The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 3, 1979-Page 3
Galbraith calls for go
Tastey prank
Mosher-Jordan residents got an eyeful of April Fool's pranks
Sunday when they arrived in the cafeteria for Sunday noon dinner. The
cooks were heartily dishing out scrumptious-looking green mashed
potatoes, and the milk machines were dispensing pink-colored milk.
To top off the prank, the entie dining hall was decked with black and
orange halloween decorations while Christmas songs played in the
background. In the words of one Mo-Jo resident, "It was realy'
disgusting!" April fools!
Sex appeal '
A job advertisement for a clerical position posted in the LSA
Building yesterday meant to tell prospective job-applicants that
secretarial experience was needed. The abbreviation used for
"secretarial" is sec,, but due either to a typo or an attempt at
subliminal seduction, the ad read "Sex Experience Necessary." There
is no words yet on how many qualified job-seekers' made inquiries.
And you thought sex in advertising wasn't.really all that blatant!
Hash Bash notes (Part I)
Some celebrants on the diag for Sunday's hash bash ritual
decided to use the smoke-in as a forum to make a political statement
on nuclear power, in the wake of last week's accident at the Three Mile
Island power plant. One enterprising entrepeneur was selling yellow
DEVO-like "nuclear fallout suits" for the low, low price of $7.00 each.
Another anti-nuker was seen carrying a sign that read "Countdown to
Meltdown," predicting the worst kind of nuclear disaster. With this in-
jection of black humor, the bash wasn't all fun and games.
Hash Bash notes (Part II)
Captain Kenneth Klinge of the Ann Arbor police department
has been to a lot of hash bashes, and he usually takes heat from both
sides. Sunday, a bearded young man in jeans was complaining to the
Captain that his uniformed contingent of A2 cops was only malting the
crowd more hostile. The young man was just telling Klinge that his job
wasn't to enforce minor enfractions of the law, when a little old lady
walked up and tapped the Captain on the shoulder. "Why don't you en-
force the law!" the old lady demanded to know, pointing to the blatant
violtions around her. Klinge, ever-cool, referred the old lady to the
young man. "Maybe you'd better talk to him," he said, easing out of
yet another tight situation.
New Business staff
In the wee hours of the morning, an alert Daily photographer
wandering past our offices at 420 Maynard heard activity inside the
building. Quietly sneaking inside, through the back window with
camera in hand, the photographer caught in this rare photograph the
never-before-seen inhabitants of the Student Publications Building.
Known only as the Daily businiess staff, the six pictured above are the
new behind-the-scenes operators of the Daily, the real movers and
shakers responsible for buying and laying out the advertisements
which are probably more read than this column. As best we could
identify them, they are (left to right) Beth Warren, display' ad
manager; Stan Berkman, national ad manager; "Pete" Petersen, ad
coordinator; Arlene Saryan, sales manager; Mark Schwartz,
classified ad manager; Lisa Culberson, business manager; One, Ran-
dy Kelly, the operations manager, did manage to slip away before a
With Wire Service Reports
After outlining his interpretation of
what he called the popular notion of
economic conservatism in this country,
noted - economist John Kenneth
Galbraith Sunday night called for
government-enforced wage and price
controls to stem inflation.
Galbraith, who spoke to a large
audience in Hill Auditorium, was the
last speaker of the year in the Univer-
sity Activities Center Viewpoint Lec-
ture Series.
GALBRAITH ALSO spoke yesterday
in Detroit, where he reiterated his call
for wage and price controls, and
stressed that gasoline rationing is the
only feasible alternative to constantly
rising pump prices.v
The Harvard professor emeritus of
economics told reporters in Detroit that
President Carter's voluntary guidelines
are an "evasion of the issue" and will
not effectively control inflation.
Galbraith later addressed the Detroit
chapter of the Americans for
Democratic Action.
IN ANN ARBOR Sunday_ night,
Galbraith said some vocal citizens are
now attacking the basic elements of an
economic consensus concerning gover-
nment action reached among many
nations after World War II.
The main features of the consensus
were derived from the work of British
econoimist John Maynard Keynes,
Galbraith said. Those elements include
agreement that government should:
* Undertake an effective
macroeconomic management program
to control unemployment and inflation.
* Provide necessary services that are
not available from the private sector of
the economy at a reasonable cost.
" Derive a program to secure citizens
from certain unavoidable situations.
WHILE ALLOWING that many of the
criticisms of the economic consensus
are justified, Galbraith said the attack
might not be as large as it may seem.
"The voice of relative economic advan-
tage is' much louder than the voice of
economic disadvantage," the professor
said, "and (it) is often mistaken for the
voice of the masses."
Galbraith maintained that the revolt
against government spending "is a
T't wage-price controls
revolt against the poor." dustries to accept deregulation of their
In reference to the attack on gover- own industries.
nment fiscal and monetary economic AFTER -THE lecture, Galbraith
policies, Galbraith said, "I don't think briefly answered - and sometimes -
that anyone can doubt that the attack evaded - questions as people began to
here is justified." filter out of the auditorium.
HE SAID monetary policy - gover- LATER SUNDAY night, the out-
nment adjustments of the money sup- spoken liberal talked informally with
ply - "only works as it creates a several students in the Lawyers Club
recession," while fiscal policy - lounge.
government spending and borrowing Galbraith said in response to a
strategy - "has the terrible con- question that he supported the ac-
sequence of making unemployment the tivities of students in favor of Univer-
remedy for inflation." sity divestiture from firms that do
GALBRAITd DENIED that price business in South Africa, but only in
controls would result in significant case of symbolic significance.
harm to the market system. He said one
of the greatest "forces against the DISTINCTIVE
market is the giant corporation." He HAIRSTYLING FOR
said that some active proponents of the MEN AND WOMEN
market system pretend that "Kroger is Try a 1979 NEW LONG or SHORT STY
just the corner grocery slightly grown
These corporations may attackT L
government regulation, he said, but STYLISTS.
"unnecessary regulation is what people Maple village ........761-2733
opposing regulation do not happen to Liberty off State .....668-9329
need." He cited as evidence the reluc- East U. at So. U.......661-0354
^n ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ~ ^~^ ~ ^ ^~ ^
... urges mandatory controls
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Daily Official Bulletin
Daily Photo by PAM MARKS
Anyone walking to one of the Angell Hall auditoriums yesterday
probaly noticed they were wading through almost ankle deep water.
Well, rest assured, the University is not installing a swimming pool in
the fishbowl. Nor was there a save the seals rally in sensurround.
Rather, according to University information, there was a plugged
floor drain somewhere in Angell Hall. At last report, U' engineers
were seen hurrying across State street with buckets while professors
were struggling to keep their lectures afloat.
Take Ten
After years of debate, the Literary College faculty established
the Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) degree on April 3, 1969. The
new degree was adopted as an alternative for students wanting to
make it through the University without the restrictions of language or
distribution requirements. Students in the BGS program do not have a
departmental concentration either. Some professors objected to the
new degree, fearing tht its adoption would lead to the lessening of con-
centration programs.
Misidentified -
In Sunday's paper, Rackham presidential candidate Bob Mil-
brath was incorrectly identified as a vice-presidential candidate. The
Daily apologizes for any confusion caused by the error.
Cinema Guild-The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Old Arch. Aud.,
7, 9:15 p.m.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-My Life To Live 7; Weekend 8:30, The
War is Over, 10:30; Aud. 3, MLB.
International Center-Luncheon lecture, Norman Owen,
"Colonialism and Progress in Southeast Asia," 603 E. Madison, noon.
Bioengineering-Walter Low, "The Bioengineering Ph.D. in
Retrospect," 1042 E. Eng., 4:00 p.m..
Archaeological Institute of America-John Younger, Duke
University, "Minoan and Mycenaen Representations of Aegean Bull-
Leaping," 1203 Tappan, 8:00 p.m.
Jazz Band-Edward Smith, conductor, Rackham, 8:00 p.m.
Daily Calendar:
WUOM: Henry Russell Lecture, Francis Allen,
"The'Law as a Path to the World," 10a.m.
Physics/Astronomy: C. C. Grimes. Bell Labs,
"Evidence for a Liquid-to-Crystal Phase Transition
in a Sheet of Electrons on a Surface of Liquid
Helium," 2038 Randall Labs.,.4p.m.
Bioengineering: Walter Low, "The
Bioengineering, Ph.D. in Retrospect," 1042 E. Eng.,
4 p.m.
School of Art: Mark Rogovin, muralist, illustrated
lecture on murals, Lec. Hall, Art & Arch.. N. Cam-
pus, 4:30 p.m.
Archaeological Institute of America: John G.
Younger, Duke-U., "Minoan and Mycenaean
Representations of Aegean Bull-Leaping," 1203
Tappan, 8 p.m.
General Notices:
Women in Non-Traditional jobs will be featured at
a meeting planned by the University of Michigan
Center for Continuing Education of Women (CEW)
on April 10. Women with liberal arts training who are
thinking about jobs in the Ann Arbor area are
especially welcome. The panel and discussion is
from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. in the fourth floor East Con-
ference Room, Rackhm Building, EastWashington.
Ann Arbor. Five panelists, each of whom has found a
satisfying way to use her liberal arts background.
will talk about what she does and how she got star-
ted. All interested people are welcome.
A State Police trooper had expected to be a social
worker. An apprentice with the Plumbers and
Pipefitters Local became interested when she
worked as a stocking clerk, and an administrative
assistant converted accumulated familiarity with
terminology and procedures into a position as a
technical writer. A few drawing courses in an ar-
chitectural drafting course resulted in a career for
one woman; a closed-out training program recruited
an air traffic controller to a new direction. Each of
these women will describe how she got started and
what the work is really like.
Meeting is open to the public without charge.
328-330 Thompson St., 763-1353 and 764-6555.
12041SAB 7634117
Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio. Your last chance for
a personal interview. Spend your summer outdoors
- make good money and new friends from other
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXIX, No. 146
Tuesday, April 3, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morn-
ings during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters) ;$ 13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses-
sion published Tuesday through Satur-
day mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-.
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
$1-$2 PER DISC
universities. Will interview Weds., April 4 from Ito 5.
Scholarship Fopundation, Concord, N.H. Will in-
terview Thurs., Aug. 5 from 9 to 5. Interview various
potential sources for private scholarships. Travel
and meal expenses paid. Further information
Camp Blue Ridge/Equinox, Pa. Coed. Will inter-
view Fri:, Apr. 6 from 9 to 5. Openings include
specialists in waterfront (WSI), nature, drama,
sports, etc. Register in person or by phone.
Camp Tamarack. Mi. Coed. Will interview Thurs.,
Apr. 5 from 9:00 to 3:30. many general openings
available - also specialists such as sports, nature,
dramatics, etc. Register in person or by phone.
Little Brothers of the Poor, Chicago, Ill. Will inter-
view Mon., April 9 from i to 5. Work with those who
need you most - children, families, elderly sassist
with cooking, shopping, maintenance, gardens. Fur-
ther details available. Register in person or by
R(.C. Players
April 5,6,7-$2
E.Quad -8pm
Have yourself a Picnic at our Spring
2~0 %O
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Hardcover and
Paperback Books
Tuesday, April 3
-Friday, the 6th
Excepting: Medical, Dental & Law books...Hardcover Course books...Hardcover References... Hard-
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