:00, 8:45, 10:30;-
(Herbert Ross) Shirley MacLaine and Anne Bancroft portray ballerinas who:
have taken different directions in their lives and later confront themselves
about the choices they made years ago. Mikhail Baryshnikov and Leslie Brown:
also apper as ballet danders.
Fri, April 6 Nat Sci Aud 7:00, 9:153-
(Fred Haines) Max Von Sydow stars in the title role as a loner who is torn
between bourgeois respectibility and his wolfish impulses. Based on the
novel by Herman Hesse.
Sat, April 7 Nat Sci Aud 7:00, 8:45. 10:30
admission $1.50
!X v v'rr1'
... closing in on Amin
Daily Official Bulletin
'rTURSI) A, APRII , 1979
Daily Calendar:
WUOM: ,National Town Meeting, Torn Eicker,
Assoc. Editor, New York Times, moderator for
discussionon "Africa: The U.S. Role in a Troubled
Continent," lOam.
CRLT: Arthur M. Sullivan, Memorial-U. of
Newfoundland, "The Place of Research in the Im-
provement of Teaching Programs: The Why and the
How,' 109 E. Madison, noon.
Center JapaneseStudies: William Steslicke,
Wayne State Medical School, "A Comparative View
of Health and Medicine in Japan and America,.
Commons Rm., Lane, noon.
ISMRRD: Media exchange, "Let No Man Put
Asunder," s30S First, 3 p.m.
Economics: Pamela N ickless, U-Kentucky.
"Women Workers and Productivity in the New
England Textile Mills, 1830-1860,'0 :t3 Econ. Bldg.. 4
Program in Comparative Literature: Edward
Said, Columbia -U., "On Critical Consciousness:
Gramsci and Lukacs," Aud. 4, MLB,4:10p.m.
Guild House: Poetry reading, Robert Hayden,802
Monroe. 7:30 p.m.
Music School: Honors Assembly. Allen Britton,
speaker, SM Recital Hall, 8 p m.
General Notices:
Undergraduate Honors Convocation. The annual
Convocation recognizing undergraduate honor
students will be held at 10:30 a.m. Friday. April 6 at
Hill Auditorium. Marilyn Mason, University
Organist and Professor of Music, will address the
Convocation on "Honors: What Next?"
All undergraduate classes, with the exception of
clinics and graduate seminars, will be dismissed
from 9:453a.m. to 12:00 noon for the Convocation.
The honor students will not wear caps and gowns.
Doors of the Auditorium will open at 10:00 a.m. The
public is invited.
:32(0 SAB 713-11
Michigan Economics for Human Development
(formerly United Migrants for Opportunity>.
Openings for student coordinators in many locations
throughout midwestern Michigan. Further details
Bristol Regional Environmental Center, Bristol,
Conn. Summer internship with background in
Natural Sciences. Further details available.
Deadline May 15.
Columbia Gas System Service Corp., Columbus,
Ohio. Number of openings for students in the
following fields -- chemical engr., must have com-
pleted a B.S. and going on to grad school. Mech. and
petroleum engr.. students who have completed their
junior year.
Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis , Mi. Three summer
intern openings. Computer Science Major/Math
Major. Must have completed Sophomore year. Fur-
ther details available.
Scholarship Foundation, Concord, N.H. Will inter-
view Thurs., Apr. 5 from 9 to 5. Interview various
potential sources for private scholarships. Travel
and meal expenses paid. Further information
Camp Blue Ridge/ Equinox, Pa. Coed. Will inter-
view Fri., Apr. 6 from 9 to 5. Openings include
specialists in waterfront IWSI>, nature, drama,
sports, etc. Registerin person or by phone.
Camp Tamarack, Mi. Coed. Will interview Thurs.,
Apr. 5 from 9:00 to 3::30. Many general openings
available - also specialists such as sports, nature,
dramatics, etc. Register in person or by phone.
Little Brothers of the Poor, Chicago, Ill. Will inter-
view Mon., Apr. 9 from i to 5. Work with those who
need you most children, families, elderly: assist
with cooking, shopping, maintenance, gardens. Fur-
ther details 'available. Register in person or by
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXIX, No. 1481
Thursday, April.5, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan, Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morn'
10th Anniversary of the BA M STRIKE:
What was its implications?
The Search for a New International Economic Order. Lecture by I
Prof. Archie Sitn ham
Professor of Political Science, Brooklyn College, CUNY; current U.. research scholar on the New
International Economic Order; and Nonalienment.
Friday, April 6, 1979 at 8 p.m. in Schorling Aud.
(School of Education)
Sponsored by: The Black Matters Committee, BSU, LSA-SG, MSA, PAC, and Office of Ethics
and Reliqion
Ritual dance and drama from ,India
Yakshagana is the telling of ancient Hindu
epics through song, dance, and drama. Performed
by this troupe of 13 wearing exotic costumes and
Tickets for this unusual event are $3.50, $5, and
$6.50 at Burton Tower, weekdays 9-4:30, Sat.
9-12. Phone: 665-3717.
SPECIAL: This South' Indian
troupe will give a free demon-
stration-lecture in Rockham
Aud. at 4 on Tues., April 10.
i i