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April 05, 1979 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-05

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;Page 2,-Thursday, April 5, 1979-The Michigan Daily
S. r N e


MSA supports WCBN

In its last meeting before the newly-
elected members take office next week,
the 1978-79 Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) voted Tuesday to make an open
statement of support for WCBN, the
Campus Broadcasting Network.
Representatives from WCBN, a 10-
watt station serving the campus com-
munity, will soon approach the Univer-
sity Regents for permission to increase
the station's power to 200 watts.
Without the additional power, WCBN is
in danger of being crowded off the air in
the next few years, said Steve Poceta,
WCBN's general manager.
stations dominating the airwaves arose
recently when the Federal Com-
munications Commission (FCC) ruled
to remove all legal protection of
smaller stations against encroachment
as of Jan. 1, 1980.
"That puts a 10-watt station like WC-
BN in a secondary category with'
respect to frequency rights," Pocata
said. "We could be literally forced off
the air when we have to get our license
renewed in 1984."
Two years- ago, WCBN applied to the
Regents for a power increase and was
turned down. But Pocata said the

proposal can be pushed through
because the FCC ruling is law and the
need for the increase is apparent. "We
looked at the reasons it was turned
down before and we've covered our
bases," he said.
WCBN ASKED for MSA's support to
impress the University officials,
Pocata explained. "We think the endor-
sement will demonstrate that the
student voice on campus is concerned,"
Pocata added. "WCBN is currently ac-
tive in the student political scene and
we want to show we're actively
discussing the power increase."
According to MSA member Roy
More, the Assembly decided to back
WCBN because "We feel that this is a
service that should be provided. There
is a need for MSA to get behind other
campus activities, particularly campus
Although More said that MSA will try
to use "clout on the administration," he
is unsure as to how much influence
MSA's suggestion will have on the
Regents. "It all depends on their
mood," More conceded.
IN ADDITION to support, MSA
promised to allocate some of its funds
toward the $16,000 total cost of the
power increase. "We encourage WCBN

to go through administrative channels
first," More said. "We're not in a
position financially to make a full fun-
ding, but we will help." More said he
doubts the University will provide the
full amount necessary.
MSA also approved a resolution to in-
vestigate alternative ways of handling
future Hash Bashes. Inspired by
Tuesday's Michigan Daily editorial
calling for the end of the Hash Bash,
MSA member Richard Barr proposed
that MSA form and participate in a
committee to review information and
come up with possible solutions to
problems caused by the annual event.
According to Barr, the committee
will consist of MSA members,
representatives from campus security,
and other interested people. "In the
next month or two, the committee
should get together and set the wheels
in motion," Barr explained. "They
probably wouldn't make a proposal un-
til well into next year."
"The panel will attempt to ascertain
how much need there is to decrease the
size or limit the amount of outside par-
ticipation," Barr .said. "Ending the
Hash Bash is not the sole purpose of the
committee, but it could be a choice," he

Evans' mother's lawyer to

attempt t(
From The Associated Press
A lawyer for the mother of condem-
ned murdered John Lewis Evans III
says he will file an emergency appeal to
the U.S. Supreme Court this morning to
try to delay Evans' execution, now
scheduled for 12:01 a.m. Friday.
Attorney John Carroll of the Southern
Poverty Law Center announced his
decision yesterday, moments after the
Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in
New Orleans rejected a petition by Bet-
ty Evans to stay her son's death in the
electric chair.
EVANS' MOTHER also met briefly
with Gov. Fob James yesterday to ask
for his personal intervention.
Evans opposed both pleas, but a

o postpone execution

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priest who knows him well said the con-
victed murderer would change his mind
and "fight for his life" if his execution
were postponed.
A three-judge emergency panel of the
federal appeals court split 2-1 against a
stay of execution. The majority said it
found no legal justification that would
enable Evans' mother to intervene in
the case as the accused's "next friend."
TO GRANT "next friend" status, the
court would have to hold Evans was in-
capacitated and someone else had to
take an action he normally would take
In dissent, Judge James Hill of Atlan-
ta said he "would grant the stay in or-
der to ascertain whether or not a men-
tal deficiency short of incompetency
would authorize proceeding by a next
The Rev. Kevin Duignan, a Catholic
priest who visits Evans at Holman
Prison daily, said Evans appeared in
recent days to be "a very confused in-
dividual" who has seemed on the verge
of a breakdown.
BUT WITH Duignan and a deputy
warden standing beside him yesterday,
Evans, 29, showed no signs of fear as he
read a five-minute "final statement" to
about 60 reporters.
Speaking forcefully on the prison
lawn, he asked that his electrocution -
scheduled for 12:01 a.m. tomorrow -
be videotaped.I
Evans said he wants the tape used to
"demonstrate the barbarity of capital
punishment and as a lesson to the youn-,

WITH THE first execution in this
country in more than' a year scheduled
for tomorrow, most Americans remain
in favor of the death penalty for those
convicted of murder, an Associated
Press-NBC News poll shows.
And the public is convinced capital
punishment does deter some people
from committing murder.
Sixty-two per cent of those inter-
viewed March 19-20 said they favor the
death penalty for persons convicted of
That support is down somewhat from
levels found last year. It is four points
below the finding of the November AP-
NBC News poll and seven points below
the September survey.
Last month, 24 per cent opposed the
death penalty and 14 per cent were not
This finding comes as convicted
murderers are scheduled to die soon in
Alabama and Florida.
No one has been executed in the
United States since Jan. 17, 1977, when
a Utah firing squad killed Gary
Gilmore. Gilmore, who said he wanted
to die, was the first person to suffer
capital punishment in this country after
10 years of Supreme Court challenges of
death penalty laws in individual states.
The next man to be executed could be
John Louis Evans III, scheduled to die
in the early morning hours of April 6 at
Holman Prison in Atmore, Ala. The 29-
year-old native of Beaumont, Texas,
was sentenced to the electric chair for
the Jan. 5, 1977, shooting death of a
pawnship owner in Mobile, Ala.

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